I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2780 Thunder destroys the dream witch, Xu Qi’an dies

Li Miaozhen stared at Xu Qian in surprise, a big question mark flashing through his mind. Judging from her eyes as a saint of the Heavenly Sect, this blade is as sharp and as fast as thunder. Even a warrior who has just entered the sixth-grade copper skin and iron bone realm cannot resist it with his physical body. This is what a warrior in the Qi training realm can do. Cut out?

Xu Qi'an rode back. His body was extremely empty and his energy was exhausted. He held on to his tired body and said lightly.

"General Xu, I, Xu Qian, are here to discuss with you on behalf of the governor."

People with strength will naturally be respected. Xu Huchen did not dare to underestimate Tongluo, the watchman, and said in a deep voice.

"Sir, please speak."

Now that the two sides were able to communicate calmly, the situation was stabilized. Later, the governor came forward to appease him and acted like a polite corporal. This made Xu Huchen flattered and made a promise that he would never unjustly accuse Yang Chuannan and let Xu Huchen despite it. rest assured.

Big bosses are like this. They fight on the battlefield without even frowning, but once others ask for help, they will be grateful and can't be cruel. In the end, everyone was happy. Xu Huchen gave an explanation to the soldiers, and Governor Zhang resolved the military remonstrance without causing any trouble.

The real mastermind behind the Yunzhou case was the envoy of Song Dynasty. Xu Qian solved the mystery and originally planned to arrest Song Changfu with a thunderous force. But Song Changfu sensed the danger in advance, designed to confuse Xu Qi'an and others, and secretly blocked the city gate.

There was also a fourth-level dream witch who poisoned Jin Luo Jiang Lu and was unable to resist the master. In an instant, Xu Qi'an and his party seemed to be in a desperate situation.

The cry of killing immediately rang out, and the Tiger Guards guarding outside started fighting with the traitors from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division. The sound of bowstrings, the firing of firecrackers, and the sound of weapons clashing were clearly heard in everyone's ears.

There are rebels far away and dream witches nearby. This can be called a desperate situation, which makes all the watchmen look ugly and their hearts sink to the bottom. Fortunately, they are all watchmen with rich experience and they are used to it. Bloody and fighting, determined.

"When you die, the Chief Envoy of Song Dynasty will take over the Yunzhou officialdom."

"At that time, the bandits hoarded everywhere will attack various prefectures and counties, and Yunzhou will be separated from Dafeng."

The fourth-level dream witch looked at the watchman in front of him with a proud smile on his face. It seemed that he had a chance to win. As long as he killed all these people, the matter in Yunzhou would be settled.

There are occasional conflicts between Dafeng and the Wushen Cult. Information on wizards below the fourth rank, including fourth rank, is very detailed in the yamen.

A ninth-level wizard can refine a living person into a puppet, and use secret techniques to stimulate his potential and burn his essence and blood, so that an ordinary person can instantly have extremely strong combat power. The more he improves, the faster the essence and blood will burn until the oil is exhausted. .

At the same time, ninth-level wizards can also stimulate the potential of their companions, also at the expense of burning blood essence, so they are called "blood spirits".

The ability that the eighth-level wizard masters is curse. He can curse the target person to death based on his birth date, personal belongings, flesh, flesh, fluids and other objects as a medium. Therefore, eighth-level wizards are called "spell masters". Their advantage is that they are unpredictable and difficult to guard against. The disadvantage is that it can only curse targets whose realm is lower than itself.

The title of the seventh-level wizard is "spiritual medium", and he can control corpses and ghosts. Whether it is Da Feng or the demon clan in the north, they have all suffered from the medium on the battlefield.

Sixth-level wizards are called "divination masters" and are proficient in hexagram techniques to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. A wizard in this realm can be described in two words: stable and stubborn! To describe it in one sentence: as steady as an old dog. You don’t need to read the almanac when you go out. You only need to calculate a hexagram to know whether the day is good or bad.

The fifth-level wizard is called "Zhuji". He can summon the war spirit of his ancestors through rituals and possess him. If the summoned war spirit is a martial artist, then Zhuji will be a martial artist. If it is a Taoist priest, then the sacrifice is a Taoist priest, and so on. The restriction is that only fighting spirits of the same level can be summoned.

The fourth-level wizard is the state of the prefect in front of him, a "dream wizard" who walks in dreams and kills invisible people. The most effective way to encounter a dream witch is not to sleep.

"If we don't give him a chance to arrange a ceremony, and if we don't give him a chance to be possessed by a war spirit, we still have a chance to win!"

A silver gong shouted loudly, stimulating the morale of his companions, and guarded the golden gong Jiang Luzhong and the governor behind him. He raised the saber in his hand, stepped forward, and rushed over, extremely decisive and full of courage to face death.

"Who told you that the wizard must arrange the ceremony? In fact, puppets can do it too!"

The fourth-level dream witch had a mocking look on his face, and seemed to be amused by Yinluo's actions. The gap between levels was not so easy to bridge, but Yinluo, who was only at the seventh-level god-refining realm, dared to fight with him. It's really overestimating one's abilities.

Suddenly, a neglected official cut his wrist, drew strange and complex patterns on the ground with blood, and muttered obscure syllables.

The next moment, a powerful force of energy was born from the body of the fourth-level dream witch, and a thin line of black smoke appeared above his head, which was a vague figure.

The other Yinluo was shocked when he saw this, and did not dare to hesitate. He flashed and slashed out the sword in his hand. The black smoke swayed, blocking the attacks of the two Yinluo from the Dream Witch's body.



There was a fierce collision between the saber and the black smoke. A series of cracks appeared on the blade and it suddenly shattered. The dream wizard stretched out his hands slowly and quickly, pinching the necks of the two silver gongs. His fingers exerted force, and the bones When it broke, the two silver gongs died instantly, without the ability to fight back.

Seeing this, Xu Qi'an's heart sank to the bottom of the sea. The two Yinluo were actually not the enemies of the fourth-grade Dream Witch. Now Jinluo and Jianglu were poisoned and were unable to take action. They have fallen into a desperate situation and their chances of survival are slim.

Xu Qi'an was not a person who gave up easily. Even though he knew he was losing, he still had to fight for it. He slowly took out the saber from his waist and calmly concentrated on it. He visualized an extremely fierce statue in his mind, and a shocking wave surged out of his body. With the evil spirit, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his mind seemed to completely resonate with the Dharma picture in his arms. The sword was bright and sharp. He shouted, stepped hard, the ground shattered, and instantly appeared in the fourth level. In front of Meng Wu, the long knife in his hand slashed hard, splitting Huashan Mountain with all his strength, like a warrior who calmly faced death.

"Little tricks!"

The fourth-level dream witch looked disdainfully at Xu Qian, who jumped in front of him, with a sarcastic look on his face. He was just an eighth-level martial artist who was half-stepping into spiritual training. Even if he stood still, the other party couldn't do anything to him.


The fact was as expected by a fourth-level dream witch. Xu Qi'an slashed at the black smoke with all his strength, only causing slight fluctuations and resisting it.

Xu Qian's heart was pounding, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was pale. The blow just now had already drained all his strength. He was able to stand at this time, which showed his amazing willpower.

"You're just an ant, you should accept your fate of death!"

The fourth-level Dream Witch curled his lips in disdain and slowly raised his hand. The black smoke wrapped around him and turned into a rope, like a dragon and snake, swimming in the void and wrapping around Xu Qian's neck. He wanted to kill Xu Qian alive. Strangling, enjoy the painful struggle of this gong.

The fourth-level dream witch is a complete pervert. He likes to torture his enemies every time and admire their painful expressions when facing death. The painful wails and powerless struggles can give him a sense of satisfaction and make his blood boil. , obsessed with it.

"Ho ho!"

The rope made of black smoke wrapped around Xu Qi'an's neck and gradually tightened. Xu Qi'an's eyes bulged, his mouth opened, and he made a sound of struggling. His hands were holding on to the black smoke rope, hoping to breathe fresh air. .

"Why fight to the death? Just accept your fate of death!"

The fourth-level dream witch now showed a cat-and-mouse smile, admiring Xu Qi'an's painful struggle with great satisfaction, with a perverted expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Please help me, Master!"

Xu Qi'an is asking for help from the Shenshu monk in his body, and uses his power to resist the fourth-level dream witch.

"Donor, it's not that I won't lend you strength, but the energy in your body is exhausted, and I can't help you."

The young monk clasped his hands together with a look of embarrassment on his face. If he forcibly lent his power to Xu Qi'an, Xu Qi'an would exhaust his energy and blood and die. .

When Xu Qian heard this, he was startled and despaired, his eyes became extremely dim, and waves of darkness surged towards him. Are you going to die? I'm really unwilling to do so. There are several courtesans in the Jiaofang Division who haven't slept with each other yet!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and an aura of righteousness rose up from Xu Qian's arms. He was upright and unyielding, soaring into the sky, triggering the invisible laws. The color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds suddenly rose, and the silver snake was among the dark clouds. Shining, it made a roar that shook the world.

"Thunder comes!"

A clear voice sounded in the depths of Xu Qi'an's mind, which shocked him. He woke up a little and looked forward. A thunder fell from the sky and struck the fourth-level dream witch. The black smoke covering his body did not disappear. If it plays any role, it will be annihilated by thunder and lightning, and the lightning will shine brightly.

"Haoran is upright and follows his words. How is that possible?!"

The fourth-level dream witch only had time to utter a cry of surprise before his figure was already submerged by the thunder, the green bricks on the ground shattered, and there was a burning smell around him.

The black smoke rope around Xu Qi'an's neck dissipated, and what came into view was a charred corpse. It was so miserable that it was impossible to see its original appearance clearly.

"You can't be too arrogant. You don't understand why a villain dies because he talks too much. He dies unjustly!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You were scorched by the thunder. Even your mother can't recognize you now!"

Xu Qi'an survived the catastrophe and was extremely excited. He walked to the corpse of the fourth-level dream witch with a cheerful smile on his face. He couldn't help but touch his hand into his arms and touched the picture of the mind. This time it was really... He was so lucky. If he hadn't entered the realm of refining gods yet and carried this volume of dharma picture with him, he would probably be in the cold.

In Kyoto City, at the Wu'an Marquis Mansion, Xu Zisheng was sitting in a pavilion drinking tea and admiring plum blossoms. Suddenly he felt that the aura of righteousness he had left in the visualization picture was aroused. With a move in his heart, he understood the cause and effect of the matter, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. sneered.

"It's just a fourth-grade dream witch, nothing more than an ant!"

"Crisis, crisis, there are opportunities hidden in danger, it depends on whether you can take this opportunity to break through the realm of refining gods!"

The watchmen helped each other into the inner hall, meditated, and healed their injuries. Jiang Lvzhong glanced at Xu Qian, with a somewhat relieved look in his eyes, but the faint sounds of fighting coming from outside had come to an end, which made him realize that everyone was not out of danger.

"What's going on outside?"

Governor Zhang of the Metropolitan Procuratorate looked out of the lobby with a solemn expression. He was already preparing to die.

"There are probably four to five hundred rebels outside, and the Tiger Guards may have been completely destroyed."

Xu Qian's expression was solemn. They were still in a dangerous situation. The rebels could rush in at any time. With their strength, they couldn't resist it. They couldn't wait for the rescue of Li Miaozhen and others.

"That's it, that's it! It seems that there is no escape. I have failed the emperor's favor and the entrustment of Duke Wei."

"Ning Yan, let's go. With your fighting power, you can escape from the back hall."

Governor Zhang had a sad smile on his face and looked at everyone with a tragic expression, but his eyes were extremely determined. He would sacrifice his life for his country and live his life in vain.

Jinluo Jiang Luzhong's eyes were red, looking at Yinluo lying on the ground outside, not wanting to drag Xu Qi'an down, he kept urging.

"Gungun, hurry up, I will die here with my subordinates today. You are the one that Wei Gong likes. If you want to die here, Wei Gong will dig my grave."

"There is hope. As long as we hold on, we will have reinforcements."

In Xu Qian's sight, he could already see the rebels coming in.

Xu Qi'an looked back with an extremely tragic look, held his hands towards Governor Zhang, and said very seriously.

"The governor is a good official. Although he is also full of bad ideas, he always puts the people first. I hate this world, but I am very happy to see a good official like you, so I don't want you to die. "

Xu Qian then turned to look at Jin Luo Jiang Luzhong and cupped his hands again.

"Jiang Jinluo is a good superior, and Jiaofangsi is a good drinker of flower wine. If there is a chance in the future, I will invite you to Jiaofangsi again. You can tell me which oiran you like, but Fuxiang is not good, she is mine! "

Finally, Xu Qian looked at the two Yinluo corpses lying on the ground, admiration and recognition flashed in his expression, and he said in a deep voice.

"No matter what kind of people they were in life, at least they lived up to the word "watchman" when they died.

Finally, Xu Qi'an clasped his fists, raised them above his head, and looked in the direction of Kyoto. The figure of the eunuch in green seemed to appear in front of him. His eyes were gentle, elegant and handsome, and he had a charming charm that made people heart-beat.

Xu Qi'an looked solemn and spoke slowly but firmly.

"Mr. Wei treats me with great kindness. He treats me like a mountain. When there is no reason to enjoy benefits, I rush to the front, but when I encounter danger, I retreat behind."

After saying that, Xu Qian closed the door of the lobby and stepped into the courtyard alone, preparing to fight the rebels alone to buy time for Governor Zhang and others.

Jiang Luzhong was extremely moved, his eyes were red and filled with tears. He weakly raised his hand to stop Xu Qian and shouted hoarsely.

"Ning Yan! Come back!"

The watchmen murmured to themselves with trembling lips and tears in their eyes.

"No, no, he's attacking the God Refining Realm. He can't withstand the rebels' attack at all!"

Governor Zhang stood up tremblingly. He was so weak that he would fall down when the wind blew, but he still stood up strong and bowed deeply towards Xu Qian's back.

They couldn't see what was going on outside, but among the sounds of crossbows being fired, the sounds of weapons clashing, and the noisy shouts of killing, the young man's passionate chanting could be heard.

"Young man is chivalrous and makes friends with heroes from all five cities. His liver and gallbladder are holed up, and his hair is ridged. In the middle of a conversation, life and death are the same. A promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold!"

Xu Qi'an stood guard at the entrance of the courtyard, with his sword raised and lowered, and when the rebels came, he would kill one by one, or two by two. The armor on the rebels was as fragile as paper, let alone flesh and blood, in this long knife produced by Jianzheng.

Xu Qian felt uncomfortable at first and was full of fear of his hands being stained with blood, but after killing too many, he became numb. The rebels are mostly ordinary people, with occasionally a few masters of the Refining Realm. For Xu Qi'an, who has strong Qi and has half a foot in the realm of refining gods, there is actually not much difference.

But Xu Qi'an couldn't stand the crowd tactics, and his own condition was really bad. After killing more than a dozen people at once, Xu Qi'an gradually became exhausted, his stomach was churning, his arms were numb, and he lost consciousness.

The most troublesome thing is the crossbows. These things are so densely packed that it is impossible for a knife to hold them. Fortunately, Xu Qi'an had a gong tied to his chest, so he could not be harmed by swords, guns, swords and crossbows. Xu Qi'an tried his best to take the cold arrows that were aimed at his face, but let the rest go.

After beheading fifty people in one breath, Xu Qi'an reached his first limit. The energy in his body was exhausted, his eyes turned black, his spirit was like a dry pond, and he would pass out in the next moment. When he survived this limit, he was surprised to find that a new spring emerged from the dry pond, nourishing his soul.

The surrounding scenery became clearer. The soldiers' ferocious facial expressions, bulging muscles, and the trajectory of the swords were all accurately captured and imprinted in Xu Qian's mind.

Is this the God-Refining Realm, the God-Refining Realm where you can see everything around you?

Live to die! Xu Qian suddenly understood this truth. He looked at the evil gods in his mind, and a giant with three heads and six arms appeared. His roar shook the heaven and earth. The evil aura was astonishing and indestructible.

The endless squeezing of the soul is itself a kind of living toward death. But it is not enough. If the soul is compared to a piece of iron embryo, the promotion of ordinary warriors to the realm of refining the gods is equivalent to hitting it only once with a hammer.

What Xu Qi'an is doing now is to beat him repeatedly, tempering his soul, breaking through the limit on the edge of life and death again and again, beheading a hundred people. He is facing the limit again. After pushing through, a new force pours out from the depths of his body, and his mental power Making rapid progress again, the fierce god with three heads and six arms became more fierce and lifelike, as if it had come to life. The roar echoed in Xu Qian's mind, making his fighting spirit even more intense.

"No, I can't hold on anymore, I've really reached my limit!"

After Xu Qi'an killed two hundred people in one go, no new power continued to flow out of his body. He had run out of energy and died of exhaustion.

The rapid growth of the soul has nothing to do with the physical body. He squeezed the soul again and again, but he also squeezed the physical body again and again. The soul had new power coming out, but his physical body did not.

Xu Qi'an finally stopped swinging his sword and stood with his sword in hand. The rebels on the opposite side did not continue to attack. They held the swords with ferocious faces, alert and fearful. They were frightened by Xu Qi'an's death.

"Shoot him with a crossbow."

Suddenly, a voice in the crowd shouted loudly, the voice was trembling, full of panic and fear, and Xu Qi'an was obviously frightened out of his wits.

Boom boom boom! The bow string vibrated, and the crossbow arrows shot out. Whether it was due to exhaustion of physical strength or emotional stress, the crossbow arrows that were originally aimed at the center of the eyebrows actually missed and flew past Xu Qian's scalp.

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