I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2778: The emperor and his ministers discuss the scenery in the imperial garden, but the shar

"Wei Gong, this painting is so fierce, how can I visualize the appearance of this fierce god?"

Since Xu Qi'an knew that Wei Yuan's martial arts realm was advanced, he would not let go of the wool-gathering act of whoring for free and quickly asked for advice.

"Xu Zisheng has already warned you. I'll see you tomorrow. It's because you are so curious that you hurt yourself. You deserve it!"

A clear air rose in Wei Yuan's eyes. He looked at the picture of the Dharma. There was a faint white light hidden under the dark ink. That was the awe-inspiring righteousness, which was being integrated into the ink little by little, killing the fierce spirit. It only takes one day to reduce the evil spirit of the fierce god to the point where Xu Qi'an can bear it.

"This picture contains Xu Zisheng's awe-inspiring righteousness, which can suppress the evil spirit. Tomorrow, your painting will no longer be evil!"

Xu Qi'an was slightly surprised when he heard this, and hugged the scroll in his hand tighter. He lowered his head and glanced at the picture of the Dharma in his arms. There was a curiosity deep in his eyes, and he asked Wei Yuan for advice.

"Mr. Wei, how far has Mr. Xu reached that he can actually hurt me with just a painting!"

Although Xu Qi'an knew that Xu Zisheng was the chosen one, the protagonist of heaven and earth, with strong cultivation, and was called the first Confucian and Taoist person in the world by Wei's father, he did not know Xu Zisheng's realm strength. Now this painting finally allowed him to see the tip of the iceberg. That kind of power made him feel unfathomable and incomprehensible, like a deep abyss and an unreachable sky. He couldn't see the end at a glance and couldn't even imagine it.

After Wei Yuan heard the words, he remained silent and walked to the window. Just as Yang Qianhuan said, he left Xu Qi'an with a figure of a master. He looked up at the bright sun outside the window. After a long time, he spoke quietly. road.

"To the outside world, he claims that he is a second-grade scholar, but I don't know whether it is true or not?"

Xu Qian's whole body was shocked when he heard this. He was a second-grade Confucian. That's awesome. Since the Yasheng of the Cheng family established the Imperial College, Neo-Confucianism has occupied the mainstream of the Confucian community, imprisoning the thoughts of scholars, and obliterating the spirituality of scholars. Confucianism has not existed for nearly two hundred years. A person has entered the realm of a second-grade Confucian scholar and has declined to this point. Unexpectedly, Xu Zisheng can break through the shackles of Neo-Confucianism, break through the second-grade Confucianism, and become the first person in two hundred years. He is worthy of being a son of luck. It is impossible to speculate using common sense.

"Wei Gong, you mean that Mr. Xu may not be a second-grade scholar?"

Xu Qi'an heard the implication of Wei Yuan's words, his eyes were extremely shocked, his pupils dilated, and he looked at Wei Yuan's back in disbelief. Don't tell me, Dad Wei is extremely charming at this time. He can't really Like Yang Qianhuan said, in order to increase the sense of mystery and demeanor, he turned his back to us on purpose.

Wei Yuan slowly turned around, with his back to the sun. The golden light fell on his black hair. The light and shadow made him look particularly sacred and tall. The expression on his face was extremely complicated, ranging from confusion to confusion. Relief, fear, joy, Xu Qi'an saw so many emotions on Wei Yuan's face for the first time.

"I don't know either. After all, Xu Zisheng can't speculate with common sense!"

Having said this, Wei Yuan paused for a moment, and all the expressions on his face disappeared and turned into calm. Only a touch of relaxation appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he spoke in a brisk tone.

"But it is a blessing for Dafeng to have Xu Zisheng. He is the hope of Dafeng! In the past, I was unable to support myself and was criticized by the civil service group. Every day, memorials criticizing me could be piled up on the desk of the imperial study. Now that I have Xu Zisheng The assassin of the minister, the civil servants are playing with him every day, but few people pay attention to me, so I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

Wei Yuan was born as an eunuch and had both civil and military skills. He was naturally hostile to the civil service group, so he was always under siege by the civil service group. However, now there appeared Xu Zisheng, who was born in the noble group and had the status of a scholar, but betrayed the Imperial Academy. It can be said that he became The biggest enemy of the civil service group, after all, there is a saying that traitors are more hated than enemies.

Xu Zisheng was a traitor to the Imperial College and was the most hated person by the civil service group. However, due to Xu Zisheng's strong strength, they did not dare to use underhanded tactics and could only attack Xu Zisheng openly.

Unfortunately, the effect was not great. Emperor Yuan Jing, a chess player, was unwilling to let Xu Zisheng's sharp sword break. He needed Xu Zisheng to compete with the civil servant group and maintain the balance of the court. Only in this way could he practice Taoism with peace of mind and seek immortality.

Xu Qi'an was shocked when he heard this. Who is Wei Yuan? He is the most outstanding official in the dynasty, both civil and military. He is the backbone of Dafeng, Dinghaizhen, the official of the brachium, and the pillar of the country. Xu Qi'an usually complains about Wei Yuan's loss of a good chicken. , but I have great admiration for him in my heart. Such a person actually thinks that Xu Zisheng can be on par with him, or even faintly surpass him.

Royal palace, royal garden. Xu Zisheng accompanied Emperor Yuan Jing to stroll in the Imperial Garden. The sunshine was warm. This royal garden covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres and is planted with various precious flower species and trees. Winter and spring are two completely different scenery. Have style.

"The frost has killed all the grass and the flowers and trees are withered. This seemingly depressed scene has a different flavor when you look closely."

Emperor Yuan Jing put his hands behind his hands and sighed with meaning. He was wearing a loose Taoist robe and had an ethereal and refined temperament. He did not look like an emperor who had been in charge of the government for decades, but more like a Taoist priest with an indifferent temperament.

Behind Emperor Yuan Jing, Xu Zisheng, who was half a body behind, rolled his eyes speechlessly, seemingly disapproving of Emperor Yuan Jing's words, without any fear or respect, and even said something treasonous.

"Your Majesty is wrong. Depression has never been a scenery since ancient times!"

Faced with the rebuttal of the young Minister of War, Emperor Yuan Jing just smiled on his face and pretended not to care. However, there was a bit of coldness in the depths of his eyes, like ten thousand years of ice. It was frighteningly cold. Shang said calmly.

"When spring comes next year, the flowers will naturally bloom again."

"Depression is only temporary, there is still vitality, it just doesn't show up!"

Xu Zisheng didn't save any face for Emperor Yuan Jing, as if he just didn't want the Taojun Emperor to feel comfortable, so he continued to speak arrogantly.

"It's still early next spring. I don't know how long this depression will last. Will the hidden vitality still have a chance to sprout?"

Emperor Yuan Jing finally couldn't pretend anymore and turned back to look at Xu Zisheng. With a bit of anger and displeasure on his face, he questioned Xu Zisheng.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

The more angry Emperor Yuan Jing became, the happier Xu Zisheng felt, and the brighter the smile on his face became. He swept across the entire imperial garden and spoke.

"The sight of flowers in full bloom is beautiful, but when spring passes and winter comes, the prosperity fades away. Your Majesty, look at those evergreen trees all year round. No matter the spring wind, autumn moon, summer or winter snow, they still exist.

"Shoveling away the complicated and diverse flowers and plants and leaving the trees that are evergreen all year round is the long-lasting way."

Emperor Yuan Jing suppressed his anger and looked sideways with cold eyes. Da Xu Zisheng smiled with gentle eyes and did not take a step back. The monarch and his ministers looked at each other for a long time. Emperor Yuan Jing sighed and comforted himself in his heart. He was not angry. He was not worthy of being angry. After a long time, he spoke calmly.

"If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. If they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent. If you walk higher than others, the crowd will be wrong. The lesson is not far away. Overturn the car and follow the track."

"You can't be without edge, but it's not good to have too much edge. It can easily hurt others and yourself!"

Xu Zisheng disagreed with this. He looked at Emperor Yuan Jing with his clear eyes, the smile on his face faded, and he retorted calmly but firmly.

"Only when the sword is sharp can it cut flowers and grass, there is no such thing as too much!"

For some reason, Emperor Yuan Jing did not dare to look at Xu Zisheng. His eyes flickered away and looked at the Depression Imperial Garden again. He saw the chilling atmosphere of winter in this bleak scene and said quietly.

"After all, you and I are not from the same place. We have different views on the scenery. No one can convince the other. There is no point in continuing to argue!"

"I'm a little tired, please step back!"

Xu Zisheng looked at Emperor Yuan Jing who had murderous intent in his heart, and smiled slightly, without fear at all. If you want to play tricks on me, I will let you know what flipping the table is. I am familiar with this thing of Qing Jun. I promise to find it for you in the cold palace. A bleak palace for you to admire enough.

"I resign!"

Xu Zisheng bowed his hands in a disrespectful manner, turned around and left, seemingly not feeling the killing atmosphere in the Royal Garden.

Looking at Xu Zisheng's back, Emperor Yuan Jing's face showed no expression, like a cold sculpture.

The great eunuch watched from a distance, not daring to get close. I don’t know how long it took, but the cold wind blew by. Emperor Yuan Jing felt a chill, and then he took steps to return to the way he came. Seeing this, the great eunuch quickly put the clothes in his hands over his head. He was very skillful when it came to Emperor Yuan Jing, and he was worthy of being Emperor Yuan Jing's confidant.

Emperor Yuan Jing kept walking, firmly but calmly, and asked the eunuch behind him without looking back.

"You said what should I do if a knife is too sharp?"

The great eunuch was a little surprised when he heard this, his brows furrowed slightly, and there was a look of hesitation on his face. Although he understood some things, he did not want to say them out. If he talks too much, he will be wrong. He has served Emperor Yuan Jing for more than 20 years. He is a close person who never talks too much and adheres to the principle that silence is golden.

Emperor Yuan Jing also knew the temperament of the eunuch beside him very well and knew his concerns, so he spoke.

"You don't need to worry about it, just say what you think!"

When the great eunuch heard this, he knew it was impossible not to say anything. He hesitated for a moment, bent his back even more, lowered his head, stared at the ground, and spoke carefully.

"If the knife is too sharp, it will easily hurt your hand. It is better to use another knife!"

When Emperor Yuan Jing heard this, he paused and turned back to look at the frightened eunuch. His eyes were so deep that one didn't know what he was thinking.

"But what if I have to use this knife?"

Why didn't Emperor Yuan Jing know how to replace people? It's just that it's easy to ask the gods but difficult to send them away. Xu Zisheng has become the Minister of the Ministry of War without any fault. How can he be replaced so easily? Moreover, there is no one in Dafeng who can replace Xu Zisheng, and there is no way to check and balance Wang Wenzhen. Others, although the knife is too sharp, it has to be used.

"Then just put a scabbard on this sword and reduce its sharpness!"

The great eunuch raised his head and glanced at Emperor Yuan Jing, then buried his head deeply again and whispered.

Emperor Yuan Jing thought deeply after hearing this. After a moment, he stepped forward again, with light steps and a feeling of relaxation.

"Scabbard! That's right!"

The great eunuch then breathed out slowly, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and followed Emperor Yuan Jing step by step. His heart was still pounding in his chest, making him feel a tightness in his chest.

Party struggle is a double-edged sword. It can maintain the status of Emperor Yuan Jing, but it can also disrupt the situation of the government. The more parties there are, the fiercer the fight. Over time, no one cares about government affairs, and all they can think about is how to conspire and defeat their opponents.

The chaos in the court was beneficial to Emperor Yuan Jing. The more intense the fighting between the various parties, the more he can practice Taoism with peace of mind. If one family or two families dominate, the government will be out of control of Emperor Yuan Jing.

But it would not work if we put an end to party politics. There would be no party in the government, and everything would be strange. Emperor Yuan Jing's method of checking and balancing the court was somewhat inappropriate. There was no need to support so many parties. He only needed to maintain three equally matched parties. Because no matter what field it is in, the triangle is the most stable. If there are just two parties, they may form an alliance in private, appearing to be incompatible with each other but colluding behind the scenes. But if there are three pillars, it will be difficult for them to reach consensus of interests, and the government will be relatively stable and easy to check and balance.

Of course, marriage is an exception. Triangular marriages are more lively than party disputes. They are simply Shura fields, extremely bloody.

There are some such trends in the imperial court today. Wei Yuan is considered a party, Xu Zisheng and Wu Xun's group is considered a party, and the civil service group from the Imperial College is considered a party. However, each of these parties is not peaceful within itself and is divided into many small parties. , especially the parties in the civil service group, plotting against each other and fighting with each other. Fortunately, there is still Wang Wenzhen, the chief minister, who can maintain the stability of the civil service group.

On this day, a secret letter came back from the watchman An Zi. The letter said that Yang Chuannan, the commander of the capital of Yunzhou, secretly colluded with the mountain bandits to transport military supplies in order to seek profits and support the bandits' self-respect.

After the secret message was sent back to the capital, the watchman Anzi died without any reason, and his death was silent. His true identity is the commander of the capital, and one of his ex-employees died and the evidence was missing.

Wei Yuan reported the matter to Emperor Yuan Jing, who sent the governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to Yunzhou to investigate the matter.

In the imperial study room, Xu Zisheng said with a bit of chill on his face, very forcefully.

"Why waste time and effort? Please send your Majesty's order to summon Yang Chuannan, the commander of the capital of Yunzhou, to return to the capital. If he doesn't obey, immediately order the troops around Yunzhou to suppress him. Why waste so much time trying to deal with him!"

Emperor Yuan Jing frowned slightly when he heard this. He thought that Xu Zisheng's approach was too overbearing and tough, and he did not want to be like this, and said in a deep voice.

"I have my own plan for this matter, Xu Aiqing, you don't need to say anything!"

Wei Yuan looked at Emperor Yuan Jing and Xu Zisheng who were about to quarrel, and quickly smoothed things over and said.

"Your Majesty, I will send out watchmen to protect the Governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and assist in the investigation to find out the matter as soon as possible!"

Emperor Yuan Jing nodded with satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with Wei Yuan's performance, and still insisted on letting the Metropolitan Procuratorate go to investigate and did not adopt Xu Zisheng's suggestion.

Xu Zisheng looked at Wei Yuan with contempt. He was indeed a eunuch. You deserved to lose your good wife. You cannot become a man. You are too weak to face Emperor Yuan Jing.

"But this is normal. After all, Wei Yuan has nothing to do!"

This matter is actually related to the Qi Party above the court. The bandits in Yunzhou are difficult to eliminate and it is extremely chaotic. In addition to the bandits occupying the ground, everyone has military supplies. They are not just bandits. There are people behind this. The mastermind behind this is the Qi Party. They cannot control it remotely in Kyoto City, so they need the cooperation of a senior official of the emperor. This person is Yang Chuannan, the commander of the Yunzhou capital.

Wei Yuan sent Jinluo Jiang Lvzhong to take charge of the case, and Tongluo Xu Qian accompanied him to find out the truth and protect the governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

There are people from Si Tianjian following him secretly. This is a common practice. The watchman and the white-clothed warlock from Si Tianjian often cooperate. On the one hand, they supervise each other, and on the other hand, they cooperate with each other.

Star Observation Tower, Bagua Tower, standing on the edge of Bagua Tower, observing the sky at night, my ears twitched. After a few seconds, the formation patterns lit up, and a figure in white appeared with his hands behind his back, and said leisurely:

"Holding the sun, moon and stars in my hand, there is no one like me in the world!"

Even when Yang Qianhuan was facing his teacher, Si Tian Jian Zheng, his back was turned. He slowly read out the words he heard from Xu Qi'an, full of an invincible mood. His back was turned to all living beings, quite a bit. The style of a master.

However, this master suddenly found that after he finished speaking these words, he was restrained by an invisible force. He could not even speak, and his face turned red with anxiety.

After a long time, Yang Qianhuan felt the power dissipate, his expression became more respectful, and he asked honestly.

"Teacher, what do you want from me?"

Jian Zheng, who also had his back turned to him, had a fluttering white beard and an ethereal temperament. He had the demeanor of an outsider who made people admire him.

"Go to Yunzhou and watch"

Later, the call supervisor used the method of transmitting the sound into the secret. It was obviously very confidential and did not want a third party to hear it.

The master and apprentice had their backs to each other, and Yang Qianhuan asked tentatively.

"Go secretly?"


"I understand, what else does the teacher have to say?"

"There are crouching tigers and hidden dragons in Jiuzhou. Each mountain is higher than the other. When you go out, you must know how to be low-key and humble. Don't say what you shouldn't say and don't do what you shouldn't do."

"Teacher, please make it clear."

"Be a low-key person. Don't say that around. You'll get beaten."

"Good teacher."

Yang Qianhuan had just tried it, and humbly accepted the teacher's suggestion, making up his mind that in the future he would only say this to people who were not stronger than himself, so as not to be taught a lesson again.

It was a long journey from the capital to Yunzhou. In order to save time, the imperial team heading to Yunzhou chose to take the water route instead of the dry road. The official ship cut through the waves and the sails were vigorously inspired.

The previous dynasty once built great waterways, dug canals, and built two large canals running through the north, south, and east and west, with countless tributaries, so that the developed water transportation in Dafeng can be achieved today. Facing the wind blowing from the river, ships of all sizes sailed on the river. There are both official ships and merchant ships.

Xu Zisheng stood on the bank of the canal, watching the imperial envoy team go away, with a very calm expression. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly a black smoke rose up. It was a merchant ship. They were burning the goods on their ship. His face was heavy, but Have to.

Xu Zisheng's eyes were as bright as a torch and his vision was astonishing. Even though he was several miles away, he still saw this scene in his eyes. He frowned slightly and said coldly.

"This is because the merchant did not intend to go through the checkpoints and burned the goods in preparation for returning home."

"The food appearance is really ugly, and the people are living in dire straits!"

The imperial court set up many checkpoints on the canal, and every time a pass was passed, a tax was paid. As time goes by, many merchants will find that even after arriving at the destination and selling the goods, the money earned is not enough to pay taxes.

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