I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2770 The spiritual dragon moves, the monarch and his ministers talk

Everyone felt that the atmosphere was relaxed, close to the nature of heaven and earth, carefree, free from the labor of paperwork, the fuss of silk and bamboo, and free from intrigues. But when I wake up from the dream, there will be a trace of sadness in my heart.

"What a poem, what a poem!"

The third prince stood up in excitement, feeling that he had witnessed the birth of a masterpiece. This is an honor that no reader can resist.

"Is this Qijue or Qilv?"

"What are you worried about?"

"What are you looking at?!"

"Love so much!"

Facing the eldest princess' gaze, Xu Zisheng chose to lower his head and pretend to be stupid this time and remained silent.

The eldest princess sighed helplessly, feeling a little regretful that such a good poem was only half finished. Her lips parted slightly, and a cold voice spoke out cold words.

"No more, just these two sentences, they were improvised!"

"Don't be joking."

"What's behind? What's behind!"

The third prince said angrily, with an impatient expression on his face. He looked like a reader who had been tortured crazy by the broken chapters. He finally had the opportunity to meet the author himself, suppressing the emotions that could explode at any time, as if to say: I will give you the last An opportunity to code words!

The eldest princess had a strong mentality and was unmoved. She stared at the third prince with cold eyes, as if a bucket of cold water was poured on his head, which made him feel chilled and regained his consciousness. She said somewhat sarcastically.

"Why is there no more?"

The eldest princess seemed a little tired. She stood up and turned to Xu Zisheng and said deliberately.

"Zi Sheng, come with me for a walk!"

Hearing this, all the princes and princesses looked at Xu Zisheng with some surprise. At this time, they also recognized the number one scholar in the dynasty and the Minister of Punishment. They did not expect that the eldest princess was so familiar with him and called him by his first name. Their expressions changed. Got up inexplicably.

The second princess Lin'an set her sights on Xu Zisheng, as if she wanted to find out what his relationship was with the eldest princess, and whether she could attack the eldest princess through Xu Zisheng.

"No problem, Huaiqing!"

Xu Zisheng was not a fool either. Since the eldest princess wanted to be extremely close to her and not take advantage of her, he was a grown man and didn't care about his reputation, so he would not suffer.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Zisheng's name for the eldest princess came out, all the princes and princesses' eyes widened, and they looked at the eldest princess and Xu Zisheng in disbelief. Their eyes were like looking at wild men and women who have made a private life.

The eldest princess blushed and was secretly angry, but she couldn't show it. After all, she had personally promised Xu Zisheng that he could be called this.

The second princess looked at the two people leaving, her pretty face flushed, her breathing quickened, her eyes flashing with excitement, she seemed to have grasped the handle of the eldest princess, and she was secretly excited.

"Wait a minute, Huaiqing. I must tell my father about this and let him punish you severely!"

The eldest princess dismissed the guards and maids, and walked side by side with Xu Zisheng by the lake. She stared at the calm lake, her voice had the texture of the impact of ice cubes, and the unique charm of a female voice.

"Did you do it on purpose just now?"

Xu Zisheng looked confused and looked at the eldest princess pretending to be stupid. He asked innocently without any flaws.

"Huaiqing, what are you talking about?"

"Call me by my given name in front of them!"

There was a bit of embarrassment in the cold eyes of the eldest princess. No matter how domineering she was, she was still a woman, and she was still a young girl who had not left the palace. Naturally, she felt the probing eyes of the princes and princesses. She could almost guess what they were thinking. ten.

"Isn't this what Huaiqing agreed to?"

Xu Zisheng didn't seem to understand the meaning of the eldest princess's words. When faced with the eldest princess's questioning, he pushed back and completely shied away the responsibility.

The eldest princess was a smart woman, so she didn't know that Xu Zisheng was pretending to be stupid and didn't want to get entangled in this topic. She looked at the lake, and the ripples in her heart disappeared, and her cold face returned again.

Suddenly, I heard laughter like silver bells coming from behind me, and the sound of water splashing. The two turned to look, and saw the second princess in a flaming red dress standing on the back of a monster, holding the horns on the top of the monster's head with both hands, staggering to steady her figure, with a graceful and graceful back.

The monster was all white, with fine scales, and a flat piece of armor on its back, just enough for a person to stand on. It is three meters long, has sharp claws on its belly, and looks like a dragon.

The eldest princess withdrew her gaze and looked at Xu Zisheng, who was a little surprised, as if she was explaining to him.

"This beast is called a spiritual dragon. It is a unique spiritual beast in Zhongzhou. It has a docile personality. According to legend, it was the water mount of the human emperor in ancient times."

"Spiritual dragons like to eat the purple energy of the human world, so they have been kept in the palace by the royal families of all dynasties. It means that the purple energy comes from the east. It is a symbol of the orthodoxy of the human race. It is born with the magical power of looking for energy."

Purple air is the luck that only princes, nobles or sages have. This kind of monster needs purple air to nourish it, which means it is an auspicious beast. The auspicious beast sometimes raised its head, sometimes walked close to the water, and the water rippled in circles. The second princess smiled like a flower, giggling like a little hen, and had a great time.

The princes watched with smiles, while the other two princesses ran to the shore and shouted for Lin'an to come ashore. Everyone took turns playing.

"Although the spirit dragon has a docile temperament, it is also very proud and will attack ordinary people who approach it. Lin'an is the princess, so she can play with it."

As the eldest princess spoke, she curled her lips and did something unexpected by Xu Zisheng. She put her index finger on her mouth and whistled hard.

When Linglong heard the whistle, he raised his head like a snake, turned sideways, and looked in the direction of the eldest princess and Xu Zisheng.

Everyone saw that Linglong's body became stiff in an instant, and suddenly became restless. He let out a clear and loud cry in his throat, and shook his head to throw the second princess off. It seemed that being ridden by the second princess was a very shameful thing.



The second princess screamed and fell into the lake. The spirit dragon twisted wildly and swam in the direction of the eldest princess. As it broke through the water, it kept chirping. It was hard to tell whether it was excited or irritable.

Wow! The water splashed everywhere, and as it approached the shore, the spirit dragon soared into the sky, and then crashed down hard. Its head hit the shore, splashing turbulent mud, and a few drops of mud were splashed on the eldest princess's plain white dress.

The eldest princess was a little surprised. The spirit beast seemed to be particularly close to her today. The reason she whistled was not to summon the spirit beast, but to attract its attention and turn her head to make Lin'an, who was unstable, fall into the water. Thinking about it, Linglong reacted so strongly that he shook Lin'an away with a shake of his head.

"The eldest princess's style is really like that of a scholar from Yunlu Academy, very sinister!"

When Xu Zisheng saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he kept cursing in his heart.

Sure enough, only treacherous people understand treacherous people best.

The movement on the water shocked all the princes. The prince rushed to the shore first and called for the guards to save him.

"Sure enough, Linglong likes Huaiqing more."

"Does this mean Huaiqing's purple energy is stronger than Lin'an?"

"It doesn't seem right! The spirit dragon is not very enthusiastic towards us. Look at its groveling appearance. I only saw it once when I was a child, when it faced my father."

"Huaiqing has passed!"

The eldest princess held up her skirt and walked toward the spirit dragon with a smile on her face, intending to ride on it. On the other side, including the prince, all the princes and princesses were watching this scene.

"In addition to being sinister, this eldest princess is also very competitive!"

When the eldest princess approached the spirit dragon, a scene that surprised everyone happened. It suddenly showed its violent and aggressive side, roaring hoarsely at the eldest princess, threatening her not to come near.

The eldest princess frowned, confused, and took a few steps back.

The spirit beast stopped barking and laid its head on the bank. Its black pearl-like pupils were bright and clear. It looked at Xu Zisheng aside, as if to say, come and ride me.

"Hey, Linglong won't let Huaiqing go up."

"What's going on? Linglong is in a bad mood today?"

"No, in that posture, is it waiting for someone to ride on it?"

The princes began to discuss, with deep doubts on their faces, very curious as to why Spirit Dragon reacted like this.

"You're such a clever little guy, you can actually detect me!"

Xu Zisheng stepped in front of the eldest princess, slowly stretched out his right hand, and touched Linglong's head, as if he were touching a puppy. Linglong made a happy and comfortable cry, showing great expression. Be obedient and honest.

The huge body of the spirit dragon blocked the sight of other princes and princesses. They could not clearly see Xu Zisheng's actions. They just thought that Xu Zisheng was protecting the eldest princess from being hurt by the spirit dragon.

The eldest princess looked at the figure in front of her in surprise. Xu Zisheng was pregnant with purple energy. Could it be that her father had cuckolded Marquis Wu An. This champion was her half-brother and the illegitimate son of the royal family.

Xu Zisheng's realm was extremely advanced, and he seemed to sense the eldest princess's thoughts. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, turned back suddenly, looked at the eldest princess very seriously, and explained.

"Marquis Wu'an is my father. I am not a member of the royal family. Purple Qi is not only possessed by princes and nobles!"

The eldest princess was stunned when she heard this, and then she reacted. Her pupils suddenly shrank, her eyes widened, and she looked at Xu Zisheng in disbelief.

"Purple Qi can only be possessed by Confucian sages except princes and nobles. He has actually entered the realm of sages. How is this possible?"

"Okay, go back obediently!"

Xu Zisheng took his hand back and said to the psychic auspicious beast in front of him.

Linglong glanced at Xu Zisheng reluctantly, twisted his body, and got into the lake again. The water splashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Xu Zisheng and the eldest princess returned to Sifangtai. The second princess Lin'an had been fished out. She was wet all over and covered with a thick cloak. She had her hands crossed, shivering from the cold and her lips were blue. She pointed at Huaiqing angrily and cried.

"I want to tell my father, Huaiqing, that I am not done with you."

The eldest princess looked indifferent and didn't care. She seemed to be used to it, so she just said coldly.

"What does this have to do with me? It's obviously caused by Linglong being in a bad mood today and losing control."

The image of the second princess Lin'an who suffered repeated defeats and repeated defeats has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The princes and princesses have become accustomed to it, and they all discussed the abnormality of the spirit dragon just now.

"There is definitely something wrong with the spirit dragon. It was a little strange to be mad just now."

"It actually didn't let Huaiqing ride on it, so why did it come forward?"

"It's really weird and hard to figure out!"

As the biological brother of the second princess Lin'an, the prince felt sorry for his sister for two seconds, and then happily joined the discussion.

"Perhaps he is in a bad mood. Spirit dragons are not ordinary beasts. They naturally have tempers."

However, beasts are beasts after all, and their thoughts cannot be understood. The princes and princesses discussed it for a while and then stopped paying attention.

The second princess fell into the water, and the banquet was dispersed early for fear of catching the cold. The distinguished princes and princesses returned to the palace in carriages, leaving the guards behind to clean up the mess.

Xu Zisheng got off the eldest princess's carriage in the imperial city and walked towards the Marquis Wu'an Mansion, completely ignoring the gaze of the eldest princess behind him.

In the imperial garden, curtains hang down from the four corners of the pavilion to block the cold wind, and the charcoal fire brings the warm air.

Emperor Yuan Jing in Taoist robes and Wei Yuan in Tsing Yi were playing chess. One of them was an emperor, but they rarely wore dragon robes. One is a powerful official who supervises all officials, but he always wears Tsing Yi.

Compared with the two maverick old guys, the young Crown Prince was dressed meticulously and stood respectfully next to Emperor Yuan Jing.

"Yesterday, the Imperial Master made a furnace of golden elixirs. I will send someone to give you one later."

Emperor Yuan Jing twisted the chess pieces and looked at them for a long time. Then he picked up the three black stones and said with a smile.

"One golden elixir for three chess pieces, isn't it too much?"

Wei Yuan nodded and said without objecting to the deal proposed by Emperor Yuan Jing.

"Not too much."

The two of them played a few more moves, and Wei Yuan picked up the six white stones from Emperor Yuan Jing with a smile.

"Your Majesty's camp is a little messy. I'll clean it up for you."

Emperor Yuan Jing's face was a little dark, and he said calmly without any emotion in his voice.

"Over the years, I have relied on you the most, Wei Yuan. I often think that if you had not entered the palace back then, but had taken the imperial examination, there would have been one more tailor in the empire, and I wouldn't have to worry about these trivial matters. "

Wei Yuan's expression suddenly paused, then returned to normal in an instant, and he said with a smile.

"Isn't it true that I am working for His Majesty now?"

His Highness the Crown Prince frowned and stared at the chessboard in silence. It wasn't that the chessboard fight between Emperor Yuan Jing and Duke Wei was so exciting and intense, but that he was pondering the conversation between the two. He felt like he was seeing things in a fog, half-understanding.

The two people sitting in the pavilion, one who has devoted himself to Taoism for twenty years, can still firmly control the affairs of the court, and the emperor's mind is as pure as fire. A man who was in charge of the yamen as a eunuch, with his literary and military skills, put countless scholars to shame.

The conversation between them requires wisdom to appreciate carefully. It is obvious that the prince's wisdom is insufficient and he has no insight.

Emperor Yuan Jing glanced at the prince who was deep in thought and spoke again.

"Actually, there is a tailor in the imperial court now, but I can't see through him and don't dare to use him, so I can only put him aside!"

Wei Yuan's expression straightened when he heard this, his brows furrowed slightly, a trace of contemplation flashed in his clear eyes, and he spoke.

"Your Majesty is talking about Xu Zisheng, the Minister of Punishment?"

Emperor Yuan Jing nodded, picked up a chess piece again and dropped it on the chessboard. He took a step after thinking hard and said in a deep voice.

"Back then I saw that he was a talented person and would definitely become a pillar of Dafeng in the future. But I didn't expect that he was so good that it was difficult for me to control him!"

Wei Yuan glanced at the chess piece and dropped it casually, instantly putting Emperor Yuan Jing in trouble again.

"Xu Zisheng is a genius, but at a young age, he has reached the second level of Confucianism and Taoism. He is the only great Confucian in two hundred years. His growth rate is truly astonishing, beyond everyone's imagination!"

When Wei Yuan said this, he paused for a moment, as if he was considering his words. Looking at Emperor Yuan Jing who was thinking hard, he gritted his teeth and said with some hesitation.

"I believe that Xu Zisheng will definitely enter the realm of a first-class sub-sage in this life and can become the pillar of the Dafeng Dynasty. Your Majesty should put him in good use and show more kindness!"

boom! The white piece on Emperor Yuan Jing's fingertips fell on the chessboard. The emperor, who had thick black hair and only crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, was silent for a few seconds. He picked up the fallen chess piece with a smile, threw it into the chess box, and said:

"I have been playing for so many years and never won. It's really boring."

After Wei Yuan heard this, he understood Emperor Yuan Jing's intention, stood up and stood aside, and said nothing.

Emperor Yuan Jing then turned to look at the prince, with an unpredictable expression on his face, and asked curiously.

"I heard that the spiritual dragon suddenly went crazy the day before yesterday and threw Lin'an into the lake?"

The prince lowered his head and answered with great respect, unable to find any faults.

"At that time, Lin'an was riding a spirit dragon and playing in the water. It was Huaiqing who whistled, disturbing the spirit dragon, and then he lifted Lin'an into the water."

The prince and the second princess Lin'an are from the same mother. The eldest princess Huaiqing bullies the second princess Lin'an. As the prince's brother, there is no problem in saying this. It is realistic, but it is slightly biased towards Lin'an.

In the eyes of Emperor Yuan Jing, the prince's behavior showed a simplicity that would not make him angry or fearful.

"But there is one thing that I have always cared about, but I have not figured it out."

Emperor Yuan Jing nodded. As an emperor, he had a general understanding of what happened that day.

"Spirit Dragon's reaction was too intense."

Except for Emperor Yuan Jing, who was the emperor, Linglong's attitude towards all the princes and princesses was similar and they treated them equally, including the prince of the East Palace.

Regardless of whether he is a prince or a prince, as long as he has not ascended the throne of the Nine-Fifth Supreme Being, they are essentially the same.

"Father, it's more than that."

"Not only did the spirit dragon escape from Lin'an, it swam toward Huaiqing in great excitement. It even hit its head on the shore and lay down on the shore waiting for Huaiqing to ride on it."

Emperor Yuan Jing's pupils suddenly shrank, suddenly bursting out with sharp light, he stared at the prince and asked.

"Did Huaiqing ride?"

The prince shook his head. He would not lie about something that was extremely easy to find out, so he answered truthfully.

"The strange thing is that when Huaiqing tried to ride on him, the spirit dragon was extremely resistant and forced Huaiqing back."

After hearing this explanation, Emperor Yuan Jing frowned, thought for a moment, and then ordered.

"Stop, I'm going to see the spirit dragon."

Emperor Yuan Jing left in the dragon chariot, and the prince and Wei Yuan followed him. Before entering the sedan, Wei Yuan asked casually.

"Your Highness, besides Princess Huaiqing, who else was with you at that time?"

The eunuch beside him opened the sedan curtain. The prince did not get in immediately, but turned around and said.

"Coincidentally, Xu Zisheng, whom my father and Duke Wei were just talking about, is also here."

Xu Zisheng and the eldest princess were enjoying their time here, and Xu Qi'an was not so lucky. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He couldn't find the direction, so he could only go to Wenyuan Pavilion to search for information. He wanted to know What was suppressed under Sangbo Lake? Is it people or objects?

Xu Qi'an suspected that the first-generation eunuch was suppressed under Sangbo Lake, which was related to the usurpation of the throne by Emperor Wu Zong. He was worried that after the first-level warlock escaped from trouble, he would have a fight with the current eunuch, which would shake up Kyoto and cause countless people to be robbed. However, he had no evidence, and even Magistrate Zhao of Taikang County was silenced, and the Taoist clan and Zhenbei King were also involved.

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