"Elder brother is the number one master in our Huashan Mountain. His realm is so profound that I don't even know how far he has reached. The entire Huashan Mountain is under his perception. Nothing can be hidden from him!"

Yue Lingshan looked full of admiration. As the only daughter of Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze, she had grown up with Zhu Xiao since she was a child. Naturally, she knew that the biggest Dinghai needle in Huashan was not the great master Feng Qingyang, nor her father. The leader of the Huashan Sect is Zhu Xiao, the senior brother who lives in seclusion all day long and never leaves Huashan.

"But?" Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but ask, still having a lot of confusion.

"Oh, in short, you just need to know that dad punishing you for thinking about crossing the cliff is not really a punishment for you, but your opportunity. You must seize the opportunity and strive to get the guidance of senior brother!"

Yue Lingshan looked at the confused Lin Pingzhi in front of her and had no choice but to interrupt Lin Pingzhi's question and tell Lin Pingzhi the whole story straight to the point.

Yue Lingshan didn't know why her elder brother looked at Lin Pingzhi with such a stupid head in such a different light, and she couldn't help complaining in her heart.

However, the girl completely failed to notice that her concern for Lin Pingzhi, a pimple like an elm, had long gone beyond the limit of concern for her junior brother. It could be said that she knew people without knowing it.

"I know, senior sister!" Lin Pingzhi was happy in his heart. He didn't expect that his master's anger just now was just a show. For him, compared with getting guidance from his senior brother, the most important thing is that his master is not angry.

As for what Yue Lingshan said that senior brother Zhu Xiao was the number one master of the Huashan sect, Lin Pingzhi didn't take it to heart at all. He only thought it was Yue Lingshan's admiration for Zhu Xiao and never took it seriously.

After Si Guo Ya, Zhu Xiao looked at Tie Hanhan in front of him, a little confused as to how he should arrange it, "Junior Brother Tie Han Han, uh, Junior Brother Lin! You are being punished for Si Guo Ya. Although you are somewhat related to me, you But you can’t live in the house.”

Zhu Xiao was not used to living with others, let alone Lin Pingzhi, who was as honest as a fool, so Zhu Xiao could only make it clear first and not think that he could live with him.

"Let's do this. There is a cave ten feet away from here. Go there and rest!" Zhu Xiao had an idea and thought of the cave where the Huashan sect had killed the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect, so he sent Lin Pingzhi away. After passing through, although the cave is still sealed, it can be opened with a little digging.

Lin Pingzhi had no objection. He was a person who accepted death. Although he knew that Yue Buqun did not really punish him, he came to Siguo Cliff in the name of facing the wall and thinking about his mistakes, so living in a cave was in line with him. identity of.

"I understand, senior brother!" Lin Pingzhi nodded understandingly, without complaining or asking for credit from Zhu Xiao, and turned around and walked towards the cave.

Zhu Xiao looked at Lin Pingzhi who was so clean and neat, and was a little dazed for a moment. You must know that as Yue Lingshan said, the entire Huashan Mountain is within his range of perception, and nothing can be hidden from him, so Yue Lingshan and Lin He knew all the conversations between Pingzhi.

Zhu Xiao originally thought that Lin Pingzhi would listen to Yue Lingshan's suggestion and take the opportunity to claim credit from him, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't say a word. He obviously didn't plan to tell Zhu Xiao on his own initiative.

Zhu Xiao felt a little apologetic in his heart, and he couldn't let go. He said something to Lin Pingzhi who was leaving, "That place has not been opened yet. It is a rock wall. You only need to dig with your sword to open the cave. There are some things in there that may be of some use to you!”

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, he paused, turned around and thanked Zhu Xiao, "Thank you, senior brother, for the tip!"

Zhu Xiao couldn't help but feel a little bored when he looked at the serious Lin Pingzhi. In fact, Zhu Xiao himself has a quiet and inactive temperament. He doesn't like people like Lin Pingzhi who follow the rules in everything. On the contrary, Linghu Chong's character of a prodigal is more suitable. Zhu Xiao's appetite, but the Huashan Sect already had an irresponsible senior brother like himself, and could not have an irresponsible next leader, so Lin Pingzhi was trained.

Lin Pingzhi measured the distance and constantly evaluated the place Zhu Xiao mentioned, and came to a rock wall. The rock wall was covered with a layer of vines. It didn't look like a cave, but Lin Pingzhi I believe that Zhu Xiao will not make fun of him, so he trusts him very much.

Lin Pingzhi first pulled out his sword and cut off the vines, then tore off the severed vines and threw them aside. He worked for half an hour before revealing the rock wall hidden behind the vines. This rock wall was The material is common mountain rock, with a bit of cyan color. It looks extremely hard and does not look like it can be cut.

Although Lin Pingzhi believed that Zhu Xiao would not deceive him, he did not dig directly with his sword. Instead, he carefully used his sword to explore and dig. Although the speed was not fast, it would not cause damage to his sword.

Lin Pingzhi was not in a hurry at all. He had to stay at Siguo Cliff for three years, so he was very patient and dug into the rock wall bit by bit. A quarter of an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Pingzhi had just just finished A shallow layer was dug.

Although Zhu Xiao did not follow Lin Pingzhi, he kept watching Lin Pingzhi's actions. Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was still dawdling and not in a hurry, he, the bystander, was a little impatient, not Zhu. Xiao was impatient, but he was used to being alone. Now that Lin Pingzhi had become his neighbor, he was not used to it for a while.

Zhu Xiao looked at Lin Pingzhi who was constantly digging into the rock wall, and felt a little upset. He waved his hand and threw out a sword energy, which rubbed Lin Pingzhi's body and shot directly through the rock wall.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the rock wall collapsed, revealing the dark entrance of the cave. The dust thrown up by the collapsed rock wall surrounded Lin Pingzhi. When the dust fell to the ground, a dusty Lin Pingzhi was revealed.

"Cough cough cough!" Lin Pingzhi slapped the dust on his body vigorously, and turned back to look at Zhu Xiao who was standing in the distance. The shock in his heart was indescribable.

Zhu Xiao was ten feet away from Lin Pingzhi, but a casual sword energy knocked down the rock wall. This simply exceeded Lin Pingzhi's definition of martial arts. What is the difference between such a person and a true immortal on land.

"You are too slow!" Lin Pingzhi, Zhu Xiao, complained that he had not informed him to dodge, so he explained.

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" Lin Pingzhi thanked Zhu Xiao mechanically without thinking about it at all.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi didn't show any anger, Zhu Xiao turned around and returned to the room, no longer paying attention to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi cleaned the entrance of the cave and walked towards the entrance of the cave cautiously.

"Ah!" Lin Pingzhi looked at the skeleton in front of him and was startled. He carefully moved his foot away from the hand bone. After carefully looking at the situation inside the cave, he saw ten skeletons lying in a mess inside the cave. He calmed down and then stepped inside the cave.

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