I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2762 Black Dog Child, Heaven’s Punishment Comes to the World


Upon hearing this, Chen Tai, who was drinking tea, spat out his words. Li Mubai and Zhang Shen both froze, turned their heads suddenly, and stared at Xu Qian.

"Isn't the poet Yang Ling?"

Xu Qian scratched his head in embarrassment and said bravely.

"That's my alias!"

"But the calligraphy is extremely exquisite and can be called a masterpiece. Even I and others don't have such vigorous writing power!"

The implication of the three people's words was obvious. They were all very aware of Xu Qi'an's bad calligraphy, and it was impossible for them to write such a masterpiece.

"That was written by Master Xu Zisheng!"

"Oh I got it!"

The three great scholars accepted this reality instantly, which made Xu Qian a little angry. Scholars were indeed unreliable, and they actually distrusted their own disciples and trusted an outsider.

"What are you doing in Jiaofangsi?"

Suddenly Zhang Shen seemed to have thought of something, his face straightened, and he asked quickly.

Xu Qi'an showed a bit of guilt and his eyes averted, but fortunately he did not avoid the question and answered the question of his cheap teacher very frankly.

"Young Muai!"

The room suddenly fell into silence. The three great scholars felt that their chests were clogged with congestion and they wanted to vomit but could not.

A few seconds later, Zhang Shen stood up. He was wandering around the room, extremely anxious. He pointed at Xu Qi'an's nose and said repeatedly.

"You, you, your eternal masterpiece, are used on a prostitute, is she worthy? Is she worthy?"

"Yes, yes, just use it on you!"

Xu Qian secretly cursed inwardly, and pretended to listen to the teacher's instructions on the surface, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. It was obvious that he was listening with one ear and listening with the other.

Li Mubai was equally excited and agreed with Zhang Shen's point of view, commenting.

"When you chant plum blossoms, you just chant plum blossoms, and the title is "Giving Floating Incense to the Shadow Plum Pavilion." It's simply vulgar and vulgar. It's a waste of a good poem."

"If it could be changed to Yunlu Academy as a gift to Mr. Mubai, you should be able to laugh like a pig, right?"

Xu Qian looked at the inexplicably excited Li Mubai and complained again. From the surface, it was indeed a waste to use this amazing song on a prostitute. But things should not be taken at face value. Without this poem to win the favor of Fuxiang Oiran, how could he have used his magical powers to get rid of the boy body and subdue the female goblin!

"Li Mubai and Zhang Shen can accept him as their disciple, so can I! Since there are two teachers, why can't there be three teachers?"

Chen Daru was impressed by Xu Qi'an's poetic talent, and secretly decided to find an opportunity to take Xu Qi'an under his seat in the future.

After a lot of verbal bombardment, Xu Qi'an admitted his mistake obediently and promised that if he had good poems and lyrics in the future, he would let the two teachers revise and polish them first. Li Mubai and Zhang Shen finally calmed down.

In addition to the regret of passing by the famous poem handed down from generation to generation, the two great scholars really felt that Xu Qi'an used this poem on an oiran of the Jiaofang Department, which was a waste and a waste of natural resources!

Seeing that the matter had been discussed, Xu New Year finally spoke and quickly asked his teacher Zhang Shen.

"Teacher, my little sister has been studying in the academy for many days. I wonder if it will be effective?"

Xu New Year was talking about Xu Lingyin, a little bean curd. This little girl only cared about eating, and her appearance was just like that of Xu Zhiping, with an ordinary appearance and a stupid personality. She was loved by Xu Qi'an because this little girl was the only one with a more ordinary appearance than Xu Qi'an and inherited the Xu family's genes. Xu New Year and Xu Lingyue both took after Xu Qi'an's aunt in appearance and were extremely handsome, which made Xu Qi'an often feel inferior.

The three great scholars looked at each other, and Chen Tai couldn't help but laugh out loud, as if he had never seen such a stubborn stone before, and said.

"Your sister is really determined and indestructible."

Zhang Shen was also very helpless. For the sake of his disciples, he tried his best and replaced several gentlemen for Xu Lingyin, and said with a wry smile.

"In the past ten days, four teachers have changed to teach her."

Li Mubai was also a little amused. He looked at Xu Qian and Xu Qian with very strange eyes, suspecting that the people in their family were not normal, and finally added.

"These four gentlemen have sworn that they will never enlighten children again in their lives."

Xu Qi'an had known for a long time that his little boy was different, but he didn't expect that he would be so naughty as to make all four gentlemen swear an oath. He was indeed a member of the Xu family. He was not a scholar at first glance. Now he felt more balanced. I should treat this little girl better in the future.

Time flies like water, day and night. An appalling thing happened in Dafeng Kyoto that day, which made countless people feel numb.

Uncle Da Feng Ping Yuan was killed, and now in the Da Feng Dynasty, although the power of the nobles has declined, the earl is still an earl, and there must be experts in the mansion. But the murderer was able to kill the earl, injure the watchman, and leave calmly. He was not an ordinary master.

Xu Zisheng knew that this matter was somewhat secret. It was the work of Tiandihui No. 6 Hengyuan, and with the help of Xu Qi'an, an insider, he escaped the pursuit of Dageng and Si Tianjian and successfully escaped. This matter is extremely complicated. , it involves a wide range of things, including Buddhism, the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and Taoism, and Xu Zisheng is too lazy to get involved, just watching with cold eyes.

The murder of Ping Yuanbo swept the court the next day, and everyone in the Xungui Group was furious. The civil servant group, which has always been at odds with Xungui, also attached great importance to the case, and the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate wrote a letter to impeach Wei Yuan. Emperor Yuan Jing severely reprimanded the commander of the five guards in the capital and the commander of the watchdog Wei Yuan.

This matter is related to the power of nobles and nobles. It stands to reason that Xu Zisheng should take action, but Pingyuan Bo deserves it. He secretly cultivated the Yazi organization, trafficked people in the capital, and made huge profits. The Yazis abducted children and women, sold them to brothels, sold them to black workshops, and trained them into adults. The thief even cut off his hands and feet and wrapped them in black dog skin. He simply lost his conscience and was outrageous. His crimes were so serious that they are too numerous to describe. Xu Zisheng did not want to have a conflict with the people of the Tiandihui because of such a scumbag.

However, due to the fact that he was also a member of the noble family, Xu Zisheng thought for a while, in order to make the people of Tiandihui feel more at ease, he felt that he still needed to warn them and let them understand that Dafeng Kyoto was not another place and they could do whatever they wanted. They are doing whatever they want, and although the honor has declined, it is not a being that they can bully at will.

Early that morning, the murderer of Uncle Ping Yuan, No. 6 of Tiandihui, monk Hengyuan, a disciple of Qinglong Temple in Buddhism, changed into an ordinary long gown. The spacious gown covered his burly body, and wrapped his bald head with a sweat scarf. , blended into the early tenants, and left the inn silently.

Hengyuan ate at a breakfast stall on the roadside and walked towards the gate of the inner city. Approaching the city gate, he looked around calmly and found that there were twice as many guards at the city gate as before. There was also a Si Tianjian in white clothes, his clear eyes scrutinizing everyone who came out of the city.

Hengyuan blended into the crowd and headed towards the inner city. Si Tianjian's white-coated man also looked at him, but after a brief inspection, he let him go. As a disciple of Buddhism, he naturally had the means to eliminate the evil spirit after killing, and Xu Qi'an bought him very precious time.

Hengyuan went all the way east and returned to his residence near noon. Most of the houses here were made of loess and their roofs were covered with broken black tiles. This was a slum area. He arrived at a simple courtyard with ease. The plaque on the door of the courtyard read: Health Hall!

The Yangshengtang was a welfare institution of the imperial court, specializing in taking in widows and widowers. Although it is run by the government, there are only a few old officials working in the courtyard, who can barely care for the orphans and elderly people in the courtyard.

Hengyuan stayed at the Yangsheng Hall as a monk, helping several old officials to take care of orphans and the elderly. He didn't pay a penny and often used money to subsidize the expenses of the Yangsheng Hall.

Over the past decade or so, the imperial court has become increasingly indifferent to welfare institutions such as Yangshengtang, often unable to allocate funds for months at a time, and government-run institutions have long existed in name only.

As soon as Hengyuan stepped into the courtyard, an old official came up to him and spoke earnestly.

"Master Hengyuan, please don't bring any more children in. The pot can no longer be opened in the hall."

Hengyuan put his hands together, with a compassionate face and a solemn look, and said in a deep voice.

"The poor monk will solve the money problem."

Speaking of this, Hengyuan thought of the friend Xu Qi'an mentioned. He also wanted to go out and pick up money every day.

After Hengyuan helped the old officials cook the porridge and distributed it to the elderly and children, the burly and muscular monk came to the backyard. There is a black dog in the woodshed in the backyard. It walks very clumsily, but its eyes sometimes shine.

The black dog clumsily walked to the monk's feet, raised his black and white eyes, and spoke intermittently with slurred speech.

"Blessings are like the East China Sea, good luck... great profits."

Master Hengyuan looked at him with compassion, clasped his hands and recited the Dharma in a low voice.

This black dog was the poor child rescued by Hengyuan. His teeth were wrapped in black dog skin, and he taught a few auspicious words to please the unsuspecting people and ask for rewards.

"That's all, what you did was merciful. I originally wanted to give you a warning to make you understand that Kyoto is not a place for wanton behavior, but after seeing this child, Uncle Ping Yuan died unjustly. It's not worth my taking action!"

Suddenly a clear voice came from behind Hengyuan, which surprised him. His body tensed up instantly, and he suddenly blocked the black dog and turned his head to look.

A handsome and heroic young man walked out. He was wearing a white Confucian shirt with fluttering sleeves. He was otherworldly and elegant. He looked like he had read poetry and books. The person who came was none other than Xu Zisheng. He originally wanted to warn Heng. Yuan, but seeing the miserable condition of this child, his heart was filled with anger, and he wished he could resurrect Uncle Ping Yuan and then execute him Ling Chi.

"Who are you?"

As a disciple of Buddhism, Hengyuan has superb Buddhist teachings and has entered the realm of a fifth-grade herrist, even reaching the peak of the fifth-grade. He can be regarded as a Buddhist genius. What is even more rare is that he is compassionate and does good deeds with his own body, which is admirable.

Xu Zisheng walked out of the shadow of the corner, his calm eyes full of anger, looking down at the clumsy black dog. This was a living child, tortured into this state, like a beast, life was worse than death, and the clumsy look Looking at Xu Zisheng who was approaching, his eyes were black and white, full of innocence, his speech was vague, and he spoke clumsily auspicious words.

"Blessed as the East China Sea, good luck and great profit!"

"Damn it, damn it, Uncle Pingyuan!"

Xu Zisheng has never been so angry as he is now. He did not expect that Ping Yuanbo would be so hateful and vicious, and would torture the abducted child to such an extent that his beard and hair stood on end. This frightened the poor child in front of him, and he clumsily stepped back a few steps. He was still mumbling.

"Don't hit me, I was wrong!"

The clumsy black dog-like child had panic flashing in his black and white eyes, and huddled up. Hengyuan quickly stood in front of him again, looking at the uninvited guest warily.

Xu Zisheng realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly restrained his anger and regained his calmness. However, this calmness was so silent, and there were turbulent waves hidden in it. After taking a deep breath, Xu Zisheng took a look at Monk Hengyuan.

This great monk is tall and tall, his robes are slightly worn, a thick Buddhist bead hangs around his neck, and there are two rows of scars on his bald head. He has a bitter look on his face and a pair of tattered cloth shoes on his feet. He seems to be living in extreme poverty. , but his eyes were full of peace, and he was obviously content and in a very high mood.

"It stands to reason that you killed Uncle Ping Yuan in Dafeng Capital. As a member of the distinguished nobles, I should share the same hatred with the enemy and capture you and send you to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. However, Uncle Ping Yuan deserved death and his crime was so serious that I It’s not easy to take action for this scumbag!”

"So, you don't need to be on guard, just pretend I haven't been here today!"

Xu Zisheng didn't wait for Monk Hengyuan to speak, and looked at the poor child who was huddled up again. There was a faint flame burning in his eyes, stimulating the awe-inspiring righteousness in his body, following his words, and changing the rules of the world around him.

"I say the child in front of me can regain his original appearance, be healthy and safe!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black dog skin fell off the child's body. The child grew new skin, fair and tender, and returned to his human form again. His hands and feet were intact without any injuries. A trace of astonishment flashed in his black and white eyes. With timidity, he secretly looked at Xu Zisheng.

Seeing this, Monk Hengyuan's face changed greatly. This is a Confucian way of saying things, and it can actually change the situation of the child in front of him. It's like going back in time, and his magical powers are simply amazing. It's incredible that there are such terrible Confucian students in Kyoto.

Xu Zisheng seemed to be very interested in the shocked expression on Monk Hengyuan's face. His spiritual sense swept across the entire health-preserving hall, taking in all the scenes, and a look of mercy and compassion flashed past.

The Yangshengtang is an old courtyard. The plaque on the gate has long faded in the wash of wind and frost. It is filled with many thin and dirty children. Each eye is shining brightly, which is a sign of survival. And the longing for the future is frightening.

"The Yangshengtang is an official institution of the imperial court, and I can't get involved, but I can give you an opportunity to prevent this place of merit from being contaminated by the world!"

"I said that every day, kindhearted people donate money to the Yangsheng Hall to maintain expenses!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zisheng's awe-inspiring righteousness rushed out, merged into the world, and spread to the entire Kyoto city. It seemed that something had changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

"Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and only then will the world be clear and clear!"

After Xu Zisheng finished doing this, he didn't stop. He frowned slightly and looked at the inner city. His eyes seemed to have penetrated the endless obstruction. He crossed the void and saw the Pingyuan uncle's mansion, extravagant and rich, with bells ringing and cauldrons eating. He was so angry that he could not calm down , spoke again, with a loud voice that shook the entire city of Kyoto, allowing everyone to hear his words clearly.

"Uncle Pingyuan has done many evil things and deserves death. He secretly cultivated the Yazi organization, trafficked people in the capital, and made huge profits. The Yazi abducted children and women, sold them to brothels, sold them to black workshops, trained them to be thieves, and even cut off their hands and feet. Wrapped in a black dog's skin, your conscience is completely gone, it's outrageous!"

"I say that Uncle Ping Yuan's lineage should pay for their sins, and good and evil should be rewarded. This is the justice of heaven and earth!"

The awe-inspiring righteousness soared into the sky, and it filled the entire Kyoto city. It even shook the national destiny of Da Feng and shocked the entire court. Everyone turned pale in shock and looked up at the sky, only to see the vast white aura of awe-inspiring righteousness filling the sky and the earth. In the meantime, the bright sun dimmed, dark clouds gathered, and shrouded the sky above Earl Pingyuan's Mansion. Silver snakes danced wildly and roared endlessly. Thunders fell one after another, killing the men of Uncle Pingyuan's lineage, evil servants, and even Some cunning and vicious female relatives.

"This is the great Confucian scholar who is angry, shaking heaven and earth, and punishing sins!"

"When did a second-grade great scholar be born in the world? This is enough to shake the fate of the country!"

"What a second-grade Confucian. He can shake the heaven and the earth at a thought and bring thunder and punishment to the world. He is indeed a Confucian sage recorded in the classics. His methods are magical and shocking to the world!"

"It's such an eventful time. There are only four days left for the royal family to worship their ancestors. Now a second-grade scholar suddenly appears. His life has been turbulent. We need to be more vigilant!"

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Yuan Jing stood in front of the window, looking up at the vast and majestic righteousness of heaven and earth, his expression changed, and finally he gave an order.

"Come here, tell me my message. Uncle Pingyuan has done many evil things and committed many crimes. I will deprive him of his title. I will investigate the crime thoroughly and send out the watchmen. Don't let anyone who helps the tyranny go!"

"According to the order!"

Even the emperor did not dare to ignore the great scholar's anger, and issued an imperial edict to thoroughly investigate Ping Yuanbo's affairs and to give an explanation to this mysterious great scholar.

In the Health Hall, Monk Hengyuan was dumbfounded, his heart was shaken, his fingers were raised, trembling slightly, and he could not help but say something bad.

"You are actually a second-grade scholar, how is this possible?"

"Little monk, you must keep it a secret, otherwise I will be unhappy!"

After saying that, Xu Zisheng's figure gradually faded and disappeared here. Monk Hengyuan was shocked again, and he secretly decided that he would not tell what happened today even if he was killed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the health hall, and a wealthy slave walked in with an arrogant look, threw down a money bag, and said arrogantly.

"My master is kind and asked me to donate ten taels of silver!"

After that, he turned around and left without waiting for the people in the Yangsheng Hall to react, without giving anyone a chance to thank him.

When Monk Hengyuan saw this scene, he felt even more in awe of the young man with a noble background. Such horrific methods frightened him to the point of trembling. How could there be such a terrifying existence in the world.

Thinking of this, Monk Hengyuan quickly took out the fragment of the book from his arms and entered a message.

"No. 3, are there any scholars with noble backgrounds in Kyoto?"

"No. 6, there are indeed such people in Kyoto, but most of them are useless. There is only one person who is the number one scholar in the dynasty, the son of Marquis Wu'an. He is profound in Confucianism and Taoism and is known as the number one among the younger generation of scholars!"

"No. 6, you have met Xu Zisheng, you must not conflict with him, otherwise you will definitely die miserably!"

"Don't worry, No. 3, I will pay attention!"

Number three is Xu Qi'an. They can communicate with each other through the fragments of the earth book and exchange information.

While Monk Hengyuan was communicating with Xu Qian, No. 1 was peeking at the screen, silent, secretly guessing in his mind.

"Is it possible that the great scholar who just shocked Kyoto is Xu Ziyuan? Otherwise, how could there be so many coincidences that No. 6, who killed Uncle Ping Yuan, happened to ask about Xu Zisheng's identity!"

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