I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2757: The inscription is broken and the white deer presents the mushrooms

"Oh, the sub-sage of the Imperial College! By the way, I have never been clear about the details of the grudge between the Imperial College and Yunlu Academy."

Xu Zisheng was very interested, with the word "eat melon" on his face. He didn't care about the changes in the faces of everyone in Yunlu Academy, and asked directly.

Zhao Shou glanced at the eldest princess and sighed when he saw that her expression was as usual and did not stop her.

"This matter starts from the struggle for national origin two hundred years ago."

The prince is the foundation of the country! Fighting for the country is basically fighting for the crown prince!

"At that time, Renzong was in power, and the crown prince's position had been vacant for more than ten years. The two princes were strong contenders at that time. One was the eldest son, and the other was a concubine prince born to a nobleman. The nobleman was very charming and charming. He is deeply favored by Renzong."

"Renzong planned to establish the prince who was a concubine as the crown prince. At that time, he encountered opposition from the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Renzong made many edicts, but they were all dismissed by the cabinet. The person who led the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty at that time was a scholar from Yunlu Academy. "

"To establish the elder rather than the younger, to establish the direct descendant rather than the concubine, these are the rules from ancient times, even the emperor cannot violate them."

Etiquette is the dragon-slaying art of scholars. Naturally, they insist on it desperately, hoping to limit the imperial power and strive for more political status and rights.

"Both sides were unwilling to admit defeat in this battle over national origin. The two sides fought back and forth for six full years. During this period, the cabinet chiefs and assistants changed four people, and officials in the court left one batch after another. From the capital to the localities, the people involved There are more than two hundred officials."

"Until this time, a scholar from Yunlu Academy took over the position of chief minister of the cabinet. He did not continue to adhere to the ideas of his predecessors, and resolutely devoted himself to Renzong. He resolved the matter for Renzong despite the abuse. There was a lot of commotion. The national war is finally over.”

"Yunlu Academy was disgusted by Renzong because of this incident. He realized that the existence of Yunlu Academy was not conducive to the rule of the imperial power. At this time, Cheng Hui proposed to establish the Imperial Academy and let the imperial court cultivate talents by itself."

"And the decline of Confucianism began here."

This is the origin of the dispute between Yunlu Academy and Imperial College over Confucian orthodoxy.

The Imperial College is a national university, and Yunlu Academy is a private university. How could a private university do better than a national university? When Xu Zisheng heard this, he suddenly realized.

The truth of this part of the matter has long been buried. Even Xu Zisheng has never seen the record in the books. Only the royal family, Imperial College, and Yunlu Academy know the truth.

The eldest princess's starry eyes moved slightly, and she turned to look at Xu Zisheng. She seemed to want to test Xu Zisheng, the talented and famous number one scholar, and asked somewhat casually.

"Master Xu, what do you think when you hear the truth about this matter?"

Xu Zisheng's eyes swept across the face of this cool and beautiful eldest princess. What can I do? I can just stand aside and watch!

Of course, Xu Zisheng knew what the eldest princess meant. She wanted to know her own position and point of view, so she smiled and said.

"On the surface, this matter is a fight for the country's foundation, but in fact it is a fight for power!"

"If scholars want to display their ambitions, they must hold great power, and the amount of power in a country is fixed. When you hold more power, others will lose power. The highest level of party struggle is to eclipse the emperor and become an uncrowned emperor. The emperor."

The eldest princess did it casually. When she heard this, her face changed slightly. Dean Zhao and others also looked solemn. I didn't expect that Xu Zisheng was so bold to say that he was more upright than Xu Xinnian. How could these good-looking people be so long? A mouth?

Xu Zisheng paused, glanced at everyone's reaction, and said.

"What, what I said is wrong?!"

The eldest princess and others twitched their mouths slightly when they heard this. You are right, but you shouldn't say it out loud. But since you have said it, you can only listen to it.

"You go on."

"No matter how powerful the Confucian dragon-slaying technique is, after all, the imperial power is stronger. Learn literary and martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family. This sentence says it all. Since ancient times, no matter whether he is greedy or virtuous, as long as he is a powerful minister, there will be no good End."

Of course, if the powerful minister is a tycoon with a gun in his hand, the result will be different. The unlucky one will be the emperor. A phoenix on the ground is not as good as a chicken. The outcome is unimaginable.

Xu Zisheng shook his head slightly. He would not say this last sentence. After all, he also ate. Now he was still eating in the Dafeng court, so he naturally had to restrain himself. He sighed.

“The court hall is like a battlefield, where party disputes are momentarily satisfying, and where the entire family is cremated.”

Xu Zisheng is familiar with history books and is used to seeing the rise and fall of dynasties. He is well aware of historical development. His words are obviously extremely vulgar, but they make people feel an aura of timeless time and thousands of changes. Everyone is silent for a long time.

"Of course, if your cultivation level is high enough, whether you become a super-class Confucian saint or a super-class martial god, you can be on an equal footing with the imperial power, and you can even change dynasties. You can do whatever you want!"

Xu Zisheng murmured in his heart that he was so bold that he never put the imperial power in his eyes. Although he would not rebel or cause rebellion, he could not let him surrender to the imperial power and let the emperor control his life and death.

In fact, there is no need to become a super-class Confucian saint. As long as Xu Zisheng steps into the realm of a second-class Confucian scholar, he will have the ability to influence the fate of the dynasty. Even the emperor must respect him and dare not take any arrogance. This kind of thing is possible. There are precedents to follow.

There is a place for enlightenment in Yunlu Academy. Next to the waterfall, there is a stone tablet recording the deeds of a Confucian and Taoist sage. This man's name was Qian Zhong, who was born six hundred years ago and was active at the beginning of the founding of the Dafeng Dynasty.

At that time, the previous king was ignorant, the officials were corrupt, the rich and powerful were preying on the common people, war was everywhere in the Central Plains, and rebels were separatist. At that time, the imperial court was engaged in a tug-of-war with rebels from various places for more than ten years, and the people living at the bottom were miserable.

Qian Zhong, a second-grade Confucian, traveled for three years and witnessed with his own eyes the people's desperation. Full of anger, he brought the people's grievances to the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and destroyed the few national fortunes of the Great Zhou Dynasty with his flesh and blood, and then established the country. , put down the war, and bring peace to the world.

A second-grade scholar can manipulate luck to a certain extent, and he can gather it or destroy it. Although his operation is not as sophisticated as that of a sorcerer, he has the ability to influence the rise and fall of a dynasty, but of course he has to pay a huge price.

"You're right, party strife is a temporary pleasure, and the whole family is cremated!"

Zhao Shou looked sad, as if he was very emotional, and looked at the stone tablet erected by Cheng's Yasheng.

"Yunlu Academy masters the methods of Confucianism and Taoism. Since the war over the country, there has never been a second-grade Confucian scholar. Confucianism and Taoism have gradually declined since then!"

Yunlu Academy's future in the officialdom was cut off, but it was still a holy place that controlled the Confucian practice system. What is cut off is just the official career.

Why do they keep saying that Yunlu Academy is beginning to weaken, and why in the past two hundred years, the highest level of Confucianism has only been at the third level.

That's because after the third rank, the Confucian system must become an official, which involves things like Confucian luck. Only with the help of the luck of the court, scholars in the realm of third-grade destiny can step into the realm of second-grade Confucianism, or even go one step further and become a first-grade sub-sage, which can awaken the saint's weapon and form a rule seal to suppress local luck with their own academic thoughts.

Yunlu Academy is in a weak position, not only because of the failure of the national war, but also because Cheng Shiya's suppression sealed Yunlu Academy's destiny, and the seal was the stone tablet.

"Xu Zisheng, do you know what this monument means? Why is it erected here?"

Dean Zhao Shou looked at Xu Zisheng, with a complicated expression on his face, showing sadness and dejection.

Xu Zisheng's expression was extremely calm, his eyes were as gentle as jade, and he stared at the words in the stele, seeming to see something, and said loudly.

"This is the sequel, or part, of the Confucian orthodoxy battle."

Zhao Shou was shocked when he heard this, nodded, and had a better understanding of Xu Zisheng's realm. He could actually see the secrets in it, and it was definitely not just the realm of the five moral qualities.

"You are right. This stone tablet is the continuation of the Confucian orthodoxy battle and is the seal of Yunlu Academy!"

"Back then, that Cheng Yasheng was amazingly talented. After he established the Imperial College, he knew that if he wanted to surpass Yunlu Academy, he had to have his own education system. Otherwise, the students of the Imperial Academy would still be the students of Yunlu Academy."

"So he devoted himself to studying the saints' classics, re-focused on them, and integrated his own thoughts into them. After thirteen years, he finally created an education system in which talents are better than others."

"The Neo-Confucianism that preserves the principles of nature and destroys human desires!"

Xu Zisheng continued what Dean Zhao Shou said, looking at the writing on the stone tablet, his heart full of disdain. The theory of Neo-Confucianism imprisoned people's thoughts, making everyone in the world become defenders of imperial power, and the emperor could control life and death at will. It is no wonder that in the two hundred years of Confucianism and Taoism, no one has been able to break the shackles of thought and become a great Confucian.

Zhao Shou nodded when he heard this, feeling that the word "Neo-Confucianism" was very appropriate to describe Cheng's Yasheng's theory, and continued.

"Cheng Yasheng believes that everything in the world follows a certain law. This law is called reason. Reason is the most essential thing in the world and the most correct."

"All things rely on reason to thrive. However, people will lose themselves and reason in the chaos and intertwining of all things in the world. Therefore, scholars must adhere to the principles of nature and eliminate human desires."

Preserving the principles of nature and destroying human desires is the outline of the Guozijian school of thought. Xu Zisheng studied in the Imperial Academy and had a deep understanding of this. The reason why he was rejected by the students and teachers of the Imperial Academy was because he did not agree with this theory.

"Cheng Yasheng compiled a set of rules for the saints. If scholars follow this set of rules, they will not make mistakes, they will be correct, and they will comply with the laws of heaven and earth."

"This set of rules elevates loyalty, filial piety, integrity, and righteousness to the level of heavenly principles."

"If the king wants his ministers to die, they have no choice but to die; if the father wants his son to die, the son has no choice but to die; for righteousness, one must sacrifice one's life; for one's integrity, one must die."

When Zhao Shou said this, he stopped, looked at Xu Zisheng, and asked.

"Xu Zisheng, do you think this is right or wrong?"

Of course Xu Zisheng knew that this theory was nonsense, but he couldn't say it. After all, he still needed to hang out in the court. He knew some truths, but he couldn't say them out. This was the terrible thing about the confinement of Neo-Confucianism.

"That's why we have this monument?"

Xu Zisheng turned his gaze from Zhao Shou's face back to the inscription and did not answer the question. Zhao Shou and others could understand.

A strange look flashed across the face of the eldest princess. Xu Zisheng had already stated his opinion without answering this question. He did not agree with this theoretical concept, which made her a little angry. After all, as a member of the royal family, she naturally wanted to uphold Neo-Confucianism. Doctrine and theories conducive to imperial power.

Zhao Shou and others naturally knew what the eldest princess could think about. They understood that the number one scholar who was born in the Imperial Academy was not a Neo-Confucian student, so they felt a little closer to her and continued.

"The dispute between Yunlu Academy and the Imperial College is an academic dispute and a battle of ideas. But this monument has stood in the Yasheng Academy for two hundred years. It has never fallen. The day it does not fall, the Yunlu Academy will win. But the Imperial College."

"I have been sitting in the academy for more than ten years, reading the scriptures, trying to refute what is recorded in the inscriptions, and trying to create a more mature and correct set of concepts, but I still failed."

"Because it represents truth and correctness."

Zhao Shou looked slumped, his eyes were full of exhaustion and gloom, and a sense of powerlessness filled his heart deeply, and he sighed.

"It's not just me. In fact, all the great scholars in the academy, sir, are competing with this inscription, but no one can succeed. How can anyone refute Ya Sheng's ideas?"

"What is that blank tablet over there for?"

Xu Zisheng's eyes moved slightly and he looked at the wordless tablet beside him. It was completely blank, and he had a guess in his mind.

"I erected it there, but for more than ten years, I have never put pen to paper on it."

Zhao Shou pointed to the table next to the blank stone tablet and said again.

"Later, some students and great scholars tried to write inscriptions on the stone tablets to compete with Cheng Yasheng's inscriptions, but they would be wiped off the next day. However, the pens and inkstones on the table remained, maybe because I still had a little hope. "

"Because of this, whenever students have a sudden idea and feel good about themselves, they come here to write inscriptions. Unfortunately, the person I expected never showed up."

"Dedicate yourself to death to repay your kindness, and be famous for generations to come!"

Zhao Shou looked at the words inscribed by Cheng's Yasheng, and his heart was extremely sad. Yunlu Academy has been suppressed by these words for two hundred years, and its future is dark. When will it be able to be glorious again and let Confucianism and Taoism flourish!

The king is more important than the common people in the world. Xu Zisheng had a clear answer in his heart and was very disdainful of this sentence.

If the king wants his minister to die, he must die. Why? If the father wants the son to die, the son has to die. Why?

The Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Virtues are a cage that restricts people's thoughts, which makes Confucianism and Taoism lonely and becomes a joke of other cultivation systems. In the past, when Confucianism and Taoism were glorious, other cultivation systems were just juniors, not worth mentioning, and could not shake the big brother of Confucianism and Taoism. status.

Xu Zisheng thought of this, turned to look at the table next to the stone tablet, and said to Xu Qian beside him.

"I am a student of the Imperial College. You are not a scholar, but just a rough martial artist. I want to write a sentence on this stone tablet today. I wonder if you would like to grind it for me?"

"The pen and ink placed here are meant for people to write. Since Mr. Xu wants to write, I am naturally willing to help."

Xu Qi'an is also a bold man, and he is also very curious about what Xu Zisheng will write on this stone tablet.

"Well, after I finish writing today, if you have nothing to do, how about I invite you to listen to music in Goulan?"

When Xu Qian heard this, he was in high spirits. He walked to the desk in a few steps and started to sharpen his ink.

Xu Zisheng dipped his pen in ink and walked to the blank stone tablet. What he had seen and heard over the years came to mind. The officialdom of the Dafeng Dynasty collapsed, and the palace was full of beasts and beasts. Everyone was loyal and patriotic, but they never bowed to the people at the bottom. A look of pity.

He thought of the arrogant and domineering posture and extraordinary force of the powerful children riding horses in the street, which made the shortcomings of the feudal dynasty more vividly displayed; it also made the people at the bottom not even have the courage to resist.

In the history of the real world, if the dynasty is corrupt, the government collapses, the people have no food to eat, and the people are in dire straits, at least the common people can rise up and rebel. But in this world, the common people do not even have a chance to revolt, and they will be transcended. The force was quickly suppressed and extinguished.

Xu Zisheng took a deep breath, exhaled heavily, condensed the unwillingness and resentment of the people of this world into the tip of his pen, and landed it on the stone tablet.

"The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the most important!"

Xu Zisheng succeeded in one fell swoop, which made the eldest princess change her mind. She didn't expect that Xu Zisheng would actually write such a sentence. This was obviously the idea that the people should value the monarch, and it was a philosophy completely different from Neo-Confucianism. She finally understood why the people in the Imperial College rejected Xu Zisheng Well, this scholar is obviously a real scholar, understands the way of heaven and earth, and sticks to his true nature. He is the scholar that the emperor hates the most.

The eldest princess also understands why. Xu Zisheng has been in the official position for three years. He has obviously achieved outstanding political achievements and has a prominent family background. Until now, he is only a fifth-grade criminal minister. This is because the ministers of the dynasty deliberately suppressed him and did not want this alien to stand in the official position. Above the court.

"Students should establish their mind for the heaven and earth, establish their destiny for the livelihood of the people, carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations!"

After writing, Xu Zisheng felt refreshed. He threw away the pent-up energy in his chest and spoke loudly.

Boom! In the minds of Zhao Shou and others, it was as if a thunderbolt struck, splitting open the chaotic spiritual consciousness and breaking the shackles of the soul. They looked at Xu Zisheng blankly, not knowing if it was an illusion, but they seemed to see a flash of rich purple energy above Xu Zisheng's head. This was the aura of a saint!

Click! The stone tablet next to it suddenly made a cracking sound, and a huge crack appeared running through the top and bottom. Everyone was shocked. Before they could react, the entire Yasheng Academy trembled, the dome fell into dust, and the candlesticks fell over.

A fresh air surged from the sculpture of Ya Sheng in Yunlu Academy, breaking through the white clouds on the top of the mountain. Strange phenomena were seen dozens of miles away.

"what happened?"

A powerful force of luck rushed out from the underground of White Deer Academy and filled the void. Everyone present, except for the Xu Qian brothers, was not in a state of high enough and lacked the corresponding treasure means, so they could not see the two seals of Yunlu Academy. A hundred years of great fortune, covering the sky and the sun.

Zhao Shou and others were stunned and looked up at the sea of ​​clouds. Yunlu Academy's two hundred years of luck had finally broken through the suppression of the Cheng Family's Yasheng Stone Tablet, and the academy could finally rise.

When everyone looked at the shattered stele of Cheng's Yasheng, their pupils shrank unconsciously. This meant that the seal that suppressed Yunlu Academy's luck was finally broken. In the era when Yasheng did not appear, someone could actually shake the Cheng's stele. Everyone The depths of his eyes were filled with shock and confusion.

The eldest princess was able to observe the changes in luck in Yunlu Academy with the help of her special magic weapon. She was surprised, and her thoughts surged. After thinking for a long time, she felt that this was a good thing and would help break the current situation in the Dafeng Chaotang. deadlock.

Amidst the overwhelming luck in the sky, a white deer stepped out of the clouds, holding a colorful Yunzhi in its mouth, and came to Xu Zisheng. The white deer knelt down on its front hooves and brought its head close to him.

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