I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2750 The third grade establishes your destiny. Let me taste the sweetness for you.

Emperor Yuan Jing's words made Xu Zisheng famous, and he was a talented person. This rating was really not low. No one among the descendants of important officials in the court had received such a high rating.

The ministers in the court also deeply agreed with this statement. At a young age, he had reached the fifth level of Confucianism and Taoism. He followed his words and turned Zhou Li into a black dog. With such a cultivation level, his descendants are indeed better than Not on.

Thinking of this, all the officials in the court couldn't help but get furious. The dandies in Kyoto were in bad luck. For some reason, my father and ancestors were always very angry, and he would hit them with sticks at every turn, urging them to be motivated and studious, which really made them suffer a lot.

However, Xu Zisheng was not affected by this incident. He had nothing to do all day long, listening to music, drinking and having fun, going out during the day and returning home at night. He lived a regular life, which could be regarded as adapting to the life of becoming an official in advance.

After nearly a month, the results of this examination finally came out. The servants of the Marquis Wu'an Mansion went outside the imperial city early to wait for the release of the gold medal. The Marquis Wu An knew that with Emperor Yuan Jing's words, his son would definitely not win. He will fail the rankings, so he is not worried about Xu Zisheng's results, but he is still somewhat hopeful about his ranking.

Only Xu Zisheng seemed to have nothing to do and went to Goulan Brothel as usual, drinking, listening to music and dancing, enjoying himself until noon, when servants from the Wu'an Hou Mansion hurriedly broke in to announce the good news to Xu Zisheng.

"Second Young Master, I'm hit, I'm hit!"

Naturally, everyone knew that today was the day when the results were released. When they heard the commotion, they all looked up and focused their attention on the villain, wanting to know which young master's high school Jinshi had entered the officialdom, jumped over the dragon's gate, and changed their destiny.

The servants of Wu'an Hou Mansion trotted and stopped in front of Xu Zisheng. They bowed and saluted. Their faces were full of joy and excitement, and their voices were hoarse.

"Master, you are in high school!"

"First place in the first class, you won the top prize!"

This world is slightly different from the ancient Chinese dynasties. There is only a joint examination, not a palace examination. Ranking in the scientific examination is entirely based on articles and knowledge. Xu Zisheng, who ranked first in the first class of high school, won the first place in the joint examination and shocked everyone.

"Ugh, good wine!"

Xu Zisheng seemed not to have heard the servant's announcement, and was drinking wine by himself. His expression was calm and unhurried, which made everyone watching couldn't help but admire him. This was the elegant demeanor of the No. 1 Scholar.

"As expected of the number one scholar, he has a calm demeanor and remains unmoved in the face of great joy!"

"It's true that Wenquxing came to earth, and his demeanor is different from ordinary people. If it were me who won the top prize, I would be so happy that I would never be able to find the north!"

"You, pull me down! Don't say you will be the number one scholar in this life, it will take a lot of effort to become a scholar!"

"You're not much better. Neither of us are good at studying. Don't make fun of the other?"

"That's right, let's listen to the music and enjoy the dance!"

"Yes, yes, let's listen to the music and enjoy the dance. How about we become friends? We are in the same boat! We're in the same boat!"

Seeing that Xu Zisheng had no reaction, the servant took a step closer again and shouted loudly.

"Master, you have won the top prize in high school. The Marquis is very happy and wants you to go back to the house to hold a banquet to entertain guests!"

Xu Zisheng raised his brows. He already knew his results because he sensed that the luck of the court had fallen on him, which allowed his already loose cultivation to take a further step. He entered the third level of Confucianism and Taoism, and became the realm of destiny. A cultivator above the ordinary.

At this time, the sky outside was filled with purple energy, dyeing the sky. The heaven and earth were filled with a peaceful atmosphere, as if a saint had come to bless the world, causing countless people to look up to the sky and exclaim in surprise.

"This is a natural phenomenon. Someone has been promoted to the third level of destiny!"

“I don’t know which great scholar made a breakthrough, but now it’s going to be a storm!”

"A great Confucian who is comparable to Zhao Shou, the dean of Yunlu Academy, has appeared again in the Confucian family. Now it's interesting!"

"Now His Majesty is afraid of the group of noble nobles who came from the Imperial Academy above the court. Their dragon-slaying skills have caused Dafeng's national power to decline in recent years and the country's fortunes to be sluggish. He is trying to invite Zhao Shou, the dean of Yunlu Academy, as a Check and balance, come to be the tailor of a dynasty, but Zhao Shou has never agreed to become an official!"

"Now in Kyoto, a great sage of the third grade of Confucianism has appeared again. I don't know what kind of changes it will cause."

Xu Zisheng put down his wine glass and nodded slightly. He was very satisfied as he shouted loudly to his servants. Just do it louder so that everyone can hear it and cast their eyes on me. It feels good to be worshiped and awed by others. !

Xu Zisheng is such a superficial person. He enjoys the attention of everyone at this time. The corners of his mouth are slightly raised and he secretly thinks in his heart.

"Is this the luck of the court? It actually helped me enter the realm of the third level of destiny in advance. I was born with a vision and a saint was born. I am afraid that this will alarm many people!"

"However, what does this have to do with me? I just have nothing to do today and am just listening to music. Who would have thought that a great Confucian who is in the realm of the third level of destiny can actually be a young boy!"

Xu Zisheng shook his head slightly to stop the servant from continuing to shout. He stood up slowly and stretched. The breath in his body continued to surge, and the bones and blood roared, but he used Confucianism and Taoism to firmly lock the breath. He was both civil and military. , Confucianism and Taoism have made breakthroughs, martial arts has also made progress, and an important step has been taken, entering the fourth level of artistic conception.

The fourth level is a very important stage for a martial artist. It determines the path he will take in the future. He will realize his own special abilities and be able to initially fly in the air. "Intention" is the prototype of "Tao". Those who are good at swordsmanship will understand the meaning of the sword; those who are good at swordsmanship will understand the meaning of the sword and cannot change it. This is the true meaning of a fourth-grade martial artist.

"The luck of the imperial court is indeed magical. No wonder Xu Qi'an will go smoothly in the future, his cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds, and he will become the pillar of Dafeng. This guy is responsible for half of Dafeng's national destiny."

In the Battle of Shanhaiguan twenty years ago, a mysterious warlock, together with the leader of the Gu tribe's Tiangu tribe, stole half of Dafeng's national destiny. This half of the national destiny fell on Xu Qian's head. This was related to his father Xu Pingfeng. .

"Let's go back home. The days ahead will be difficult. I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to have nothing to do and listen to music!"

Xu Zisheng stepped forward and walked outside. Everyone along the way gave way and looked at this new champion with awe and a bright future.

When Xu Zisheng returned to his mansion, it was naturally very busy. Relatives and friends related to the Wu'an Marquis Mansion came to congratulate him. Dozens of tables were filled with dignitaries and dignitaries. Even the most trusted eunuch of Emperor Yuan Jing, who was the greatest contributor to the Battle of Shanhai, came to the house to congratulate him. Wei Yuan, the leader of the watchmen, all sent gifts.

Although Wei Yuan was an eunuch, he was capable of both literary and military skills. He was not only a second-grade martial artist in the realm of Hedao, but also a master of the art of war in the world, especially good at Go. He was the most relied-upon minister of Emperor Yuan Jing, and was in charge of the yamen.

What kind of organization is the watchman? Similar to the Jinyi Weidong Factory in the Ming Dynasty, it was a knife in the hand of the emperor. The watchman organization was engaged in reconnaissance, arrests, interrogations and other activities. He also participated in gathering military intelligence and instigating rebellion against enemy generals. It does not belong to the Six Ministries, nor does it belong to the military system. It is the intelligence organization of the royal family, and it is also the guillotine hanging over the heads of officials.

All officials in Dafeng have heard a saying: If you don't do anything bad during the day, you won't be afraid to call the watchman at night. The main duty of the watchman is to supervise the officials and protect the capital.

Among the watchmen, the lowest level is the white servant, who has no organization and does odd jobs. Next is Tongluo, a serious watchman, at least in the Qi training realm, with a monthly salary of five taels of silver and two stone meters. Upward is Yinluo, where you can enjoy the treatment of hundreds of households. Above the silver gong is the gold gong, the highest-level position. There are only ten Jin Luo in the capital of Dafeng, who directly obey orders from Wei Yuan.

The watchman is the sharpest knife in the hand of Emperor Yuan Jing. Wei Yuan is the most loyal mastiff of Emperor Yuan Jing. He suppresses the national destiny and supervises all officials. He has great power. This is also the reason why Emperor Yuan Jing has been cultivating Taoism for 20 years and can still firmly control it. The key reasons for government affairs.

Xu Zisheng and a group of new scholars did not see Emperor Yuan Jing. This monastic emperor wanted to live forever and had no time to take care of these raw melons and eggs who had just entered the officialdom. Instead, they were summoned by the prince and announced the arrangements for them. .

As the number one scholar this time, Xu Zisheng was assigned to the Criminal Department and became a sixth-grade chief officer. He was one grade higher than the second-class Jinshi. He was considered to have won at the starting line and became the target of Renren's project.

In the days that followed, Xu Zisheng worked step by step and went to work at midnight every day. It was very boring. The Criminal Department had countless backlogged cases. Xu Zisheng was very busy. However, the results were obvious to all. He cleared many old cases without making a single mistake. The operation and reputation of the Ministry of Punishment have been improved, and even Emperor Yuan Jing praised it greatly.

As a result, Xu Zisheng was promoted from the sixth rank to the rank of chief official to the rank of Yuanwailang. From the fifth rank, his official career was prosperous and he rose to prominence, which made Wu'an Hou Xu Shijun very satisfied.

After another half a year like this, the peaceful life finally took a turn for the worse. Xu Zisheng's long-awaited drama finally took place, and Zhou Xianping's good days came to an end.

On this day, at 2:00 a.m., it was still dark, Xu Pingzhi, a member of the Royal Sword Guards, escorted a batch of tax money into Beijing. At 10:00 a.m., they walked to Guangnan Street. Just after crossing the bridge, a strange wind suddenly blew up. The horses were frightened and rushed. Enter the river on the street.

In an instant, a deafening explosion was heard, the river water exploded six feet high, and the turbid waves surged into the sky. The soldier responsible for escorting the tax money jumped into the river to look for silver, but only found 1,215 taels of silver, and the remaining 150,000 taels of silver disappeared!

This incident was so sensational that Emperor Yuan Jing was alarmed and ordered the Jingzhao Mansion to recover the tax money within seven days before Xu Zhiping was beheaded. In addition, Da Geng and Si Tianjian were dispatched to assist in the investigation.

Xu Zhiping suffered a catastrophe this time. His tax money was lost and he could not escape the blame. All three tribes were imprisoned. It was at this opportunity that Xu Qi'an traveled from the blue planet to this world. Fell into a state of confusion.

Xu Zisheng looked in the direction of the prison of Jingzhao Mansion. A clear air rose in his eyes, and he looked into the void. There was an extremely secretive destiny rising up there. It was huge in red and purple, soaring straight into the sky, with a cover on the outside. , white luck, just like ordinary people, if Xu Zisheng was not skilled in the art of looking at the qi, he could break through the disguise, and would not be able to see this grand luck, which would be half of the great luck of the country.

"Xu Qian, this boy is really lucky. If this great fortune falls on me, I will be able to step into the realm of Confucian sage in one day, achieve the pinnacle of super level, and be invincible in the world. It is very simple to change the world!"

"Now that Xu Qian is here, the drama is about to begin. As an official of the Ministry of Justice, it is only natural and logical for me to get involved in this matter!"

Xu Zisheng went to Jingzhao Mansion. He had already asked the Minister of Punishment to take charge of the trial of this case and assist Jingzhao Mansion in solving the case of missing tax money.

The case of missing tax money was a hot potato, and no one wanted to take it forward. Seeing this, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue was naturally happy to go along with the situation and leave this big trouble to Xu Zisheng.

Jingzhao Mansion, back hall. After three consecutive days of busy running around, several people responsible for the disappearance of the tax bank gathered together.

Chen Hanguang, the Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture, held a white porcelain blue and white tea cup in his hand, the tea lid gently tapping the rim of the cup, his face solemn. The fourth-rank official, who was wearing a scarlet robe and embroidered with clouds and wild geese, said with a bitter look on his face.

"There are still two days left. The Holy Lord has ordered us to recover the tax money before Xu Pingzhi is beheaded. You three adults must hurry up."

The three people Jingzhao Fuyin mentioned were middle-aged men wearing black uniforms and black cloaks. They had high nose bridges, slightly sunken eye sockets, and light brown pupils. They looked like they were half Southern Barbarian.

Another oval-faced girl in a yellow skirt has picturesque eyebrows and smooth skin. She is holding a sugar cane in her hand. She has a small deerskin bag and a Bagua Feng Shui plate hanging around her waist. Under her skirt is a pair of embroidered shoes. The small boots with moiré pattern, sitting on the chair, swinging the little feet, looking very relaxed.

These two people are assisting in handling the case. The middle-aged man is Li Yuchun. He comes from an organization that is extremely feared by Dafeng officials: watchmen.

And the girl in the yellow skirt is from Si Tianjian. She has a high status and is a disciple of Si Tianjian.

The last one was Xu Zisheng. There was no trace of anxiety on his face. He looked at the sugar cane in the hand of the girl in the yellow dress with bright eyes. He seemed to be interested and asked.

“Is sugar cane sweet?”

The girl in the yellow skirt was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Xu Zisheng with some surprise. She naturally knew that this number one scholar, who was praised by Emperor Yuan Jing, was born in a marquis palace, had a noble status, abandoned martial arts and followed literature, and cultivated the five-character virtues, which was better than her own His cultivation is much stronger and he is a famous hero in Kyoto.

"I don't know, I haven't eaten yet?"

The girl's voice was light and sweet, as agile as a lark. Her big black and white eyes looked at Xu Zisheng with a bit of curiosity. She was obviously very interested in Xu Zisheng, a genius, and wanted to see how he was different from ordinary people.

Xu Zisheng stretched out his palm and spread it in front of the girl in the yellow dress. The girl didn't know why. Xu Zisheng looked at the sugar cane and gestured. The girl in the yellow dress put the sugar cane into Xu Zisheng's palm in confusion.

Xu Zisheng held the sugar cane and took a bite on the spot. The juice was full and extremely sweet. He nodded and said.

"This sugar cane is good, it tastes sweet!"

"This is my sugar cane!"

The girl in the yellow dress looked at Xu Zisheng with great sadness, then she realized what she was doing and exclaimed.

"I'll taste it for you to see if it's sweet or not!"

"Do you still want?"

Xu Zisheng took another hard bite, handed the remaining sugar cane to the girl, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The girl in the yellow dress looked at the bitten mess of sugar cane, wondering how she could want it again. She shook her head slightly and said in disgust.

"You've already eaten several mouthfuls, how can I still eat!"

"It's so hypocritical. If you don't eat it, I'll fall down. I'll eat it myself!"

Xu Zisheng naturally knew that the girl would not go back. After all, men and women were here to guard against each other. The Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Principles of Neo-Confucianism were no joke. How could the girl bet her reputation for a piece of sugar cane?

The middle-aged man with a silver gong embroidered on his chest glanced at the bagasse spitted out by Xu Zisheng that was spread around his feet, frowned, and twirled his palm, causing the airflow to roll and gather the bagasse together. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, showing a flash of joy. He was obviously a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder and severe mysophobia.

The middle-aged man from Yinluo replied to the governor of Jingzhao with a heavy face and a low voice.

"This case is shrouded in mystery and is very strange. Maybe we are going in the wrong direction."

"Master Li, where do you start with this statement?"

The governor of Jingzhao frowned. After analyzing the case so far, it was basically confirmed that a monster was responsible for the crime and robbed the tax money.

"We don't have much time. What we should do now is to catch the troublemaking monsters as soon as possible. Don't think about these messes."

In recent years, the national treasury has been empty, and famines have often occurred in various places. The tax amount of 150,000 taels is equivalent to the tax revenue of an ordinary county for one year. Emperor Yuan Jing's anger is understandable.

"I don't have any money to begin with, and you still make me lose my money. I'm so angry."

Jingzhao Prefecture Yin took over the case conscientiously, and the burden on his shoulders made him unable to eat well or sleep well recently.

The middle-aged man shook his head and asked instead without arguing.

"What new gains did Xu Pingzhi have?"

Jingzhao Fuyin shook his head, sighed, and said.

"A martial artist can only keep shouting about injustice. He doesn't even know how he lost his tax money."

The girl in the yellow dress spoke, and glanced at the sugar cane in Xu Zisheng's hand, and said with a bit of resentment,

"I've watched his anger, and he's not lying."

Li Yuchun and Jingzhao Fuyin nodded and did not continue talking about this person. As a criminal, Xu Pingzhi was the first to be investigated and tortured, and his interpersonal relationships and financial status were all examined. Coupled with Si Tianjian's Qi-gazing technique, the suspicion has now been eliminated.

Of course, the tax money was lost and Xu Pingzhi was derelict in his duties, so he could not escape the death penalty. The middle-aged man, the girl in yellow skirt and Jingzhao Prefecture Yin looked serious and felt heavy.

Only Xu Zisheng, who had a noble identity and high status and knew the whole story, gnawed the sugar cane carelessly and deliberately spit the bagasse at Yin Luo's feet. He looked at the corners of his eyes twitching, as if he had endured great torture.

At this time, footsteps were heard, and a yamen servant hurried in, holding a small bamboo tube in his right hand and a butter paper bag in his left hand. Inside was a steaming big meat bun. The yamen servant first handed the bamboo tube to the girl in the yellow skirt. .

The girl in the yellow skirt didn't answer, and glanced at the big meat bag with her bright eyes like stars. The officer changed the order wisely, and the girl in the yellow skirt happily gnawed the big meat bun. Then she took the bamboo tube, pulled out a piece of paper, and started reading.

"My people said that no evil spirits were observed in Hanoi for twenty miles along the way, and there were no traces on the shore."


The oppressive atmosphere finally broke. Jingzhao Fuyin slammed the table angrily, his face turned livid with anger, and he said angrily.

"Where can I take the 150,000 taels of silver? It has to go ashore, it has to go ashore. It's been three days, and I haven't even found a trace of the other party."

"Damn it, if any monster dares to intercept my large tax collection, I will destroy it physically and mentally!"

If the tax money cannot be recovered, he will have to take the blame. The emperor will not care whether he has been wronged or not. If he sits in this position, he will have to take the blame. This is what officialdom is like. It's hard to climb up, but it's easy to fall down.

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