I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 273 Huashan Tiehanhan

"In fact, I could have left a long time ago, but my connection with the world is still intact. I have to leave in a few years at most. I have been living in seclusion in Huashan for so many years and have never ventured out in the outside world. It is because the world keeps urging me to leave. I The current cultivation level has exceeded the endurance range of the world, and a little carelessness will cause harm to the world, so I can only continue to suppress the growth rate of my cultivation level, but even so, it can only delay it for a few years!" Zhu Xiao didn't hide his situation this time. He didn't want Zhu Houzhao to delay his steps because he thought he was behind him, causing him to leave without taking action.

"I understand, I will speed up!" Zhu Houzhao looked at Zhu Xiao with envy and heavy eyes. This was the banished immortal who was destined to be in the immortal class. The emperor himself was also very envious.

"It's good that you understand. It's time for me to return to Huashan. Please take more care of Huashan in the future!" Zhu Xiao stood up, looked back at Zhu Houzhao who was sitting upright, and disappeared into the palace.

Zhu Houzhao put the memorial in his hand aside and stared blankly at the night outside the palace. He didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression was confused.

After a long time, Zhu Houzhao came back to his senses and shouted, "Come, tell Cao Zhengchun to come!"

The little eunuch outside the hall immediately bowed and entered the hall, knelt on the ground, "Here!"

Huashan Siguo Cliff, this place has not changed much from when Zhu Xiao left.

Although it was only a few days, Zhu Xiao missed the people of the Huashan Sect. Standing on the Siguo Cliff, looking at the Huashan Sect's station on the mountainside, he took the initiative to walk down the Siguo Cliff for the first time.

"You should tell Master, so that Huashan will not be prepared at all after you leave!" Zhu Xiao felt a little sad when he thought about the farewell in the future.

Although I don’t know what Yue Buqun in other worlds is thinking, Yue Buqun in this world only has one daughter, Yue Lingshan. In addition, Zhu Xiao is his first apprentice and he grew up with his own eyes, so Zhu Xiao is Xiao regarded him as his own son. Zhu Xiao's feelings for Yue Buqun are definitely no less than those for Zhu Hongxin. After all, he and Yue Buqun have been getting along day and night for fourteen years, and they are much closer than they were with Zhu Hongxin even though they were together less and more apart.

Zhu Xiao walked on the narrow and steep path, his thoughts kept diverging, and unknowingly he fell into a state of half-thought. He kept walking, but his spirit was already invested in the void. In this situation, Zhu Xiao had already I was used to it, so I wasn't surprised at all, and there was no slight ripple in my heart.

When Zhu Xiao's spirit returned from the void realm, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I can't suppress my cultivation level in this realm no matter how hard I suppress it. Even if I deliberately don't practice, I will still have continuous enlightenment, which will lead to the continuous improvement of my cultivation level. Years is already my most conservative estimate!"

"White clouds come out of Xiu, there are phoenixes coming, heavenly gentry hangs upside down, white rainbow penetrates the sun, green pines welcome guests, golden geese cross the sky, boundless falling trees, green mountains are faint, ancient cypresses are thick..." One after another shouts appeared in Zhuxiao. In Zhu Xiao's ears, Zhu Xiao's expression moved, and there was a feeling in his heart. He unexpectedly changed the direction of his steps and walked in the direction of the sound.

"It's still wrong. It seems that my qualifications are really dull, but I believe that as long as I keep practicing, I will one day master the essence of Huashan swordsmanship." A disciple wearing the robe of a Huashan disciple held an iron sword in his hand. Sword, he continued to practice Huashan's basic swordsmanship, but the swordsmanship moves in his hands were dull, lacked change, and lacked any spirituality.

Zhu Xiao carefully looked at the Huashan disciple in front of him, and saw that he had a male-female appearance, a delicate face, and was very handsome. The makeup on his face could make him a diva. It seemed that this Huashan disciple must be more like his mother, otherwise he would not have given birth. So delicate. But for such a handsome young man, there was a trace of determination between his eyebrows, which made people dare not underestimate him.

Although he only took a cursory look, Zhu Xiao dared to conclude that this person was a resolute person, soft on the outside and strong on the inside. He had strong principles and was definitely a trustworthy person.

Zhu Xiao's heart moved, and he thought of the current Huashan Sect. If he leaves in the future, there will be no one among the disciples who can support Huashan. Although Linghu Chong has excellent qualifications, his character is really innate. He is a carefree and wandering person. Temperament, I am afraid that he will not be suitable to take charge of Huashan in the future. Although the qualifications of the disciple in front of me are not outstanding, although a warrior looks at his qualifications, the final thing he looks at is his character and ability. I met him today by chance, so I might as well leave a legacy for Huashan. A seed will give you one more choice in the future.

"Cough!" Seeing that this Huashan disciple was unaware of his arrival and was just immersed in sword practice, Zhu Xiao couldn't help but nodded and coughed.

"Who is there?" The disciple was awakened and turned around with his sword in hand, looking at Zhu Xiao.

"It's me!" Zhu Xiao walked out of the darkness and came to this disciple.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is the headquarters of the Huashan Sect? Your visit late at night is too disrespectful of our Huashan Sect!" This disciple is not high in cultivation, but he does value the honor of the Huashan Sect. The sharp sword in his hand was straightened, just waiting for Zhu Xiao's answer. If Zhu Xiao answered incorrectly, I'm afraid there would be a dispute.

"Uh, you don't know me?" Zhu Xiao himself forgot that he had been thinking about Guoya all year round and never went down the mountain. Many new disciples did not know him, the senior brother of the Huashan Sect, and had only heard of his name.

"Do I need to know you? I wonder who you are?" This disciple looked a bit naive. He couldn't help scratching his head after hearing this, lowered the tip of the sword slightly, and asked Zhu Xiao.

"Zhu Xiao!" Zhu Xiao couldn't help but feel a slight embarrassment at the reaction of the disciple in front of him. It seemed that he, the senior brother of the Huashan Sect, was really incompetent. His junior brother didn't even recognize him. If Lu Xiaofeng knew this, he would still laugh to death.

"Zhu Xiao, this name sounds familiar?" I didn't expect that this disciple was really a fool. When he heard Zhu Xiao's name, he didn't react for a while. He stood there and thought hard, trying to remember where he was. Have you ever heard of this name before?

At this time, Zhu Xiao regretted that he had looked at this disciple differently. Even if he taught him something, would he really be able to support the Huashan sect in the future? Why did he feel that this guy was less reliable than the prodigal son Linghu Chong, at least Linghu Chong was quite sane, not as stupid as the idiot in front of him who was scratching his forehead and constantly wondering who he was.

"I remembered, it seems that the name of my senior brother of Huashan Sect is Zhu Xiao?" This disciple looked at Zhu Xiao with some uncertainty, as if to ask Zhu Xiao for confirmation whether the senior brother of Huashan Sect was named Zhu Xiao. .

Zhu Xiao didn't want to mention the depression in his heart. He didn't want to say anything and could only nod helplessly, which was regarded as answering the other party's inquiry.

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