I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2698 A talisman creates the world, the real son of Pluto

Outside the tiankeng in the extreme western wasteland, more than two thousand miles east from here, we reach Wei City in the northern border of the Tang Dynasty. The wasteland outside the city was soaked in blood for a long time in that battle. The high towers piled up have long been in decay. Today, they were illuminated by the light. Instead of being purified, more blood and putrid smells evaporated, which was particularly pungent, and the runes formed by the footprints left on the blood field , and it becomes clearer.

There is a line between Tiankeng and Weicheng, which is the beginning of a stroke. This stroke continues to extend to the southeast and reaches Xiling, finally landing on Lanke Temple.

The rocks in the mountains and valleys in Washan suddenly lit up. This stroke across the continent from east to west was the one written by Zhao Wuhao. There are also strokes along the Min Mountain, through the incomplete Helan City, to the far north cold region, and ending in the snowy peak. This stroke across the north and south of the continent is the one written by Zhao Wuhao.

One stroke and one stroke, two strokes intersect in Chang'an City. Outside Chang'an City, the viewer remained silent. In Chang'an City, Master and others were also silent. In the human world further outside Chang'an City, all living beings were silent. The entire human world fell into silence at this moment. It was extremely quiet, as if waiting for something. It was necessary to concentrate and hold your breath, not daring to make any sound.

Deep in the wilderness of the far west, a terrifying sound suddenly sounded. The serfs stared blankly at the bottomless abyss that appeared at the bottom of the sinkhole, wondering what had happened.

The abyss spread rapidly to the southeast. The abyss was a crack in the earth, and the ground was cracking. The crack came to Weicheng in an instant, swallowing up the wilderness full of sin and blood. The crack reached Lanke Temple and finally entered the sea.

The same crack appears in Minshan Mountain, reaching into the cold snowy sea, just like someone holding a branch and writing on the sand. This is Zhao Wuhao writing, he is writing a talisman, this is an unprecedented large talisman.

This big talisman only has two simple strokes. This is the simplest and most complex word: person.

The viewer looked at the distant Western Wilderness and the distant Northern Territory. With two simple strokes, the whole world was cut into two cracks. He was silent for a long time.

Many years ago, Master Yan Se and Wei Guangming almost died together on the Nameless Mountain in the north of Chang'an City. At the last moment of his life, Master Yan Se once saw a distant scene, which is the great talisman written today. The big talisman he saw had only two simple strokes. It started in the north of the wasteland, one stroke fell to the west, and the other stroke fell to the east. They met in Chang'an City. It was an upright human character.

But today, the human character written by Zhao Wuhao started in the west of the wasteland, one stroke fell to the southeast, and the other stroke fell to the north, still meeting in Chang'an City, but this human character is crooked.

If Jun Mo were asked to write this character, he would definitely write it in an extremely upright way. If a person is not upright, how can he stand between heaven and earth!

However, Zhao Wuhao is the best calligrapher in the world. There is no need for others to write this human character. His understanding of people has reached an extremely profound level. The human characters he writes are unique and will never be written by Jun Mo. Unable to pronounce words.

If people are not upright, how can they stand in heaven and earth? This concept is wrong. If there is a heavy rain, people will hide in cliff caves. If there is thunder and fire, people will hide in reeds. Why must people stand upright to the sky? No matter how you write or place the character "human", you can't fall down. This is what a human being is.

"When eternal night comes, the brilliance of the sun will be completely covered, and the sky and heaven and earth will fall into darkness. People will rejoice because that is how to live truly."

Back then, Zhao Wuhao got the Book of Heaven with Ming characters from Li Manman's hand. The last sentence recorded on it described the scene of eternal night.

Countless years ago, the Buddha studied the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book and then wrote an annotation on the Mingzi scroll. There are similar records in his notes.

"In the end of the eternal night, the moon will appear and nature will be reborn. Only in this way will the world not be destroyed, and the world will have another way out. In this case, the Jinghou Long Night is coming, so why bother to forcefully act against heaven? Could it be that this day is also waiting for the night? The arrival of the night? Or is it afraid of the arrival of the night? Is it the night itself that it fears, or the moon that comes with the night?"

Suddenly, the sky was dark and the earth was dark. The bright moon was blocking the sun and the earth. A solar eclipse appeared. The sky and the earth were about to fall into eternal night. However, the stars in the sky suddenly shook, casting endless starlight and illuminating the night sky. It brought a glimmer of light to the world and prevented the coming of eternal night.

The world is dark, the sun is blocked, and the Kingdom of God is hidden in the thick ink, so dim that it is difficult to see. The viewer floating in front of Chang'an City has an extremely complicated expression.

The rules gathered in him have lost their origin of power, how can he still fight? The beam of light that descended from the Kingdom of God has long since dispersed and disappeared. The heat of the world has long been replaced by coolness. There is no longer any power that can stop the great talisman written by Zhao Wuhao.

Two abyss spread rapidly on the surface of the earth. The character "人" became larger and larger. The ground was like a piece of paper being bound, and then slowly rose up, bringing with it a sound like thunder. This process was very slow. , but unstoppable.

After an unknown amount of time, the horizon appeared on the horizon. From the sailboat on the other side of the sea, only the tip of the sail could be seen. If you stood high enough, you could even see the slightly curved arc in the distance.

The world where the sky was round and the earth was round has changed, and the earth has become round. This is the birth of a new world, and the rules have changed. Even if Haotian logs into the Kingdom of God again, he will no longer be able to control the human world, because the rules have changed. She It also changed.

Countless desires and wishes came from all over the world, gathered together, and were turned into mysterious power by the Shocking God Formation. Countless cracks appeared on the walls of Chang'an City.

Zhao Wuhao stood in the dark sky, looking at the looming Kingdom of God, and waved his hand gently. Silently, a colorless, transparent light beam shot from Chang'an City toward the night sky and into the Kingdom of God.

The moon was still in the night sky, but the sun seemed to be closer to the ground, revealing its bright edge. The light came to the world again, but it was no longer as fierce and terrifying as before.

The pale sky turned blue again, and three cracks appeared on the blue sky. They were far away from the three cracks on the earth, and they were all the same as a human figure.

That transparent light pillar contains unimaginable power, and it is about to tear the sky directly. The light pillar is transparent, but the breath inside is not pure. It is extremely mixed. Hundreds of people have hundreds of millions of wishes. How can it be completely completed? Consistent, but extremely vivid.

Deep in the blue sky, the looming Kingdom of God weathered and decayed at an unimaginable speed under the wash of human power, and then collapsed into the finest dust. The next thing that cracked and collapsed was the azure sky itself. The sky turned into countless thin jade flakes as light as goose feathers, scattering to the world one after another, no longer able to cover people's eyes looking at the outside world.

What's up in the sky? It used to be the kingdom of God, but now that the kingdom of God has been destroyed, what is there?

It was a pitch-black universe that looked extremely cold and desolate, without any human habitation. It gave people an extremely uneasy feeling, like a real ghost.

The whole world fell silent again, no one spoke, but the same thought invariably arose in their hearts, and this thought was filled with fear and awe.

"Is this the underworld?"

In the vast and vast universe, there is a burning fireball. It is a star. Judging from the color of the star's surface, it is still very young. There are seven planets orbiting the star.

In the orbit about 1.5 billion kilometers away from the star, there is nothing. It is blank there, or it can be blank, because the system is stable, but for some reason, there is always a feeling that something is missing.

Suddenly, the space there was slightly distorted. After a short time, two clear cracks appeared on the surface of the distorted space. After a long, long time, the cracks curled up and then disappeared. A blue The planet appears there.

It is difficult to describe the changes in this process. It seemed that the planet took a long time to emerge from the crack in space, and it seemed that it appeared on this orbit instantly.

The reason why the planet is blue is because the ocean covers most of the surface. With the sudden appearance of the blue planet, an invisible gravitational wave spreads in all directions.

The galaxy surrounding that star showed signs of instability. Fortunately, the few massive planets in this galaxy were far enough away from the blue planet. But its appearance eventually had an impact. The orbits of several planets suddenly changed, or it took a long, long time before they stabilized again.

What's even more unfortunate is that the space about 300 million kilometers away from the star is densely covered with countless asteroids. The sudden appearance of the blue planet is like a delicious cake, attracting them.

Countless asteroids and even small meteorites left the space where they originally settled and flew quietly towards the blue planet. Naturally, it was impossible to go in a straight line, but there was always a moment when they met.

There was deathly silence in the universe, and the faint trails trailed by those asteroids and meteorites were like the traces of death.

The sky is full of meteorites, coming towards the ground in the dark night sky. In a moment, the world will be destroyed. Above the sky, there is indeed the underworld.

"It turns out that he is the son of Hades."

The viewer looked up at the night sky, looking at the tall and elegant figure, and the thought came to his mind: Wei Guangming was wrong, the world was wrong, and even the Master was wrong.

The underworld is a legend and a lie from Haotian. This is now an accepted statement.

Many years ago, Wei Guangming saw Ning Que in Chang'an City and thought that he was the son of Pluto; later, Sangsang was considered to be the daughter of Pluto. Finally, the Master said that there is no Pluto in the world, and there is no daughter of Pluto, only the daughter of light.

After going around and around, the fog finally dissipated, and the son of Pluto finally fell on Zhao Wuhao. He destroyed the world of Haotian and ushered in a new world. However, this new world did not exist for a long time. Come destruction.

The real universe is so desolate, dangerous, and cold. How is it different from the underworld? Zhao Wuhao did not lead the underworld to the human world, but brought the human world into the underworld. He is of course the son of Hades.

Zhao Wuhao seemed to hear the viewer's thoughts. He slightly opened his mouth with a bright smile. He didn't expect that he would be regarded as the son of Pluto. It was really ridiculous. Who is Pluto, but he dared to be his father!

With a thought in Zhao Wuhao's mind, changes took place in the universe. Countless stars shined brightly and shed starlight, illuminating the dark and lonely universe. It was magnificent, mysterious and bright, and a galaxy hung in the vast and endless universe. It brings endless shock and emotion.

Then, another shadow appeared above the human world, blocking the blue planet and the meteorite, turning into an indestructible barrier.

The ocean faces the stars, and the land faces the depths of the universe. From where the viewer is, he can see the sky full of stars and the moon showing its true appearance. With his level of cultivation, he can naturally see clearly. It is a sphere made of rocks. The surface is extremely smooth, reflecting the light behind the earth. It is extremely perfect. Or it should not be called the moon, but should be called the moon. Moon.

The bright moon blocked all the meteorites, and the loud rumbling noise could not be transmitted to the ground. People on the ground felt the same.

Such intensive impacts and such terrifying power would make it difficult for even those at the pinnacle of Zhiming or even great practitioners who have surpassed the five realms to survive. That bright moon has withstood all the attacks for human beings. Can it withstand it? ?

After an unknown amount of time, the terrifying crashing sound finally stopped.

The moon is no longer perfect. It is full of craters formed by impacts. Magma is erupting everywhere, forming high or low places. Some places are bright and some are dark. This kind of moon is really not good-looking, even a little ugly. But it's still perfect in people's eyes.

The Master has been silently guarding the world for thousands of years and transformed into the moon. Although he has been reborn and returned to the world again, the moon will still protect the world for hundreds of millions of years!

The night ends and morning comes. The sun rises slowly from the east. The sky reappears. It is still blue, but it is more indescribable than before. The sky is wider and there is endless space behind it.

The human world has changed, it is no longer the same as before, but the human world has not changed, because the place where everyone lives is the human world!

To a certain extent, practitioners are no longer human beings, they are non-human beings, they are superhuman beings with the power to change the world.

Suddenly, a straight white line suddenly appeared in the sky, and at the front of that white line was a practitioner.

The cultivator was wearing a blue gown, which was sometimes illuminated red by the morning sun. He was a casual cultivator from the Liang Kingdom. His realm was not very advanced, but he could still fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

The white line flew out of the atmosphere and flew towards outer space. He laughed. Then, thousands of thin white lines rose from the ground and flew out of the atmosphere. The front end of each white line was a A famous practitioner, the picture is spectacular.

Humanity has begun its new journey.

In today's world, a white line will appear anytime and anywhere, which means that a practitioner has left the world.

Cultivation is not a gift given to mankind by Haotian, but a wish of mankind. Practitioners are the most curious and have an extremely strong desire to explore. They want to experience sights they have never seen before. They have no fear of the seemingly dangerous outer world, only longing.

Zhao Wuhao smiled happily when he saw this scene. He looked down at the people in Chang'an City and spoke slowly, as if sending an invitation.

"Coming or not?"

The Master looked at the world that had changed so much, with a happy smile on his face. Hearing this clear voice, he looked up and replied as if he was in the academy back then.

"Come on, come naturally!"

After that, the two largest and thickest white lines appeared in the world. They should not even be called white lines, but pillars of light. They went straight into the vast starry sky and disappeared in the eyes of everyone in the world. No one knew about the scholar and the master. Where have you gone, and will you return to the human world?

However, even if they return to the human world again, it will be different from now. After all the changes, the human world will be a different scene.

Li Ziyi stood up slowly, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and opened the heavy curtains. The bright sunlight passed through the crystal clear glass and fell on him. The golden light was bright and gorgeous, shrouding him in it, making him as sacred as a god. , full of meaning of light, how could such a person be the son of Pluto, more like the god of light, bringing warmth and love to the world.

When Liu Qianqian heard the movement in the bedroom, she jumped up from the sofa. She ran barefoot without slippers and ran behind Li Ziyi. With a bound, she jumped in. In mid-air, it landed on Li Ziyi's back, and his warm and white arms hugged Li Ziyi's neck tightly.

Liu Qianqian put her little head on Li Ziyi's shoulder and found a comfortable position to rub it. She looked satisfied and happy. Her nose twitched slightly and she smelled the aroma of shampoo coming from the tip of her nose, which seemed to be full of sunshine. , she liked it so much that she couldn't help but bring her cherry lips closer to Li Ziyi, who was turning his head, and touched the lips with a flick of water.

A bright smile bloomed on her pretty face. It was more gorgeous than the peonies in Luoyang. It was so beautiful that it made people fascinated.

Li Ziyi's clear and bright eyes revealed a doting gaze. He gently patted the round part of the beauty behind him with his palm, full of elasticity, and said with a smile.

"Come on down, I'm hungry!"

Liu Qianqian nodded obediently, fell off Li Ziyi's back, turned around and was about to enter the kitchen. She wanted to cook delicious food for her lover.

Li Ziyi's eyes moved slightly, looking at the exquisite little feet, frowning slightly, and said softly with a bit of blame and tenderness.

"You're not wearing shoes, aren't you afraid of freezing?"

Liu Qianqian shrank her delicate body, as if she felt guilty, and stuck out her little tongue. She was very cute and charming. Her eyes were soft and soft, and she quibbled in a low voice.

"Isn't it too late for me?"

Before she finished speaking, Liu Qianqian suddenly let out an exclamation, her body felt weightless, and her whole body was lying in mid-air. Feeling the warm breath, looking at the handsome face so close, she smiled foolishly and tried her best. Lifting his little head, his cherry lips pressed against Li Ziyi's lips again, and the sweet breath filled the air.

Li Ziyi's brows widened, and the smile on his face became brighter. He took a step forward, hugged the beauty, and walked into the living room. He gently placed her on the sofa, reached out and gently scratched Liu Qianqian's nose. He said helplessly.

"Be good and read here for a while while I go cook!"

Liu Qianqian looked at her lover who turned around and walked towards the kitchen. She quickly put on her slippers and trotted into the kitchen. Her sweet voice echoed in the house.

"I don't want to stay on the couch by myself, I want to cook with you!"

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