I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 27 Explain the reason

Neji recalled Hyuga Hizashi, his father in this life, the first man Neji saw after awakening for the first time in this life, and the man who had the deepest influence on him in his three lives; Neji's previous two lives. An orphan, only this time he had a father. Even if Hyuga Hizashi didn't act like a loving father, he never said a word of concern to him. But Neji knew that Hinata Hizashi loved him deeply.

Hizashi became a branch because he was born later than Hiashi. Although Hizashi complained, it was not too strong. Until Neji was born, he showed talents and talents that far exceeded Hinata Hinata. Cai Cai has a strong unwillingness, resentment towards the caged bird, and resistance to fate.

In order for Neji not to be labeled as a caged bird, he even had murderous intentions towards Hyuga Hinata, the eldest lady of the clan, so much so that Hinata used the caged bird as punishment.

The things Hinata Hizashi did, it was obvious that he cared for Neci. It was precisely because of this that when Hizashi decided to commit suicide in place of Hinata Hizashi to appease Kumo Ninja's anger, Neci took the risk of being exposed. He revealed the secret that he was no longer restricted by the caged bird to Hizashi, and also showed his strength to Hizashi, all in order to prevent Hizashi from dying.

In the end, Hinata and Hizashi's choice shocked Neji greatly. It was also the first time for Neji to understand the cruelty and true meaning of the profession of ninja. Hizashi chose death for the sake of freedom, and he truly said that life is precious, and love is more valuable. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away.

"I should have done this." Neji's face was full of memories, and he was in a daze.

"Then why didn't you do this? After all, with your strength, you should be able to do it, just like Uchiha Itachi, wipe out the Hyuga clan." Nara Shikaku said frightening words, without any scruples, and he didn't care at all The dissuading look of a friend.

"It's different. Uchiha Itachi had a Hokage-like consciousness, loved peace, and put the village before his family, so he reluctantly wiped out his family for the sake of the peace of the village." There was regret and regret in Neji's expression. Admired, he sighed. Uchiha Itachi was a man who was in darkness, but his heart was full of love and light. His thin body seemed to support all the sins of his family and the village. Underneath the seemingly calm appearance is a fiery heart.

"How is this possible? Isn't Itachi Uchiha a heinous traitor? In order to test his strength, he ruthlessly killed all his clan members." Kai's tone was full of disbelief, and his voice suddenly doubled in pitch. Under the excitement of the mood, the range of body movements became larger.

"Kai, keep your voice down!" Yamanaka Haiichi quickly covered Kai's mouth, turned his head and looked around, his heart full of regret. This kind of thing should not be discussed in such a public place. Kai's reaction was really too big , it will attract the attention of interested people.

"It's okay, Yamanaka-senpai. No one will disturb us, and no one will hear us. You can rest assured." Neji looked at the overreacting Kai and the nervous Yamanaka Haiichi, and his tone was full of confidence.

Yamanaka Haiichi looked at the lively scene around him. All the diners were enjoying their food and talking about their own topics with great interest. He completely ignored their conversations and turned a blind eye to them, as if they didn't exist in this barbecue restaurant. .

A strange feeling arose in several people's hearts. It seemed that they did not exist in the same space as the diners around them. They seemed to be in another world, but they were still accessible.

"It's such a powerful illusion, it actually makes people completely ignore our existence!" The Yamanaka clan has always been good at spiritual magic, and the family's signature ninjutsu is the heart-turning technique, which controls the enemy's spirit. Able to invade and read the memory of the deceased, and possess the special ability to transmit information to companions, possessing powerful perception ability.

But even though Yamanaka Kaiichi is the leader and strongest person of the Yamanaka clan, and his mental power is far stronger than that of ordinary family members, he still did not realize when and how Neji cast the illusion. This is surprising. The depressing conclusion made Yamanaka Haiichi both frustrated and frightened. This means that there is a huge gap in strength between them and Ningji, and they have no power to fight back in front of Ningji.

"I don't want to take revenge on the Hyuga clan, not because I love the village and my family, but more because I have no reason to take revenge on the clan. I met and communicated with my father on the night he died." Neji finally looked calm. It broke the usual calmness and revealed a bit of sadness.

"My father initially chose to die in place of the clan leader. He had the destiny of protecting the clan given to him by the clan. He also had dissatisfaction and resentment towards the Hyuga clan's clan and clan system. It was more of a reluctance to be unable to break his destiny. ." Neji's voice was low, and the sadness on his face was inevitably revealed, completely losing his usual calmness and peace.

"Ningji!" This was the first time Kai saw such a weak and helpless Ningci. From the first time he saw Ningci, Kai never treated Ningci as a child. Ningci has always given people the impression of being confident. , the winning ticket is in hand, look at the situation with a cold eye, and don’t worry about anything. But looking at Ningci who showed sadness, Kai realized for the first time that Ningci was just a 12-year-old child.

"It's okay, Teacher Kai!" Neci looked at Kai and smiled, feeling warm in his heart. The feeling of being cared about was so far away and unfamiliar to Neci. Although these things have passed now, Neji can still remember his powerlessness at that time.

"Actually, that night I tried my best to stop my father's choice. I showed my strength in front of my father without reservation. I also told my father the secret of breaking the caged bird. He was very happy." Neji thought about Hizashi's reaction at that time, with a bit of complacency on his face.

"I thought my father would give up his choice to die because of my existence, rekindle hope, and no longer succumb to fate." A bitter smile appeared on Neji's face.

"On the contrary, my appearance made my father more determined to die in place of the clan leader, because from then on, he no longer chose death because of the so-called fate of dividing the family to protect the clan, but to protect himself. My brother, my family and my village were willing to die. My father believed that this was the first free choice in his life, although it was also the last, even if the price was death."

"I can only respect his choice, because it was the freedom that my father gained by breaking the caged bird. If I stop him, then I will become his new caged bird." There was a bit of admiration on Ningci's face, and he was full of respect for Hizashi. Fear of life and death, pride in freedom of choice, and a bit of unwillingness. If he had the strength now, Hizashi would not have to face this choice.

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