I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2673 The unlucky little fat man warns the God of Light

"It's my turn!"

Chen Pipi said this honestly, put down the chess piece in his hand, and was about to get up and leave.

Wei Guangming raised his head strangely, opened his drooped eyelids slightly, looked at Chen Pipi in confusion, and said again.

"I mean who should make the move."

The fat on Chen Pipi's face trembled, like a heir, and his big eyes stared at the skinny old man. After thinking for a moment, he slowly sat back on the chair again, picked up a sunspot with his fingers and gently dropped it.

Old Wei Guangming put his hand into the chess urn and took out a white piece. He didn't drop it for a long time, as if he was thinking about how to deal with it.

Sangsang didn't know how to play chess, and his opening move was a bad one. No matter how the old man thought about it, he couldn't get back the situation.

As the chess pieces fell one after another, Black's situation was obviously better, and he was about to win the middle game. However, Chen Pipi did not show any pride on his face. His expression was extremely solemn, and his temples were even wet with sweat. The round cheeks kept flowing downward.

On the contrary, the old man's expression was calm and relaxed. While drinking the tea that Sangsang had just brought, he sat down casually and said with emotion.

"I haven't touched chess pieces in the past fourteen years, so I'm really rusty."

Hearing the words fourteen years, Chen Pipi wiped the sweat from his face nervously, secretly crying out for bad luck, and screaming crazily in his heart.

"It is indeed him, it is indeed him!"

Wei Guangming looked up at the little fat man, with a bright smile on his face, and asked.

"I asked you to play chess earlier, why did you leave?"

Chen Pipi didn't dare to be clever at this time and said honestly.

"Because you are stronger than me and I can't beat you, so I just leave."

The strong in Chen Pipi's words does not refer to chess, but to the strength of cultivation. Facing such a great priest of light who may have entered the realm of apocalypse on the throne of God and under the sky, he has no chance of winning.

The old man looked at the sweat dripping down Chen Pipi's fat face, with a somewhat unhappy smile, and asked in confusion.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid of you."

Chen Pipi was rarely so honest. She was as honest as a quail, trying to shrink her bloated body into a ball and make the old man ignore her existence.

Wei Guangming shook his head, sighed, and said sadly.

"I have served Haotian all my life, not because I want others to be afraid of me."

“The original intention and the result often run counter to each other.”

What Chen Pipi said made perfect sense. It was rare to hear such philosophical words from this cynical and mischievous little fat man.

The old man looked at him deeply, his smile became much brighter, giving people a warm feeling, and he suddenly said.

"Your surname is Chen?"

"Yes, my name is Chen Pipi."

The old man nodded and showed a clear look. He already knew the identity of the fat man in front of him. Although he had been imprisoned for fourteen years, his information was not blocked. He could even be said to be well-informed. There were few things he didn't know. matter.

"You also know that not long after I came out, when I was in Taoshan, I heard that you ran away from the temple and are now worshiping the Master?"

Chen Pipi stared at the chess pieces on the chessboard, not daring to look directly into the old man's eyes, and whispered.


"Then why are you afraid of me? Even if you are not Master's direct disciple, for the sake of looking at the temple, will I still make things difficult for you? Taoshan is not far from the temple."

Chen Pipi raised his arm again, wiped the sweat from his face, suppressed the tension in his heart, dropped a sunspot on the chessboard, and remained silent.

This is what Chen Pipi is most worried about. The biggest reason why the Great Priest of Light was imprisoned was because of the Temple Master, who even knocked him down. As a disciple of the Temple Master, how could he not be afraid of this representative of light in the world? .

The old man lowered his head and looked at the sunspots falling from Chen Pipi, shook his head slightly and said.

"It is said that the world is like a chess piece. In my opinion, the world is not a chess piece, but a chess path. No matter how far away the two lines are, they will always intersect."

Chen Pipi had a bitter smile on his chubby face and said with a somewhat sad voice.

"I would rather be a chess piece. Black and white will never touch."

"It's a coincidence. I just met a monk from the temple yesterday."

Chen Pipi was stunned, looked up at Wei Guangming, and said in surprise.

"There are actually people in Xuankong Temple in Chang'an?"

Chen Pipi knew that when the first Xuankong Temple came to Chang'an, it was repulsed by Zhao Wuhao, who promised not to set foot in the Tang Dynasty again. Unexpectedly, there were still monks who dared to stay in Chang'an City. Aren't they afraid of the academy taking action?

"He is blind and not very conscious. It may take some time to recover!"

Chen Pipi took a breath of cold air, and his bloated body suddenly jumped up. Although his feet were only two inches off the ground, they made a huge sound, which clearly showed how heavy this body was, which made the ground shake a few times. Down. He scratched his head in annoyance, stared at the old man, and said with a trembling voice and anger.

"Look! Look! The people in the temple are blind if you say you are blind. So what if I am from the temple? I have met you by fate, but you insist on asking me not to be afraid. Isn't this teasing? ?”

"That monk is the illegitimate son of a great lecturer. You are different from him."

Chen Pipi was completely numb when he heard this. Isn't he also an illegitimate son? Moreover, he was the illegitimate son of the viewer. He believed that the old man said this on purpose. Cold sweat flowed downwards. In just a moment, he lost all his weight. A little lighter, which shows how nervous he is.

"How are you doing, Master?"

Chen Pipi shook his head. He had never gone back since he ran away from home and became estranged.

"I have been coming to the academy for many years. I don't know how he is doing now. He is probably still wandering around."

The old man nodded. He actually knew the whereabouts of the viewer better than Chen Pipi.

"He is usually used to staying on the southern sea."

At this time, Sang Sang came over with the new urn in her arms. The bacon in the backyard was still hanging on the pine branches. She used heavy firewood to make a fire. She didn't need to keep an eye on it for the time being, so she came over to ask the teacher's opinion.

"How about this urn?"

The brightest smile appeared on Wei Guangming's face, bright and warm. He raised his head and asked curiously.

"What is it used for?"

"Chicken soup."

Sangsang answered very succinctly. Except when facing the young master, she would always speak so succinctly to anyone, and she would not care whether the other party could understand him.

"Isn't there an old urn at home?"

Wei Guangming looked at the little maid in confusion and asked in confusion.

Sangsang was somewhat respectful to the teacher and spoke a few more words to explain.

"The old urn is too small. When the young master comes back, he is worried that the chicken soup will not be enough for the three of us."

At this moment, an uninvited guest came to Ning Que's small courtyard again. He was strolling in the courtyard wearing a Confucian scholar's shirt, with his hands behind his back, like an old scholar. He walked in slowly and heard that the little maid Talking about stewing chicken soup, he quickly opened his mouth.

"Stew more chicken soup. I just got up and haven't eaten yet!"

The visitor didn't know what politeness meant. He walked up to Chen Pipi with a lazy spirit, pushed him away unceremoniously, sat on a chair, and said with great disgust.

"You little fat guy, you don't have any sharp eyesight, you don't know how to give up your seat, and you want me to do it myself!"

Chen Pipi has never been as happy as she is now. She is happier to see Zhao Wuhao than to see her biological father. She has the brightest and most sincere smile on her face, and is more cordial than the girl from the brothel seeing Jin Jin.

"How did you come?"

"Just like someone else, come to beg for food!"

Having said that, Zhao Wuhao turned his eyes to the dark-skinned little maid. This was Haotian's human body, the son of Pluto that Wei Guangming was pursuing so hard. The fate was so wonderful that not even Haotian could grasp the trajectory of fate.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and make some chicken soup! I've traveled all the way, but I'm hungry!"

Sang Sang is a stingy person. She learned this from Ning Que. She was not happy when there were two more people eating. Doesn't it mean that there are more dishes for the extra pair of chopsticks? With Chen Pipi’s figure, she needs to add at least two dishes, right? If it's still meat and vegetables, how much more will it cost?

"Who are you and why should I make you chicken soup?"

Sang Sang felt that she could not waste the young master's money, and was not happy to let Zhao Wuhao eat here, with an obvious tone of rejection.

"I am a teacher in the academy and the husband of your young master. As a teacher, can't I come to a student's house to visit and not even be able to drink chicken soup?"

Sangsang was unmoved. The young master was not at home. He was arranged by the academy to go to the frontline and border for trial. The academy teacher was doing a home visit at this time. He was obviously here to make money. As long as it involved money, this dull little boy The maid is very smart!

Seeing Sang Sang's attitude, Chen Pipi was secretly happy. Now he was fine. Not only was he deflated, but Zhao Wuhao, who was such a stinker, didn't even give face to him. His injured and fragile mind suddenly became much more balanced.

Perhaps because of Zhao Wuhao's appearance, safety was guaranteed, so Chen Pipi became a little more lively and said to the little maid with a smile.

"He is Professor Zhao Wuhao from the academy. You probably don't know him!"

When the little maid heard this, her little face changed a bit. She looked at Zhao Wuhao with bright eyes and immediately changed her words.

"It turns out to be Mr. Zhao! Don't worry, there's enough chicken soup for you to eat as much as you want!"

Chen Pipi's eyes widened. He had learned just how cunning and stingy the seemingly dull little maid in front of him was. Not only did she defraud him of a hundred taels of silver, but she didn't even want to take care of a morsel of food. Why did she suddenly suddenly So generous?

"I am Ning Que's senior brother. You don't even give me face. Why are you treating him so differently??"

Chen Pipi was very unhappy with the change in the attitude of the little maid from being arrogant to being respectful. In terms of relationship, he and Ning Que were both students of the Master and brothers in the same school. Zhao Wuhao was just a teacher in the academy and had taught Ning Que some calligraphy. , far less intimate than senior brothers.

"The young master often talks about Mr. Zhao, saying that he is a good man and is kind to the young master!"

"Treat your benefactor with respect and respect!"

The little maid also followed her young master in this regard. She must retaliate for any injustice, but she also knows how to be grateful and repay.

The little maid clearly remembered that because her young master had no qualifications for cultivation, he fainted and felt depressed every day in order to embark on the path of cultivation. Until one day, he wrote in big letters all night, saying that this was Mr. Zhao's punishment for him. Little maid This was the first time I saw my young master accepting punishment so happily. Even after not sleeping all night, he was still in high spirits.

Since then, his young master has embarked on the path of spiritual practice. Now he has entered the second floor of the academy and has become a disciple of Master Yan Se. He is famous in Chang'an City and has become a hot and eye-catching existence.

Zhao Wuhao nodded with satisfaction and watched the little maid running towards the backyard in a hurry. Then he looked at the little fat man Chen Pipi. Seeing that his whole body was soaked with sweat, he curled his lips and asked teasingly.

"Chen Pipi, you are covered in sweat, are you suffering from kidney deficiency?"

"It's really pitiful. He has become like this at such a young age. What will he do in the future?"

Chen Pipi couldn't bear the contempt and sympathy in Zhao Wuhao's eyes, so she stamped her feet angrily and shouted loudly.

"You fart, my young master is in great shape, how could he have kidney deficiency?"

In order to enhance the credibility of his words, Chen Pipi kept patting his chest with his chubby palms with great force, making a muffled sound, which made him look extremely heroic.

"The sweat on your body is either because of kidney deficiency or because you were frightened!"

"It's really embarrassing. As a disciple of the Master, you are still in Chang'an City. What do you have to fear?"

"Is it possible that there are still people who dare to threaten the students of the academy in Chang'an City?"

Having said this, Zhao Wuhao's eyes shifted and fixed on Wei Wei Guangming, who was sitting across from him. His eyes were unparalleled and sharp, and he instantly felt the holy brilliance in the old man's eyes.

"Ah, isn't this the Great Priest of Light from Xiling Temple?"

"I have heard about the famous name for a long time, and you are the only one on Taoshan who has achieved some achievements. As for the others, even Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, is just a mediocre person!"

"The seat of the God of Light is pure and quiet. He is said to be the person closest to Haotian spiritually in the world, but no one in the world knows that the Great Priest of Light is not an ordinary Great Priest of Light. Counting back twenty years, the master of the temple The two divine thrones of Judgment and Heaven may not have killed as many people as you."

"No wonder you can scare the shit out of this little fat guy!"

"This happened more than ten years ago, and I am no longer the Great Priest of Light!"

For the first time, a solemn look appeared on Wei Guangming's face, and there was unconcealable shock in his eyes, and he said quietly.

Ever since Wei Guangming escaped from the Peach Mountain Cage, he was no longer the Great Priest of Guangming in the Xiling Temple. He was just a skinny old man who believed in Haotian and was bright both physically and mentally.

Wei Guangming's reaction was far less intense than that of Chen Pipi standing beside him. The fat man widened his bean-like eyes, breathed heavily, glared at Zhao Wuhao, and retorted loudly.

"Who's pissed? I'm so hot that I'm sweating, can't I?"

"It's so hot in winter that you're sweating profusely?"

Zhao Wuhao looked at Chen Pipi like a fool, full of ridicule and disdain.

"I have lots of meat and lots of firepower!"

For the sake of his own face, Chen Pipi found all the excuses. No matter what, Chen Pipi was definitely not frightened by Wei Guangming, he was just sweating because of the heat!

Wei Guangming looked at Zhao Wuhao quietly. Even though he had taken a crucial step and briefly entered the realm of apocalypse, he still could not lock the aura of the young man opposite him, nor was he even sure of victory.

"What a great Zhao Wuhao, no wonder he is considered second to Ke Haoran!"

Although the Great Priest of Guangming has been imprisoned for fourteen years, he is still well aware of the outside world. He has also heard of Zhao Wuhao's name. He didn't take it seriously at first. Ke Haoran is a real genius. He is stunningly talented and not just anyone can be praised. Ke Haoran is the second best.

"Ha! Ke Haoran is second?!"

There was disapproval in Zhao Wuhao's voice. To others, this comment was a compliment, but to him, it was a derogation.

Wei Guangming's heart moved slightly, and he understood Zhao Wuhao's arrogance a little better. The young man in front of him disdained to be second to Ke Haoran.

"Who should go?"

The same words were spoken by different people. Zhao Wuhao twisted the sunspot in his hand, looked at Wei Guangming opposite, and asked him.

Wei Guangming lowered his head and looked at the black and white chessboard. Everything in the world was like chess. In the same words and in the same scene, he seemed to have switched identities with Chen Pipi.

"It's my turn!"

After that, Wei Guangming dropped a white piece, the light was bright and sacred, with a faint smile on his face, waiting for Zhao Wuhao's response.

Zhao Wuhao dropped the black stone in his hand on the chessboard. Suddenly the light disappeared and darkness enveloped the whole chess game. The situation of the whole chess game suddenly became clear. The white stone had no way to survive and was unable to recover.

Wei Guangming sighed, surrendered, and the divine light ignited in his eyes again. It was bright, pure and concise, making people seem to see two rounds of the bright sun, shining on all things.

"I lost!"

At this moment, the little maid had brought up the hot chicken soup and invited everyone to eat.

Zhao Wuhao smiled, stood up and sat down at the dining table. He picked up a bowl of chicken soup. It was not too hot. He lowered his head and took a sip. It was extremely fragrant and delicious. This is not the most praiseworthy thing about chicken soup. The most amazing thing is that the chicken soup has a taste of home.

Zhao Wuhao nodded with satisfaction, put down the soup bowl in his hand, looked at the swarthy little maid, and praised.

"No wonder Ning Que got drunk and was thinking about this bowl of chicken soup. He wrote the chicken soup post, which is very popular!"

Ning Que got drunk in Hong Xiu Zhao, but still missed the little maid, so he wrote the so-called chicken soup note in the brothel.

"Sang Sang, Master, I'm drunk today and won't come back to sleep. Remember to drink the leftover chicken soup on the pot."

It was this chicken soup post that made Yan Se discover the seed of Ning Que as a Talisman Master and wanted to take him under his wing.

"The young master likes my chicken soup the most. If Mr. Zhao likes it, drink an extra bowl!"

The little maid treated the young master's benefactor with great respect, with a somewhat sincere smile on her face.

"It tastes good. Have another bowl!"

Chen Pipi devoured the food on the side. He didn't know what politeness meant when it came to delicious food. He finished the chicken soup in the bowl first, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

The little maid ignored him, as if she didn't hear what the little fat man said, so Chen Pipi got up helplessly and started to do it by himself. He also understood that he had no status in the little maid's place.

After an unknown amount of time, several people were drinking chicken soup with their heads down, not talking. The atmosphere seemed solemn and dull, making people feel an invisible pressure.

"The chess game is over and the chicken soup is drunk. It's time to get down to business!"

Zhao Wuhao put down the soup bowl in his hand, looked up at Wei Guangming, and said in a deep voice.

"I don't care why you came to Chang'an City, this is the academy's territory, and you won't be allowed to be presumptuous!"

"If it's a dragon, just lie down for me; if it's a tiger, just lie down for me!"

Zhao Wuhao was like the leader of a gang fighting for territory, he said very arrogantly, overflowing with domineering attitude and looking down on all living beings!

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