I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2661: Hiccup, return favor

For a character like Chao Xiaoshu, any enemy vulnerability is an opportunity for him. He felt that the layers of silk wrapped around his heart had loosened a little, and the pain from thousands of needles in the sea of ​​​​qi was a little weaker. His steady steps suddenly faltered, and he heard a clear whistle, and his green clothes rolled up in the rain. Flying, his whole body turned into a fallen leaf and floated towards the carriage!

The burly coachman on the coach snorted, and whipped the riding whip made of unknown material in his hand. The extremely dim khaki light in the coarse clothes on his body suddenly appeared and disappeared. It was obvious that he was a warrior.

A great master of mind who is old and frail and in an astonishing state will inevitably have powerful attendants, and Chao Xiaoshu naturally knows this.

With a whip, the wind and rain broke away, and the wet green shirt on the little tree was blown by the strong wind. At this time, his body had turned into a fallen leaf, and he avoided it very softly. In his left hand, The two index fingers joined together to form a sword strike, and they stabbed the body of the coachman's attendant from a distance. Where the fingertips were pointing, a white line suddenly appeared in the blown rain.

The coachman groaned again, and whipped his whip around in the air, drawing an arc to crush the finger. Just as he was about to swing his whip again to stop him from heading toward the tree, he was interrupted by severe pain in his lower abdomen. He widened his eyes and looked down, only to see a sword blade inserted deeply into his stomach!

The cold spring rain came in from behind the curtain, Chao Xiaoshu's face was pale, his eyes were bright, and he waved away the short stick that Xiao Kuyu was attacking towards him. The sword piece flew out of the coachman's belly and pierced Xiao Kuyu's sole.

Xiao Kuyu howled in pain like an old and dying beast. Because of the severe pain on the soles of his feet, his meditation was interrupted again, but his old palms like dry branches were already opened like cattail fans and were about to be photographed!

With an expressionless face, Chao Xiaoshu slammed his head into the old man's arms, dispelling the blow that the other party had concentrated all his mental power on. He pulled out a sharp dagger from between his boots with his backhand and plunged it into the old man's neck!

puff! One sword, two swords, three swords, four swords and ten swords!

Chao Xiaoshu knelt on Xiao Kuyu's skinny body, holding his right shoulder firmly with his left hand, and stabbing him with a sharp dagger in his right hand. There was no expression on his face. The blood sprayed on the green shirt, turning into inexplicable meanings. of colorful flowers.

In the end, only a thin layer of skin and flesh remained on the old man's neck, and even Haotian could not resurrect him. Chao Xiaoshu took back the dagger in his hand and slowly stood up in the carriage.

The other carriage at the entrance of the alley has not moved, and has been parked quietly in the majestic spring rain. Whether it is the initial massacre, the fierce battle in the palace, or the thrilling arrow sword slayer in the street, It didn't move the fat young man in the carriage. He just looked at his lotus-jointed hands and pointed in silence.

There are several generally accepted laws in the world of practitioners. Mind masters of the same realm can basically sweep away their fellow sword masters and talisman masters of the same realm. However, the final result of tonight's battle was somewhat unexpected.

"It's also a high-level Dongxuan realm. The great swordsman actually killed the great mind master. It's really hard to understand. But Chao Xiaoshu, you are really amazing. The battle between practitioners was unexpectedly carried out by you. The taste of iron blood."

Although the slightly fat young man was young, he was already a worshiper of the Prince's Palace. He silently admired Chao Xiaoshu's strength in his heart, but his eyes were still full of indifference. Previously, he didn't bother to take action, but he believed that as long as he No matter how powerful the person who takes action against Xiaoshu or in the dark is, there is only one way to die, because he is the invincible Wang Jinglue under Zhi Ming.

"Let's go, let me go and give this Chang'an Night Legend a final ride!"

Wang Jinglue gently rubbed his smooth and tender fingers and said with a slight smile. His words were full of strong confidence and a trace of excitement that could not be concealed. He would be very excited every time before killing a truly strong man. .

The carriage did not move, and no one answered his orders. Wang Jing frowned slightly, and a few rare fine lines appeared on his tight and broad forehead. He squinted his eyes, feeling the vitality around the carriage through the thick curtains. Fluctuation, but did not find anything strange, nor did anyone find anyone peeking in the alley.

There was deathly silence inside and outside the carriage, with only the sound of rain accompanying him. This young man, who was said to be invincible below the realm of destiny, felt a strong warning sign in his heart, but felt that this warning sign had no reason. He sat quietly in the carriage , was silent for a long time, listening to the sound of rain outside the car, and suddenly stretched out his hand to lift the heavy car curtain in front of him.

The car curtain lifted a corner, and suddenly the corner of the curtain floated out lightly, floated half a foot away, and then landed lightly on the ground.

Wang Jing slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the corner of the curtain between the rain in the distance. He flicked his right finger slightly, and the curtain in front of him swung again, and then without any accident, it split again and turned into pieces of cloth in the rain. It seemed like it was outside the carriage. There is an invisible knife.

I didn't sense any fluctuations in the practitioner's mind power. Only the vitality of heaven and earth changed slightly at the moment the car curtain was cut and floated away. If he was not a strong man of the younger generation of the Tang Dynasty, maybe even the vitality of heaven and earth would have changed. Subtle changes are imperceptible.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Wang Jinglue's face turned slightly pale. After a while, the pride in his heart finally defeated the fear of the unknown. He let out a muffled groan, and the ten chubby fingers of his hands bloomed like lilies, strong The fluctuation instantly invaded from the inside of the car to the outside, shaking all the windows and doors open. Then he gave a clear drink and rushed out of the car.

However, the next moment, he stopped in an extremely embarrassed manner and turned into a stone sculpture in the rain. The entire alley has turned into another world. His attempt to break out directly triggered the dangerous energy between heaven and earth. The rainwater accumulated on the bluestone on the ground began to tremble violently, jumping into the air and falling from time to time.

The raindrops falling above the alley turned into sharp and irresistible knives! Countless raindrops were like countless sharp knives, falling from the night sky and falling on the carriage at the entrance of the alley. It fell on the carriage boards. The carriage boards shattered into pieces and fell on the shaft. The shaft turned into wood powder and fell on the carriage. The two horses in front of the stalls were instantly cut into pulp by the raindrops without even making a sound!

Ten thousand drops of spring rain fell into the alley, and everything around the carriage in the rain disintegrated and shattered. Strangely, the rain falling on the carriage was as gentle as a real spring rain, hitting Wang Jinglue's pale cheek without leaving a trace of blood. .

Wang Jinglue looked extremely embarrassed in the rain. He sat miserably on the only remaining carriage floor beneath him. His clothes were already soaked through, and a few strands of wet hair hung limply on his forehead. He looked up at the raindrops falling in the night sky with some confusion, and his body began to tremble violently uncontrollably. He didn't know whether it was because of the cold or fear.

He lowered his head with difficulty to look at Lin 47 Alley, which was blocked by the rain. He looked at the rainwater dancing on the ground in the alley, and looked at the vague "well" formed by the rainwater. His pale lips moved slightly, and he murmured to himself. Said to himself.

"Hash character?"

Rain dripped from the wet hair on his forehead. Wang Jing slightly turned his head in despair, searching for traces of the enemy in the rainy night. His usual pride and confidence had turned into despair and fear. He suddenly coughed violently, bent over and used He slapped the rain around him with his hand and cried like a bullied child:

"Impossible! How can there be a Talisman Master!"

"Who drew this talisman!"

Wang Jinglue first met Wang Jinglue at the age of four, could sense at the age of six, and was no longer confused at the age of eleven. He entered Dongxuan at the age of sixteen. It took him more than ten years to climb from the lower level of Dongxuan to the upper level of Dongxuan, and he used continuous victories to become invincible below the level of Zhi Ming. No matter how you look at his name, he is a genius in spiritual practice.

But at this time, Wang Jinglue, who was sitting awkwardly in the spring rain, kept coughing. He looked pale at the entrance of the alley, and a figure gradually came into his eyes, holding a paper umbrella with a proud tree painted on it. The snow-red plum blossoms have rugged branches, vigorous and powerful, showing rebelliousness. The red plum blossoms are so gorgeous, like the blood in the rainy alley, they gradually spread out and filled Wang Jinglue's entire eyeballs.

The figure who walked out of the alley was so young, handsome and handsome, and stood in front of Wang Jinglue. He looked at his embarrassed appearance and chuckled.

"What do you think of this talisman I drew?"

Zhao Wuhao looked at Wang Jinglue sitting in the alley through the layers of rain curtains with great indifference. At his feet, the fat middle-aged man in the Prince's Palace had turned into a corpse. The clothes and even the skin under the clothes were like paint that had peeled off over the years, with pieces cracking and looking extremely terrifying.

Wang Jinglue smiled miserably, looked at Zhao Wuhao, and said with great despair.

"There are only about a dozen of us in the Tang Dynasty Fu Dao. I remember them all in my heart. However, there is no one as young as you among these people. Who are you?"

"You use the streets as the basis and the rain as the ink. This tic character is naturally terrifying. I just don't understand, why don't you just kill me?"

"Who am I? Huh? That's a good question! I'm a lucky guy. I just came to Chang'an City for a walk today, and I met a generous and kind-hearted person who gave me a house so that I can live in Chang'an City. Settlement!"

"The monks of the Yuelun Kingdom, the swordsmen of the Southern Jin Dynasty, the old men of the military department, these people will die if they die! You should be the same, but if someone wants to protect you, I can't refuse to live with him, so I can't refuse. I can spare your life!"

"Wang Jinglue, you have already stood on the threshold of the realm of destiny at a young age. Forty years later, you are very likely to touch the layer of paper above the fifth realm. Someone just said that it is not easy for the Tang Dynasty to produce a young genius, so it is necessary to Try your best to live another forty years!"

The expression on Wang Jinglue's face kept changing. On the one hand, he was guessing the identity of the Talisman Master in front of him, and on the other hand, he was curious about who saved his life.

"Don't go back to the Prince's Palace. Go to the front line and serve for three years to atone for your sins."

Zhao Wuhao held a paper umbrella, with the red plum standing proudly, and walked calmly towards the outside of Chang'an City, with a slight smile on his face as he murmured.

"You can only enter the realm of knowing your destiny when you are sixty or seventy years old. This kind of person deserves to be called a genius. I really don't understand why Li Manman would intercede for him!"

"But it's okay. Using such a waste, I can repay Li Manman's favor. It's so worth it!"

"I forgot to look at the almanac when I went out today, and I don't know what day it is. I'm so lucky!"

"Some people give houses, and some people give favors!"

Qingxiu fluttered slightly, and the thin green steel sword that had fallen into the rain buzzed up and flew back to Chao Xiaoshu's hand. The rain was lighter than before, and it fell in the streets.

Chao Xiaoshu's hand left the hilt of the sword, clasped it behind his back, and walked on the quiet street. The green shirt on his body was still straight, and his face was still calm. It was just a few points paler than before the battle. Other than that, there seemed to be no change. .

Near Alley 47, the door of Lao Bizhai has been locked, and the young man just now has disappeared. Chao Xiaoshu stood in front of the door of Lao Buzhai, with a smile on his calm face and murmured.

"I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. I just gave away a house to someone and met a Talisman Master who made me survive!"

After speaking to the small tree, he looked up at the sky, letting the rain fall on his face, looking at the gray sky covered with lead clouds, he chuckled and said with deep meaning.

"Sure enough, God can tolerate me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man in blue shirt stepped forward and walked towards the gate of Chang'an City. Things were so big today, it was time for him to leave. He just took this opportunity to travel around the world, calm himself, and realize the fifth level of knowing one's fate. Mysterious, step into the pinnacle of the human world.

The Tang Dynasty is the most majestic country in the world, Chang'an City is the most majestic city in the world, and the Imperial City of the Tang Dynasty is described as the most majestic palace in the world. It may be inappropriate to use the word majestic to describe the palace, but the Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty has been endowed with thousands of years of history. The people of the Tang Dynasty were majestic and majestic, with thick red walls and yellow eaves like swords. The atmosphere was majestic and solemn. It was not like a romantic and noble place where seventy-two concubines from the Three Palaces and Six Courtyards gathered together in the early morning, but more like a grand pass standing in the center of the Tang Dynasty.

In the royal study room, there is a row of very high bookshelves along the wall. The bookshelves are horizontal and vertical. The style is very ordinary and simple, but the wood used is the extremely precious Dongyu Huanghuali. The bookshelves are densely packed with various books. They are all uneven, but they are all extremely rare and unique treasures.

There are several sheets of writing paper spread out on the desk. A brush is placed in the inkstone like a thin raft in a clear pool, soaked in ink. Several other brushes are placed messily on the pen holder. The paper is Xuanzhou Ya paper and the pen is Hengdian. The pure ink is Chenzhou pine ink, and the inkstone is Huangzhou sedimentary mud inkstone. All of them are eye-catching and all are precious tributes.

A majestic and slim middle-aged man stood in front of the desk, with a bit of anger and unwillingness on his face. He held a brush in his hand and waved it angrily on the Xuanzhou buds. The ink was dripping and unruly, and five large characters in thick ink appeared on the paper. above.

"Flowers bloom in the other side of the world."

The rigor and demeanor of these five ink characters are evident. If written by ordinary people, they would be considered good. However, against the backdrop of a calligraphy work next to them, they don't feel that there is anything impressive about them, and they even give people a rather bad feeling.

The calligraphy work next to it is written with ten big characters, and the top five characters are: Fish leap into the sea at this time.

These words have no evaluation, and they give people a bad feeling just like the flowers blooming on the other side of the sky. What makes people feel amazing are the other five big words: a piece of stinky shit!

These five big characters are both square and round, broad in structure, charming and proud in appearance, agile and elegant, and full of character. They can be called supreme masterpieces. However, these five big characters are a bit vulgar, which makes the middle-aged man more and more angry.

The emperor's anger came from the previous dispute with Chao Xiaoshu, and now he heard that his friend had left Chang'an City. He would rather leave than speak to himself. As long as he spoke to himself, what would happen today would happen again. matter.

"The sea when the fish leaps is my sea after all. The day when the flowers bloom on the other shore is the real day of freedom. Since I have trapped that guy for more than ten years, letting him go is just to pay off the debt. To give people freedom, why not Are you also giving yourself freedom?"

The emperor's brows gradually widened, thinking about his friend who was very different in status but very close in temperament and temperament. At this time, he might be in a green shirt fluttering on a mountain road with wet trees and heavy flowers, as if he felt that he too Then he was far away from Chang'an City, feeling comfortable and free both physically and mentally.

The depression in His Majesty's heart has dissipated, and he once again looked at the calligraphy work beside him. He only felt the five words "stinky shit". The frame was peaceful, strict, slim and well-proportioned, and the strength of the bones was hidden in the frame. The plump and trailing ink does not stand out at all. It is fresh and strong yet soft and earthy. It is a supreme product!

"This is such a good word!!"

His Majesty the Emperor's eyes narrowed, his brows raised, and his fingers trembled slightly as he brushed these words in the air, feeling quite uncontrollably happy. He knew that these five words were a mockery of the calligraphy, but he still felt that this It is a supreme masterpiece. Even if I get angry every time I see it, I still regard it as a treasure and would not destroy it.

"Thanks to Mr. Zhao's intervention this time, his life was saved!"

"Didn't he give Laobi Zhai to Mr. Zhao? He left without even handing over the deed of the property, and he asked me to deal with the aftermath. It's really abominable!"

"Somebody come!"

Xu Chongshan, the deputy commander of the bodyguards, as a confidant of His Majesty the Emperor, was naturally qualified to enter the imperial study. Hearing His Majesty's voice, he quickly walked in, knelt down on the ground, and responded respectfully.

"His Majesty!"

"Order Chang'an Mansion to complete the house deed procedures for Lao Bizhai in Lane 47!"


His Majesty the Emperor thought for a moment, thought that he had found information about Zhao Wuhao, and knew that he did not like to be disturbed, so he spoke again.

"After the house deed is completed, give it to Chu Guanghu of General Xuanwu's Mansion and ask him to hand it over to Mr. Zhao!"

"I accept your order!"

Three days later, the spring was bright, the scenery in the academy was beautiful, and the air was clear and refreshing. Zhao Wuhao ate the delicacies sent by Chu Guanghu, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the more and more burly students, and felt the energy in his body. Breath, said.

"Yes, you are successful in your destiny. You are about to enter the top level of Dongxuan. You can barely be considered a strong man!"

"This is your last year at the academy. As you face graduation, have you decided what to do in the future?"

Chu Guanghu looked at Zhao Wuhao with respect. He was able to enter the Dongxuan realm at a young age only because of the guidance of the gentleman in front of him. If possible, he would of course want to practice under him, but he also had He knew that the other party would not accept him as his disciple, so he could only sigh.

"The student's family has made arrangements for me to serve in the military!"

"You come from a general family, so that's not unexpected!"

Zhao Wuhao nodded. As a second-generation general, it was normal for Chu Guanghu to go to the army and develop in the army. With the care of his family, and with his cultivation, he was destined to become a general in the army in the future. He would be powerful, which is not bad. .

"Sir, someone asked me to transfer this property deed to you!"

Chu Guanghu's face showed a bit of awe, and he handed the house deed to Zhao Wuhao with both hands.

"He didn't make a mistake, he was very loyal!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Wuhao's face, and he casually accepted Lao Bizhai's house deed, waved his hand, and let Chu Guanghu leave.

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