I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2659 The power of the great swordsman, one enemy against hundreds

Lao Chao looked slightly cold, then shook his head slightly and said in disapproval.

"You want to surround and kill me. If I hadn't dispersed the family members early, would you have caused harm to the family? But don't worry, I, Chunfeng Ting, always do things in an orderly manner and will not cause harm to the family."

Lao Chao paused for a moment, looked at everyone, acted very coldly, and spoke again.

"But after tonight, you guys can't even think about having a home in Chang'an City."

This simple sentence made many images appear in the minds of everyone present. These five words "Chunfengting Laochao" were a fidelity guarantee. He would definitely not move if he could not help everyone's relatives.

However, in the cold spring rain, the old parents, sick wife and young children at home were rudely kicked out of the house. Then the house shop that he had run for many years was turned into rubble by the green-shirted men from the Yulong Gang. Who could accept such a thing? Happened to yourself?

Nancheng Master Meng's fat face twitched again. The umbrella he held did not cover all the rain. This twitch actually knocked out a few raindrops on his flesh. He said in a cold voice.

"There is no house to live in, and a dead person cannot live again. Today, as long as I kill you Chunfengting Laochao, the world will be different from now on, and the city of Chang'an will be ours!"

"Chang'an City will always belong to His Majesty the Emperor."

Lao Chao smiled slightly, looked down at the sword at his waist, raised his head and showed a heart-breaking smile, and said.

"Speaking of killing me, have you ever seen me take action?"

Lao Chao slowly stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword at his waist. The moment his slender fingers grasped the rain-stained hilt, the blue shirt on his body shook slightly, and countless raindrops were scattered by the bullets, like a mist. of fog.

The middle-aged man with a gentle smile suddenly became murderous, as if he had become another person. The cold rain around him seemed to feel something, and he swayed and tilted silently to avoid it. Not a drop of rain dared to fall on that green shirt. above.

Very few people in Chang'an City had seen Chunfeng Ting Lao Chao take action. To be more precise, those old people who had seen Chun Feng Ting Lao Chao take action earlier had all died.

No one dares to look down upon Lao Chao, and no one would think that he is a paper tiger who only talks about brotherhood but has no means of thunder. Because everyone knows that for a person who can dominate the gangs in Chang'an City, the sword on his waist cannot be just a scholar's accessory.

The name Chunfengting Laochao is a shadow hanging over the heads of all enemies. They don't know what kind of wind and rain it will bring after the sword on Laochao's waist is unsheathed. No one dares to try. Because they knew that once the sword on this man's waist was unsheathed, Chang'an City would surely experience a bloody storm.

Everyone was shocked by Lao Chao's movement of holding the sword. Seeing this, Master Meng of Nancheng stared with big eyes and roared fiercely.

"He's only one person, and he's not a god, so give it to me!"

There is always a shortage of reckless men in the underworld who are driven by passion. As Master Meng of Nancheng shouted loudly, hundreds of Chang'an gang members raised their steel knives and shouted, rushing over from all directions!

"I just wanted to leave."

Lao Chao looked at the enemies rushing up and just said this. Then he let out a cry and walked through the alley in the rain. The sword on his waist was unsheathed like a dragon. It seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. The guy at the front.

The style of Lao Chao's sword is very ordinary, the length and width are ordinary, and the opening is nothing special. It's just that at the moment when the raindrops are scattered by the high-speed moving sword, you can vaguely see many fine lines on the sword. Those fine lines It's not some kind of rune, but more like several gaps filled with mercury.

Zhao Wuhao, who was leaning against the door frame, stared at the sword, watching the ordinary sword change from stabbing to slapping at the last moment, hitting the man's chest accurately and easily.

The straight blade of the sword was forcibly bent into a curved shape by some force in the air. Compared with the speed of the sword, the raindrops falling from the sky were incredibly slow, and just as the sword blade hit the man's chest At that moment, the power suddenly came out from the sword body, and with a snap, it directly hit the chest deeply!

There was a dull bang like a heavy blow! A howl that stopped suddenly! The Nancheng gang member who bravely rushed to the front didn't even have time to see Lao Chao's face clearly, and was directly shot into a kite. It flew through the air in an extremely miserable manner, flew over the dilapidated Spring Breeze Pavilion, and landed on More than ten feet away!

The hundreds of gang members who were noisily shouting for death suddenly became silent. Their eyes subconsciously followed the companion, drawing a very long arc in the sky of the rain alley, and then they were quickly filled with fear and waved their swords. His hands became cold.

These people had imagined that when Chunfeng Ting Lao Chao unsheathed the sword on his waist, there might be a gust of wind and a bloody rain, but they had never imagined that a thin green steel sword could be so powerful. It is so heavy that it can knock a person flying so far. The terrifying power contained in one swing is like a sledgehammer in the hand of a god, shocking everyone in the world!

Lao Chao did not stop moving forward in the rain. He walked gracefully with his sword in hand. With each step, he raised his wrist slightly, his green shirt vibrated slightly, and swung the long sword. As he swung it, the thin sword blade buzzed. , it bends and pops out, like a giant hammer, like a steel whip, whistling and waving, wrapped in raindrops and struck out by the cool breeze. Every time the sword comes out, a figure flies up!

The sword reaches the chest, and someone flies into the alley wall, vomiting blood and slips; the sword reaches the leg, and someone somersaults and slides through the rain alley, bleeding to the ground; the sword swings through the rain, making a dull buzzing, and figures keep flying across. When he came out, the sound of howling and fear echoed through the rainy alley that had been extremely cold before.

Lao Chao, who was walking all the way, swung his sword easily and casually, as if he was driving away mosquitoes in the summer. The expression on his face did not change at all, and he was as calm as ever.

Using the thin sword blade to knock the enemy away instead of stabbing the enemy to death is simpler and less labor-intensive. Lao Chao used this method to keep an open space in front of him and avoid being surrounded by the opponent.

But Lao Chao's domineering and even arrogant fighting style obviously consumes a lot of energy and energy. If he doesn't want to frighten the enemies in this way, then he is confident that he can beat all the enemies to death!

Zhao Wuhao leaned against the doorframe, with a faint smile on his face, quietly watching the middle-aged man walking arrogantly in the night rain, looking at the men who howled and flew up from time to time under his sword, and looked at the men who were flying under his sword. The man groaning in the muddy water in the distance whispered.

"The cultivation level is good, but it is still a little inferior to the masters in the realm of knowing fate."

Several Chang'an City bosses were hiding among the crowd, and they were already torn apart. Today they finally saw Chunfengting Lao Chao draw his sword, but they would rather never see it in their life.

On weekdays, they live quite well under the shadow of the Yulong Gang. They think that the gap between the two sides is not big. If they work hard, they still have the strength to fight. It was not until this moment, in the cold spring rain, that these people discovered the reality. It turned out to be so. cruel.

They can survive, but the old court doesn't bother to look at them. A legend is a legend. Whether in the world of martial arts, brothels or official circles, those who can become legends in people's memories must have their own reasons for becoming legends. They will never change just because legends have not been used for many years.

Seeing the usually brave subordinates being slapped away by the middle-aged man with a wave of his sleeves, seeing the other party getting closer and closer, Nancheng Master Meng, Junjie, and Uncle Cat, the heroes who were scolding the night in Nancheng and West City, began to feel... Trembling slightly, I could not suppress the strong desire to retreat.

However, thinking of the real nobles standing behind them, thinking of the two real strong men in the house, these big guys gritted their teeth and roared the fiercest.

"Everyone rush up and surround him to death! Throwing axes!"

The fierce roar echoed in the streets and alleys around Chunfeng Pavilion. What was very strange was that when they heard the words "surround him to death", the gang members who mustered up the courage to rush forward with steel knives howling and dispersed as quickly as possible. He opened the door and tried his best to stay away from Lao Chao.

The crowd in front dispersed, revealing two rows of strong men. These men had rough cloth belts tied around their waists. There were four small axes in the cloth belts. They already had two small axes in their hands and were about to throw them!

The folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were martial, and fierce blood flowed between the government and the public, so the capital city of Chang'an was not allowed to carry swords. Even weapons such as simple knives, as long as you did not take them out and wander around in the bustling market, the government would not care.

However, the government has very strict control over long-range weapons such as bows and arrows, especially powerful crossbows, which are strictly prohibited from private ownership. In this case, dozens of flying axes that break through the air become the most Terrible means!

At this point in the fighting in Yuxiang, the calm expression on Lao Chao's face changed for the first time. He looked at the two rows of axe-throwers under the far wall. He showed no fear, not even vigilance, but wrinkled slightly. He frowned, as if he just felt a little troublesome.

The thin green steel sword in Chao Xiaoshu's hand buzzed and vibrated at an extremely terrifying speed, shaking all the rain and blood on the sword into powder. Then it disappeared with a hiss and turned into a gray stream. The shadow tore through the rain curtain and flew towards the two rows of axe-throwers!

The green steel sword is like a gray flowing shadow, extremely swift, and the trajectory it cuts is subtle and mysterious. The direction of the sword's edge pierces all the raindrops blocking the front, piercing the outermost layer of the raindrops and piercing it. The heart of the ax penetrates out again, piercing the outermost layer of skin on the enemy's body, then pierces the flesh and bones, and then penetrates out. The fingers holding the ax handle are like lotus joints, and then the fracture begins. Spew out blood!

In the rain alley, you can only hear the sound of the sword tip piercing the raindrops, and the sound of cutting off the fingers. It is impossible to count how many fingers holding the ax handle are scattered together with the raindrops, and then the heavy axe They fell to the ground one after another, hitting the rain-covered ground with a muffled sound, and finally there were countless miserable howls!

There were two axemen with the quickest reactions and quickest movements. When Chunfeng Ting Lao Chao raised his sword, they had already thrown the ax in their hands. However, in the flash of lightning, the gray shadow of the sword passed by. They pulled out their wrists, only to see a surge of blood. They actually threw their hands together with the axe, and then drew a sad line of blood, and fell tragically to the ground not far away. The picture looked extremely bloody!

There was deathly silence in Chunfeng Pavilion under the night rain. Lao Chao stood in the rain, looking at the hundreds of Chang'an City gang members around him, watching his flying sword disappear and appear, triggering bursts of miserable howls, with a calm and indifferent expression on his face. Moved.

Master Meng from Nancheng looked pale, pointed tremblingly at Lao Chao in the rain alley, and screamed like a crazy shrew.

"Chao Xiaoshu! Chao Xiaoshu! Chao Xiaoshu. How could you be a practitioner! How could you be a great swordsman!"

The old Chao of Chunfeng Pavilion, whose name is Chao Xiaoshu, is Chao in the Tang Dynasty. There is a small tree at the entrance of the village. He has a very arrogant surname and a very gentle first name.

At this moment, Chao Xiaoshu's mind is all tied to that elusive flying sword. It seems to be extremely powerful. However, the sword is no longer in his hand. He has lost all his defense capabilities. If someone on the other side can break through at this time, then Use a flying sword to quietly approach him and launch a sneak attack. He will definitely be in great danger.

Dozens of Tang army elites wearing dark ponchos stood silently behind the rain alley, holding crossbows in their hands. The sound of killing was loud in the rain alley, but no one noticed their presence. These sergeants were as silent as a group of soldiers. The pile of stone sculptures, no matter the wind, rain, or the sound of fighting, could not change the expressions on their faces at all.

Behind the elites of the Tang army, there were two people standing. One was a middle-aged man with handsome features. He was wearing a white gown and was playing with a small sword in his hand. The other was wearing a hat and could not see his face. Wearing a monk's robe and standing barefoot in the wind and rain, dragging a copper bowl in his hand, this is an ascetic monk.

The long-robed swordsman frowned slightly and said softly.

"He is actually a swordsman. No wonder two of us are needed."

The ascetic monk lowered his head and said nothing. He listened to the faint sound of flying swords piercing the air in the void, stared at the copper bowl in his hand, and watched the rain in the bowl being disturbed by the new raindrops. Gradually, Feeling that his Qihai had become a little uneasy, his head lowered further and his fingers slowly and firmly plucked the ironwood rosary on his wrist.

On the other side of the alley where the spring rain was pouring, there were two carriages parked. The horses in front of the carriages were a little impatient from the rain. They wanted to snort from time to time, but they didn't dare to make a sound. They wanted to kick their front hooves twice. , but did not dare to move. One carriage was dead silent, but from the other carriage, low coughs could be heard from time to time.

No one knew who was in the two carriages, but if Chao Xiaoshu could see the fat middle-aged man standing next to the carriage at this time, he would definitely guess that the person in the carriage was not an ordinary person.

This seemingly ordinary middle-aged fat man is not a celebrity in Chang'an City. He does not have any official status. However, many officials will try to please him when they see him, because many people know that there are certain inconveniences for His Royal Highness. All matters are handled by him.

However, such a powerful person, even though he was soaked by the cold spring rain, did not dare to sit in the carriage to take shelter from the rain. He stood quietly outside the carriage with a slightly bent waist, with an extremely humble attitude.

The middle-aged fat man stood next to the carriage, standing in the rain, bending down, lowering his voice, as if he was worried about disturbing the person in the carriage, and spoke carefully.

"Chao Xiaoshu is indeed a cultivator. It seems that his level is not low. Now the situation is a bit tricky!"

The man in the carriage coughed twice, his voice was calm and full of aloof majesty and indifference.

"Why are you so anxious? Aren't there two strangers invited by the Ministry of Revenue in the house? If they can't stop the gangster, we won't be too late to take action. As for those gangsters, they will die. Is there any day when a few stinky rats won’t die in the gutter of Chang’an City?”

Hundreds of brave Jianghu men from Chang'an City poured in from all directions. In the eyes of the people on the carriage, they were like rats in the gutter. At this critical moment of life and death, they showed extremely amazing fighting power and bloody spirit.

However, Chao Xiaoshu is a practitioner, and they are just ordinary people in the world. The gap in strength between the two sides is like a chasm. The shadow of the sword pierces the leg, brings up a cloud of blood flowers, passes around the neck, and drops a huge head. The man with the ax broke his finger, and the man with the knife fell in the rain.

No matter how powerful the fighting power is, it is not worth mentioning in front of the sword shadow that disappears and appears. No matter how strong the bloody spirit is, after the companions continue to fall, they will always feel despair and collapse.

He walked calmly towards the small tree. The green shirt on his body had already been wet by the rain, but no one would think that the leader of the Chang'an gang was embarrassed. He walked in the spring rain, as natural as the spring rain, and the aura exuding from his body enveloped the rain. Alley is irresistible.

The horrified Jianghu men could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts. Someone yelled and fled the rain alley in panic. Everyone followed closely behind, scrambling to escape.

Characters such as Mr. Nancheng Meng, Shunsuke Xicheng and Uncle Cat have quietly slipped away at some point. Except for the corpses washed by the rain and the seriously injured groaning, there is no longer a standing enemy in the rain alley. There was silence between heaven and earth.

The copper bowl in the ascetic's hand had been holding the rainwater, gradually accumulating more and more, and at this moment it finally overflowed. He raised his right arm and pointed at the long-robed swordsman in Tingyu Alley through the heavy rain curtains and the elite Tang troops who were waiting with crossbows.

The elite soldiers of the Tang Army quickly pulled the trigger, and dozens of arrows, carrying a strong sound of breaking the wind, passed through the rain alley like a bamboo, and shot towards Xiaoshu unstoppably.

Chao Xiaoshu's expression changed slightly, and the gray sword shadow came through the air, penetrating through the layers of rain, trying to stop the arrows that were shooting rapidly from the void.

The ascetic monk took action, and the copper bowl in his hand flew out, blocking the sword shadow. The sharp and high-speed thin sword collided hard with the clumsy and thick copper bowl, making an eardrum-breaking snap!

The ascetic monk's slightly dark face exposed outside his hat turned extremely pale at this moment, and he obviously suffered a bit.

At this moment, the long-robed swordsman raised his eyebrows, flipped his wrist, and moved his middle and index fingers together in a sword strike, pointing at Chao Xiaoshu who was standing in the rain alley. His dagger flew and turned into a ray of green light that stabbed Chao Xiaoshu. In front of him, the flying sword towards Xiaoshu was colliding with the ascetic's bronze bowl. How could he protect himself?

After Chao Xiaoshu's flying sword collided with the ascetic's copper bowl, although it failed to break out of the bowl, it did not fall to the ground. Instead, with the force of the violent impact, those unknown lines of gaps on the thin green steel sword were , at that moment, it suddenly enlarged and escaped, miraculously turning into five extremely thin sword pieces in the air, flying quickly!

He slashed at the small tree and turned his sword into five. The three sword blades whirred around the copper bowl and shot towards the ascetic's body. The other two sword blades did not return to help him, but simply ignored the short blue light of the long-robed swordsman. The sword pierced his face with a sharp sweep!

Even though there was a fight between practitioners, Chao Xiaoshu still showed his fierce and vicious style in gang fights.

"If you kill me, you will die. I have been practicing for many years in the night in the rivers and lakes of Chang'an. I am not afraid of life and death. You have been practicing for many years under the protection of the famous mountains and rivers. Are you afraid of death?"

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