I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2656 Three points into the wood, twenty-three years of cicada

Only then did His Majesty the Emperor really take a serious look at the words. At a few glances earlier, he just felt that the five words in the frame were peaceful and strict. Now when he took a closer look, he found a smelly piece of dog excrement. The five characters are actually strong and strong, but hidden in the full and drawn ink, without being prominent. They are fresh and strong yet soft and earthy. It is a supreme masterpiece!

"This... is really a good calligraphy! The strokes are both square and round, the structure is broad, the posture is charming and proud, the spirit is elegant, and the character is full of character! This calligraphy is really wonderful! It is much better than mine!"

"Compared with this word, those five words I used are really like a piece of stinky shit!"

Li Zhongyi hesitated for a moment. Looking at the five big characters above, he suddenly felt unbearable, as if he had swallowed a piece of smelly dog ​​shit. It was simply unbearable.

His Majesty the Emperor's eyes narrowed, his brows raised, and his fingers trembled slightly as he brushed the words "stinky shit" through the air. He seemed to be in a state of uncontrollable joy. He knew that his evaluation of these five words was still too restrained. Well, the ink words on the paper are not only much better than what he wrote, even compared with the famous calligraphy hanging on the wall of the Imperial Study Room, they are not inferior in the slightest. They are fuller and more energetic, and their writing power is more vigorous. Better than many, he can be called the best in the world and the sage of calligraphy in the world!

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty's own handwriting was not very good, but his appreciation level was really high. He became more and more fascinated when he read it, and he actually felt that the handwriting was like a clear stream, gently brushing on his back from top to bottom. , blowing away the frustrations of the past few days.

"Good calligraphy! Really good calligraphy!"

His Majesty the Emperor only felt that his mind was broadened and he found peace and tranquility again. He looked at the five ink words on the paper with a smile, and did not hesitate to express his most sincere appreciation.

Li Zhongyi couldn't help but pick up this calligraphy work, appreciate it carefully, and become more and more amazed. Suddenly, his eyes froze and stopped on the calligraphy table. Five large characters were printed on the calligraphy table very clearly, like a knife carving an axe. Extremely vigorous.

"This is so powerful that it penetrates the back of the paper and penetrates deeply into the wood. The power of the writing is so powerful, it is simply shocking!"

Li Zhongyi looked at the five big characters clearly visible on the desk, and felt that it was more pleasing to the eye. After all, there were only five big characters on the desk: "stinky shit". His calligraphy skills could not reach the level of penetrating the back of the paper or penetrating into the wood.

"It's really better without the five big characters of my stinky shit!"

Li Zhongyi has calmly accepted that his calligraphy is called stinky shit. He thinks that in the future, he should hide the calligraphy on the paper and appreciate it secretly. The calligraphy on the desk can be appreciated by gathering ministers together. After all, he is the leader of the Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty, the Emperor, still needs to save face and maintain his majesty.

In fact, how could His Majesty the Emperor, Li Zhongyi, know that when he began to convene ministers to appreciate his calligraphy, his face had already been lost, and there was no need to hide the ink on the paper.

"Come here, check the identity of this academy teacher. I didn't know this calligraphy master before. What a failure!"


A clear voice came. This was the palace guard hidden in the darkness, responsible for protecting Li Zhongyi's safety.

On the other side, Zhao Wuhao was walking leisurely on the road, with a proud look on his face, a bright smile, and a very comfortable mood.

"You are a rich man and a filthy tycoon. I asked you to show off your wealth in front of me. I am dumbfounded this time. When I ask you to write in the future, you will remember what happened today!"

Zhao Wuhao laughed out loud when he thought of this, looking particularly arrogant and insidious, as if he was very proud of his confidence in defeating the rich.

"But that guy's handwriting is bad and he has no knowledge and skills. He shouldn't be a teacher in the academy!"

"Furthermore, I sensed the presence of four people around him, three Dongxuan, and a master who has just learned his destiny. I'm afraid his identity is not simple!"

"But no matter what, even if the other party is the emperor, why should I be afraid!"

Zhao Wuhao walked into the bookstore and looked at the well-behaved students. He was very satisfied. After the previous killing of chickens and monkeys, everyone knew that this young teacher had strong cultivation and was not someone to be trifled with. They were in awe of him. No one dares to provoke Zhao Wuhao anymore. You can disagree with what he says, but you can't refute it. You can dislike what he does, but you can only endure it. You can be unconvinced by him, but you can't express it. Come out, this is Zhao Wuhao's image among students, erudite, mysterious, powerful, arrogant, and domineering.

Every time Zhao Wuhao teaches, he never takes a book. He picks up all kinds of knowledge at his fingertips, quotes from others, and expresses it freely. Even all students who are not convinced by Zhao Wuhao have to admit that his knowledge is unfathomable and his knowledge is broad and broad. , his vision is far-reaching and thorough, and he is definitely qualified to become a teacher in the academy.

Zhao Wuhao walked calmly and was multitasking. While teaching students lessons, he integrated his mind into the void, listened to all things, and traveled according to his will. A long and calm breathing passed into Zhao Wuhao's ears, echoing deep in his heart. This was the breath of heaven and earth.

Although this long and calm breathing sound is slight, it is definitely the most beautiful sound in the world. It is more beautiful than the music played by Mr. Bei Gong Weiyang and Mr. Ten Ximen Buhuo from the back of the academy. It is a true sound of nature.

During the long and calm breath, there are green leaves stretching, flowers blooming, birds chirping, towering mountains, mighty flowing water, orange leaves falling, hundreds of boats competing to cross the river, and the vastness of the earth. , there is the tranquility of the sky.

Zhao Wuhao didn't know what words to use to describe the beauty of the breath of heaven and earth. He only knew those breaths coming from the stone pillars on the street and under the guise of wine shops. The breaths from the ancient locust trees in the deep courtyards, the green leaves on the roadside, the breaths from the stone lions and wooden buildings, the streets and the palace walls are all the breath given to them by the breath of heaven and earth.

What Zhao Wuhao heard in his ears was a calm and long breath that came from ancient times and would surely move into the future. What his fingers touched was not a physical object, but a real and real existence. The doors and windows of the study room were closed, but there was a soft feeling. Fluctuations slowly swirled around his body. This kind of fluctuations was a bit more solemn than the wind, and a bit lighter than the water.

These breaths and fluctuations are all the laws of movement of the vitality of heaven and earth. In Zhao Wuhao's eyes, they are invisible and qualityless existences, but they are clearly visible, just like the countless magnificent and bright light spots that shine into his eyes. , an extremely beautiful scene appeared deep in his eyes, such as majestic mountains, gurgling streams, lush trees, secluded paths and fragrant grass, smooth roads, dense cities, aristocratic families, and all kinds of scenes, all in his eyes. appeared in his eyes, gathering together to form a vivid and wonderful world, with all living beings and the changing seasons.


When the bell rang, Zhao Wuhao stopped, his voice paused, he turned around and left the study room. He seemed to be looking forward to the end of get out of class more than the students. Many students who were still immersed in his explanation did not react. The figure has disappeared.

"get out of class is over. Mr. Zhao walked so fast. He really didn't waste a moment. It's completely different from other teachings. It seems like he was wasting his time by teaching us. It's really frustrating."

"Yes, every time I take Mr. Zhao's class, I dare not take a breath for fear of causing his displeasure and being scolded by him!"

"Mr. Zhao looked at us like we were looking at rotten wood, with an expression that could not be taught. It made me feel inexplicably ashamed and ashamed!"

"It turns out you guys feel this way too. I thought I was the only one who felt this way! It turns out everyone is the same!"

"We all entered the academy after going through countless hardships and layers of selection and assessment, and we can be considered outstanding among people. But in the eyes of this Mr. Zhao, we are like a piece of stinking shit. His look is unavoidable. It’s too high!”

"That's right, he is just an ordinary teacher in the academy. He really regards himself as a master and doesn't take us seriously!"

"You are right, but you only dare to say this in front of us. Do you have the ability to say it directly in front of Mr. Zhao? If you dare to do this, I invite you to play in Fengyue Tower for a month. I’ve covered all the expenses!”

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'm afraid that I have a life to say but no life to enjoy. You'd better go to Chu Guanghu for this kind of thing. Only he would do such stupid things!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students' eyes turned to the burly figure sitting silently behind. Chu Guanghu closed his eyes to rest, and used his mind power to carefully feel the sword hanging on his waist. The sword body was hidden in the black and cold sword. In the scabbard, in the scabbard that no one can see, there is a rune appearing, exuding a gleaming light, soft and bright, with a mysterious aura fluctuation, which resonates with Chu Guanghu's mind power. , the frequency is almost the same, and the vitality vibration between heaven and earth is faintly vibrating, and the speed and trajectory of the flow have undergone inexplicable changes.

Chu Guanghu was overjoyed and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were sharp and majestic. He glanced at all his classmates with a mysterious smile on his lips. He had nothing to say to these ignorant classmates. How could these people know that Zhao The master's magical powers are vast and unpredictable.

Seeing Chu Guanghu's unmoved look, everyone showed disappointment, let out a sigh, and started discussing again. The interesting things and gossip in Chang'an City, the overt and covert fights in the court, and the victory or defeat of the war on the border were all in From their mouths, they point out the country and look down upon the world. The young people are high-spirited and arrogant.

Zhao Wuhao stood with his hands behind his back and walked leisurely towards the old library. Although he had already left the library, he could still hear the students' discussions clearly. With his cultivation level reaching his level, there was nothing to do in the academy. Can't hide it from him.

"Do you have high expectations?"

"Indeed, these students are not worth mentioning in my eyes, they are all deadwood!"

"Although I am not as good as Master now, it does not mean that I will not be as good as him in the future. If you wait a little longer, it will be soon!"

The low murmur dissipated with the wind, and no one could hear it. He felt the pulse between heaven and earth, listened to the breathing of heaven and earth, and took in the endless beauty. Everything in heaven and earth was so vivid and wonderful in Zhao Wuhao's eyes.

Zhao Wuhao walked up to the second floor of the old book building and bowed respectfully to Mr. Third Yulian, receiving a gift in return. Finally, he walked to the bookshelf and glanced at the densely packed books on spiritual practice. Although he had now reached the level of Heaven and earth breathe together, and it is the same world as the highest realm of the Demon Sect. He still does not let go of the book, reading in this old library every day, reviewing old books and learning new things, regardless of whether he has read it or not, he does it as he pleases, and even sometimes Xing Xing, even when the teacher in the old library was not aware of it, he left a sentence or a half of his thoughts in the book. This was something forbidden by the academy, but no one discovered it.

Zhao Wuhao took a thick "Dictionary of Appreciation of Ten Thousand Methods", sat back on the floor under the west window, looked at the blazing sunshine outside the building through the gap in the window, and began to read with interest.

Time passed by, the blazing sunlight between the windows disappeared silently, and night enveloped the old library, but Zhao Wuhao still had no intention of getting up and leaving.

Yu Lian, the young and pretty third gentleman by the east window, finished today's small regular script with hairpins, put away his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and stood up with a slight movement of his wrists.

A breeze suddenly blew up on the second floor of the old library, and with it came an inaudible chirping of cicadas. Even a master in the realm of knowing fate might not be able to hear this sound of cicadas. With a pleasant breath.

Hearing the chirping of the cicada, Zhao Wuhao suddenly raised his head and looked at the third gentleman of the academy, the current master of the Demon Sect and the third disciple of the Master.

"Twenty-Three Years Cicada!"

Zhao Wuhao's voice was full of determination and confidence, and there was no sign of surprise on his face. He was completely unaware that these words made the third Mr. Yu Liang's face change drastically, his breath surged, and there was even a flash of light in his eyes. Evil spirit.

"You seem to be unwilling to let others know your true identity?"

Naturally, the changes in Yu Lian's aura could not be hidden from Zhao Wuhao. Feeling the increasingly agitated vitality in Yu Lian's body, he smiled softly, brilliantly and brightly.

"You should understand that since I dare to speak, I will never be afraid!"

"So, I advise you to calm down and don't do anything drastic!"

Yu Liang's starry eyes flashed, and he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. His eyes were as sharp as a sword, staring at Zhao Wuhao, and his red lips were slightly opened, showing a coldness.

"Who on earth are you, and why do you know that I practice twenty-three years of cicada?!"

Zhao Wuhao revealed Yu Liang's background and identity with one word, which made her extremely afraid. Her mind swept through the void where Zhao Wuhao was, and it was empty, as if he didn't exist. This made Yu Liang not dare to act rashly and throw a trap.

The reason why the Demon Sect is not allowed to practice the righteous way is because the practice of the Demonic Way attempts to replace the rules of Haotian, absorb and devour the vitality of heaven and earth in nature, and build a new world in the body.

Ever since the junior master of the Academy, Ke Haoran, was killed, the Taoist sect’s biggest enemy in the world was the twenty-three-year-old Cicada. However, the Demon Sect leader was extremely mysterious. With the power and influence of the Xiling Temple in the world, he actually No trace of this person has been found for decades.

No one thought that in the mysterious and unpredictable academy of Chang'an City, where the world's storms gathered, the current master of the Demon Sect would be hidden. The chirping of the cicadas for twenty-three years once again sounded in the world.

If Xiling Temple knew this news, it would definitely be shocked and use all its strength to gather in Chang'an City, vowing to find out the traces of the Demon Sect leader.

"It doesn't matter who I am, nor does it matter how I know that you are cultivating the Twenty-Three-Year Cicada!"

Zhao Wuhao didn't care about Yu Lian's increasingly livid face, and said calmly, it seemed that the appearance of Yu Lian, the master of the Demon Sect, in the academy was not something worth making a fuss about.

"The important thing is that since Master accepts you as a disciple, you are the third gentleman in the back of the academy, and naturally you are not my enemy, so you don't have to be so tense. I was just curious about the Demon Sect's practice method, so I I will make a sound. If you mind, just pretend I never said it!"

When Yu Lian heard Zhao Wuhao say this, his face changed and his beautiful eyes moved slightly, as if a clear ocean had ripples on it, and the cold afterglow fell on the ripples, making the waves shimmering and beautiful.

"I hope you can keep it a secret!"

Yu Lian was already confused and did not want to talk to Zhao Wuhao in such a state. He took a deep look at Zhao Wuhao, turned around and left the second floor of the old book building, with a graceful figure, elegance and elegance.

As the night grew darker, a faint luster appeared on the runes on the bookshelf. Zhao Wuhao glanced at it, and the mystery represented by the runes emerged in his heart. The luster was fleeting, and the runes returned to their former dim and crude appearance. , I saw the bookshelf slide open silently against the wall, and a fat young man came out panting.

There was a trace of surprise on Zhao Wuhao's face. He didn't expect that there was such a secret passage between the back hill of the academy and the old library, which was very convenient.

"I said you seem to have gained some weight."

Zhao Wuhao looked at Chen Pipi and said in wonder, with a bit of curiosity and confusion in his eyes.

"I really don't know what you have eaten in the past two years to be so fat. But fortunately, you are round and strong enough, so it doesn't make people feel disgusting."

Chen Pipi was not affected by Zhao Wuhao's sarcastic remarks, and even felt a little excited because of the last sentence. After all, Zhao Wuhao rarely gave him positive comments, mostly mocking him.

But Chen Pipi's good mood did not last long, because Zhao Wuhao's next words made him feel the familiar taste again.

"But there's one thing I really don't understand. Are you really the only genius boy who passed the A-level in the six subjects in the academy's admission examination for a hundred years? You also passed the A-level in the imperial examination? Where can the military find a military horse that can carry a heavy load? If I move you, can you still run so fast?"

He listened to such a long paragraph as soon as they met. Chen Pipi's big round face was full of shame and anger, his soybean-like eyes were shining with anger, and he yelled angrily.

"Yuke, Yuke, I chose to drive!"

Chen Pipi's chest heaved up and down with anger, but there was guilt in his tone, and he made a U-turn.

Zhao Wuhao suddenly realized, looked at the angry Chen Pipi with strange eyes, and praised sincerely.

"It was a really smart choice."

Chen Pipi covered her forehead and asked directly, too lazy to pay attention to him.

"It's so late, why are you still here?"

Zhao Wuhao smiled gently and said calmly,

"I chatted with Mr. Third for a while and wasted some time, so I haven't gone back yet."

Chen Pipi glanced at Zhao Wuhao suspiciously, a little unconvinced. He still knew the character of Third Senior Sister. She kept strangers away and didn't like to talk. Zhao Wuhao had been in the academy for so long, and almost every time he came to use books I met the Third Senior Sister in Loudu, but I have never heard of any communication between them.

"What do you and Third Senior Sister have to talk about?"

"Just a casual chat!"

Zhao Wuhao looked indifferent, so Chen Pipi didn't take it seriously. He searched among the bookshelves, pulled out a book, and then left the old library. It was obvious that he was here to find information. It seems that the master has given him a lot of homework to make this lazy fat man work so hard late at night.

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