I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2650 Step into the cave and meet Chen Pipi for the first time

A roaring sound like the waves sounded, and hundreds of candidates were like those hundreds of geese that finally saw the food. They could no longer suppress their emotions and rushed toward the shadow wall with a coaxing sound. From time to time, the crowd burst out. From the sounds of lamentation and cheering, you can tell how well the candidates have done and whether you can enter the academy and become an enviable academy student.

On the second day, the academy officially started classes. At dawn, the south gate of Chang'an City opened, and a dozen carriages with obvious academy logos filed out one after another. Judging from the number of carriages, most students in the academy were still unwilling to rush back and forth, so they chose Live on campus for a long time.

Driving south quickly along Liuyin Official Road, I saw flowers, fields and water shadows along the way. I lifted the curtains and saw the steep mountain and the sea-like meadow flowers and trees at the foot of the mountain. Although it was the second time I saw this scenery, Ning Que still couldn't help but sigh again, as if such a wonderful fairyland could actually appear in the human world, in the bustling and noisy suburbs of Chang'an.

More than a dozen black carriages climbed on the green meadow, and soon they arrived at the main entrance of the academy. Students got off the car one after another, clasping hands and saluting each other. In front of the simple and unassuming stone gate, many people from yesterday had already gathered around it. The residents who entered the examination room together greeted each other, and the quiet courtyard door suddenly became lively.

The young students uniformly wore the college's cyan left-breasted robes, the boys wore black headscarves, and the girls used ebony buns as hairpins to pull up their black hair. They looked particularly refreshing and matched with the simple stone gate on the lawn. The unique vitality on the faces of young people, facing the rising sun in the east, a breath of youth spreads everywhere.

The bell rang quietly in the depths of the academy. The students stopped talking and climbed up the stairs in the morning light. The corners of their blue school uniforms were blown by the morning breeze, and their headscarves and buns were fluttering and gradually parted, giving rise to an inexplicable feeling of being out of the world. feel.

The first class in the academy is a big class in the ordinary sense. The students gathered on the cool stone flat, listening to the lectures of a certain professor in the academy with longing, and imagining their lives in the next two or three years.

Just like the admission examination, the academy's curriculum is also divided into six subjects. Two hundred students are divided into six study rooms. The daily class time is from early morning to noon. It does not seem to be a long time, but there is no intermittent rest in between.

Students were free to move around in the afternoon. They could choose to stay in the academy to study by themselves, or to go back to Chang'an City to live and drink. The chief professor very gently and sincerely suggested that everyone stay in the academy and go to the old library to study.

The discipline requirements of the academy are very loose. The bell in the depths is used as a signal. The first bell is for alarm, the second bell is for entry, the third bell is for departure, and the fourth bell is for departure.

The break is the time for students to study in the library. The college requires students to concentrate on listening to the class during this time. They can ask questions but are strictly prohibited from making noise. As for things like daily cleaning, students don't need to worry about it at all. The imperial court spends a lot of money on the academy every year and hires countless sweepers and housewives.

The next step is to divide the classes. The method used by the academy is the simplest and fairest lottery. It does not care about the family background of the candidates or the results of the admission examination. It all depends on luck.

Although Zhao Wuhao was listed as a calligraphy teacher, he had very few classes and was more responsible for teaching students some basic calligraphy and painting skills. He was very leisurely every day, wandering around the academy and admiring the paintings that the Tang Dynasty spent a huge amount of money on. It is a joy to create a holy place.

Until one day, Li slowly found Zhao Wuhao again, taught him some basic cultivation knowledge, and brought many classics from the back of the academy, telling him that he could step into the back of the academy. Such treatment made Zhao Wuhao Haodu was amazed.

"Sure enough, I alerted the master that day, otherwise why would he give me such generous treatment!"

Zhao Wuhao knew that only the master in the academy could allow others to enter the back mountain, not even Li Manman, who was the eldest disciple of the master. His eyes flashed slightly, and he deduced the matter clearly. On the chest.

"Thank you so much for your love, Master. Please turn around and say thank you on my behalf!"

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Wuhao's face. He was unfazed by honor and disgrace, and was calm and relaxed. Li Manman couldn't help but admire Zhao Wuhao's extraordinary temperament, not like a teenager at all.

"Don't worry, I will convey it to you!"

Li slowly saw that Zhao Wuhao had nothing else to do, so he turned and left.

A lonely bullock cart was parked outside the side door of the academy. Li slowly walked to the side of the cart, bowed to the captain of the carriage very seriously and saluted, then sat on the shaft and picked up the bullwhip.

An ordinary old man's voice came out from the carriage accompanied by the strong aroma of wine, and slowly asked Li.

"How did he react?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Li slowly waved his bullwhip, and the bullock cart slowly began to move forward. The clear sound accompanied by the squeaking sound of the bullock cart first entered the carriage.

"The reaction was dull, as if this was expected!"

"Oh! He's quite smart. It seems he has already guessed it!"

In the spring of the seventh year of the Apocalypse, the Master took his eldest disciple on another trip to the country. I didn’t know that this time he would drink several pots of wine and cut off the peach blossoms on several mountains.

Zhao Wuhao did not practice immediately. Instead, he walked on a flat stone path made of thousands of stones and came to an old three-story wooden building among the green forests at the foot of the mountain.

This three-story wooden building has an ordinary appearance. It doesn't have any splendid decorations or cornices. It just simply rises from the mountain. However, the varnished wood should not be ordinary. Looking at the weathered weather, The traces left by the years have been standing silently in the depths of this academy for who knows how many years, but there are no traces of decay in any detail.

Zhao Wuhao looked up at the horizontal plaque above the wooden building with the words "Old Library" written on it. He couldn't help but want to complain. Are the teachers in this academy too lazy? A library is older just because it is older. Is it called the Old Library?

This building is called the Old Library. The reason is actually very simple, because this building is responsible for collecting books for the academy, and books are only used to record thoughts. Once thoughts jump out of the mind, they can be written down on paper with words. , it is no longer new, it is just an old thing, so any book is an old book, but it does not mean that the academy teachers are lazy.

In the academy, there has never been a saying about cherishing writing paper, and there is no rule about kowtowing before a book in tribute. A book is a book. It is just a tool and is by no means sacred. Only human thoughts are fresh. This is also the virtue of the academy. Carefully, I hope students’ thoughts will not be restricted.

There are two teachers and four administrators in the old library. Their mission is to provide services to all teachers and students, so they work day and night. People from the academy can come over and read books at any time, but there are three rules that need to be remembered.

First of all, the old library has the richest collection of books in the world. In addition to an organization with a hundred people responsible for searching for books in various countries, previous students of the academy also spent a lot of money to buy books. These books are hard to obtain and cost a lot, so you need to wash your hands when reading. It should be clean, and you should not spit on the books during discussions. You do not need to take too much care of them, but you should not treat them like toilet paper in your own toilet.

Secondly, it is impossible for old bookstores to collect all the books in the world. If someone wants to read a certain book but cannot find it, they need to question themselves whether the book they want to read is worth reading and whether it has The need for collection,

Finally, and most importantly, it is strictly forbidden to take any books out of the old library, and copying is prohibited.

The rules in the academy are the rules. No one can challenge it, especially the last rule. Don't try to challenge it. Even if you are the best book thief in the world, if you want to show your skills in the old library, you can only have one end, and that is die.

The wooden door of the old library opened slowly, and it was quiet inside, as if it were a door leading to an unknown world. There was no dust splashed over the years, no cobwebs dragging it around, but it gave people a sense of oppression brought by the vicissitudes of time. Zhao Wuhao briefly After a moment of silence, he straightened his clothes, gathered his composure, stepped over the threshold and walked in.

The inside of the building is much larger than it looks from the outside. There are countless simple bookshelves neatly arranged in the wide space. The bookshelves are arranged according to six subjects and age categories. All the books you can think of are displayed on them, ranging from old to new and old. In one place, like countless sages and celebrities from countless years, they are looking at you mischievously side by side.

Zhao Wuhao walked among the bookshelves alone, taking out a book from time to time to read, nodding or shaking his head, absorbing the knowledge and wisdom in it. He gradually came to the stairs on the first floor and climbed up without hesitation. On the second floor.

The second floor of the old library is quieter than the one below, but there are much fewer bookshelves and collections of books. Relatively speaking, the field of vision has become wider. Zhao Wuhao walked upstairs and found that there were many students upstairs. There were books in front of the bookshelf to read. Some people had silly smiles on their faces, while others were mumbling something. They were obviously very excited.

Most of the books such as collections of classics and history are on the first floor. The books on the bookshelves on the second floor are more focused on martial arts and spiritual practice, such as "Li Zhitang Talks about Buddhism", "The Corroborating Relationship between Mind Power and Mudras", "A Brief Introduction to the Five Realms of Practice", " "Reminiscences of the Years of Xiling", "Dongxuan Sutra", "Nanhua Collection", "A Summary of the Swordsmanship Schools of the Southern Jin Dynasty", "A Dictionary of Appreciation of Ten Thousand Techniques"...

Zhao Wuhao started with the most basic things and pulled out a thin book. This was "A Preliminary Exploration of Snow Mountains and Seas of Qi". He slowly opened the book with his long fingers and looked at the first sentence at the beginning.

"Heaven and earth breathe, it's for breathing!"

Zhao Wuhao looked extremely focused. Looking down along the handwritten ink marks, more content came into view.

"Man is the spirit of all things, so he can understand the way of nature. Will is the power, which is also the power of thought. The power of human thought originates from the brain, gathers between the snowy mountains and the sea of ​​air, condenses into frost, dew and water, and travels through various orifices. It disperses outside the body and connects with the breath of heaven and earth around the body."

Zhao Wuhao looked at the book in his hand, and his vision gradually became blurry, as if he was dizzy with ink, turning into a ball of black stains. An extremely powerful thought flew out of his mind, like a handle. The sharp blade cut open the secret between heaven and earth, and a new world appeared in front of Zhao Wuhao's eyes. Colorful light spots were densely packed and filled the space between heaven and earth. These light spots were like naughty elves, swimming and playing, very lively. .

Zhao Wuhao was doing two things at once. Part of his mind traveled to the world, and part of it was looking at himself. On his chest, waist, and back, the air and sea of ​​snowy mountains came into his mind. All seventeen seven orifices were opened, and the movement of light points of vitality between heaven and earth was reflected in Zhao Wuhao's mind. In his mind, he deduced and calculated, and gradually he mastered the laws of the movement of the vitality of the world. He began to guide the flow of vitality with his mind, slowly injecting it into the sea of ​​​​snowy mountains. His body was like a dry river getting a new source of water, and gradually Enrichment, this is practice.

"Observe the characters, forget the form, and keep the intention. Only when the intention is intentional or unintentional is the intention."

Zhao Wuhao seemed to be waking up from a big dream, with a look of realization on his face and a bright light shining in his eyes, like the brightest star in the dark night, magnificent and mysterious.

The practitioner's thoughts are released from the sea of ​​​​Qi and the snowy mountains, and he clearly understands the existence of the breath of heaven and earth. This is the state of first awareness. The practitioner's mind power can touch the vitality flowing and floating between heaven and earth, and can live in harmony with it, and even have some sensory communication and contact. This is the realm of perception. Practitioners can gradually understand the laws of the flow of vitality between heaven and earth and make use of them. This is the third state of practice, without confusion. What the world calls sword masters and talisman masters generally refer to this category.

Zhao Wuhao had just started to practice, and he reached the sky in one step and entered the realm of no confusion. He was extremely clear-headed and broke through each level very easily. Even if he wanted to, he could continue to break through the following levels, but He stopped in his tracks. He did not have his own consciousness integrated with the vitality of heaven and earth. He stepped into the realm of cave mystery. He could not become fat in one meal. He needed to understand the true meaning of practice. He could not act too hastily. He needed to stabilize his foundation and lay a solid foundation.

Zhao Wuhao read in the old library for a long time before leaving, returning to his small courtyard, ready to rest for a while and polish his foundation.

On weekdays, Zhao Wuhao attends classes and teaches some basics of calligraphy and painting. There are not many classes and he has a lot of free time. Every day he is either polishing his foundation or wandering around the academy to enjoy the scenery. He is unhurried and calm. , there is no sign of being in a hurry to practice. He is pure and indifferent, doing nothing, and his cultivation gradually becomes more spiritual, creating a flawless foundation.

Zhao Wuhao once again stepped onto the second floor of the old library. It was not that he had never been to the old library these days, but he had been staying on the first floor and had not come into contact with other spiritual books.

As soon as he stepped onto the second floor, Zhao Wuhao walked to the place where he read last time. A figure stood there, very bloated. The other person had just pulled out "A Preliminary Exploration of Snow Mountains and Seas of Air" and seemed to be disturbed by Zhao Wuhao's footsteps. I couldn't hold it firmly and the book suddenly fell to the ground.

This was a fat young student wearing a dark blue academy robe. He looked about ten years old. He was panting and squeezed between the bookshelves. They were full. He looked back at Zhao Wuhao with some annoyance, and then stared at Zhao Wuhao. He checked the bookshelf and said with great complaint.

"I don't know who designed this thing. Don't you know how to make the distance wider? Don't you think that the academy will also recruit a few fat people?"

When Zhao Wuhao heard this, he couldn't help laughing when he saw the lump of fat stuffed between the two rows of bookshelves with some difficulty, causing the obese young man to glare at Zhao Wuhao fiercely and question.

"Which library student are you from? Why are you so rude? Have you never seen a fat man?"

"Do you know who I am, and how dare you laugh at me for being fat!"

This little fat man is very arrogant and holds his head high. Even so, his neck cannot be seen. It seems that there is a huge head growing directly on his shoulders, which is very funny.

"Oh, I haven't asked you yet, what is the identity of this Sir without a neck? He is so proud!"

The little fat man was shocked by Zhao Wuhao's words. His chubby face suddenly fell down and his head lowered. He seemed to be deeply hurt, and his voice was a bit annoyed.

"You are so rude. I must tell your teachers and let them teach you etiquette!"

As if he was too angry, the little fat man's face turned red, and the fat on his body was shaking. He widened his slender eyes and glared at Zhao Wuhao.

"I am the master's disciple, a peerless genius, the twelfth gentleman of the academy. You, a student, dare to be rude to me. You must be scared now that you know my identity!"

An arrogant smile appeared on the little fat man's face again, and he looked sideways at Zhao Wuhao. His arrogant look made people want to give him a slap in the face.

When Zhao Wuhao heard this, a glimmer of understanding flashed through his bright eyes. It turned out that this little fat man was Chen Pipi, the son of the master of Zhishou Temple. His mother was a descendant of the Guangming Great Priest of the South China Sea, and she was also the disciple of Ye Su who was walking around the world in the Taoist sect. Junior brother. Because she was kind-hearted and did not want to compete with Ye Su for the position of temple master, she later ran away from home due to Ye Hongyu's rebuke and came to Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty. After being admitted to the academy with top grades in the sixth subject last year, she was directly admitted to the second floor by her master. Building, the mountain behind the academy ranks twelve. Now his cultivation has entered the Dongxuan realm, which is one level higher than Zhao Wuhao, but he is not good at fighting.

"I am not a student of the academy, but a teacher, so even if you file a complaint, no one can punish me. Isn't that disappointing!"

Zhao Wuhao had a look of pride on his face. His words made the little fat man feel like an eggplant beaten by frost. His whole body was drained of energy. He looked at Zhao Wuhao in disbelief, full of suspicion.

"How could there be such a young teacher in the academy? Why didn't I know?"

The little fat man was dubious and frowned secretly. He had some suspicion that the other party was lying, but the academy's status was transcendent, and no one would dare to tell such a lie unless he didn't want to live anymore. Moreover, such lies would be exposed as soon as they were exposed, so it was completely unnecessary.

"I am a teacher recruited by Li Manmang personally, and I have the right to enter the back of the academy!"

The little fat man Chen Pipi frowned even more tightly. How come he had never heard of this matter? The mountain behind the academy is different from other places. It is the most unknowable place in the world. Except for the Master and his disciples, no one can do it without permission. Entering the back mountain, even if the other party is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, it is no exception. The young man in front of him is not old, and there is nothing outstanding about him. Why can he get the right to enter the back mountain of the academy?

"Master, has he accepted you as his disciple?"

The little fat man could only think of one possibility. The other party might become the Master's thirteen disciples. Wouldn't that mean that he would be the other party's senior brother? Thinking of this, Chen Pipi immediately cheered up. Finally, he was no longer the youngest.

"That's not true. I haven't met the Master, and I won't go to see him. He won't accept me as his disciple, and I don't need the Master to be my teacher!"

Zhao Wuhao's words were extremely arrogant and revealed great pride. Logically speaking, Chen Pipi should have said a few sarcastic words, but for some reason the other party conveyed a trustworthy power. Chen Pipi could not say the sarcastic words despite opening his mouth several times.

"You are so crazy!"

Chen Pipi was silent for a long time, and finally just said this fact dryly.

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