I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2615 Tianhe Sword Sect, Qi Training Sensing

In the first year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, the world was at peace and the weather was smooth. It was a prosperous era for living and working in peace and contentment.

There are strange merchants in the world who specialize in selling absurd dreams; to comfort the frustrated, those who hear them buy them like the wind... Don't ask if you are enjoying yourself in your dreams when you wake up; what is life? A dream for hundreds of years.

Today, Li Ying is getting older and has passed the age of 60. He is more afraid of death, so he recruits immortals and strangers from all over the world, hoping to obtain the elixir of immortality and live forever.

The emperor practiced Taoism, and Taoism naturally prevailed among the people, and the atmosphere was strong. Countless people abandoned their families, relatives, and friends to look for traces of the immortal, hoping to achieve immortality, freedom, and detachment from the world.

Practitioners in the world are divided into four major schools according to different methods.

One of them is Xuanmen Taoism. This sect takes the Five Elements of Tai Chi, the Nine Palaces of Bagua, and the Heluo astrology as its principles, and connects the vitality of heaven and earth as its foundation. The physical body is useless, and the hard work is to cultivate the soul. Once the soul emerges, the physical body is regarded as a broom and is discarded without regret. Only by cultivating the soul can the door to immortality be opened. "

The second one is our Shen Sect Demon Sect. The goal is to pursue the power of ancient gods and demons. Advocating nature, not distinguishing between good and evil, doing whatever you want, without restraint. At the end of the cultivation, the physical body must be transformed into the body of ancient gods and demons, immortal, immortal, and immortal. Although the soul can be cultivated, it is only a means to fight with others, not a way to live forever! Only by cultivating the bodies of ancient gods and demons can the monks of our Shen Zong Demon Sect be comparable to those of Xuan Zong Taoism who have mastered the soul.

The third one is the Buddhist school of Buddhism. This sect believes that the physical body is a treasure that can save the world. Without seeking anything from outside, it will naturally possess a treasure containing endless energy. Born in the world, save others and save yourself, be kind to others, and avoid harming your life. This sect is somewhat similar to my Shen Sect Demon Sect. They have developed a Vajra body that is invulnerable to all laws and the body has become holy.

The fourth one is the side sect, in which the world classifies practitioners who are not among the third-rate practitioners. The theories of the side sects are numerous, and the methods of practice are also numerous and exhaustive. Although there are some geniuses who have obtained the fruit of immortality, there is no way to achieve immortality. It is just that there are many miscellaneous families in the side sect, which are more than ten times more than the disciples of Xuanzong Taoism, Shenzong Demon Sect and Sakyamuni Buddhism combined. Although Taoism is Although they are shallow, their magic power is extremely powerful. If there are beings like the top ten loose immortals in the side sect, their magical abilities can be said to be enough to burn the sky and boil the sea, turn the earth upside down, and be omnipotent.

Take Xuanmen Taoism as an example. If you want to cultivate the soul, you start with Qi refining, which is divided into nine major steps: fetal movement, entering the body, induction, condensation, refining, elixir formation, Tao foundation, escape from calamity, and nourishment! After completing these nine steps, you can completely get rid of the physical body. If the physical body was damaged before, the soul will not be able to cultivate, and the door to immortality will be closed from now on.

It's hard to live forever if you don't realize the soul. Even if you have supreme supernatural powers, are unrivaled in killings, are invincible in all battles with others, dominate the world, and are invincible, but when the time comes, everything will be a fleeting smoke, a dream, empty regrets, and regrets!

In the west of China, the surging water washes away all the sand. In the middle of the Tongtian River, a huge peak stands 18,000 feet high, like a pillar supporting the sky. The water is rushing, forming countless large and small towers around this Tongtian Peak. In the whirlpool, sometimes a big fish jumps out of the water, which looks very fat.

Patriarch Guo, the leader of the Seven Sons of Tongtian, founded the Tianhe Sword Sect in Tongtianhe. It is one of the nine major sects of Taoism. It has many disciples and is powerful.

Cultivation of immortality does not hinder marrying and having children, and severing love and sex. The disciples of the sect remember their families and gradually moved their family members here. After thousands of years, they formed their own country in the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, named Tongtian.

Tongtian Kingdom now has a population of hundreds of thousands. Although most of these people are not qualified enough to seek immortality, occasionally there are disciples with outstanding qualifications who will be sent to the Tianhe Sword Sect to undergo trials, including us outer disciples. "

The Tianhe Sword Sect occupies the Tongtian River, and the land in the upper reaches is fertile. It has been a major sect for thousands of years, and it has flourished and become a country. This is also unusual among the major sects of Buddhism and Taoism.

The Tianhe Sword Sect takes the Three Methods and Four Techniques as its foundation and points directly to the road to immortality, which can lead to the realization of the soul. Among them, Tianhe Zhengfa is the first of the three methods and four techniques.

The Tianhe Zhengfa is infinitely mysterious, and among the seven true methods of the Tianhe Sword Sect, it is the most majestic and domineering.

Patriarch Guo, the founder of the Tianhe Sword Sect, once said: When the dikes are broken, the seas of the four seas burst into the sky, and the stars enter the Tianhe River! I can't say enough about the tyranny of this method.

If one can cultivate the Tianhe Zhengfa to great perfection, the soul can be transformed into the water of the surging Tianhe River, and the magic power will never diminish. Although it is not as Patriarch Guo said, it can burst the embankments of all the seas and bring all the stars into the soul, but after practicing it, the true energy is unparalleled in the world, just like the water of the Tianhe River, gurgling continuously without exhaustion, but the magic power is the highest among all sects in the world. He is profound and is not afraid of competing with others for his magic power.

Biyou Palace, the sect of the Tianhe Sword Sect, is located in the middle section of the Tongtian River, on Jin'ao Island where the water is the widest. The island is nearly a thousand miles in diameter, with six or seven long bridges on each side connecting the two banks of the Tongtian River. On the island, exotic flowers and plants are blooming at all times, and rare birds and animals are constantly coming and going. Occasionally, there are one or two Taoist people who come and go in the sky in half cloud and half mist. It really has a fairy atmosphere. Biyou Palace is built on a peak in the west of Jin'ao Island. This peak is called Qilin Peak. The side near the water has a solitary owl protruding, while the side facing the island has gentle slopes. Biyou Palace is located on Qilin Peak. There are layers of buildings on the top, the highest point is the Qilin Hall where the headmaster Guo Zhenren lives, which is the highest point on Jin'ao Island.

The North Pole Pavilion is the only building near the water in the Biyou Palace. It is very spacious with ancient carvings. A building sign is hundreds of feet high. Behind the building sign is a terrace, which can accommodate hundreds of people practicing Taoism and martial arts. Further back is a cave with a height of seventy feet, and the Arctic Pavilion is in the cave.

Arctic Pavilion is a retreat for disciples of the Tianhe Sword Sect, a place where they can break through their realms. It is cold, lonely and isolated from the world, with few people living nearby.

Things in the world are mysterious and unpredictable. There is a true disciple of the Tianhe Sword Sect who placed his cave next to the North Pole Pavilion. He is isolated from the world and rarely communicates with others. This disciple's name is Su Zhen, and he is the Yuan Shen Luo of the Tianhe Sword Sect. Zhenren's disciple is an inner disciple of the Tianhe Sword Sect.

In the selection of disciples, Taoism pays attention to choosing one out of ten thousand, ensuring that all qualities are the best. After repeated tests, they will teach the true method of the great way and be classified as inner disciples. Inner disciples have reached the sixth level of Qi refining. Only when one reaches the level of elixir attainment can one become a true disciple in the nine major sects of Taoism.

On the road of spiritual practice, it all depends on single-minded hard work and no distractions. Only when you give up everything in the world can you hope to achieve success in the immortal path. Therefore, it is said that the immortal path is lonely. On the road of spiritual practice, it is indeed very lonely. However, if one is successful in the immortal way and is destined to live forever, he can do as he pleases, turn clouds and rain, play in the world, and enjoy all the joys that ordinary people cannot have. Therefore, it is also said that the immortal way is free and happy. Only when you can endure loneliness can you have great freedom, freedom and joy.

The area near the Arctic Pavilion is extremely quiet and deserted. A young man in white clothes, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, is handsome and handsome, sitting cross-legged, with a sword placed on his knees. It is sharp and unstoppable. He silently uses his true energy to move Zhou Tian, Ingesting water vapor from the Tongtian River to improve his skills, this person is Su Zhen, a disciple of Luo Zhenren of the Tianhe Sword Sect. He practices Tianhe Zhengfa, the first of the seven true teachings in the sect.

Su Zhen closed his eyes tightly and looked calm. The true energy in the meridians in his body surged like a raging river, rushing violently. There was a faint sound of big waves crashing on the shore. This showed that this inner disciple of the Tianhe Sword Sect had a profound cultivation level. With powerful magical power, he has cultivated Tianhe Zhengfa to an extremely advanced level.

The spiral Milky Way in the dantian turns slower and slower. At the core, a little wave appears. This wave is crystal clear. When it jumps out, it merges into the spiral Milky Way.

Su Zhen spent more than a month in seclusion. At this moment, he finally condensed one dollar of heavy water into 365 drops. Just like 108 is called the number of stars in a week, 365 is called the Great Zhou in Taoism. The number of days is perfect. When one yuan of heavy water condenses more than 365 drops, this spiral galaxy is no longer just a plate of loose sand like before, but it truly becomes a galaxy, with countless stars shining brightly, condensing and never scattering. .

Originally, the spiral Milky Way in Su Zhen's Dantian was just water without roots. It was used to transport mana. If you use one drop of one-yuan heavy water, you will lose one drop of one-yuan heavy water. If you use two drops, you will lose two drops. Then you need to practice again to recover. . But when this spiral Tianhe takes shape, it is like a river opening its source, and the 365 acupoints are like 365 water sources, gathering the innate water essence between heaven and earth continuously. In Dantian.

Unless Su Zhen used some Taoist formula that consumed too much mana and damaged the foundation of this spiral galaxy, the mana would be endless and there would be no need to worry about consumption.

This state is called in the Tianhe Dharma: "A Tianhe is as long as it is, and the source of water is endless."

Su Zhen heard the sound of water rushing in his ears. It was not the sound of real water, but the sound of the Tianhe in his Dantian, the flow of real water mana. At this point, Su Zhen worked hard and contracted the Spiral Tianhe, rotating along the 365 acupoints around his body one by one. When he passed the first 352 acupoints, the Spiral Tianhe seemed to be coming from Jiutian. The Tianhe falling from above had accumulated enough momentum. After rushing into the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows, Su Zhen felt his eyes light up. The mirage in the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows jumped and shrank suddenly, causing Helix Tianhe to rush over in one go. Then the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows suddenly heated up, and a heat flow spread out. Su Zhen could "see" the surroundings without using his eyes. Every plant, every tree, brick and tile, is like a third eye opening between the eyebrows.

After passing through the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows, the Spiral Tianhe passed through Baihui Tianling. Suddenly, there was a chill, like nectar falling, which made Su Zhen's mind cool and his thoughts seemed to be much sharper. It seemed that he immediately had the ability to have a photographic memory, which lasted his whole life. All the things he had experienced, no matter how big or small, were passing through his mind one by one. They were the trivial things in his childhood that he thought he had forgotten long ago, and it was even impossible to remember them at all. flooded my mind.

After passing the jade pillow on the back of the head, Su Zhen had a sense of mastery of balance throughout his life. You must know that even an adult will inevitably slip on extremely slippery roads, or if he is accidentally pushed by someone, but the jade pillow on the back of the head As soon as the acupuncture point was opened, Su Zhen had a feeling that he would never lose his balance. No matter how bad the road surface was or how much force was pushing and dragging him, he would never fall again and could always stand as stable as a mountain. Even if he is stepping on an extremely long and narrow flying sword and the strong wind is blowing outside, he will never worry about losing his footing.

Su Zhen had mastered the second level of Tianhe Zhengfa, and finally reached the perfect state of refining Qi into the body. Since he joined the Tianhe Sword Sect, he has practiced in seclusion every day, spending three hundred and sixty-six dollars. It took fifteen days to open up all the 365 acupoints in the body, and integrate one yuan of heavy water into the acupoints. The Great Zhoutian was completed and a galaxy was built. There was no longer any worry about energy consumption. It can be said that he was diligent and hardworking.

The sun has set in the west, dusk has passed, and the world has plunged into darkness. The stars are bright in the night sky, but there are no lights in the cave. It is pitch black and you can't see your fingers.

Suddenly, a mysterious sensibility arose in his heart, and his spiritual power merged into the void without any hindrance. A bright sword light shot out from the starry eyes. Su Zhen withdrew his skills and stood up. The aura around his body was restrained and there was no leakage, as if there was no trace of it. There is no cultivation in the body.

"I didn't expect that Su Zhen would come to this world this time and become one of the six disciples of the Tianhe Sword Sect in the future!"

"Fortunately, I woke up early and I have no regrets about the elixir. If I cannot form a first-grade golden elixir, my future practice may be hindered and it will be difficult to attain the soul. In a few hundred years, I will turn into withered bones!"

"It has only been more than a year since I became a member of the Tianhe Sword Sect. One day I have fetal movements, one month I enter the body, and one day I have one body. Now I have entered the realm of sensing, and I need to find a good place to condense evil spirits. Refining Gang and forming a first-grade golden elixir, only then can one be regarded as a true disciple and have long-term hope!"

Su Zhen's spiritual power dispersed into the void, and the Tianhe Qi in the orifices in his body surged vigorously and passionately. A ray of Qi flew out and merged into the long sword. With a clear drink, the sword's light was cold and escaped into the void. , displayed the skill of sword control, controlled the sword in a hundred steps, and flew out of the cave. This is a superb sword skill that can only be achieved after entering the third level of Qi training.

From the induction of the third level of Qi refining to the fifth level of Qi refining, the swordsmanship goes from controlling the sword for a hundred steps, the sword energy generates evil, to the sword light turning into a rainbow. As long as you have enough cultivation, you can master such swordsmanship. But the next four major sword arts, sword refining into silk, sword energy and thunder sound, instant sword technique, and sword light differentiation, can't be mastered until the cultivation level is reached. Many experts at the ninth level of Qi Refining have not mastered any of these four sword skills.

Among the four great swordsmanships, sword refining is the foundation for defeating all kinds of magic with one sword. No matter what magic you have or what treasure you have, I will cut everything with one sword and chop everything into pieces. Naturally, it is unstoppable. There is only the peerless swordsmanship of refining swords into silk. Only in this way can the sharpness of the flying sword be fully utilized.

Once swordsmanship reaches the point where sword light differentiates, the distinction between sword weapons and magic weapons is no longer so clear. Sword light can also change in countless ways, with countless mysteries, from simple to complex. This realm also has a name, called One sword creates all kinds of magic. There is destruction, so there are derivatives. At this point, the spells and magical weapons of other sects are no longer comparable to Taoist Taoist priests who practice swordsmanship.

As for the Sword Qi Leiyin and Instant Sword Techniques, although these two sword techniques are qualified to be practiced after the Qi is refined into Gang, only those who can master these two sword techniques during the ninth level of Qi refining are warm and nourished. , there are also very few, there are only twenty people in Taoist sects in the world who can understand these two swordsmanships. Most of them are old guys who have been practicing Taoism for hundreds of years.

Two hundred years ago, Tianhe Sword sent Xu Wen, who was said to be the best in the world in swordsmanship. He had mastered all four major swordsmanships and was able to dominate the world without encountering an opponent. Unfortunately, relying on his magical powers, he finally died in the Arctic Pavilion when his deadline came. , became a brilliant meteor, but it is difficult to become an eternal star, which is very sad!

Su Zhen had a feeling in his heart that within a hundred steps radius, he was the small master of this side of the world. No matter how strong the power of the world was, it could not invade his small side of the world. At this moment , Su Zhen’s Taoist heart is crystal clear, flawless, and does not seek anything from outside.

Outside the cave, the heavy rain from the sky was pouring down, but a hundred feet above Su Zhen's head, it suddenly became gentle and turned into a layer of water curtain, slowly flowing down, covering the young man. Su Zhen didn't have to move a finger to take in all the movements within a hundred steps. Now it was like a whirlpool opened in his Dantian, whether it was dark clouds in the sky, heavy rain all over him, or the raging river outside Tongtian Peak. , or even the Milky Way in the infinite distance, as long as it is the innate water essence, it will pour into any spiral Milky Way in the Dantian. Thousands of tributaries extend from this mass of Tianhe, but each tributary is clear and distinct. The thousands of tributaries are all well organized and converge at one source.

This spiral Milky Way, which is entirely composed of one yuan of heavy water, is now like a bottomless giant hole, sucking in the most abundant true water essence in the world with great thirst.

The third level of induction in Qi refining is different from other Qi refining realms. What is needed is a moment, a moment of understanding. If you catch it, you can walk through it calmly. If you can't catch it, maybe there will be a chance next time, maybe in this life. It's hard to find such a moment. After this level of skill is passed, the improvement in cultivation is extremely obvious. Because of the Qi refining skill, the other levels are gradual. Only the step of sensing is too much, and it only takes a moment.

As soon as the Qi refining skill of sensing the heaven and earth was completed, the power of Tianhe Zhengfa suddenly increased. Su Zhen silently operated the Tianhe Zhengfa for three or four hours, until the mass of Tianhe in the Dantian could no longer contain the true water rolling in from heaven and earth. Jing Qi, and then restrained his magic power.

The next day, in the early morning, the rays of light jumped out, shining brightly on the water surface, floating like gold, and the ripples on the water turned into pieces of golden scales, which were particularly gorgeous. The breeze floated, bringing with it strands of pure water vapor. , refreshing, absorbed by a galaxy, integrated into Su Zhen's Dantian, increasing his magic power.

As soon as Su Zhen entered the Tianhe Sword Sect, he was able to be accepted by Zhenren Luo as his disciple. His qualifications and talents were naturally the best choice, and he was astonishingly talented.

It must be understood that Zhenren Luo is the real person of the immortal soul. He has a respected status and a great reputation, and is different from ordinary cultivators.

Not everyone can practice immortality? Patriarch Guo of the Tianhe Sword Sect was a genius, and he did not create the three methods and four techniques of the unworldly Taoism by himself. At that time, there were seven people practicing Taoism with Patriarch Guo, known as the Seven Sons of Heaven, but in the end, only five of them cultivated the soul. Gained immortality. When it comes to the generation of Master Luo, Su Xinghe, and Master Guo Songyang, there are a total of twenty-eight brothers, but only five have cultivated the soul. Currently, there are still six people in the Tianhe Sword Sect who have reached the peak of Qi training and are practicing hard in the Arctic Pavilion in seclusion.

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