I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2604: I am moral, and the emperor seals the heaven


In a hazy place, Wang Siyuan coughed a few times and said with a faint smile.

"You can deduce it faster than me!"

"But there is such a supreme being protecting your path, so it's okay not to think about it quickly!"

There is a seal floating above Wang Siyuan's head, exuding the aura of reincarnation. It is actually the seal of reincarnation held by Lu Chunyang. I don't know when, it was actually rewarded to him!

In Thrushcross Grange, in the Tomb Cottage, Mr. Lu Da is concentrating on purifying himself, comprehending his true self, and comprehending the mysteries of infinite heights.

Suddenly, his vision suddenly changed. His whole person seemed to be strangely elevated, looking down at the world from an infinite height. It was a line made up of points, a surface made up of lines, a void made up of surfaces, and the voids overlapped. , there are infinite heights, intertwined with time, and there is heaven and earth. The doubts in the past disappeared with such witnessing, and Mr. Lu Da finally figured out his position.

Mr. Lu Da slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Xijiang Pavilion. A smile appeared on his focused face, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

In the Yuxu Palace, Meng Qi sat cross-legged and looked into the void. Scenes of memories emerged in his mind. The goose-yellow figure gradually became clearer, bright and moving, and elegant. Every time he saw a new sword manual, his eyes They will all shine brightly, like stars, making people remember them deeply.

"You have realized the Tao of Creation and are one step closer to him. Do you know when you will get what you want?"

"But since you have already achieved enlightenment, I can't lag behind. I need to speed up, otherwise I will be laughed at!"

Meng Qi was aroused by Jiang Zhiwei's competitive spirit. He was only a little bit away from being born. In half a year at most, he would be able to step into the sea of ​​suffering, condense the illusory avenue, and achieve the body of creation.

Jiang Zhiwei was sitting in the lobby of Xijiang Pavilion. As the Supreme Headmaster of Xijiang Pavilion, she had attained the realm of creation. Naturally, she was congratulated by the elders and disciples. Each of them had a look of joy on their face, and they were proud of you. Yan.

Jiang Zhi smiled slightly, turned her gaze to the elder disciple of Xijiang Pavilion, and said solemnly.

"The closer you get to the other shore, the more you realize how insignificant you are. You must not be arrogant and only know how to rely on power. Now that I have become a destiny, many things in the past can no longer be used. Therefore, I simply build a sect treasure house. If there are enough contributions, you may prove it." Anyone who has obtained the Dharmakaya can choose a treasure from it."

Under the curious gazes of many elders and disciples, Jiang Zhiwei stretched out his right hand and turned his parallel fingers into a sword. With a slight stroke, he saw the void split, yin and yang differentiated, and earth, fire, wind and water surged out, forming another world.

The sky and the earth shrank, the earth, fire, wind and water condensed, and the black and white yin and yang were poured into each other, forming one blurred pattern after another, forming layers of restrictions, and finally turned into a blue-gray stone door and merged into the void. Create a world of your own, create something out of nothing! This is the treasure house of Xijian Pavilion.

In the legendary realm, the caves opened belong to the incomplete world. When it comes to creation, it creates the universe. When it gets close to the other side and the real world in the body is about to take shape, it will create a realm slightly lower than the heavens.

Although Jiang Zhiwei was new to creation, she bore the mark of the Moral God, condensed the illusory avenue, and opened up a world that exceeded the scope of the normal universe and was close to the most ancient universe. As for the creation of the void, it is just a common symbol of those with great supernatural powers.

Jiang Zhi fluttered her sleeves, and many things flew out, circling in the air. There were five-element fairy swords with red, green, yellow, white and black colors, a phoenix sword based on wood and followed by wind and fire, and a soaring dragon sword surrounded by clouds and water. There are Buddhist swords that are full of wisdom and purity, shiny and mysterious treasure wheels that point directly to the memory fragments in the deepest part of the soul, and many precious and extremely precious treasures. These are all the things she has collected over the years, and they are all useless. , were placed together in the treasure house as a prize to encourage the elders and disciples.

The small courtyard near the top of Xijiang Pavilion was still extremely clean. Lu Chunyang looked at Jiang Zhiwei who opened the door and walked in. His expression moved slightly, his eyes looked at her carefully, he nodded and said happily.

"Yes, now that you have gained the true meaning of morality, you can go thirty-three days away to visit the Moral God!"

When Jiang Zhiwei witnessed the creation, she also noticed that her own cause and effect were different. She was branded as a moral god, so she knew there were some secrets. Now when she heard what Lu Chunyang said, she immediately understood that this matter was related to Lu Chunyang.

In the world of Journey to the West, Jiang Zhiwei's figure appeared, and she raised her perspective to the level of her true aura. She saw that the void overlapped everywhere, and there was no distance between any two points. Only the illusory river of time flowed quietly, day and night.

In this state, Jiang Zhiwei directly saw the fall of Heaven, the ruined and missing remnants of the Nine Heavens, and the traces of the collapse and dispersion of the twenty-four heavens, so she jumped up and jumped above them, as if she was about to rush out of the long river of time. , into true chaos.

When this feeling became more and more intense and real, Jiang Zhiwei's eyes suddenly lit up, and her vision was filled with a shrouded fairyland. The sky was high in the sky but the brightness was not diminished. The sea of ​​clouds under her feet was loose and steady, which made her feel People seem to be traveling in the sky, and everywhere they can see fairy birds, auspicious beasts, spiritual plants and strange flowers, all of which are species that have been extinct in the world for a long time, as if the ancient mythological era has come to this day.

In the center of the fairyland, there stood an ordinary palace, with three indecipherable but self-explanatory words written on it: Tushita Palace!

As soon as Jiang Zhiwei entered this fairyland, she felt a sense of familiarity and familiarity, as if she had returned to her own home, from the same source, like twins.

This place has its own morality, which is consistent with the true moral meaning of Jiang Zhiwei. They blend with each other and become one, regardless of you and me. It seems that this is the world created by Jiang Zhiwei.

"Why are Master Jiang here?"

Just as Jiang Zhiwei was feeling the surroundings and noticing a little difference, a boy wearing a silver robe walked out of the Tushita Palace, smiling and holding his hands in laughter.

When Jiang Zhiwei saw the person coming, memories related to his identity emerged in her mind. King Silver Horn, she had heard Meng Qi talk about this morally powerful boy before, and she smiled and said in return.

"I have been ordered by my uncle to come to visit Daode Tianzun. I hope the boy will inform you!"

King Yinjiao's eyes flashed, and he quietly looked at this morally minded woman. He lowered his eyelids slightly and said with a hint of respect.

"Headmaster Jiang is so polite. The eldest master has already told me that if you come, you should be welcomed in respectfully."

After saying that, Silver Horn Boy turned his body half sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

A bright and moving smile bloomed on Jiang Zhiwei's pretty face, she nodded slightly, walked forward, and said politely.

"Thank you boy!"

The two of them stepped over the threshold one after another, stepped into the Tushita Palace, passed through many palaces, and came to a room with simple and elegant decoration.

There is only a table in the room, with a few pages of golden books on the table. Behind it, an old man in Taoist attire sitting cross-legged with white hair and a childlike face, embroidered with a black and white yin and yang fish entwined into a Tai Chi pattern in front of him, the rest is ordinary, as if Ordinary people, it seems that the natural movement of heaven and earth is the law that everyone is accustomed to.

"Is this one of the oldest beings from the other side? The Moral God of Sanqingli?"

Jiang Zhiwei noticed that the old man in Taoist attire had a temperament very similar to that of his master. She restrained all the emotions in her heart and bowed respectfully.

"Juniors pay their respects to the Moral God."

The old man with white hair and childish face had his eyes half-opened and half-closed, and his voice was old and ordinary, full of peace.

"Now that I've paid my respects, it's time to go back."

Jiang Zhi was stunned for a moment, her thoughts whirling, and she tentatively spoke.

"Moral Heavenly Lord, thank you for bestowing the Heavenly Lord's brand to help the younger generation understand the true meaning of Supreme Wuji. Only in this way can we understand the righteous principles, step into creation, condense the illusory avenue, and sail through the boundless sea of ​​suffering!"

Don’t be surprised if you give gifts to many people. Thank you and you will never go wrong!

At this moment, Daode Tianzun opened his eyes. It was like two mirrors, reflecting the scenes of all the heavens and the world. He could even distinguish the nine secluded places in the immortal world, and the shortcuts everywhere. If you look closely, they are manifested. The black and white yin and yang fish were turning slowly, as if they were turning into a deep whirlpool, leading to another era, other heavens and worlds. He slowly spoke and asked in a low voice.

"Who is moral?"

"Who is moral?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why. Suddenly, she had an idea and smiled brightly. She smiled generously and heartily.

"I am moral!"

"In that case, why thank you?"

Moral Heavenly Lord stood up with a puff of sleeves, put his hands behind his back and left, with a subtle smile on his lips, leaving Jiang Zhiwei standing there quietly.

Jiang Zhiwei didn't stop him or chase him. Instead, he smiled and moved the five fingers of his right hand leisurely on the back of his left hand. His whole body felt like he had eaten a ginseng fruit. The pores all over his body were open and comfortable.

"That's it! That's it!"

Jiang Zhiwei stood up slowly and walked to the table in front of Daode Tianzun just now. She looked down and saw those few pages of a gold book titled "The Supreme Taoist Scripture"!

Jiang Zhi nodded slightly, picked it up, and penetrated with his spiritual consciousness, absorbing the content written in red jade script inside. This kind of text is deduced from the Dao pattern and is best at describing high-level exercises. Of course, the chapters about the other side and the embryonic form of Dao fruit in the "Tai Shang Dao Jing" are directly expressed in the corresponding Dao pattern, not Chi Mingyu can be written in writing.

At this time, King Silver Horn stepped into the room and saw Jiang Zhiwei reading the few pages of the golden book, half confused and half puzzled.

"When you see this thing, shouldn't you just destroy it? Aren't you afraid that the "Tai Shang Tao Jing" will mess up your own path and take other people's ways as the way?"

Jiang Zhiwei withdrew her consciousness, stroking the golden book with her right hand, shaking her head and laughing, and explained to the puzzled King Silver Horn.

"If I don't dare to face it and end up in the inferior position, the Supreme Principle should be inclusive of all things and all kinds of possibilities. If I don't dare to see and understand other people's ways, how is it different from having inner demons?"

"There are stones from other mountains that can attack jade. As long as you keep your true heart, understand your own way, and learn from others instead of being like him, what's the harm?"

After saying that, a bright and bright smile bloomed on Jiang Zhiwei's face, she put away a few pages of the golden book, left Tushita Palace proudly, returned to the real world from thirty-three days away, and returned to Xijian Pavilion.

King Silver Horn was stunned when he heard this, and he murmured to himself after a long time.

"There are reasons for not looking at it, and there are reasons for looking at it. Who is right and who is wrong?"

Jiang Zhiwei's figure descended and sat on the cloud bed in the quiet room again. Her eyes were closed, and the red and bright jade texts flowed by one by one. If she doesn't practice the supreme way of forgetting love, being passionate but not tired, tolerating all things, and being inclusive, then she really can't look at other people's ways.

Jiang Zhiwei has condensed the meaning of infinite chaos into the illusory avenue, which is naturally different. King Silver Horn's disregard is a constant principle, but everything has its exceptions.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, on Sanxiao Island in the Twenty-Eight Realms of the Seven Seas, in the Nine Immortals Mountain hanging high above the sky and other places, in the Buddha Kingdom on the earth, in the vacuum hometown, in the ancient area, each pair contains the secrets of the stars and rivers of heaven and earth. Their eyes were all looking at Great Zhou Changle and the Fengtian Terrace.

Suddenly there was a clear cry from high in the sky, as beautiful as the sound of the Great Dao. The green light took shape and turned into clouds. It held an ancient list with golden light and fell to the Fengtian Terrace. On it were three scarlet jade inscriptions: Feng Shen Bang!

Originally, this treasure was captured by Zhao Heng and Qi Zhengyan. The two wanted to use this treasure to control the Heavenly Conferment Platform and integrate the ghosts and gods to achieve the goal of humankind ruling the heavens. Tasteless, it would be a pity to throw it away.

Later, Meng Qi found Qi Zhengyu and offered to exchange the Buddhist pure land of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and the handwritten manuscripts of the previous generation of human emperors, and obtained the list of gods. However, he was blocked by the Nine Nether Demon God, so Meng Qi could only hand over the list to Qing Emperor. , asked him to transfer it to Gao Lan on his behalf, and set a six-month period. Now the half-year period has arrived.

The list of gods slowly lowered and opened with the wind, revealing the names of gods written in vague Taoist patterns inside. The green light formed clouds around it, changing in thousands of ways, as if dragons and phoenixes were surrounding it. Every inch it falls, it touches a pair of eyes, eyes from various fairy caves, Buddhist pure lands, and ancient hometowns. They seem to be wary of something or expecting something.

Gao Lan has already appeared on the Fengtian Platform, wearing a crown of peace on his head, wearing a black and yellow emperor's robe, with the ancient sword of the emperor hanging on his waist.

The brilliance of the Fengtian Terrace rose up, stirring up the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, causing the roar of the earth, and condensed into a four-color splendid mountain and river map, covering it, isolating the immortals and Buddhas, while Shaoxuan, Xi'e, etc., each holding the priesthood, controlled The ship of doomsday, with protection at its side.

As the current human emperor, Gao Lan was not careless in the slightest. He tried his best from the beginning and made the best arrangement he could! Then do your best and obey fate!

Although Gao Lan has always been proud and ambitious, his current state and level allow him to only rely on his status and the general trend he occupies to influence God's will a little. He is a true emperor.

However, Gao Lan has always been a very contradictory being. There are also times when he becomes angry and becomes a beauty, and when he can no longer bear it, there is no need to bear it anymore.

The list of gods is still slowly descending in the golden green light, neither fast nor slow, just like usual. However, in places such as Sanxiao Island, Jiuxian Mountain, and the Buddhist Kingdom on the Earth, there is a thrilling feeling about the powerful and supernatural beings. It seems that every inch of it hides fierce battles, obscure games, and the glint of swords and blood shadows that are invisible to the naked eye.

Perhaps before anyone felt anything unusual, history had already been rewritten many times, and finally settled on what they saw and remembered!

The golden light became more and more powerful. The Qi machines of the Fengshen Bang and Fentian Tai were pulled down. The descent suddenly accelerated. In a few breaths, they crossed a long distance, penetrated the splendid mountain and river map, and landed in Gao Lan's outstretched left hand. There was no trace of anything at all. Accident! No ripples!

The whole process was smooth and without any ripples! Is it because those great supernatural beings and ancient beings have not fully awakened and returned, and it is difficult to directly compete with the two other people on the other side of the world, the Purity Heavenly Lord and the Qing Emperor, so those big shots chose to compromise, give in, and give up?

Meng Qi was sitting on the cloud bed in Yuxu Palace. At this time, he had realized the Tao and had become the second person with great supernatural powers to step into the sea of ​​suffering. He looked down at this scene quietly, with thousands of thoughts in his mind, and suddenly remembered A certain detail came up. A detail that he noticed inadvertently.

"Is that so?"

"If I were the eldest brother, would I be happy to be in that situation?"

"It has an impact on the original great cause, but it can also share the pressure, so that I don't have to face the enemy who is currently difficult to contend with!"

Thoughts abounded, Meng Qi's gaze was deep, still like a god in chaos, watching the statues in the palace without moving at all.

Under the eyes that seemed to be real, Gao Lan raised the list of gods with his left hand, and pulled out the Human Emperor Sword with his right hand with a clang. The pale gold flowed, the king's way spread, and their auras entangled with each other, completing the first step of the human way to dominate the sky. Immediately afterwards, being protected by the Splendid Mountains and Rivers, he took a step forward and came to Cardinal Feng Tiantai. He inserted the Human Emperor Sword, causing the light to converge and condense into a subtle altar with the images of the five directions and the five emperors. Then, Gao Lan solemnly placed the list of gods on the altar.

Boom! A dull low roar came from the depths of the earth. Every mountain, river, and every prefecture, county, and village in the Great Zhou Dynasty felt the soft tremor. I saw streams of earth air spurting out, turning brown and yellow in color. The dragon veins spreading over the Great Zhou seemed to have come to life, rushing towards Changle and crowding towards Fengtiantai.

boom! There was a soft sound in the sky, and the broken shadow of the Nine Heavens reappeared. Roads of mist hung down, like slurry and drizzle, falling bit by bit, falling straight down and flying diagonally, all towards the Fengtiantai.

Buzz! The phantom of the Nine Heavens trembled slightly, and the eyes of countless people suddenly became focused. They must sense the resonance, seize the connection, enter the third floor, and then pass through the gray stone hall, open the seal, set foot on the top of the fairy world, and trace the whereabouts of Yuanshi Tianzun. Explore the ultimate secret of the Emperor of Heaven and improve yourself to the greatest extent.

At this moment, the tremors of the Nine Heavens suddenly stopped, and the hanging mist was stained with dark red. The shape changed, turning into irregular and chaotic whirlpools, like extremely terrifying and indifferent eyes, silently , the earth's turbid Qi dragon veins and the sky's clear light Qi, which are crowding towards the Fengtian Terrace, follow the chaos and are about to fall apart.


The monsters of heaven came as expected. Suddenly, a ray of green light shone from an infinite height. Inside, there seemed to be the shadow of an ancient fusang tree, an eight-treasure merit pool, a pure Buddhist kingdom, and a tree bearing various fruits. The ancient tree completely enveloped the heavenly monster.

As soon as this light condenses, like a mirror, the monsters of heaven are suddenly isolated from reality and become the moon in the mirror. Only a thin piece of paper and a description are left. The Qing Emperor sits in the oriental glass world and personally takes action to freeze the law of heaven. monster!

Boom! The chaotic dragon vein earth energy returned to normal, climbed up to the Sealing Terrace, and formed relief dragons on the surrounding outer walls. The mist is like rain, and the emperor's descending stream is divided and sprinkled on the list of gods, making it shine brightly. The gods composed of lines one after another rise up one after another, turn into streams of light, and plunge into it.


The sky and the earth changed color and became dark. Not only the real world, but also the starry sky of the ancient realm and the universe of all realms fell into the same state.

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