I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2588: Beating the Yuan Emperor while eating and sleeping, seeing in his heart that the Tatha

However, this little sheep is stupid, bold, extremely arrogant, and overflowing with domineering power. His mouth is open to ridicule, and his hands are full of hatred.

"Young man, I am a great emperor and the successor of Yuxu. How can I be afraid of you guys? For the sake of Senior Lu, I will show mercy!"

Before he finished speaking, the group of red gold koi carps in front of Meng Qi instantly changed and turned into red dragons. They were huge, ferocious and terrifying, and no longer looked fat.

At this time, the pond also turned into a world of water, vast and boundless, with waves that were astonishing, extremely turbulent, and extremely surging.

Meng Qi was dumbfounded. He secretly thought that something was wrong. Before he could ask for mercy, real dragons with terrifying auras that shook the void swooped down. They beat him in a group and attacked him insidiously and without mercy.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Meng Qi’s body swelled up to three times in size. His eyes were swollen and turned into squinting eyes. His heart was filled with despair, and his eyes were dull. He looked like a little girl who had been bullied by a strong man. There was no trace of anger, and he looked desperately at the fat red gold koi wandering around him.

"They are all real dragons from the legend of Zhengdao. I'm so stupid!"

Meng Qi lamented endlessly. He did not expect that he would offend a group of real dragons from the legendary realm by talking too much. He would also speak arrogantly and make noises. It was true that disaster came from his mouth.

"Senior Lu, where did you find so many real dragons? Isn't this a scam?"

Meng Qi felt very aggrieved and wanted to cry without tears. He looked at the chubby koi fish with malicious intentions around him, and his heart was filled with despair. He knew that the matter was not over yet, and these real dragons would definitely beat him up, but they were just worried about him. He was injured, so he stopped.

After all, he was sent in by Lu Chunyang, and the real dragons knew that they would not harm his life or foundation, but they were too cruel. Meng Qi couldn't help but gasp, and the pain spread throughout his body, making life worse than before. die.

"You guys are all waiting for me. When I realize the legend, I will make you taste my pain today!"

Meng Qi was secretly angry, but with a flattering smile on his face, he lowered his head to these eyeing real dragons and expressed his surrender. People under the eaves have to lower their heads. Those who know the current situation are heroes!

Time seems to have changed in this pond. It flows very fast. I don’t know how many days and nights have passed. Meng Qi has become accustomed to his identity and regards himself as a koi in the pond. He is being beaten every day. He spent time recovering from his injuries, and the days seemed like years.

From then on, these bored real dragons lived a happy life, eating, sleeping and beating Yuan Huang in a regular and comfortable way. Only poor Meng Qi hid in the corner, shivering and fearful.

During this period, Lu Chunyang also fed fish bait several times, but Meng Qi, as the bottom of the pond's food chain, was rejected by all the other koi and couldn't eat it at all. He could only endure his hunger and watch these real koi disguised as koi. The dragon ate happily and became chubby.

Meng Qi sometimes couldn't help but wonder why these ordinary and ordinary fishing baits, these real dragons from the legend of enlightenment, were rushing to snatch them. Is there some mystery that he didn't know about?

Thinking of this, Meng Qi wandered towards the direction of the bait, wanting to taste it and verify it for himself, but was whipped away by the tail of the red gold koi carp at the back, and his whole body frame was scattered, leaving him helpless. And he looked up at Lu Chunyang desperately in the sky, hoping that he could let him out.

Lu Chunyang took in everything, with a bright smile on his face, and said with great relief.

"The atmosphere is really harmonious. It looks like you guys get along well!"

"How did you know that we get along well?!"

Meng Qi was extremely speechless and complained wildly in his heart. He understood that Lu Chunyang would not rescue him for the time being and could only continue to live a life of darkness.

Meng Qi never thought that he, a high-ranking and respected figure, would end up like this one day. It was like a tiger being bullied by a dog, or a dragon being tricked by a shrimp in the shallows!

"Uh, no, these are real dragons, and I am the little shrimp. Thinking about it this way, I feel even sadder!"

Meng Qi's two lines of tears were drawn out and melted into the water. He felt inexplicably sad and lonely in his heart. He seemed to have transformed into a melancholy poet, feeling the world, feeling sad for spring and autumn, sentimental. He was no longer the cheerful Xiao Meng!

On this day, Meng Qi, who had just suffered a ravage, was floating quietly in the water. Lu Chunyang once again dropped the bait. Strangely, the red dragons around him did not snatch it. They were unusually quiet, as if they were in a deep sleep.

Meng Qi's heart moved slightly, as if he had some enlightenment, he swam his body and swallowed the bait. The divine light shone, and the sound of the Tao filled his ears. Countless avenues and mysteries filled the sea of ​​​​mind, turning into an infinite scenery, with golden flowers falling, and golden lotuses on the ground. , Thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, countless Dharma principles manifested before our eyes, clearly visible and within reach.

Meng Qi was so drunk that he kept swallowing the bait. His mind fell into an epiphany. He was unaware of the changes in the outside world. He forgot about himself, the past, the difference between others and me, the truth and the false, and only instinct remained. Can't stop thinking.

The spiritual light gradually emerged, and Meng Qi seemed to have grasped something, and he naturally activated the true spirit. His intuition relies on the experience and knowledge of martial arts, the experience and knowledge of earthly knowledge, and the experience and knowledge of various experiences. They turned into glass-like fragments and flew out of the body, but they did not leave him, but hovered. Around him, there are bright star-like connections with himself.

At this time, Meng Qi was like an open umbrella, with acquired knowledge on the outside and innate nature on the inside, but they were not completely separated. They were still connected and formed a whole together.

There is good and bad, there is yin and there is yang. Nurture and nature are relative and not clearly defined. The innate will be contaminated by acquired, and the day after tomorrow will also be affected by nature. Therefore, the contamination of acquired can slightly change the innate, but completely discarding it will make a difference. Put it down and let it go, just like the diagram of Tai Chi, yin hides yang, yin comes from yin, and the strong one is called Tao.

The fragments formed different thought patterns one by one, surrounding Meng Qi. They were connected by the starlight and were the same. However, where the connection came into contact with himself, there was a slight change, creating a little difference. Thought patterns were swirling around, the ones when he had no martial arts strength, the ones when he had no knowledge of the earth, and the ones when he turned into a koi. Meng Qi maintained a trace of his self-awareness. Looking at them, he saw a different but the same version of himself through them.

He can't see himself directly, but he can see a few things from the outside. Combining all these things, Meng Qi seems to recognize himself more and more, and more and more memory fragments fly out and surround him, and his true self becomes more and more clear. , getting purer and purer, seeming to resonate slightly with the infinite heights.

The experiences and insights corresponding to his state of mind cultivation also flew out. What Meng Qi saw and thought was no longer the same. Everything was dim and chaotic, showing the original state. However, he was not unable to think, because the different acquired experiences and insights were still the same. Connected, but unable to blind oneself.

In the deep darkness, Meng Qi looked around and realized that there was no sequence of time in front of him, no up and down of void, and no beginning of all things. The result was that nature was innate. At this moment, he discovered that there was a Taoist sitting in the chaos, a Taoist that could not be described in words.

"Who are you……"

Meng Qi's heart moved, and he blurted out, asking in surprise.

The Taoist stood up slowly and made a grand and distant voice, full of vicissitudes of ancient meaning. The voice was sacred and vast, echoing in the darkness and chaos, as if it had magical mystery, and gradually turned into a bright and warm light.

"The beginning of poverty."

Meng Qi was horrified, and his intact self-awareness almost collapsed. He has always been hiding a great worry in his heart, fearing that after getting rid of the demon Buddha, he would fall into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun again. When creating and absorbing the projections of others and myself, he was always balancing the two sides and looking for a way out.

At this moment, in his own innate nature, he unexpectedly met a mysterious Taoist who called himself "Yuanshi"! Have you seen Tu Qiong Dagger? Could it be that the oldest and most powerful being from the other side has always been hidden in his own nature?

Meng Qi's many external experiences, memories, and cognitive fragments rotated rapidly, forming one thinking model after another, which was constantly deduced and sparkled with wisdom. To prove legends and see oneself, it is actually normal to see the figures of certain big figures in one’s innate nature. Similar phenomena are recorded in many surviving classical books about legends.

Among them, the most common figure is the "Lingbao Tianzun". He is the symbol of "being", from being to nothing, including the end of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is also the aura of creation and origin of all things. After Zhanwu sees me returning to the innate nature, It is natural to "see" His presence here.

Next is the figure of the "Moral God". The innate "I" comes directly from the Dao and is closest to the Dao. The Moral Heaven is the incarnation of the Dao. The order of existence of the heavens and the worlds also corresponds to "the closest to the Dao". No. When the ancient great power broke through to the legend, he realized "seeing" Him in his innate nature.

Then there are the great Buddhist Bodhisattvas and great Arhats. When they achieve the Buddha's status, they will see a golden body of Tathagata, but the appearance of this Tathagata is their own appearance.

And I have never heard of the "Yuanshi Tianzun" figure that can be seen in the legend! Is this oldest person from the other side going to step out from behind the scenes and come to the stage?

The sense of danger emerged deep in his heart, and Meng Qi instinctively wanted to exit this state. If it were in the past, he would have followed his always effective hunch and completed this move without hesitation.

However, after Meng Qi swallowed a mouthful of bait, his aura shone, and he suddenly felt that his premonitions could not be relied on. Even though they had been proven correct time and time again in the past and had allowed him to avoid life and death dangers time and time again, he could not completely trust and rely on them. They might be Something went wrong.

After recognizing his surroundings, Meng Qi did not retreat rashly, but immediately realized something was wrong. If Yuanshi Tianzun takes action, with his current abilities, he will not be able to escape disaster no matter how he deals with it. In this case, why not face Him directly and find out the whole story! After exploring his cognition, Meng Qi found that the ancient Taoist was extremely illusory and had a sense of self!


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in Meng Qi's mind, rumbling and lighting up the darkness, and he understood the reason. I have the characteristics of the other side, so what I see is of course different from other legends. If every innate nature goes back in time, undergoes the replacement of three souls, and returns to the beginning, it does not come from the beginning of all things, so it can witness the "original beginning".

As the saying goes, when you see the Tathagata in your heart, everyone is the beginning! If you fail to kill me and see me, you just made a wrong decision based on experience, cognition and instinct. Once you quit, you will no longer have the hope of becoming a legend in decades!

Meng Qi looked at the "Yuanshi Taoist" with joy and burst into laughter, so happy that the echoes reverberated.

"It turns out to be me!"

The "Yuanshi Taoist" also laughed, and his face changed, turning into Meng Qi's appearance. They were identical, like twins.

"Oh it's you!"

Taking one step forward, the figure disappeared, and Meng Qi sat where Taoist Yuanshi was just now! He suddenly felt crystal clear all over his body and felt the clear resonance from infinite heights.

In the beginning, all living beings were legends, living at infinite heights and projecting to all realms. Later, there were changes, and the projection became another self, and the self reduced its essence. Now, that clear resonance is exactly where it should be.

The characteristics are transmitted, the essence is intertwined, and the connection of cause and effect is highlighted, all connected with the projection of "other and self". They change quantity into qualitative change, forming a golden lotus blooming with billions of rays of light on the other side.

The golden lotus platform carried Meng Qi's "true self", breaking through the many constraints and flying to the infinite height. Meng Qi formed the Wuji Seal with his hands, a smile on his lips, and a low voice.

"Cross a thousand mountains barefoot without begging for immortals or Buddhas."

"Only when Daoqiong meets Yuanshi can he know who I am!"

The sound echoed and the void shook. Lu Chunyang saw streaks of extraordinary colors flying out of Meng Qi's body and falling into the real world. But in the mid-air, the real world emerges in dense layers, one layer after another. The highest point is hazy and difficult to see.

"The fairyland is in the sky?"

"This is a vision that proves its own legend!"

In a secret place, the magician Han Guang suddenly stood up and looked outside in astonishment.

There are layers of mist floating in the air, just like nine different levels of heaven and earth. Except for the top which is hard to see, each layer is full of inspiration and creation. You can see the magnificent pavilions and pavilions, exuding a sense of ethereal and high. This is an inevitable phenomenon in the legend of the righteous path, "the fairy world is in the sky"; because the legend is the sublimation of the essence, turning into a high-level state such as the Nine Heavens, the Qi machine is pulling the fairy world, and if it is evil spirits and ghosts, it is the "Nine Netherworld" Come”.

Han Guang stood in the devil's cave, looking through many obstacles, he saw the vision covering the entire real world. The more other emotions he had, the more he smiled and whispered lightly.

"Who took the lead and proved the legend so quickly?"

In the real world, all sentient beings raised their heads, shocked and expecting, feeling as if they were witnessing history.

Billions of rays of light bloomed, and the golden lotuses on the other side gathered into a platform. Meng Qi, who was holding the Infinity Seal on his hands, penetrated all obstacles and flew to infinite heights. At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, the sky became gloomy, thunder, fire, mixed holes and other calamities appeared at the same time. The four colors, black, white, and darkness were all present, and turned into a heavy stone door, blocking Meng Qi's top. The light was terrifying. The intention can tear a Dharmakaya to pieces.

This is a doomed test that manifests into a legendary door. The door is tightly closed and it is difficult to push it open. There are few sparks and thunder. Meng Qi's expression remained unchanged, with a smile on his lips. He suddenly raised the Wuji Seal in his hand, and a bit of the deepest and deepest darkness emerged, turning into chaos and rising suddenly.

Return to the innate nature, see the original beginning, and the seal of Wuji is formed naturally, without the need for acquired power! The chaos was indescribable, with no speed or speed. As Meng Qi's figure moved upward, it swallowed up the sparks, eliminated the lightning, and returned all the catastrophes that had been struck down to the beginning.

The figure flashed, and Chaos hit the legendary door. Boom! The Gate of Legend shook violently, and with just a whimper, it burst open. In front of Meng Qi, who was at ease, he was like a small fishing boat in the strong wind and waves!

In the real world, the fairyland disappeared, and an illusory door engraved with Dao patterns appeared in mid-air. With a creaking sound, it slowly cracked open, revealing the chaotic world behind it, and pieces of dreamy golden light fell out. Each piece The golden light is full of natural charm and the principles of heaven and earth. If martial arts practitioners can understand a little bit, they will definitely benefit a lot.

As soon as he passed the gate of legend, Meng Qi felt that his nature was truly transforming, and his true spirit was also transforming. His physical body was also transforming, reorganized in an instant, returned to his Dharma body, and then continued to improve. Martial arts memories deep in his heart emerged one after another, endlessly. There is damage and leakage. More importantly, what I saw was no longer the same. My perspective had changed inexplicably. It was like I was looking down at the real world and the universe from an infinite height. Every point of them overlapped. To me, there was no distance. It can be said that it is everywhere!

Meng Qi's spiritual consciousness spreads and connects to parts of the currently visible universe. The previous "images of others and myself" expand rapidly, madly absorbing the sea of ​​energy. In the remaining worlds, "projection marks" are naturally generated. Correspondingly, in the real world, the sky suddenly became dark, and then a few stars appeared, more than ever before. It was like the stars from all over the world gathered together, truly forming a vast sea of ​​bright light spots, which was dreamy and blurry.

At this time, Lu Chunyang looked back at the depths of the Xijiang Pavilion. His mouth opened slightly, and the sound of the Tao shook and reached the ears of the two of them.

"Idiot, don't go in yet!"

In a quiet room deep in the Xijian Pavilion, a man in a green shirt was sitting cross-legged, with a handsome face and a cold expression. There was a divine sword lying across his knees, with its sharp edge clearly visible, soaring straight into the sky, shattering the endless sea of ​​clouds, and smelling the great road. With a loud voice, he suddenly opened his sword eyes, and a divine sword flew up into the sky, crossing the void, and rushed into the gate of legend together.

"I'm coming too!"

In the attic boudoir, the goose-yellow dress is stunningly beautiful and touching, the starry eyes are open, like a dream, the mind is slightly moved after hearing the words, the supreme state of forgetfulness, being affectionate but not tired, the true nature of the soul, the aura is shining, dazzling. , the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a soft and warm smile, the Supreme Divine Sword flew out and jumped into the door of legend.

"I'll go too!"

"The boy is teachable!"

Seeing this, Lu Chunyang was overjoyed and nodded. He enlightened Meng Qi just for this moment. As long as Meng Qi proves the legend and opens the door to the legend, Su Wuming and Jiang Zhiwei can take advantage of this opportunity to realize the Tao together. legend.

The outside world gathered together to form many universes in the air. Where the universes clustered, there was an illusory fairyland. It was hazy, illusory, and seemed like another world. The bodies of Jiang Zhiwei and the three people were constantly reorganized, and the acupoints transformed into the universe. Interior scene Deducing the heavens, the true spirit returns to the original nature, the original nature resides in the innate, the innate belongs to chaos, Yuanshi, and the Supreme Being sits in it. Strange colors flew out one after another, and the prototype of the multiverse expanded and grew, as if it wanted to get closer to reality.

After an unknown amount of time, which seemed to be a hundred years or an instant, three figures fell down and stood behind Lu Chunyang, silent and speechless.

Lu Chunyang threw the bait in his hand, and the red-gold koi fish in the pond emerged from the water and turned into miniature red dragons. They were able to absorb the wisdom of heaven and earth, and their ways were mysterious. They were no weaker than the three people who had just proved the legend.

Although he did not look back, Lu Chunyang was well aware of the status of the three of them, and said softly with a faint smile on his lips.

"Not bad, I finally stepped into the legend!"

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