I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2550 If you change someone else, this life is doomed

The disciple guarding the mountain came to his senses, returned a salute to Meng Qi, and then said.

"Su Shaoxia, please wait a moment, I will report it to you right now!"

After saying that, a disciple guarding the mountain hurried towards the mountain and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Within a moment, the disciple ran back and said under Meng Qi's gaze.

"Elder Lu agreed to meet Su Shaoxia, please!"

Su Meng was led by the Xijiang Pavilion disciples to Lu Chunyang's small courtyard. When he opened the door of the small courtyard, he saw lush plants and no precious flowers and plants, which looked very ordinary.

Lu Chunyang sat in front of the stone table, holding a green glazed tea cup in his hand, lowering his head to sip, as if he didn't care about Meng Qi's arrival, and the atmosphere was very silent.

Meng Qi stood in front of the stone table. He did not dare to sit down directly without Lu Chunyang's permission. This time he had something to ask for, and it also involved the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. He didn't know how to speak, so he just watched quietly. Drinking tea with Lu Chunyang.

As time went by, Meng Qi's originally impatient mind gradually calmed down, and a clean air filled the small courtyard. Only then did Lu Chunyang put down the tea cup in his hand and looked up at Meng Qi who had regained his composure. It's light, and there seems to be endless secrets hidden in the eyes, which are deep and deep, attracting people unconsciously.

"I already understand your purpose, you don't need to say anything more!"

"It was indeed me who helped Chong He erase his name and get rid of his shackles after he came out!"

As soon as Lu Chunyang's words came out, Meng Qi's spirits were high, and he finally saw the hope of escaping from the control of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. His eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't help but say.

"Please help me, senior, I am willing to pay any price!"

Lu Chunyang looked at Meng Qi, whose face was flushed, and knew that he was treating him as a life-saving straw, and he wanted to hold on tightly and not let go.

Lu Chunyang waved his hand to stop Meng Qi from continuing. A look of embarrassment appeared on his face, which made Meng Qi's heart sink instantly and he had a vague premonition.

"I threatened the other party last time. This kind of thing can never happen again. After all, the other party is not a fool. Every powerful person has a temper. If you really make the other party angry, both sides will suffer!"

Lu Chunyang is right. He is still in the realm of legend and has not yet reached perfection. He does not want to rush into the realm of creation. If he forces Lu Ya again, the other party will definitely get angry and flip the table over. After all, this is not how a battle between great powers works. Yes, you also need to follow certain rules.

For example, Lu Ya gave Lu Chunyang enough face by arranging the death mission this time and did not embarrass Jiang Zhiwei. This was already a concession. If Lu Chunyang interfered again, it would force Lu Ya to break his face.

When Meng Qi heard this, his heart was extremely heavy. He understood what Lu Chunyang meant. He couldn't take action directly this time. After all, the other party was not a soft persimmon and could be manipulated by Lu Chunyang.

"This junior is rude, please take your leave!"

Meng Qi didn't get the help he wanted from Lu Chunyang, so he naturally needed to find another way. He was pressed for time and didn't want to waste a moment, so he turned around and left.

"Young man, don't be so impatient. I just said that I can no longer threaten Him with this matter, but I didn't say that I can't help you!"

Lu Chunyang spoke in a leisurely manner, appearing very calm and comfortable. Meng Qi, who had just taken a few steps, stopped instantly, turned around suddenly, looked at Lu Chunyang with hot eyes, and asked quickly.

"Senior, how can I help?"

"We can't threaten this anymore. Just change it to someone else. There are many of them anyway!"

A smile appeared on Lu Chunyang's face. Lu Ya was not the only Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but there were several others. The most powerful among them was Ananda. He also had a treasure in his hand that Lu Chunyang wanted to snatch, the Seal of Reincarnation. .

The Samsara Seal is one of the top ten peerless weapons on the first page of the Six Paths Exchange Book. It is rated as the number one mysterious weapon. According to a rough introduction, it was cast by the innate gods and earth who came to the other side with the Emperor of Heaven in ancient times. He sympathizes with living beings and regrets that there is no reincarnation between heaven and earth. After death, all living beings may drift into chaos, or turn into evil souls and ghosts that manifest the rules of heaven and earth, with no chance of coming back. Therefore, he uses himself as a cauldron and turns the Nine Netherworlds into fire. This seal of reincarnation was refined using the half-step fruit as material. Since he himself has not yet attained the true path fruit, this seal is only half-finished, its function is unknown, and it is quite mysterious. It is one that is indispensable in the exchange spectrum of the six paths. kind.

Ananda is the angler behind Su Meng, and even more so the angler behind Overlord. He is the ancient God of Thunder. Limited by his innate divine body, it is difficult to make breakthroughs, so he followed the example of the Qing Emperor and carved out the Buddhist body Ananda. , and then used the reincarnation method to find a way to reach the other shore, but he was obsessed with it and could not escape the sea of ​​suffering. He gradually sank and the mark became weaker and weaker.

Ananda had no choice but to consider the true God of Thunder, and planned to raise a fish belonging to the God of Thunder, and then merge the Thunder God fish with Ananda's body, and the true body with the Buddhist body, so as to pass the pass. Unfortunately, Overlord Ba Jue was in this world, and as a Fish, the Overlord is out of control, and then Ananda secretly arranges, contacts other great powers, and uses the medieval saints as soldiers to surround and kill the Overlord to prevent the Overlord from continuing to grow and backfire on himself. After this failure, Ananda finally gave up and fell into obscurity. If he couldn't survive, he would go against the flow and become a demon.

Sure enough, Ananda practiced the Tathagata Palm in reverse, achieved the realm of the other side, turned into a demon Buddha, and destroyed the pure land of Lingshan. Finally, he was suppressed by the Buddha and could not escape. He could only use the samsara seal and other powerful powers to establish the six-path samsara space and cultivate the scepticism. The beacon fish that you control gives you various opportunities and benefits. As long as the other party resists and shows any sign of getting rid of it, it will be suppressed, assigned difficult tasks, and deliberately targeted, almost without rules. , just like Meng Qi’s death mission this time.

Meng Qi was shocked. As everyone had guessed, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation was not one powerful person, but a group of powerful people. No wonder the tasks he experienced were sometimes different.


Meng Qi did not say the term "Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation" because it involved the rules of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and would be obliterated if it were leaked to the outside world.

"The strongest one!"

Lu Chunyang did not name the specific name. He was not worried about the news leaking out. His small courtyard looked ordinary, but it was his dojo, full of his power and legal principles, which could isolate him from the prying eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation.

"Who is the strongest one?"

Meng Qi had a look of deep curiosity on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Lu Chunyang with a bit of expectation.

"These are still too far away for you, so you don't need to know them. You will naturally know them when you reach the realm of cultivation in the future!"

Lu Chunyang shook his head slightly and did not tell Meng Qi the answer. After all, Ananda was a being in the realm of the other side. Although he was suppressed and in a weak state, it was not something that people under the Dharmakaya realm could know. It was harmful rather than helpful.

Meng Qi didn't hesitate. He believed that he would know all the truth sooner or later, so he put these things in his heart for the time being and started to care about his own problems.

"Senior, can you let me get rid of my shackles and gain freedom by threatening Him?"

"No, I have never helped Zhiwei get rid of her shackles, how can I help you!"

Lu Chunyang looked at Meng Qi funny. He thought so well that he didn't need to put in the effort.

"Then how can the seniors help the juniors get through this?"

"The mountain man has his own clever plan, so don't ask any more questions. Just keep doing what you should do. I promise you won't be disappointed!"

After saying that, Lu Chunyang didn't wait for Meng Qi to ask more questions. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind swept up, wrapped Meng Qi and flew out of Xijian Pavilion.

The strong wind dissipated, and Meng Qi's embarrassed figure fell to the ground, dusty and messy. Meng Qi's face was full of gloom and depression, as if he was about to be out of breath, and he left Xijian Pavilion in disappointment.

"It seems that he didn't get the answer he wanted, and the other party refused!"

A loud voice sounded, communicating the latest progress with several allies.

"Not necessarily, we still need to observe, maybe he is acting!"

"It's too early to draw conclusions at this time, let's wait and see!"

Several voices sounded one after another, some were sacred, some were gloomy, some were majestic, or some were demonic. Each of them was a person with great supernatural powers, a being above the legendary realm.

One year later, in the world of gods, the palace of King Qi.

Meng Qi entered this world of preaching, joined forces with Duke Huan of Qi, and obtained the "Open Heaven Seal" and "Four Elephant Seal" cultivation methods in Yuxu Palace. He practiced in seclusion, improved his cultivation, and seized every second to improve his abilities. Strength, prepare for the final death mission.

In a quiet room somewhere in the palace, Meng Qi was sitting cross-legged, with his whole body filled with splendor. Sometimes stars were flying in his acupoints, sometimes light shot out, condensing into apricot-yellow flags, sometimes purple smoke turned into bells, sometimes black and white turned into mirrors, and sometimes his feet stepped on the ground fire. Feng Shui, sometimes golden, black and jade rabbits fly around, and there are various situations, especially his ancestor's orifice is opened, his left eye is black, his right eye is white, and there is a colorless ancient lamp hidden in the depths, which emits the light of immeasurable cause and effect.

Gradually, all the strange phenomena converged, leaving only the ancient lamp, and traces of chaotic energy condensed around Meng Qi's body. They swirled and were inhaled one by one through his nostrils, but what was emitted was Qingli purple smoke. Purple smoke soared upwards, forming a cloud three feet above Meng Qi's head. It was far away from Niwan Palace, illuminating it with a vague color of chaos swirling around it.

Suddenly, the bells and drums rang in mid-air, the auspicious clouds shone brightly, the golden lanterns fell from the Qingyun, and the Niwan Palace slowly opened! The energy of chaos surged out, surrounding an ancient and profound thing, like a flag but not a flag, like an ax but not an axe. It had no color, but seemed to contain all colors. This was what Meng Qi derived from practicing the Open Sky Seal. The shadow of Pangu flag.

As soon as the Pangu flag appeared, the quiet room suddenly became dark, and the walls and the outside world seemed to disappear completely. The void was pulled inward, forming a ball, wrapping Meng Qi, making him seem to be sitting in real chaos.

Seizing the opportunity, Meng Qi showed his Dharma form. Behind him was a dark, chaotic, topless, without any distinction between front and back. There seemed to be a Taoist sitting cross-legged at the core. If you look closely, you will find that there is nothing. There is nothing but A point that can still be described. This is the "immortal primeval phase" that is close to Dacheng!

Suddenly, Taoist Yuanshi opened his eyes, and at one glance he saw an ancient lamp shining with black and white light, and at one glance he saw a small flag surrounded by the energy of chaos. The darkness and chaos suddenly split open, yellow flags, purple bells, ancient seal jade boxes, etc. stood out, and endless light poured out. , multiple universes appeared, floating shadows overlapped, vast and boundless.

Correspondingly, Meng Qi's physical acupoints opened one after another, showing the same scene. A phantom flew out of his physical body, semi-transparent and semi-substantial, with the same appearance as Meng Qi, as if it was his soul.

"Yuanshi Taoist" slowly stood up and took a step forward, just overlapping with Yuanshen. The ancient lantern and small flags lit up his eyes, ancestral apertures and Ni Wan, Fantian Seal and Yin-Yang Seal intertwined with his hands, Wuji Seal and Void Seal merged with his legs. Purple bells represent the heart, while red, green, and black represent the internal organs. The two squirmed and merged in an extremely difficult manner.

At this moment, Meng Qi snorted softly, thunder echoed in the quiet room, and the acupuncture points of his body vibrated, each one making a corresponding sound, like a series of secret spells to subdue demons! Suddenly, free and happy, high-spirited and unyielding, constantly striving for self-improvement, seeking to survive but not afraid of death, all kinds of substantial wills burst out from the soul, penetrating the physical body and the Dharma, like a wave washing away everything.

Crackling, the speed of the squirming fusion of the soul and the dharma suddenly accelerated, suddenly releasing immeasurable clear light! The clear light disappeared, and there was only a Taoist priest left behind Meng Qi. His appearance was the same as his own, but more profound, with an elusive, original and ancient meaning!

On the third level of the ladder, the soul and the Dharma were initially merged, and slightly merged with the physical body. Meng Qi finally passed through and became a true grand master!

And if the three are completely integrated, the legal principles and laws are inherent, the inner scene evolves towards the real world, and a self-contained practice begins, then it is the Dharmakaya realm.

The Taoist returned to his physical body, Meng Qi closed his eyes and opened them again. There was nothing strange about him anymore, only his clear and deep eyes. He stood up slowly, his clothes trembling, and there were countless illusory smoke and dust flying, which seemed to be the dust of time, and then he chose to return.

After Meng Qi returned, he came to Xijiang Pavilion again and visited Lu Chunyang again.

"That's right, I actually stepped into the realm of Dharmakaya in half a step and became a great master!"

Lu Chunyang saw through Meng Qi's basic cultivation level at a glance, with a hint of admiration on his face. Meng Qi had already crossed three ladders within eight years of being on location, and his cultivation speed was much faster than that of Su Wuming back then. Not to mention him.

After all, Lu Chunyang's reputation was not well-known at the time, and he wasted his time in the field for many years. If he hadn't wasted his efforts and started over, he would still be wasting his time.

"Why did you come here?"

Lu Chunyang has not yet taken action, the reincarnation seal is still in Ananda's hand, and Meng Qi's death mission will still take some time, so he is not in a hurry.

"Junior heard from Zhiwei that the mirror of this life is in the hands of senior, and I want to borrow it for use!"

Meng Qi saluted respectfully, with neither bitterness nor heaviness on his face. He just looked at Lu Chunyang very calmly and continued.

"Senior, you should have noticed that my luck is extremely abnormal."


Lu Chunyang nodded. He naturally knew the reason. The green hair on his shoulders moved with the wind, looking a bit messy and sad.

"The junior should have become a powerful beacon or one of the alternative reincarnations. It went well at first, but the further you go, the more dangerous the road becomes. You can't help yourself, and you even have to fight with relatives, friends, benefactors and old acquaintances. See, I am not willing to be like this, I don’t want to be someone else’s puppet, I am trying to get rid of all this, cut off the past, and only keep this life, so I came to borrow the mirror of this life from my predecessors.”

Since Meng Qi knew that Lu Chunyang could compete with the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he no longer was secretive when speaking in front of him. With Lu Chunyang's presence, he could naturally block the gaze of the Six Paths.


Lu Chunyang nodded calmly without refusing. He turned his palm over and an ancient mirror appeared in his palm. He handed it to Meng Qi casually.

Meng Qi placed the mirror of this life in front of him. The mirror surface was round and flawless, just like the surface of a lake under the scorching sun. It was calm and bright, with floating light and gold. There were countless golden spots in it, like all the memories of this life.

Meng Qi's eyes suddenly changed, his left eye was black, his right eye was white, the ancestral orifice between his eyebrows opened, and the colorless Daoyi glazed lamp condensed into a shadow, blooming with infinite brilliance with a little light, just like the first cause evolved into countless complicated and inexhaustible causes and effects. Billions of black and white rays of light fell on the mirror of this life, and golden spots suddenly rose up and filled the air. All kinds of things in this life appeared before our eyes.

The figure when he set foot in the world of gods with the heart to live for death; the figure when he coldly arranged to defeat the Immortal Sect of Life and Death; the figure when he killed the owner of Buren Tower; the figure when fighting for the Seven Kills Monument; and jointly explored the Jiuzhong with Gu Xiaosang The figure of Tianshi; the figure of Gao Lan when he drinks strong liquor instead of water and sings wildly while crying; the figure when watching Jiang Zhiwei kill me and disappearing at the end of the mountain road; the figure when we suddenly meet each other in the dim light; watching the master for himself The figure when he begged for mercy; the figure when he was begging for survival in the vast sea with Gu Changqing and his junior brother; the figure when he was a young monk in the Shaolin Temple.

The scenes were still being recalled, and Meng Qi saw his own figure on earth, from hard work to studying in a foreign land, from going through the college entrance examination to having a carefree childhood, from babbling to having a baby in his belly. Once here, the golden light spots in the sky converged and fell into the mirror, and everything returned to normal.

"Does my experience on Earth count as this life?"

Meng Qiruo thought about it. He had never seen what happened to Su Ziyuan when he was a child, but he had what he thought was an experience on earth in his previous life. From this point of view, this life should be based on whether one of the three souls of the Yuan Shen has been replaced, and it has nothing to do with the body?

"In this case, because the previous judgment of this life was wrong, some things have to be adjusted slightly!"

Meng Qi took out the fragment of the afterlife mirror he had obtained from his sleeve. It was like glass, full of cracks and filled with an elusive and undeterminable aura.

The light of Daoyi's glazed lamp shone on the fragments of the afterlife mirror, and the gray and dull mirror surface suddenly glowed. The countless small mirrors separated by cracks showed different figures, because only the fragments of the afterlife mirror reflected different figures. The afterlife is Meng Qi’s uncertain future.

This is also due to Meng Qi's insufficient cultivation, otherwise he could just use the mirror of this life to reflect the uncertain future of this life.

These figures include the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha monk who is familiar to Meng Qi, the terrifying man who shouts for a sword, the sad man who weeps and asks the sky, who is pierced by a red spear, the white-clothed swordsman, the crazy Taoist, and so on, too numerous to mention. The figure turned around, and as expected, it was Meng Qi's face.

At this moment, the monk of Qingdeng Ancient Buddha raised the corners of his mouth, showing an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile! And the scary man, the sad questioner, the swordsman in white, the crazy Taoist, etc. also have the same meaningful smiles. They are the same person, and they are "the same person" in different futures!

Meng Qi was shocked. No matter what the future looks like, is it destined to have only one ending? Integrated by that person? Welcoming his return?

"The Tianyin is fifty, but one of them is still hidden. The sky leaves a glimmer of hope."

Seeing this, Lu Chunyang spoke slowly, like the sound of the great road, enlightening people and enlightening them.

Meng Qi closed his eyes, calmed down quickly, and began to combine martial arts such as the mirror of this life, the mirror of the next life, and Dao Yiyin to find a way to cut off the past. These harvests are accumulated together, stimulate each other, and continue to ferment.

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