I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2544: Morality on the left, Lingbao on the right, Tathagata on the waist, Yuanshi on the che

But there is no certainty in the affairs of the world. No one dares to forget the nickname Su Meng once had: Mang King Kong! His reckless behavior is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are many things he does directly and directly. If a fight really breaks out, things will be out of control.

Ming Bikong was worried about Meng Qi's strength and the network of connections behind Meng Qi. He hesitated in his heart and did not take action for a long time.

At this moment, Meng Qi stood with his hands behind his back, looking proudly, and spoke confidently and domineeringly.

"This is not someone's own idea, but the opinion of most of the six-door policemen and most of the gods. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

Meng Qi turned to look at the Eight Great Gods, scanning them one by one. Cui Yan also looked at them with threats in his eyes. Who dares to jump out!

"Zipeng Divine Catcher" Liu Shengming, under Meng Qi's gaze, secreted a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, suddenly took a step forward and bowed.

"Reporting to the Emperor's Crown Prince, and reporting back to the two husbands-in-law, there is currently no candidate in the six gates who is more suitable to be the divine catcher than Su Jinzhang."

"In terms of strength, no one among the eight great catchers is better than Su Jinzhang. In terms of qualifications, he has a wide network of contacts and is suitable for being the chief catcher. In terms of skill and wisdom, all previous things have shown that Su Jinzhang is outstanding. Except for his slightly lower qualifications, he has no weaknesses. , and the selection of the chief executive must not be based solely on qualifications."

Liu Shengming was taken advantage of by Meng Qi, and his strength was not Meng Qi's opponent. He was in awe of him the most. He opened his mouth to praise Meng Qi, and the conch made a noise, making the shameless Meng Qi a little embarrassed.

As soon as Liu Shengming finished speaking, Zhao Jingyue, the "Desperate Catcher" wearing a dark red headhunter uniform, also took a step forward. Her voice was unexpectedly young and clear, unlike her age.

"Currently, the hearts of the six sects are agitated. We need to find the whereabouts of Mr. Sima's arrest as soon as possible. We do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. I am more optimistic about Su Jinzhang."

Zhao Mingche also agreed, feeling like he was out of anger and very happy. Just when Cui Yan and Song Shouren were about to stop them from expressing their opinions, Yuan Lihuo, the "Blood Tooth Divine Catcher", also stood up and said in a low voice.

"I support Su Jinzhang."

"I also support Su Jinzhang!"

"Golden Eyes Catching" Su Yue thought about the Ruan family behind him, looked at Meng Qi with a smile, and nodded gently, looking very pleased.

"Two gentlemen, this is the opinion of the Six Doors, and I ask the Political Affairs Hall to seriously consider it."

"The great catastrophe has come, the world is in chaos, and the Jin Dynasty is leaderless. It is time to unite. At this time, those who make small calculations and only care about their own interests are really short-sighted and lack of strategy. If it causes the division of the family and the division of the six gates, It’s no less than self-destruction, please ask the political hall to take care of the overall situation!”

"Ms. Cui, your time has passed. You must learn to compromise and give in!"

Meng Qi looked righteous and awe-inspiring, but he treated Cui Yan and Song Shouren like a moral kidnapping, forcing them to have nothing to say and feel very aggrieved.

Cui Yan and Song Shouren were first pushed to the bottom line. Seeing that all the gods agreed, they pondered for a long time before saying.

"It will be discussed again at the Political Hall."

Giving in and compromising is something that all the princes in the political hall often do. Although they feel aggrieved, they will still bow their heads when it is time to do so. This is the way of survival of the aristocratic family, which is different from the sect's stubbornness.

As Zhao Heng and others left, Zhu Yilou returned to peace. Looking at the calm Meng Qi, the top catchers who had just made the same choice in selecting the chief catcher for different purposes were thinking again, each with their own doubts and ideas. Some suspected that Meng Qi represented a sect and came specifically to undermine the stability of the Jin Dynasty, some were happy to see the results, and some were angry, and so on.

When he reached the position of the chief catcher, Meng Qi suddenly turned around, his clothes swaying in the wind, looking relaxed and calm. He stood in front of his seat with his hands behind his back, his eyes calm, looking at the Eight Great Gods, and said with a smile.

"A certain step to the heaven, four tribulations were added to the body. Currently, he is less than twenty-five years old. He has already passed the second level of the ladder and climbed to the eighth level of heaven. He is ranked eighteenth on the earth rankings. He is not much worse than the great master. In the past, Senior Su Wuming Su was here. Age is also inferior to some."

"I'm not saying this to brag, but I want to ask you all to guess what your ambition is?"

"Everyone in the world is guessing how long it will take for you, Mr. Boss, to attain Dharmakaya, and whether you can be like Su Wuming and possess the characteristics of a legend once you break through."

The other gods nodded one after another. The first person after the Human Emperor to be incarnated in the Four Tribulations, the youngest master who has gone through many tribulations, if Meng Qi didn't have the confidence or desire to realize the Dharmakaya, who else in the world would dare to say that his goal is the Dharmakaya? Moreover, with Mr. Lu Da in front of him and Su Wuming behind him, Crazy Sword's ambitions must not stop there.

Meng Qi nodded slightly and said in a calm tone, soothing the hearts of the gods.

"Since all the divine catchers know that someone is directly targeting Dharmakaya, what are you still worried about?"

"The chief catcher of the six gates does hold power and has a respected position, but can he compare to a person of great height?"

"Have you ever worried that Mr. Lu and Senior Su will covet the position of Chief Catcher? They won't, and neither will someone! He targets them and vows to stand side by side with them. How can he fall in love with the small six doors? The position of chief catcher?”

Ke Yuzhang, Li Dong and other top catchers were all shocked by these plain but powerful words of confidence. Su Meng really lived up to his reputation. He was full of disdain for the position of chief catcher of the six gates, and looked like he was already a tall man. appearance.

Meng Qi looked at the gods who breathed a sigh of relief. He had no intention of doing this. This time he just wanted to help Zhao Heng and spoke again.

"A certain person is just acting as the chief catcher on a temporary basis to help the six gates through this period, and then he will step aside to make way for others. Everyone will have the opportunity to become the chief catcher in the future."

Meng Qi's few words calmed down the minds of all the gods, stabilized the tense situation in the six sects, and eased the tension of all the catchers in the six sects. They have indeed grown up and have become strong men in their own right.

It was already dark, and Meng Qi walked to the window and looked out at the garden. Instead of the hustle and bustle of the day, there were more teams of police officers patrolling back and forth. Compared to the afternoon, people were much more peaceful. They let out a long sigh of relief after learning about the new chief executive. Six Doors was still a world-famous organization with powerful power.

However, the disappearance of Sima Shi still lingers in their hearts, and they are quite self-conscious. Even the chief arrester of the Grand Master level cannot escape this disaster, let alone themselves?

After watching for a while, Meng Qi left the window, lit the copper candle and pulled the screen to the side, constantly changing the angle and adjusting the position, which was quite hard and attentive. After setting up the screen layout, Meng Qi walked behind the desk, knelt down, straightened his back, picked up the file he had just read, and read through it again.

Not long after, a group of headhunters led by Zi Shou patrolled nearby. Their morale was low and their hearts were in panic, for fear of encountering a sudden change. At this moment, they saw dim candlelight leaking from a room on the second floor of Zhuyi Building, and a black figure was reflected on the window paper. He was sitting upright on his knees, holding a book in his hand, with a leisurely posture, and slowly flipped through the pages. , doesn't seem to worry about possible enemies, or the emergence of unstoppable mutations.

Meng Qi's performance was so calm and calm, as if everything was under control, not worth a moment. This calmness and calmness unknowingly infected the patrol leaders and soothed their frightened hearts.

"Look, the boss stays up all night reading. If you are so relaxed, nothing big will happen."

Someone whispered.

"That's right. The chief catcher definitely knows more than us. He's not worried. Why are we so anxious?"

Another head catcher echoed. As the patrols passed by to capture the heads, a sense of stability and calm spread to every angle of the six-door headquarters. Morale gradually recovered, and the patrols became more and more meticulous.

In the Xijian Pavilion, in the quiet courtyard, Lu Chunyang looked indifferent, sitting in front of the stone table. Opposite him was a man dressed in goose yellow. The beauty had a bit of determination, and her whole body was full of sword energy and sharp edges. She seemed to regard Lu Chunyang as an opponent and wanted to Defeat it.

Lu Chunyang had a helpless smile on his face, unwilling to pierce the window paper. After all, he was Jiang Zhiwei's senior uncle and needed to pay attention to the influence.

After Jiang Zhiwei returned from the old demon world in Montenegro, she no longer concealed her affection for Lu Chunyang. Although she never directly revealed her feelings, she no longer concealed her affection. Her personality became much more domineering and firm, which made Lu Chunyang somewhat uncomfortable. Obviously It was slightly influenced by the empress's character, making her a little more domineering and perseverant.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Lu Chunyang could only change the topic, looked in the direction of Shendu, and said to Jiang Zhiwei with a bit of playfulness on his face.

"Your little friend is so enthusiastic that he was taken advantage of by the Zhao family in the capital city. He directed and acted on his own, and used him to attract the attention of aristocratic families and sects. However, he secretly forced the Cui family in Pingjin and the Zhang family in Longnan to regard the young monk as a Abandoned son!"

Jiang Zhiwei was startled when she heard this, and finally stopped being aggressive. She withdrew her gaze that made Lu Chunyang feel more pressure. She asked with a look of concern on her face.

"What's wrong? Didn't the young monk become the chief arrester of the Six Gates? Are you currently investigating the cause of the death of the Jin Dynasty Emperor and the whereabouts of Sima Shi? Is this a trap?"

Lu Chunyang's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he could see all the secrets in the world. The Zhao family's plans in the capital city could not be hidden from him at all. He looked at Jiang Zhiwei who was a little worried and said.

"Everything is the plan of Prince Zhao Jingshi. Emperor Jin died at the hands of Su Nu Dao Huanxi Bodhisattva. Sima Shi's disappearance was faked and hidden in the dark!"

"The Cui family of Pingjin and the Zhang family of Longnan secretly defected to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. They wanted to capture Gaolan. However, they were discovered by King Zhao Jingshi of Qin. They set up this chess game and reached an agreement with Luo Jiao and Su Nudao: He took the opportunity to conquer Pingjin. The Cui family, the Longnan Zhang family, and Meng Qi were brought into the overall situation."

"Luo Jiao and Su Nu Tao want to kill the young monk. The Zhao family needs to force the Pingjin Cui family and the Longnan Zhang family to sign a contract to completely tie these two families to the chariot of the Jin Dynasty!"

There was a bit of sarcasm on Lu Chunyang's face. He was plotting and plotting secretly. King Qin of the Jin Dynasty was still too small-minded. He even plotted against those who helped him. No wonder he couldn't realize the Dharmakaya.

"Zhao Jingshi is such a villain. He deserves to be unable to prove his truth!"

When Jiang Zhiwei heard this, she couldn't sit still anymore. She stood up immediately and wanted to rush to the capital of gods to help Meng Qi. Since she knew that Meng Qi was involved in a conspiracy, she naturally couldn't stand by and watch.

"I'll rush to the capital of God right away and tell the young monk everything!"

"It's too late, it's already started!"

Jiang Zhiwei's expression changed, her eyes became a little more worried, her mind moved slightly, and when she thought of something, her eyes became hot again, staring directly at Lu Chunyang, without saying a word, but her meaning was very clear, she wanted Lu Chunyang to help, help A group of Meng Qi who were caught in a conspiracy.

Lu Chunyang couldn't bear Jiang Zhiwei's gaze. He felt guilty, lowered his head to drink tea, and said in a low voice.

"Okay, he won't be in danger. He might become famous in one battle. Now he has two magic weapons on his body, which are enough to break the situation!"

"The young monk has two magic weapons on his body? Where did he get them?"

"One is the Seven Kills Monument, which can interfere with time, enough to allow him to deal with the situation calmly!"

"There is another divine weapon that was refined by Heaven's Injury. The name of the sword is: Lingbao!"

Having said this, Lu Chunyang smiled a little strangely, raised his head and said to Jiang Zhiwei.

"Now he can be called a moral treasure on the left and a spiritual treasure on the right. The Tathagata is on his waist and the Yuanshi is on his chest. The gods can kill gods, and the Buddha can kill Buddha!"

"Well, there is only one moral magic weapon left. I just don't know if he is so arrogant and named the magic weapon after the Taoist Heavenly Lord. Will he be beaten in the future?"

Jiang Zhiwei smiled brightly when she heard this, her eyes were like autumn water, clear and bright, and the sight of a clear spring made Lu Chunyang feel guilty inexplicably.

"This is in line with the little monk's playful character!"

In the Divine Capital, the surrounding sky and earth suddenly changed. The void seemed to have life and solidified into glass. Within the glass, there was chaos, which suddenly separated Meng Qi from the surrounding space.

Two people flew out of the void, they were the divine envoys of the Luo Sect and the contemporary Bodhisattva of Joy who was sitting on the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform!

The Fengdian Divine Envoy held a twisted and broken small seal in his left hand. It exuded an inexplicable aura and affected the surrounding void. It seemed to make this place a world of its own, leaving Meng Qi with nowhere to escape.

"Void Seal?"

Meng Qi's pupils shrank slightly and his face was extremely solemn. It was indeed a trap, so he was being plotted this time.

"It's not a void seal, it's a treasure that has been infused with the true meaning of the void seal once or twice. Using this as the core to control the void is far better than the two-dimensional dividing handkerchief!"

Meng Qi was not a fool. He was aware of the conspiracy. He just thought he had the strength to break the situation, so he stepped into the trap and took the initiative to break the situation.

The envoy of Fengdian holds a transparent short blade in his right hand, filled with the aura of the Dharmakaya. It seems to be a token refined by the Dharma King who transcended the world. Seeing it is like seeing the leader, with the combat power of the Dharmakaya!

"It's a pity that the Dharma King is facing a breakthrough barrier and has difficulty coming, but this token is enough!"

The envoy of Fengdian smiled hoarsely, thinking that this time it was enough to kill Meng Qi, so he did not hide the situation of his leader.

The happy Bodhisattva of the Pure Female Way smiled, making the void light up, and there was a faint white lotus coming into the world. The holy fragrance made people yearn for it, and she said charmingly.

"If you are willing to surrender, I will help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering and enjoy the ultimate happiness."

With this kind of formation, even the dharma body can contend for a long time, and can kill any grandmaster who does not have a magic weapon, let alone a mad sword with a close combat power!

But when they saw Meng Qi lowering his hands, he was calm and spoke with a smile.

"The emperor can be reborn in bliss under the bodhisattva's tonic, and he will be considered a worthy death."

Meng Qi had a calm demeanor and seemed to be confident, but Huanxi Bodhisattva did not dare to act rashly and said with a smile.

"You seem to have already made a guess?"

"The Cui family and the Zhang family tried to defect to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. How could the royal family fail to respond? The sudden death of the Jin Emperor and the hanging of Concubine Hua made me understand that the King of Qin relied on the power of Luo Jiao and Su Nu Dao. No wonder he never dared to do so. Meet someone.”

Meng Qi actually took a step forward as if he were strolling in the courtyard. His momentum gradually rose and filled the entire space. The heavy atmosphere was about to explode.

The Bodhisattva of Joy covers her mouth and smiles, bright and charming, holy and gorgeous.

"With our help, it seems that he doesn't need to kill the emperor or Concubine Hua, he can just find an opportunity to expose Cui and Zhang."

"Of course not. The reason why you did this and persuaded King Qin to give up on them was to lure someone to the capital of gods. Otherwise, someone's whereabouts are unpredictable and he is good at concealing secrets. Even the dharma body will be difficult to truly lock."

Meng Qi showed a sarcastic smile. Luo Jiao and Su Nu Dao were targeting him. The King of Qin treated Meng Qi as an abandoned son and sold him to Luo Jiao and Su Nu Dao. Zhao took the opportunity to regain the Cui family and the Zhang family, and stabilized the situation. The situation in Jin Dynasty.

Having said this, Meng Qi sighed, with a somewhat complicated look on his face, and continued.

"So, Mr. Sima had to disappear. Just because the emperor died suddenly, so-and-so might not come."

The envoy of Fengdian's expression darkened, and he felt a little uneasy. He looked around and saw nothing strange, so he asked quickly.

"Since you know, why are you still here?"

Meng Qi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, holding the handle of the knife in his right hand, and slowly pulled it out from his sleeve. The light of the knife was bright, like the sun rising into the sky, illuminating the entire space.

"Of course I'm coming, why not?"

"Someone is here to kill someone!"

A flash of orange lighted up, reflecting into the eyes of the Bodhisattva of Joy and the envoy of the Dharma, and penetrated into the pupils.

Divine weapon! The expressions of the two masters of Luo Jiao changed drastically. How could this be possible?

Divine weapons are the rarest items in the world. Those who can be suppressed by divine weapons are all top sects and top families. Even if they have declined and no top powerhouse has appeared, as long as there is still a grandmaster and divine weapons, they will be able to suppress them. There is the possibility of revival, so it is the foundation for the sect family to last for thousands of years.

The outer hall of the emperor's palace, whether because of the dead people, was quite dark and gloomy, and a row of candles as thick as an arm could not show the daylight.

The candlelight flickered, and people's hearts were full of ghosts. On the steps, there stood a man wearing a bright gold dragon robe. He did not wear a crown, and his hair was tied with a wooden hairpin. He was casual and unrestrained. His facial features were deep and it was difficult to tell whether he was old or young. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised. There is a bit of high-spiritedness, but his eyes are deep, like an ice lake, showing the maturity that has been tempered by time and suffering. He is none other than King Zhao Jingshi of Qin, the actual leader of the royal family, and the great master of the half-step Dharmakaya realm!

Standing behind Zhao Jingshi was a person with a wide robe and big sleeves and an ordinary face, like an old clerk next door. He was definitely Sima Shi! He held a Nine-Dragon Seal in his hand, which complemented the Emperor's Sword held by Zhao Jingshi. His majestic momentum enveloped the entire palace.

Zhao Jingshi did not make a move, but raised the corner of his mouth. He held two ancient bamboo slips in his hands. They were old antiques that he found out from somewhere in the Zhao family's treasure house. He said lightly to his opponents, the Cui family and the Zhang family.

"Our alliance of nine aristocratic families is the cornerstone of the Jin Dynasty. Only by abandoning the past grievances, cooperating fully, and sharing what we have, can we compete with the Northern Zhou Dynasty and gain time to improve our strength. As long as the Cui family is willing to sign a contract and sever ties with the Northern Zhou Dynasty, they will still be the Marquis of Pingjin. , is still the mainstay of the imperial court."

Cui Qingyu's pupils shrank like needlepoints. He obviously knew this kind of contract, and he pondered for a while without speaking.

"Gao Lan has Lu Da as his henchman, and going south will provoke Su Wuming. In a short period of time, he may not dare to strongly support the turmoil between your two families. He just wants to reap the benefits. The Cui family leader should not know this!"

"If you persist in your stubbornness, then I will have no choice but to survive by cutting off my arms and will never tolerate adultery! "It is better to be without you two than to have you two join the enemy! "

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