I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2540 Xiao Meng with elegant painting style, traveling through the transfer station

In the world where Nangong Chong lives, in a children's hospital, a pregnant woman suddenly moved her fetus and soon gave birth to a baby girl. She had a darker complexion and always had a clear smile on her face, which amazed the doctor. In a messy room, someone suddenly sneezed.

Meng Qi finished off Grandma Shu and stood at the cardinal point of the world. He put his hands on his back, raised his head slightly, and looked at the starry sky affectionately and indifferently. He was casual, detached, free and easy, and full of awe, as if he was thinking about the ultimate goal of the universe. question.

The Cangtian Sect's left envoy looked at Meng Qi's posture with a look of confusion on his face, and asked curiously.

"Sect Master, what are you doing?"

A strange smile appeared on Ning Caichen's face. Xiao Meng really didn't let go of the opportunity to show off. This was obviously because the Foolish Monk was coming, so he specially posed to wait for the great master to improve his skills. !

"The Foolish Monk is coming!"

Meng Qiyun said calmly, without looking at Zuo Shi. He looked like he was thinking about the ultimate problem of the universe. He was full of wisdom and grace. Zuo Shi was heartbroken and muttered secretly.

"The sect master has actually reached the level where he can predict the situation beforehand and senses that the Foolish Monk is coming!"

Zuo Shi's adoring gaze made Meng Qi feel secretly happy. This was the character and painting style he should have always had. He was an ethereal, otherworldly, unfathomable, almost divine and demonic figure.

"This tastes right!"

It's just that classmate Xiao Meng didn't notice Ning Caichen's undisguised look of disdain. This guy was really out of touch and out of shape. He never forgot to show off his appearance and maintain his character. He took great pains to maintain his personality.

The dark clouds dissipated in mid-air, revealing the bright moon, shedding a faint brilliance, covering Lanruo Temple and its surroundings with a hazy silver gauze.

Outside Lanruo Temple, on the deep path, the air is filled with gloom and ghosts, strange and terrifying. I saw an old monk in gray robes growing lotuses step by step. He climbed here from the foot of the mountain, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, his eyes closed tightly. .

"Master Foolish Monk!"

The left envoy of the Cangtian Sect was surprised. The sect master was really powerful and had foreseen the arrival of the Foolish Monk. This was a great master, and he was actually within the sect master's control. This was simply beyond his imagination. From the conversation just now, it took a while for the Foolish Monk to arrive. Judging from his footsteps, the distance between the Foolish Monk and the Sect Master at that time must have been far greater than the range that the Grand Master level could sense. How did the Sect Master know that? Could it be that the sect leader really touched the realm of gods and demons!

As soon as the foolish monk heard it, the glass-like inner lake suddenly moved and rippled. He subconsciously opened his eyes, revealing a piece of clear gold that seemed to reflect everything, and looked towards the original center of the mountain forest.

There stood a man in a green shirt, with a handsome profile and an elegant temperament. He had a sense of vicissitudes that had been washed away by the years. He was looking at the stars with his hands behind his back, his eyes deep and indifferent, as if he was thinking about various problems in the world. .

Where is the high road? What is beyond the stars? With his presence, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, everything seemed to be detached, sparkling with sparks of wisdom. Even people like Yan Chixia looked at each other in admiration, held their breath, and did not dare to say a word.

Then, the foolish monk saw the man in green shirt slowly turning around, and a pair of deep but dark eyes collided with his own. Suddenly, the world became dark, and everything seemed to fall into those eyes, peaceful and quiet, returning to the original beginning, the beginning with no front, no back, no thoughts, no soul, no feeling!

brush! Around the foolish monk, golden lotuses emerged from the ground, slowly blooming, and there were bursts of Zen sounds. Between the two of them, dark clouds gathered, and a silver-white lightning fell from the sky, scorching the soil black, and illuminating the surrounding area as if it were daytime. Just the collision of qi and machine caused such a strange phenomenon!

"He is evenly matched with Master Foolish Monk!"

Yan Chixia always felt that this mysterious man in green shirt was very strong, but she never thought that he could be this strong! When did the world gain another great master?

Seeing this scene, the left envoy of Cangtian Sect felt more and more that his sect leader was unpredictable and difficult to measure with common sense, and he became more fearful and admirable.

"Amitabha, the donor disappeared for many years and unexpectedly appeared in Lanruo Temple."

The foolish monk recognized Meng Qi's identity as the leader of the Cangtian Sect. He looked at him with eyes full of energy and showed no slightest contempt.

Meng Qi took a step forward with his hands behind his back, as if strolling in a garden, and smiled.

"I was defeated by the old monster from Montenegro in the past. Now that I have broken through, of course I have to look for his traces."

"The other party is fully confident to compete with the old monster from Montenegro!"

Yan Chixia tasted the confidence hidden in Meng Qiyun's calmness, and her expression changed slightly. She was indeed a great master.

"I temporarily blocked the Jiuyou gap and got rid of the tree demon grandma and the harmful evil ghost of Lanruo Temple. Master only needs to arrange the Ksitigarbha barrier and recite the scriptures for seventy-seven and forty-nine days to completely eliminate the hidden dangers." Meng

Qi took another step. In just two steps, Yu Monk felt an uncomfortable feeling. The opponent's Qi and the connection between the two seemed to be non-existent, making him completely uncertain and unable to find the right time to take action. It feels better to punch in the air.

The foolish monk turned the rosary in his left hand and whispered the name of the Buddha. He praised the Buddha with his majestic appearance, compassion and wisdom.

"The donor has a true Bodhisattva heart in this act. He who sows good causes will have good results."

"Looking at the posture of the benefactor, he is rejuvenated, his silver thread turns black, the inner world is a world of its own, and his movements are as smooth as he wants. He is not bound to external objects or controlled by others. Could it be that he has pushed the Great Dharma to an unprecedented level?"

The familiar words reached his ears, and the corners of Meng Qi's lips curled up, feeling very proud. He finally asked the question he had been waiting for for a long time, smiled slightly, and said it as if it was not worth mentioning.

"The sky is dead, and the sky is dead."

While Yu Monk and Yan Chixia were savoring the mystery of these eight words, Meng Qi's expression changed, becoming a little more dignified, and he spoke.

"I stayed here because I made a special trip to wait for the master."

"Donor, what do you have to discuss?"

The Foolish Monk is a master of Buddhism. He can sense the other person's words automatically, but the sense is vague and he cannot grasp too many details. He has a vague feeling that he has something to do with the old demon from Montenegro.

Meng Qi looked around at everyone, stepped out, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice.

"I met a young friend named Nangong Chong during this trip and discovered many interesting things."


The Foolish Monk's spiritual platform was clear and his mind was at a perfect state. He suddenly thought about it and asked questions quickly.

Yan Chixia and Zuo Shi were confused. They had also met Nangong Chong, and the latter had been with him all the way. How could it be interesting?

"When I first met little friend Nangong, I attacked the left envoy of our sect and killed him because he took over the affairs of Huangjiazhuang."

Meng Qi raised his head and looked at the starry sky, his breath was restrained and inexplicable, and he spoke slowly.


Except for Ning Caichen and Yu Monk, everyone else was stunned and looked blank. They had clearly seen Nangong Chong, and he was full of life before being killed by the evil ghost. There was no sign of pretending!

"When little friend Nangong died, time immediately went back to before he attacked the left envoy of our sect. However, he made a different choice and stopped attacking. He treated me respectfully."

Meng Qi's expression was gloomy and his voice was ethereal, as if coming from under the Nine Netherworld, which made people's hair stand on end. How could such a thing happen? It was too absurd and uninhibited!

"Even the Dharmakaya cannot turn back time."

The foolish monk's expression was solemn, and he looked at Meng Qi with Buddha's eyes, his eyes were scrutinizing, as if he wanted to confirm whether what Meng Qi said was true or false.

"After arriving at Lanruo Temple, Nangong Chong was unwilling to give up. He waited patiently for the master to arrive and wanted to use the master's power to deal with me. Unfortunately, his message was not transmitted secretly and I heard him. He seized the opportunity and killed him again. And time went back again, back to the time when Ning Shusheng was urinating. Because of this, I knew that the master would come, and that I knew that the master still carried the "Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra" with him."

The foolish monk's eyes darkened, and his heart rippled again. He actually knew that he was carrying the "Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra" with him! This Buddhist sutra written by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the treasure of the temple. Few outsiders know about it. The secret of Lanruo Temple has only been spread recently. Except for the nephew who oversees the temple, no one knows that he came here at night in the hope of using this treasure to undergo transformation. The evil ghost completely closed the gap in the Nine Netherworld, and it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes!

"Fortunately, I have reached the realm of Huang Tiandang, so I am not affected by the sky. I keep my memory every time I turn back time. Otherwise, I would never have discovered the secret of Nangong Xiaoyou. After several experiences, I finally grasped his ability to turn back time. source."

Meng Qi's words were not shocking, and the foolish monk's pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and the surrounding area was quiet, as if frozen!

"Is this the state where Heaven is dead and Huang Tian is standing?"

The Foolish Monk didn't say anything. It seemed that Meng Qi knew that he was carrying the "Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra", which made him slightly shaken. He didn't dare to tell the truth, but he was also not sure whether the leader of the Cangtian Sect had another purpose in weaving this story.

Seeing everyone's silence, Meng Qi did not reveal the secret of turning back time. Instead, he recounted several different developments, such as the various ways in which Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian met.

This made several people present look at each other. If it was a made-up story, how could the details be so detailed? It completely matched everyone's personality and way of speaking, making them feel like they had indirectly met another version of themselves!

While everyone was in shock and confusion, Meng Qi put his hands behind his back, looked up at the vast and deep starry sky, and sighed slightly.

"After a few times, I discovered that Nangong Xiaoyou is not a person from this world. He came from the outside world and came with some kind of connection. He was created from the void and formed a body. Because of this, he can turn back time in a limited and small area."

"So, I escaped, replaced the blue sky with yellow sky, followed the Qi connection coming from little friend Nangong, penetrated the barrier, and wandered around the world where he lives."

Ning Caichen watched Meng Qi perform quietly. For some reason, he felt a touch of sadness in his heart. Xiao Meng really stole the show this time, which made him feel inexplicably unhappy. He came to this world, but what? I didn't do anything, I just went to urinate again and again, as if I was urinating frequently.

"Amitabha, what did the donor know in that world?"

The foolish monk did not regard Meng Qi's words as strange talk. He looked at Meng Qi solemnly, clasped his hands and asked very seriously.

"Little friend Nangong lives in a world that is completely different from ours. He follows the path of tool craftsmanship, exploring the world, summarizing the rules, and then using the rules to create foreign objects and replenish himself to improve his health and life span."

"They already have fleets that can travel across the Milky Way and destroy the stars, and their daily lives are much more convenient than the mortals in our world: they have telephone networks to communicate with each other, and distances thousands of miles away are as close as ears; north, south, east, west, there are For those who fly on airplanes, the ends of the earth are just a matter of time for a feast..."

Meng Qi briefly described the appearance of that world. It had noses and eyes. The details were detailed, as if it were real. It was difficult to achieve this by just relying on imagination. It made everyone else shaken. Could it be that this world really exists? Isn't it this? The leader of the Cangtian Sect made it up!

"The place where I came was Nangong Xiaoyou's home, and I found him playing a game called "Black Mountain Old Demon""

"Later, I used the power of the country in that world to destroy the game company, but the empress had returned early, the whereabouts of the mysterious fragments were unknown, the special device was completely destroyed, and only a message from the old monster of Montenegro was left, so in this world of ours Time has returned to normal, little friend Nangong can no longer come, and his body naturally disappears."

The foolish monk's expression was extremely solemn, he clasped his hands together, recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, took a step forward, and asked.

"The donor wants me to join forces with you to fight against the empress and the Black Mountain old demon?"

"It is about the rise and fall of this world, how can I sit back and watch?"

Meng Qi looked worried about the country and the people, with a solemn righteousness. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!

Before the foolish monk could answer, Yan Chixia stood up with a solemn face and raised a question. This was too mysterious, and he suspected that it was a lie concocted by the Cangtian Sect leader in order to win over Master Yuseng.

"I still don't quite believe it."

Not only him, but even the foolish monk and the leftist envoy couldn't believe it!

When Meng Qi faced Yan Chixia's doubts, he looked calm, glanced at everyone calmly, and said very calmly.

"If you don't believe it, the soul can be separated from the body, and I will send you to that world to wander around."

"With the master watching over you, you don't have to worry about me doing anything."

"Okay, I'm willing to give it a try!!!"

Yan Chixia's pupils shrank and she looked at the foolish monk. When she saw him nodding, she gritted her teeth and agreed to the proposal. He sat cross-legged and entered deep concentration, and his soul slowly left the body.

At this time, everyone saw that Meng Qi's eyes were getting deeper and deeper, and star lines stood out, as if they contained a bright and inexplicable starry sky. Deep in the starry sky, the darkness is so dim that it is impossible to distinguish, but the source of everything comes from here!

"Huang Tian is standing?"

Zuo Shi's eyes were wide open and his mind was excited. Is this the highest state of Heaven's Dharma? !

Meng Qi moved his hand, and the surrounding area suddenly became pitch black, without any light left, as if a gap appeared that swallowed up the light and everything.

Back home, Nangong Chong felt extremely tired and just wanted to fall asleep, so he took off his clothes, walked into the bathroom, and chose to take a shower. Amidst the sound of rushing water, he felt much more relaxed, and his fatigue and tension seemed to have been washed away a lot. Because of Meng Qi, he had been tortured a lot, being hunted down by the game company, and under the supervision and review of the special department.

"Hey, it's finally over..."

Just when Nangong Chong turned off the shower, a dark wind blew up, making him shiver and making him have a bad feeling in his heart, so he looked around.

"Young Hero Nangong."

A familiar voice suddenly reached his ears. Nangong Chong was stunned. His eyes widened and he saw a blurry figure appearing in front of him. It was Yan Chixia!

"I'll go and get another one..."

Nangong Chong opened his mouth wide and looked blankly at Yan Chixia Yuanshen across from him, feeling a little confused about where he was.

Suddenly, Nangong came back to his senses. Thinking that he was still naked, he hurriedly wrapped himself in a bathrobe. He was ashamed and annoyed, and asked in a low voice.

"Master Yan, have you also traveled through time?"

"Yes, it was the Cangtian Sect's leader who helped. He asked a certain person to find Nangong Shaoxia to confirm the truth of the matter."

"I have no physical support. I will stay for a quarter of an hour at most. Please ask Young Hero Nangong for help."

Yan Chixia answered Nangong Chong's question very honestly, and looked at the surrounding environment curiously, full of surprise. As expected, the world was completely different from her own.

Nangong Chong secretly gritted his teeth, but tried to force a smile on the surface, because he didn't know if the terrifying Cangtian Sect leader would appear again, so he could only respond politely.

"Junior, let's take the heroes online now!"

After finally getting rid of Yan Chixia, Nangong rushed back to the bathroom, sat on the toilet, relieved the pressure, and cursed full of resentment.

"Is it over yet? My home is not a transit station!"

Before he finished speaking, the evil wind rose again, and an old monk appeared in front of him. Nangong Chong's expression suddenly became dull, he sat upright on the toilet and saluted subconsciously.

"Master Foolish Monk..."

Outside Lanruo Temple, the trees were scorched and the night wind was blowing gently, a bit cold and a bit dark. Meng Qi stood beside the urn with his hands folded, his breath calmed down, his eyes narrowed, hiding the bright stars and the indescribable feeling of aloofness, and he became like an ordinary traveler in the world.

But as Yan Chixia and Yu Monk returned one after another and confirmed Meng Qi's words with their personal experiences, the eyes of those present looking at the Cangtian Sect leader completely changed. He can actually sense the passage of time, send people through the barrier of heaven and earth, and go to another world. He is not only a god but also a god and demon! This method and ability are enough to prove his martial arts cultivation. Cangtian is dead and Huang Tiandang is standing. There is another great master in the world, and he is even better than him!

Even if Meng Qi didn't deliberately show off his momentum at this moment, it still felt like they were facing gods and demons, and they felt that the other party had returned to his original nature and was unfathomable.

Ning Caichen looked gloomy and a little dissatisfied, secretly complaining about Meng Qi.

"I give the little monk full marks for this operation. His pretense has reached a very proficient level. It can be said that he can do it easily. Every move is carefully designed and full of the demeanor of a master and the bearing of a great master!"

"Amitabha, this matter is of great importance. Please go to the Tianshi Mansion with me."

The foolish monk opened his eyes, and saw a clear glass. If the empress formed an alliance with the Black Mountain old demon, only by persuading the heavenly master and the three of them joining forces would they have a good chance of winning.

The foolish monk realized that Meng Qi, the leader of the Cangtian Sect, was not stronger than himself, but the realm of "Huang Tiandang Li" was quite mysterious, and he had insight into various realities, so he could see things that others had never seen, hear things that others had not heard, and found that time could go back. The secret behind it is reversely penetrated with the help of connections.

The two of them disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only the faint sound echoing in Zuo Shi's heart.

"This matter is beyond your power. Go back to the sect and inform the right envoys and the disciples, and arrange for the sect to temporarily cease all activities and go into hiding to prevent the old Black Mountain demon from taking revenge."

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian will stand..."

Zuo Shi murmured to himself, leisurely and fascinated. If one day he could reach the realm of the sect master, where time could go back without erasing his memory, and the realm of heaven and earth could not stop the soul, then he would be willing to die! What are gods and demons? This is the living god and devil!

Ning Caichen didn't care what Meng Qi and Yu Monk would do next, but calmly left Lanruo Temple and prepared to continue on his way. He was going to the capital to take part in the imperial examination, but he only passed through this place, which was different from his original trajectory. The account is different.

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