I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2532: Chong He is true to his original intention, and the Pure Yang Sword forces Lu Ya

Han Guang then turned around and gave instructions to the gray-haired grandmaster.

"Use the magic power to open this door. After the event is completed, I will return your adopted son to you."

"Yes, Sect Master."

This gray-haired grandmaster has an ugly face and crazy eyes, full of evil. Han Guang was wearing a wide robe and long sleeves, waiting with his hands behind his hands. His face was sharp and angular, and his temperament was mature and deep. He smiled disdainfully at the current battle with all the dharma bodies.

"Today's situation is such that the world is in chaos, and everything is turning upside down. However, no matter the details, the only way to improve yourself is to improve yourself!"

In Xijian Pavilion, on the top of the mountain, Lu Chunyang looked at the wind and clouds with a smile, indifferent, as if he had no concern for the changes in the world's situation. Jiang Zhiwei is maintaining the order of the sect, while Zhou Taichong is in charge of the forbidden area, wielding the magic weapon Cutting My Sword, which is as motionless as a mountain.

Suddenly, a purple meteor streaked across the sky, and a figure appeared behind Lu Chunyang. His voice was cold and sharp, revealing a peerless edge.

"Cui Qinghe has fallen."

"Junior brother! You are out of seclusion at the right time!"

Lu Chunyang slowly turned his head and saw his junior brother Su Wuming, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, empty and empty, as if he had no self or anything. He had a handsome face, but his eyes were indifferent and deep, as if he had gone through several worldly events and rolled around in a lot of worldly affairs.

"It's just a little unsatisfactory, it's too hasty!"

Su Wuming nodded slightly, with a hint of emotion in his tone, and said coldly.

"It's always difficult to achieve perfection in things in this world. If you have a great development of fifty years, you can still escape one of them. There is no need to force it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a fragment of mirror flew out of Su Wuming's hand and floated in front of him. This fragment was dark and dull, but it seemed to be able to reflect all kinds of phantoms and the infinite universe.

Lu Chunyang glanced at him, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face, and he praised.

"Junior brother, it's a good chance that I actually got the pieces of the Haotian Mirror, which can reflect the heavens and awaken others and me. No wonder you have just made a breakthrough and are now comparable to Mr. Lu, with some legendary qualities!"

Because of his single-mindedness, Mr. Lu Da mourned his dead wife, like Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, and perceived himself in other worlds. However, because he is more passionate than a sword, he has been single-minded throughout his life. Instead of integrating others and me, he strengthened himself and embarked on a path. Emphasizing the path of self, being unique, and beginning to gradually cut off the connection with others and me, it has a somewhat legendary quality.

Mr. Lu Da's path is somewhat similar to a simplified version of Lu Chunyang's. He only cultivates himself and pays attention to being unique. But Lu Chunyang's road is even more difficult. He needs to strengthen himself and be independent of others. I am the same in all worlds. They are all different and all worlds are different. It requires great wisdom and great perseverance. Exceptional people can do it!

"You are still not as wise as your senior brother. You don't rely on external things, and you are still on the road to legend!"

Su Wuming's expression was calm, without any sign of self-satisfaction. Although he had broken through the Dharma Body, reached the heavens in one step, and achieved the realm of Earthly Immortal, he still couldn't see through his senior brother, who was ordinary and just like a mortal.

In the sky with a radius of thousands of miles, Guldo seemed to have transformed into a god of law enforcement, controlling the way of divine punishment. His ax flashed across the sky, sometimes transforming into a hole, sometimes appearing to defeat the opponent's realm, forcing Mr. Lu Da to be at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Mr. Lu Da's swordsmanship is exquisite. The light of the sword can stir up the smallest structures and activate the sea of ​​vitality, the five elements, and the power of the void to block Gurdo's Heavenly Punishment Axe.

Since Guldo activated the power of banishing the immortal, there has never been a collision between the sword and the ax between the two people. Taoist Chonghe has found an opportunity to include the two of them into the sword formation of killing the immortal at the same time. The four sword lights of red, green, black and white have been Continuously shooting down, hitting Gurdo, collapsing the earth, fire, wind and water, distorting the void, confusing time, turning all matter into energy, and destroying the ax light. But often with a single turn of the Heavenly Punishment Ax, the power of Heavenly Punishment knocks down the four sword lights of red, green, black and white and consumes them all in a lifetime.

Taoist Chonghe and Mr. Lu Da joined forces to besiege Gurdo alone, but they were still slightly behind. They struggled to hold on and could only wait for Gurdo to reach the limit of using the magic weapon beyond the level.

Taoist Chonghe's right hand shook, and the red sword light fell. His mind moved slightly. He looked up and saw purple meteors streaking across the sky. He saw a darkness in the north and understood that Cui Qinghe and Daman of the Changsheng Sect had fallen. Two visions occurred at the same time. Present.

Not every dharma body has a vision when it falls, and not every way of death has a vision. But the appearance of a dharma body's fall definitely means that the dharma body has died!

Seeing this vision, Taoist Chonghe's eyes became dark, and his mind suddenly recalled the voice that had been lingering in his heart for a long time. It was grand and indifferent, aloof and could not be violated.

"The sixth death mission. In this battle, Mr. Lu Da was strangled to death, Lu Zhiping. If successful, he will be rewarded with pieces of the Haotian Mirror. If he fails, he will be wiped out."

Cui Qinghe fell under the Demon Holy Spear, and Abbot Kong Wen had to fight for his life. Holding the relic of the sixth generation founder of Shaolin, Monk Yuankong, streaks of glazed brilliance spilled out from it, lingering in the void, and the Arhat's golden body expanded accordingly. It seems to be transformed into a giant golden Buddha that fills the heaven and earth. The solemn Zen sound echoes and points directly to the original heart.

"The nature of all sentient beings is pure, and they originate from nothing and cannot be destroyed. That is to say, this body and mind are illusory births, and there is no happiness in the illusory transformation."

The White Tiger Demon King was shocked, inexplicably shocked, and exclaimed.

"Sacrifice yourself! Don't you want to live anymore?"

There is no sadness or joy on the face of the golden giant Buddha, as if he is pity for all living beings, and seems to have an enlightened Zen mind. He raises his right hand, pinches it with his thumb and middle finger, making a flower-like shape. An illusory golden Parva flower falls in the air and falls exactly between the two fingers. between. This picture is full of Zen, as if it is explaining all kinds of mysterious truths, but it is indescribable and indescribable.

The White Tiger Demon King was suddenly stunned. There were countless thoughts rising and falling in his mind. He seemed to have realized what emptiness was, what the four false combinations were, and what the twelve insights were. He felt that his body and mind were relaxed, and he was far away from the great purity and greatness. Joy, great peace, and great freedom are only one step away. The Buddha picked up the flowers and smiled, showing that they were in harmony with each other. They taught outsiders the true meaning of Zen.

Kong Wen waved his right hand holding the Brahma flower, spread his fingers into a palm, and slapped the White Tiger Demon King on the head, as if giving it a slap in the face. The sound of Zen changes and becomes more ethereal.

"When the mind arises, all kinds of dharmas arise; when the mind dies, all kinds of dharmas perish!"

In the Zen sound, the purple lightning, blue thunder, and golden wind weapons in the void were all destroyed at will, and everything was empty! Snapped! The White Tiger Demon King, who was already exhausted, didn't wake up until this palm hit his head, but he was not enlightened.


The roar of the tiger rang out, piercing into the sky. Although the head of the White Tiger Demon King was not cracked, it was completely dented. His soul was shaking, his soul fell into deathly silence, his eyes were almost black, his heart was destroyed, and his spirit was destroyed! Flying upside down, although he did not fall due to his physical strength, he was still on the verge of death and lost the ability to fight.

After Kong Wen sacrificed his life, his cultivation was close to the realm of Bodhisattva, his strength skyrocketed, and his combat power was invincible!

The White Tiger Demon King's vision was dim, and he managed to stay awake. When he saw that the Kui Niu Demon King had given up besieging the real Yunhe, and stopped Abbot Kong Wen, he felt relieved. After forming the demon alliance, they really stopped fighting each other.

Just when the White Tiger Demon King was secretly rejoicing, a white, almost transparent finger stretched out from the void and touched its body, and an ethereal sound resounded through the void.

"My old mother has no life, my hometown is empty."

The white tiger demon king's blood flowed into the finger quickly, and the demon body withered rapidly. He turned his head in shock and saw a pair of ruthless eyes. There was a trace of ridicule in the eyes of the Dharma King. He couldn't use his inanimate fingers to absorb the Dharma body of the left path that signed the contract. But you sneaky demon kings didn't sign the contract with me, so you can still devour and absorb it! In today's situation, the most important thing is to improve your own strength!

The white tiger was shocked and angry, but in an instant he fell into eternal darkness.

Kui Niu Demon King gave up Abbot Kong Wen and swung his thunder hammer at the World-Transcending Dharma King in an attempt to rescue the White Tiger Demon King. Unfortunately, it was too late. The White Tiger Demon King had been sucked to nothing. Integrated into the vacuum body of the Dharma King, it pushed his aura all the way up.

The Dharma King escaped into the void and appeared behind the Demon King Kui Niu. Two transparent short blades were thrust out, and a man and a demon started fighting.

Outside the Hidden Sword Tower, after a short negotiation between the grassland forces and the Zuodao Alliance, they decided to send five masters to rescue Hasullah, including three Golden Tent warriors and two shamans. The rest continued to besiege the Hidden Sword Tower and strive to break through it as soon as possible.

"I am Gao Lan, the Lord of the Great Zhou. Wherever my people of the Great Zhou are found, I am there!"

The majestic voice sounded in the ears of the head of the Cao family. The head of the Cao family, who was controlling the earthly immortal, was worried that his hometown in Beijing would be attacked by someone, so he left the purple electric jade ruler to the other masters to look after the house.

At this time, hearing a familiar voice, the head of the Cao family suddenly shed two lines of tears. As if he had received the agreed signal, he smiled with a hint of relief and cruelty, and then directly activated the Earth Immortal Yishu, letting him Explode!

"According to the contract, those who attack each other will die, but I'm not even afraid of death anymore, so why should I be afraid of the contract?"

The earthly immortal relics swelled, and when the Bodhisattva of Joy and the Buddha of Joy in the present time reacted, they were all frightened. Some tried to escape, while others wanted to stop. Boom, the rolling flames and brilliance engulfed an area thousands of miles in radius and thousands of feet up and down.

The contrast between the middle-level forces in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the grassland changes today! The soul of the head of the Cao family disappeared, leaving only a trace of lingering thoughts, showing persistence.

"In today's world, if you don't advance, you will retreat. In the future, with the protection of the Human Emperor, the Cao family will surely prosper!"

Mr. Lu Da is trying his best to deal with Guldo. Guldo relies on powerful magic weapons. When Guldo is exhausted, it is better for him to consume a lot. As long as he stabilizes his position and fights steadily, he can always force Guldo back and even severely injure him. Gurdo.

At this moment, Mr. Lu Da only felt that time and space had changed. He was attacking Taoist Chonghe. Before he could react, he was removed from the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Taoist Chonghe pushed the Taoist crown, and the soul burned. The four red, green, black, and white sword lights of the Zhuxian Sword Formation shone brightly, and rapidly shrank with Gurdo as the core. Numerous changes have evolved, and each change is devouring energy and matter, rushing towards the final death with an irreversible and irreversible trend change.

Guldo was shocked in his heart, his expression changed drastically, he activated the Heavenly Punishment Axe, and unleashed the power of banishing the immortal, but it could only delay this trend change.

"Chonghe, what do you want to do?!"

Chonghe's consciousness merged into the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the Dharma Body added fuel and jealousy to it. His heart was calm, but suddenly all kinds of past events flashed through, and finally it was fixed on the time when he first entered the reincarnation.

At that time, he was just an ordinary disciple of Chunyang Sect, and he could only survive because of Brother Ziyun's care. He and his teammates were delighted by the wonder of reincarnation and the richness of the exchange. They felt it was better than any other adventure and they were not too confused.

Brother Ziyun was the first to worry and raised a question, what should he do if the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation gave him a task that went against his true intentions, such as killing his father, his mother, or abandoning his sect?

At that time, Taoist Chonghe was still ignorant and did not understand the weight of this question and did not answer it. Brother Ziyun fell into reincarnation before he could face a similar test.

Today, Taoist Chonghe has gone through many vicissitudes, and finally understands that he can give Brother Ziyun an answer. The Zhuxian Sword Formation is flourishing, Chonghe Dharma Body is in harmony with the sword formation, his consciousness is drifting, and it is about to completely dissipate. Only a firm voice can be heard. Answering questions from the past from the bottom of my heart.

"The only dead ear in all the hardships!"

Those who are in harmony are indifferent and peaceful, and they are modest and upright!

On the top of Xijiang Pavilion, Lu Chunyang frowned, holding the peach wood sword in his hand, and flew out, straight into Qingming, leaving only one order.

"Junior brother, please stop Meng Nan and come back as soon as you go for my brother's sake!"

Intangible and inexplicable connections extended from these universes and worlds and fell into the deserted Su Wuming's body. His figure began to expand, and sword energy was born from nothingness, performing various sword techniques and showing various properties, including the sword of fire, the sword of Guishui, the sword of void, and the sword of emptiness. A ruthless sword, a killing sword.

The sword energy was flowing horizontally, and behind Su Wuming appeared an indifferent "Taoist form" with indifferent eyes. It had the same appearance as Su Wuming, but it looked more lofty and ethereal, and contained various laws and sword energy, as if in Looking down at all things in the world, there is no distinction between love and hate, and everyone is treated equally.

Su Wuming seemed not to be here, high up, as if standing on the ninth level of the sky, looking down at the mountains, rivers, and the universe, covering all directions and everywhere. There were fragments of the Haotian Mirror floating in front of him, and different scenes of heaven and earth were reflected around him. They included the endless universe and floating continents, overlapping and distinct, and not interfering with each other. The Xijian Pavilion became dim and dark, and sometimes There was a flash of light and shadow. The scenes in these universes and worlds changed rapidly and quickly settled on a figure.

Su Wuming pulled out his sword, and a pure and condensed sword light lit up. There was nothing fancy about it, and the sword light was as brilliant as a thunderous giant, and it slashed downwards.

The three-headed and six-armed Great Asura Mengnan walked around the Xijian Pavilion, intending to go deep into the sacred place of Jin Dynasty. Suddenly, his heart moved. He looked up and saw Su Wuming and the divine sword from the sky. The sword light struck, and the great Asura shook his bloody spear and faced it without fear. But at this time, he found that there were sword lights coming from all directions. There was no self or other, no past and no future.

"What's going on? Su Wuming is everywhere?"

Meng Nan was shocked. Three heads and six arms were launched at the same time. Fire beads, black lotuses, swords and spears swept through the area like a whirlwind, resisting the sword light. He had no intention of taking advantage of the fire. Seeing Su Wuming's strange state, he already wanted to retreat. After resisting the sword light, he immediately used life-saving means and escaped tens of thousands of miles away.

Meng Nan appeared in the sky above a certain barren mountain. Zhengjue got rid of Su Wuming and tried to take a breath. His pupils suddenly shrank, and another sword light cut off the future struck from high in the sky! Su Wuming was still on top, unmoving, as if he had been waiting for him here. After Meng Nan tried his best to block a round of attacks, he had no choice but to activate a precious talisman. The void opened, and the three-headed and six-armed real body escaped, and suddenly appeared on the vast sea, far away from the Jin Dynasty.

However, Meng Nan once again saw a pure and condensed sword light slashing down from high in the sky, shining brightly in the world. Su Wuming looked down at him with an indifferent expression and his weathered eyes.

"Can you keep up with this? Can't you get rid of this?"

Great Asura Mengnan felt chilled in his heart, so he could only fight and retreat, using all means to get rid of Su Wuming's pursuit.

The sword light fell from the nine heavens, awe-inspiring and upright, the sword energy filled the space between heaven and earth, and poured into the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Time froze, space solidified, and an illusory long river emerged in the void, winding and twisting, with no source or focus. The sword light slashed out, the long river shook, and the water actually flowed in the opposite direction.

Time went back, and Mr. Lu Da appeared in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Taoist Chonghe had not burned his soul, but was still controlling the Zhuxian Swordsman. He cooperated with Mr. Lu Da and besieged Guldo, who was determined to hold the Tianchu Axe.

A clear and melodious voice echoed in Taoist Chonghe's mind, like the Constitution of Heaven, it was domineering and majestic and could not be violated.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, I will erase your name from the list of gods and free you from the six paths of reincarnation!"

Taoist Chonghe felt certain, and a look of excitement appeared on his face. The Zhuxian Sword Formation trembled slightly, almost allowing Guldo to seize the opportunity and rush out.

Only then did Taoist Chonghe come to his senses, and he swung out the long sword in his hand repeatedly, killing and destroying four swords that were extremely sharp and inexplicably powerful, trapping Guldo in the sword array again.

Mr. Lu Da breathed a sigh of relief. Taoist Chonghe's behavior almost made him lose his mind. If Lu Chunyang hadn't intervened, used his supreme magical power, reversed time, and saved Taoist Chonghe, he would have fallen to the top of the list again. A master now.

This dark place is mysterious and hard to find. Lu Chunyang stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the vermilion gourd hanging in the void. He held a mahogany sword in his hand. There was a sword light shining on the sword body. It was extremely bright and the momentum rose, tightly covering this world. , the terrifying sword intention pointed directly at the vermilion gourd, full of domineering.

"Lu Ya, hand over Taoist Chonghe's true spirit and erase his name from the list of gods, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The vermilion gourd was spinning, the red gold divine brilliance was shining, dazzling, and a powerful aura filled the air, refusing to give in an inch.

"Lu Chunyang, don't bully others too much!"

"Consequences? What consequences?!"

Daojun Lu Ya did not show up, and his voice flew out from the vermilion gourd, full of anger. Deep in the true fire of the sun, it burned ragingly, turning the whole world into gold. There were golden crows flying in the flames, and the fire dragon roared.

"Isn't it because you made arrangements in advance because the end of the world is approaching and you want to reach the other side and transcend the path?"

"If you don't hand over the true spirit of Chonghe today, I will take action and throw you into the Nine Netherworld Abyss, and you will never wake up!"

After that, a terrifying aura erupted from Lu Chunyang, and an unknown force came from all the heavens and worlds, pushing Lu Chunyang's aura all the way up. He was about to cross the legend and enter the realm of creation. An illusory river emerged, surrounding In this world, time gathers and all living beings rise and fall.

"You have actually reached the point where you can enter the realm of creation at any time?!"

Lu Ya's anger subsided, and his voice was full of surprise and fear. It was obvious that Lu Chunyang's strength exceeded his imagination.

"You can step into creation at any time, but you just want to pursue perfection, so you work hard to suppress the realm!"

"Is it worth it to counteract the Taoist's true spirit?"

Lu Chunyang's face was full of determination, his eyes were indifferent, he stared at the red gourd coldly, and said lightly.

"That depends on whether you are sensible!"

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