I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2527 The gods come and everyone fights for their lives

As soon as Meng Qi stabilized his body, an omen of extreme danger surged in his mind. Shen Yunqing was nowhere to be seen, only a sword filled with the aura of humanity, and its vast and seemingly boundless aura.

"Magic Weapon! I'm locked by the Divine Weapon!"

The sight of cold liquid on his forehead and sweat running down his back did not appear, because Meng Qi's entire soul and body seemed to be frozen, he was trembling unconsciously, and it was difficult to think or move!

Meng Qi forcibly strives for a glimmer of clarity, and the immortal primeval phase appears. The golden Buddha appears, pointing to the sky and touching the ground. He is the only one who dominates, trying to find a glimmer of life in a situation of death and no life.

At this moment, just when Shen Yunqing was about to swing his sword, a figure that was both sacred and monstrous suddenly appeared behind him. It had the head of a human and the body of a dragon. Its body was blood red and it had six arms. It could destroy or kill with its palms. Qi Zhengyan's Dharma Appearance, his Dharma Appearance and physical body seem to be strangely separated, each doing his own thing.

After Qi Zhengyan and Master Nianshi were repelled by Dugu Shi, Fa Xiang sneaked to the top of the altar without anyone noticing, waiting for the opportunity.

Now, Shen Yunqing's magic weapon has been activated, and there is no one who can threaten Qi Zhengyan. With an expressionless face, he swung out his arm holding the blood beads, and hit Shen Yunqing's back at the moment the magic weapon was activated.

Suddenly, Shen Yunqing flew up, the flesh and blood on his back melted, his breath became weak, and the magic weapon lost its lock and slashed high into the sky! The five-clawed golden dragons gathered together and entangled themselves into a golden blade of light, which moved upwards with mighty force, cutting through the clouds, revealing the blazing sun in the sky, shining golden spots on the river surface, the sky was clear and the air was clear!

Only then did Meng Qi's heart resume beating. It was pounding loudly and violently. He had been on the verge of life and death just now. Fortunately, Qi Zhengyan's cunning and endless methods finally got the chance and freed him from the shadow of death. .

Only nine of the sixteen yellow tables with blood letters around the altar on the ninth floor have been burned at this time, and there is still plenty of time to destroy them! Suddenly, a dragon roar resounded through the void, vast and vast, full of nobility, majesty, and sacred aura, like the emperor of heaven and earth, the master of all living beings.

I saw an emperor's sword flying from the altar on the ninth floor, and the aura of humanity filled the air. The smoke of the battle and the bloody murderous energy were wiped out, and everyone who was fighting retreated.

The divine soldiers were actually awakened and took the initiative to protect the altar! Qi Zhengyan's expression remained unchanged, and the six arms were smashed out like wheels. Blood beads, red fire, ice cold, filth, destruction and killing all hit the ninth floor altar with an abstract feeling. He had to get there before the divine weapon was completely revived. Destroy the altar!

Click! The sound of illusory rupture sounded, and the forbidden law on the ninth-floor altar was strangely shattered, and the yellow tables with blood letters were clearly displayed, with six of them left unburned.

The emperor's sword seemed to be angry, and it suddenly slashed horizontally. The light of the sword cut through the void, which was extremely terrifying. Qi Zhengyan's appearance disappeared strangely, leaving only blood in the air.

Behind Qi Zhengyan's body, the Dharma regrouped and blended in. His face turned green and white, and he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood. Although he just dodged the frontal attack of the divine weapon, he was still affected by the divine weapon and was seriously injured.

Qi Zhengyan hurriedly looked at Du Huaishang at this time. The current plan is that only the divine weapons can destroy the altar, making it impossible to build a road to heaven and prevent the gods and demons from coming.


Du Huaishang ignored the huge consumption, and all the energy in his body was integrated into the Divine Weapon Bearing Sky Sword. The sacred energy revived, and a golden sword energy rose across the sky. The sword light shone brightly in the world, and slashed hard at the Emperor Sword. , the two magic weapons finally collided.

The two magic weapons fought fiercely in mid-air. The swords and swords fell like rain, and countless lives were affected and died. If Du Huaishang had not returned to the warship and the Bearing Sky Sword blocked the aftermath, Ruan Yushu, Zhao Heng and others would not have been able to survive. Even if he doesn't die, he will be in an extremely miserable state.

Seeing that there was only one unburned yellow watch with blood letters, Meng Qi emerged bravely and quickly recovered. He followed the steps recorded in the Yuanshi Golden Seal, pushing his eighty-nine premonitions of danger to the peak, preparing to break through the obstruction of Dugu Shi and stop him. The establishment of the Tongtian Road.

With a body like a ghost and a shape like a swimming dragon, the jade-cutting sword in Meng Qi's hand is used to open up the world. It is unparalleledly sharp and can cut everything. He has already exerted all his strength. If he fails, he will be benevolent. He will move forward unstoppably.

The strange thing is that Emperor Wu Du Gushi did not stop Meng Qi. He stepped out of the way, leaving Meng Qi extremely shocked.

At this time, the penultimate yellow watch with blood letters had just been burned clean. Meng Qi had no time to think about it. The opportunity was rare, so he tried his best. With the brilliant light of his sword, he broke through the darkness, cut off everything, and went straight to the last yellow watch with blood letters. .

Seeing that the light of the sword was about to fall on the yellow table, the altar suddenly shook, and streams of blood gushed out instantly, surrounding the altar, highlighting the huge words: The sky and the earth are black and yellow, the universe is prehistoric!

At this time, Dugu Shi's majestic and deep voice came from behind Meng Qi, full of determination, as if everything was under his control.

"That's too late!"


The light of the sword was revealed, breaking through most of the bloody words. However, just as they blocked Meng Qi's left-hand sword, the last yellow table with blood words burned and quickly penetrated into the altar!

There were figures in the blood-light text, and the familiar voice of the Blood Sea Rakshasa came from an infinite distance, full of joy and sarcasm.

"You're dead."

The light from the altar merged into one, suddenly rushed into the sky, and pierced into the ground! Meng Qi's heart suddenly became cold and he sank to the bottom of the Nu River.

Green, red, yellow, white, black, green, purple, and cyanotic, the nine colors soar into the sky, go straight beyond the blue world, and delve into the depths of the earth. They are so beautiful and true, like misty rain, like clouds that are changeable, exuding a feeling of vastness and loftiness. A majestic sacred aura came from far away from the nine heavens along the nine-color passage. Before it got close, Meng Qi was trembling physically and mentally. He vaguely wanted to worship, but could not resist. The power of gods, the wonder of incense!

In the chaos, darkness, Meng Qi's immortal primeval phase seemed to be condensed into one point, and then revealed to his consciousness, sitting between his eyebrows, resisting the oppression of the power of incense and the power of the gods. Meng Qi quickly regained consciousness, and the coldness in his heart was immediately replaced by heat. His fighting spirit was blazing, and his eyes were filled with desperate looks.

Meng Qi's body swelled, standing upright, his aura disturbed the heaven and earth, his back muscles squirmed, and two arms suddenly grew. Each of his four hands was a left sword and a right sword. The sword was heavy and the sword light was shining. They were chopped down in pairs at the same time. Two of them even activated the power of the ultimate treasure weapon, and the terrifying feeling contained in it made the nearby Blood Sea Religion priests suppress their breathing and did not dare to stop them.

The swords collided, and the dazzling whiteness instantly filled the sky and the earth. The Blood Sea Sect priests screamed one by one, the blood around their bodies evaporated, and blood flowed from their eyes. They did not dare to resist, and followed the air waves, and threw themselves under the altar. The storm that tears apart and destroys everything rushes towards the Nine-Colored Divine Way, the road to the sky!

At this moment, a fist stood out from the top of the nine-color mist. It was surrounded by sacred golden light and exuded a strong aura of aspiration, performing scenes of sacrifices to heaven and earth. The layers overlapped like the pressure of nine heavens. Fall and hit Burial Galaxy.

The Rensheng Emperor has arrived! Without the descendants who rule the world to offer sacrifices, even if his body is immortal, he would have perished long ago. How can he be reborn from the power of incense and vows? For other gods, each has its own source of wish power. The change of dynasties does not affect their survival. But for the Rensheng Emperor, it is a matter of life and death. Once an opportunity is found, he will not hesitate to dream and try to come. Now victory is in sight. , how can we not go all out?

Dugu Shi raised his eyes and looked up at Emperor Rensheng, feeling a little disdainful. He was just a fool who was plotted by the Blood Sea Rakshasa. As expected, these incense gods were not very smart and were restricted by incense.

The raging storm of destruction was dispersed, the dazzling white light disappeared, and the entire altar burst out with golden light, like the sun shining brightly. Meng Qi only felt two swords and two swords weighing heavily, and the terrifying power hit him, making him unable to stabilize. His body flew backwards, his ribs seemed to be broken, and his breathing seemed to have stopped.

"It seems that the temporary channel still has limitations after all. It can only reach half a step of the power of the dharma body. It's a bit weak!"

Dugu Shi touched his chin, with a dissatisfied look on his face. What could this little power do? It seemed that he had to help add fuel to the fire.

Dugu Shi flicked his finger, and an invisible force was integrated into the altar, helping to stabilize the road to heaven. The gathering of Dharma principles could carry more power, allowing the benevolent and holy emperor to fully descend.

On the altar, nine colors shine, the benevolent and holy emperor, covered with golden armor, his aura is majestic and vast, his power is growing, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he can cross half a step of the Dharmakaya realm and step into another level.

"His power has not yet reached its peak, and he is only half as strong as the Dharmakaya. We still have a chance, so don't hold it back!"

Meng Qi's face was solemn and flushed. He turned to everyone and roared loudly to boost everyone's morale. They still had a chance. As long as they defeated the descending Rensheng Emperor within a quarter of an hour, they could reverse the situation and win.

Emperor Rensheng took one step, landed on the river, hung in the air, raised his right hand, and was about to hit the position where Meng Qi, Ruan Yushu and others were with his fist.

Zhu Shou, Miao Hu, Feng Jingtang and Liu Shunshui went crazy when the altar was almost completed and tried their best, because they knew that once the gods came, they would no longer be lucky. If they didn't work hard now, when would they wait? However, the news that the gods were about to come boosted the morale of the imperial court. Even the most conservative Liu Tuizhi dared to fight for his life. When there was no obvious gap in strength between the two sides, the battle was inextricable. When Emperor Rensheng actually arrived, Zhu Shou and others lost their momentum and fell into a disadvantage, unable to come out to help.

The Bearing Sky Sword became more and more impatient, while the Emperor's Sword refused to give in. The two divine weapons were entangled and confronting each other, unable to support Meng Qi and others.

Dugu Shi continued to let go, but the golden gun in his hand still tightly trapped the stubborn master, but ignored Qi Zhengyan.

Qi Zhengyan's skin was transparent and red, and six arms grew directly from his body. He held a red gold sword with dragon patterns in one hand, and a vampire in the other. The others also had red fire lotus, filthy spikes, a killing sword, and a claw of destruction. The six arms waved at the same time and smashed in front of him, causing destruction everywhere, killings scattered, flames burning the sky, ice and cold!

The images of the two Supreme Sword Lords in Jiang Zhiwei's eyes became clearer and clearer. They were all condensed with sword energy, forming an angle with the one behind them. Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things! The sword light was all over the place, and it was fired with all the strength. Suddenly, all the sword light converged, and each sword was as fast as a sword, just like a flying rainbow in the sky, no self or other, no life and no death, only attacking but not defending!

The gods were in the sky, and the water of the Nu River suddenly stagnated. There was no more roar, and everything seemed to become still. Emperor Rensheng looked down at Meng Qi and others who were trying to swing their swords with indifferent eyes. He made a fist with his right hand and struck down. Tiny black cracks appeared on the edge of the fist, which was terrifying and unusual. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the void not far to his side, and it was Qi Zhengyan who was still expressionless!

There was a vertical eye between Qi Zhengyan's eyes, so dark that it seemed that he could never see the bottom. Emperor Rensheng's mind buzzed, and his punches slowed down for a moment.

Qi Zhengyan waved out his six arms, mixed with a transparent and crystal sword light in front of him, and ejected out, as agile as a dragon, wrapping around Emperor Rensheng before he could recover, and layer after layer of ice walls froze around him. , even the incense and wish power around Emperor Rensheng seemed to have solidified.

Ruan Yushu seized the opportunity and activated the Seven Immortals Qin. His clothes were flying, his hands were caressing, the sound of the twelve gods of Langhuan resounded in the void, the dragons and phoenixes sang together, the sacred and ferocious, the flames were overwhelming, the thunder was shining, in the thunder and fire, a breath The ancient bell emerged, and with a clanging sound, it sounded a sound that shook the three realms, and Emperor Rensheng was stagnant.

In Jiang Zhiwei's eyes, the Taishang Sword Master burned fiercely, stepped on the driftwood, flew into the air, and slashed out the White Rainbow Sword Penetrating the Sun, the light was like a rainbow, so pure and fast that the surroundings became sluggish, and the strong people nearby seemed to be trapped in the outdoor scene. Being out of the cage of time has slowed down the thinking of the Rensheng Emperor. This sword is more inclined to the Six-Destroying Selflessness Sword Twenty-Three, which destroys the six paths and the six-annihilation selflessness. The murderous intent was so terrifying that Jiang Zhiwei was on the verge of burning her soul, and the time between heaven and earth slowed down!

Zhao Heng also activated his Fish-Dragon Sword, thrust it straight upward, and executed the last of the Eight Shocking Swords. The sword light bounced up and rushed into the sky. When it reached the highest point, it exploded and turned into a Sword rain falls from the sky, and each sword light is shaped like an edict, connected layer by layer, changing the laws of heaven and earth, turning yin into yang, softness into hardness, and the sea of ​​vitality into heavy shackles, allowing it to shrink together with the gathered sword light. Bind the Rensheng Emperor.

Zhang Yuanshan also tried his best at this time. The cold light of the Soaring Snake Sword shone brightly and dazzlingly. In the endless sword light, a heavenly emperor emerged, wearing a black imperial robe, with Xuanwu under his feet. He was majestic and sacred, killing demons with one handle. The sword was unsheathed, and together with Zhang Yuanshan's Soaring Snake Sword, it struck at the Rensheng Emperor. Zhenwu stepped into the sky, and the void froze, binding the incense god for a moment.

Meng Qi took a deep breath and unleashed the last strength in his body. The acupoints all over his body opened, and the scenes inside condensed everywhere. Even his body seemed to be collapsing into one. The place where he stood was dark, dark, and chaotic, as if he had returned to the beginning of the universe, where nothing else could be seen. The Heaven's Wound in his hand was slowly slashed out. The sword's light was dim, and a large amount of sword energy gathered at the tip of the sword. A black dot emerged, extremely heavy, as if it carried the cause of the heavens, the beginning of all things, and the immortal primeval phase running crazily. The black dot broke away from the tip of the knife and shot towards Emperor Rensheng, emitting infinite suction force and swallowing up everything in its path. It was extremely terrifying and terrifying.

Among them, only Fu Zhenzhen was the weakest and preferred auxiliary treatment, so he did not attack, but prepared various treatment methods to help everyone.

Six levels of attacks, each attack is a blow with everyone's full strength, which is enough to compare with the attack of a peak master in the outdoor scene. Suddenly, a golden sword light bursts out from the body of Emperor Rensheng, swimming in the void like a fish, split into two, The two split into four, turning into countless sword lights, making constant jingling sounds with the layers of ice walls and shackles, and rubbing against the slow and almost solid feeling, causing a tooth-ache-inducing dizziness.

The sword light and sword energy spilled out, causing waves hundreds of feet high. The bodies of the soldiers who had no time to dodge were pierced. Corpses lay all over the field, like cutting leeks, falling down in rows. Countless blood flowed out and gathered into a river. The blood was bright and red. It's so disturbing that even the air is filled with a pungent smell that makes you sick!

Qi Zhengyan's deep eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and the dragon-patterned red gold sword turned into Han Chi, carrying filth and blood, and rushed towards Emperor Rensheng. The air flow was frozen, showing various colors such as blue and light green, wrapping Emperor Rensheng inside, while the filth melted the golden armor, and the blood light penetrated inside, causing Emperor Rensheng's indifferent eyes to temporarily lose their clarity.

Meng Qi took another breath, turned around in mid-air, and the image of the immortal Yuanshi appeared behind him, a Taoist sitting in the center, no top, no bottom, no left, no right, no front, no back, Heaven's Heart, My Will!

Taoist Yuanshi flew out, with his left hand as yang and his right hand as yin. They were combined and knocked down in a mysterious way. A yin and yang fish Tai Chi diagram appeared in the air, spinning continuously and covering Emperor Rensheng. Meng Qi's huge body once again urged the treasure to be released. Soldier, the tip of the knife drags out a subtle hole, the sword light blooms everywhere regardless of the strong or weak, double burial of the galaxy!

Blazing whiteness emerged, and the river surface with a radius of hundreds of miles was only white, with nothing else visible. The high temperature evaporated the upper water surface, and the storm that tore apart the world and destroyed the world rushed towards the Rensheng Emperor.

A terrifying explosion rang out, dizzying the heads of many strong men in the battle, and they fell into the water. Meng Qi was also swept away by the violent explosion, smashing into warships. The Kunlun Taoist robe was in pieces, and the light gold around his body was cracked inch by inch. Shrunk, changed to its original state, weak in breath, no longer able to fight.

Jiang Zhiwei and others didn't have time to check on Meng Qi's condition, so they quickly swallowed an East Extreme Eternal Life Pill to restore their health in order to fight again. They focused on alert and looked at the center of the explosion.

The white mist dissipated, and the nine colors of the sky filled the sky. The passage still existed, and standing inside was a familiar figure with broken golden armor and bloody flesh. He looked like the Rensheng Emperor! His aura had weakened a lot, but power continued to come from nine days away, allowing him to quickly return to his previous state. His wounds quickly squirmed and recovered, as did the golden armor.

Emperor Rensheng recovered in an instant and stepped out on the road to heaven. It seemed no different from before. He did not give Meng Qi and others any chance, and made their hearts sink to the bottom of the Nu River. Their eyes showed a look of despair. They tried their best. The all-out attack did not cause any trouble to Emperor Rensheng. Even though most of his power was suppressing Tongtian Road and maintaining the passage, it was still not something they could resist!

Zhu Shou, Miao Hu, and even Nushi Zhenren and Du Huaishang all showed sad expressions. Some were planning to surrender, and some were thinking of dying, and all of them fell into despair.

Ruan Yushu's true energy recovered, his face turned slightly pale, he played the piano with both hands, his heart was as cold as the moon, and he planned to activate the Seven Immortals Qin again to play the twelve sacred sounds of Lang Huan.

At this time, Qi Zhengyan's voice reached the ears of Meng Qi and others secretly. The voice was decisive, as if the shadow of death was approaching.

"I will be the main attack, and you will contain him. I have my own secret method to drag him into the Nine Lands, making it difficult to escape."

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