I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 252 The Battle of Sword Qi

"Junior sister, you know, I'm actually very scared. I'm afraid that I won't be able to fulfill my master's expectations and that I won't be able to revive Mount Huashan. I'm even more afraid that Mount Huashan will disappear in my hands and become a cloud of the past!" Yue Buqun's voice at this time revealed the usual emotion in his voice. There was no fragility, and the voice was trembling and low.

Ning Zhong wanted to look up at Yue Buqun's face, but was held tightly by Yue Buqun, unable to move.

Feeling the strength coming from his beloved wife in his arms, Yue Buqun used his hands again to prevent his wife from seeing his vulnerability at this time, "Don't move, don't look, I'm afraid I won't have the courage to continue talking!"

"Okay!" Ning Zhong complained, not struggling, but pressed tightly against her husband's body, hoping to bear everything with him.

"We won't discuss the rights and wrongs of our elders. However, they only care about their own ideas and have almost eliminated our Huashan sect from the world. Up to now, our Huashan sect has almost disappeared in name only, and only the remaining Although the three of us may have some other disciples in the outside world, we probably won't come back. After all, Huashan Mountain is in danger at this time, and we don't have the strength to protect them. If I hadn't taken the initiative at the Wuyue Sword Sect Conference, After giving up the position of leader, the other four factions saw that there was no threat to Huashan now, and they were more concerned about the reputation of the world, so they were willing to show that the Five Sacred Sword Sects were united and let Huashan survive the most dangerous period. With me, Huashan was sealed. A chance to protect ourselves and regain our strength.”

Ning Zhong held Yue Buqun's hand, hoping to give him a little strength. As Yue Buqun's pillow, how could she not know that during that period, Yue Buqun was tossing and turning every night, unable to sleep all night long.

"But junior sister, you know, I have never been more confident in the revival of Huashan than now!" Yue Buqun's voice was full of joy, as if he saw the hope of Huashan's revival.

"Is it Xiao'er?" Ning Zhong is a smart man. The situation facing the Huashan Sect has not changed at all. The only change is that Yue Buqun just accepted the disciple Zhu Xiao yesterday, a child who has a close relationship with him. .

"Yes, it's Xiao'er!" There was pride in Yue Buqun's voice. He was very satisfied with his decision yesterday to directly take Zhu Xiao into his sect. He thought it was the second most right thing he had done in his life. The first was The thing is, of course, to marry a good wife in your arms.

"Is there something wrong with the mental method just now?" Although Ning Zhongze did not understand the mystery of the new Huashan mental method, he had a vague guess in his mind from Yue Buqun's reaction.

"Yes, Xiao'er is really a gift given to me by the Patriarch from Huashan. His qualifications, understanding, and opportunities are all unique. He perfected the Huashan Mental Method in the first practice. This can no longer be called the Huashan Mental Method. It can be regarded as the Zhensect Mental Method. Come on!" Yue Buqun's voice rose significantly, and there was lightness in his tone.

"What is the secret of that mental method that makes you react like this!" Ning Zhongze could no longer suppress the curiosity in his heart. She wanted to know how much Yue Buqun could endure. If others didn't understand it, didn't she understand it? , if it weren't for the huge good news, Yue Buqun would never be so abnormal.

"That mental method can allow people to enter the innate world in one-third or even less time!" Yue Buqun did not speak loudly this time, but concentrated on his luck, carefully listening to the surrounding movements, but found nothing, still Not daring to be careless, he put his mouth to Ning Zhongze's ear, spoke quickly in a very small voice, and then kept silent. He even held Ning Zhongze's hand with all his strength, signaling her to keep quiet. .

The pupils in Ning Zhongze's eyes dilated instantly. She finally understood why her husband was so abnormal. Zhu Xiao's perfect Huashan Mental Technique was really unbelievable. You must know that even in this mutated Ming Dynasty Zongwu Jianghu , the innate realm is still a first-rate master. Every innate realm master is famous and dominant. When Huashan was at its peak, there were only a dozen or so innate masters, and some of the innate masters were very old. , is the old man in the sect.

Ning Zhong wanted to go back and confirm with her husband whether she heard correctly, but felt the strength in her husband's hand and gave up the idea. This kind of secret can only be discussed once and must not be leaked, and neither she nor her husband can This matter cannot be discussed.

Yue Buqun looked at his wife who already understood his feelings, and smiled with satisfaction. The two just looked at the moon outside the window, hugging each other tightly, silently, but the years were so beautiful, the young couple At this time, the Huashan Sect is full of expectations for the future. It is no longer impossible to see hope and light. After all, the ice wheel hanging in the sky tonight is so bright.

Chaoyang Peak is about 700 feet high and is one of the main peaks of Huashan Mountain. Chaoyang Peak is composed of four peaks, one master and three servants. There is a platform on the top of the peak facing the balcony. The peak where the balcony is located is the highest. It is high and dangerous and has a wide view. It is a famous place for watching the sunrise, and because of its location in the east And got its name.

Yue Buqun held a Huashan standard iron sword, stood on the balcony, looked at the newly rising sun, and said to Zhu Xiao behind him, "My Huashan sect has excellent swordsmanship and is very famous in the world, so many people We are the Huashan Sword Sect, and it is precisely because of this that there are those extreme people in the Sword Sect, why bother telling you this!"

Yue Buqun paused for a moment, as if he was angry with the Sword Sect, and also seemed dissatisfied with his gaffe at this time, "Anyway, you have to remember that although our Huashan sect is famous for our swordsmanship, diligent cultivation of internal strength is the most important thing." The right way, swordsmanship is just an external way, internal strength is the main thing, external strength is a supplement, don't reverse the priority!"

"Yes, disciple, I remember!" Zhu Xiao knew that the sword energy was the eternal pain in Yue Buqun's heart, and it was something he couldn't get over, so naturally he would not refute him. Besides, Yue Buqun's statement was not wrong. It is said that one can become a great master just by practicing swordsmanship. Although focusing on learning swordsmanship can give you a certain advantage when your skills are shallow in the early stage, this advantage will disappear as your level increases. After all, your skills are shallow and you can’t even protect others. If you can't pierce the body and energy, how can you win? The real masters have high realms and deep skills. Even if there is a master who is famous for his swordsmanship, his skills are definitely as profound. In today's world, only high realms are king. If you can rely on your realm to crush, why do you need other things? Therefore, specializing in swordsmanship is just a heretic, and it is destined to not last long.

"You can teach me!" Yue Buqun was very satisfied with Zhu Xiao's decisive answer. He couldn't help but stroke his beard that had just grown out for a long time. He nodded and looked at Zhu Xiao with admiration. Sure enough, Zhu Xiao was born to be a disciple of my Qi Sect, otherwise he would not have created such an amazing and decisive mental method for the first time he practiced internal energy. It was the treasure given to me by the Patriarch in order to revive my Huashan Mountain.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish you all a happy family reunion and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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