I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2507 Strength is king, the Immortal Lord

"It seems that Cao E's method of opening the door must have used Cao's authentic skills, and there seems to be questioning inside. All of this is like using a transformation method to infiltrate outsiders!"

Meng Qi was startled when he said this, and a handsome figure suddenly appeared in his mind, "Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun" Cao Xianzhi! Only those who practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques would be so wary of changes sneaking in! He was promoted to Grandmaster and was reused by the Cao family?

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Meng Qi stunned, Jiang Zhiwei asked with concern.

Meng Qi smiled bitterly. As expected, his colleagues were the most difficult to deal with, so he told Jiang Zhiwei all his guesses.

"I've met an expert. Fortunately, I'm an acquaintance. Let's ask Tianzun about the situation first."

"When Jiang Zhiwei saw this, she didn't ask any questions and just nodded. She believed in Meng Qi's ability and would handle it properly.

In an inn, Taoist Chonghe wore a mask of "Lingbao Tianzun" and sat at the table. Opposite him was Lu Chunyang. One of the two had a square aura, revealing the calmness of an elder. Being unruly is like the two sides of yin and yang, the contrast is huge.

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei recounted what they observed today and asked for countermeasures.

For some reason, Taoist Chonghe did not conceal the information about the Immortal Traces in front of Lu Chunyang, because Lu Chunyang revealed his knowledge of the Immortal Traces in the previous encounter.

In fact, not only Lu Chunyang, but all the high-level people are aware of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Space, but they are not as clear as Lu Chunyang understands.

Lingbao Tianzun thought about it for a moment and said in deep thought this time.

"Qingyuan is a calm and solid person, with a chivalrous spirit in his heart. He is not a person who forgets his integrity for the sake of profit. If he seeks cooperation, even if it fails, he will not betray him."

If Cao Xianzhi, the True Lord of Qingyuan Miao Dao, could be allowed to serve as an internal agent. He is a master of the Cao family and is responsible for arranging the defense of the forbidden area. There is no doubt that Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei's difficulties will be solved and can no longer be called difficulties!

Of course, the specific price to be paid and the harvest to be divided determine whether Meng Qi chooses to cooperate.

Lingbao Tianzun paused and reminded.

"However, the Seven Swords of Jie Tian are the top inheritance of Taoism and swordsmanship, and the Dharma Body can also move. Qingyuan himself may not, but he has to consider his family. If he knew that such a treasure was hidden in his own forbidden area, he would push it away. If you tell it to outsiders, you might feel guilty and hesitant, so it’s best not to mention the specific thing directly.”

It is essential to be on guard against others, especially Cao Xianzhi, who values ​​his family very much! Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei nodded. If they were themselves, after knowing the news, they would definitely be reluctant to share the treasures with others, even though they could all be included in their own family sect's treasures.

"Anyway, let's try his tone first."

Meng Qi made up his mind and prepared to secretly visit Cao Xianzhi, the new grand master of the Cao family!

In the south of the city, there is Fengxiao Pavilion. When Meng Qi arrived, "Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun" Cao Xianzhi was wearing a wide robe, with his hands behind his back, waiting quietly. There was no trace of anxiety or doubt on Qingjun's face.

"Brother Cao, after many twists and turns, we found a treasure house somewhere in your house and would like your help to obtain it."

Meng Qi didn't ramble on, he went straight to the point and made his purpose clear.

"Our family?"

Cao Xianzhi was slightly confused and looked at Meng Qi intently, waiting for his next words.

"The magic weapons and techniques that are not yours are an ancient treasure house that existed before you established a family, but have never been discovered by you. If you can help, the treasures obtained will be divided equally, and the inheritance of the techniques will be placed in the immortal Traces, you have the right to be enlightened from time to time."

The stingy Meng Qi felt a little heartbroken to share the treasure again, but if Cao Xianzhi could be persuaded, it would be effortless and far better than taking huge risks.

Cao Xianzhi's expression did not change, but he remained silent, as if he was struggling violently. Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei did not urge him, giving him time to think. After a while, Cao Xianzhi took a breath, showed a wry smile, and said bluntly.

"I don't dare to introduce outsiders into the family's forbidden land without the consent of the family leader. Maybe you won't have ulterior motives, but if this trend continues, the Cao family will be destroyed sooner or later."

Cao Xianzhi guessed that the treasure house was in one of the forbidden areas of the Cao family, because if the Cao family had not strictly guarded the place, Meng Qi's strength and magical power would have taken it away without anyone noticing.

Cao Xianzhi and Ruan Sanye really have different personalities, forming a sharp contrast. One is cautious and steady, the other is proud and frivolous. They are both children of aristocratic families, so why is there such a big gap!

"We can spend good deeds to redeem the contract, and ask the Six Paths to be witnesses to ensure that the interests of the Cao family will not be harmed."

Meng Qi hurriedly said that he hoped to use this condition to impress Cao Xianzhi. Of course, he was stingy and would not do this good deed. He needed Lingbao Tianzun to do it.

"I really have an uneasy conscience and feel ashamed of my family for giving away the things in my forbidden area. I will hide the key points and your identity in this matter, and ask the head of the family to make a decision. You will wait for me here tomorrow. If he does not agree, Then I will avoid this matter and will not remind the family. I will only guard the magic weapon and my own treasure house. Whether you can take away the secret treasure depends entirely on your own ability."

Cao Xianzhi still refused. Obviously, in his heart, the interests of the family were very important, even surpassing his own interests.

Meng Qi was very helpless when he saw this. Cao Xianzhi couldn't make any progress, so he could only emphasize.

"If there is no news from me, the Cao family may not be able to discover the secret treasure for another hundred years. Now that it is revealed, everyone can gain something. It is a matter of mutual benefit. Brother Cao, please try your best to facilitate it."

Cao Xianzhi is not greedy, but as a family, the Cao family is extremely likely to be greedy.

In the inn, Taoist Chonghe said calmly while wearing the mask of "Lingbao Tianzun".

"This matter has already been discussed with Qingyuan, so I don't have to worry too much."

Just in case, Taoist Chonghe paid close attention to the conversation between Meng Qi and Cao Xianzhi, waiting to take action, of course as the "Lingbao Tianzun", not Taoist Chonghe.

As long as he doesn't use all his strength, Taoist Chonghe is not afraid of being exposed. At most, the reputation of Xianji in his own world will be ruined. Anyway, with the myth behind him, the current reputation of Xianji is not much better. However, he must still have some scruples in taking action. As a leader of the righteous way, he would try to avoid killing the Cao family because of this matter.

"It's a pity that the Cao family will probably not agree, or the demands they make are very high."

Meng Qi sighed. After this incident, the news about the treasure house was leaked to the Cao family, which made him feel a little complicated.

Cao Xianzhi is a member of Xianji. If Lingbao Tianzun comes to bully him without even saying hello, Xianji will break away sooner or later. Although Meng Qi is a little unhappy, he asks himself, if he puts himself in his shoes, he finds that the organization he joins is hiding from him and dealing with him secretly. His family, sect or relatives will definitely have a grudge in his heart and want revenge.

Moreover, if Cao Xianzhi has selfish motives and the importance of his family comes after his own, things will be smooth sailing. Meng Qi will have to pay a price for trying to avoid risks.

"After the Cao family knows that there is a treasure house hidden in the forbidden area, they will definitely search for it on their own. Anyway, they can afford to wait for years and decades, so why should outsiders be given the advantage?"

Chong and Taoist nodded in agreement. Maybe the Cao family would laugh at Meng Qi's stupidity for revealing such important information to them.

Jiang Zhiwei listened silently for a moment, actively thinking about countermeasures, and said.

"The Cao family knows that things about the treasure house are not all bad. At least we can use this to guide them and mobilize them. Otherwise, they would definitely choose to be conservative and wait and see what happens, just blocking our way. .”

"The Cao family has magic weapons, formations, and earthly immortal remains. If we want to break through the two most important forbidden areas, unless we break through, it will take a long time and we may not achieve success."

Taoist Chonghe pointed out the strength of the Cao family and could become one of the top aristocratic families. How could the Cao family not have some foundation?

"However, the forbidden area is difficult to break, but it can be mobilized. Just like what Jiang Xiaoyou said, it can be guided by the treasure house."

"If we say it's for the treasure house, the Cao family must believe it? Qingyuan is not worried, but the head of the Cao family who doesn't know our details will not be wary of our ulterior motives?"

Jiang was still too old, so while Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi were thinking hard, Taoist Chonghe came up with a solution.

"Pretending for other purposes?!"

Jiang Zhiwei was smart and alert, and immediately understood what Taoist Chong He meant, and said with a bit of excitement.

"The "real purpose" of attacking the Cao family with the arrangement of the treasure house, and then using this "real purpose" to cover up the secret of sneaking into the treasure house, is true and false, false and true, true and true when false!"

Lu Chunyang's face showed a bit of relief. Jiang Zhiwei was quick in thinking and the method he proposed was very effective. The Cao family would definitely be fooled.

"It's a good idea to attack the east and attack the west, but it's totally unnecessary!"

Lu Chunyang stood up, with a smile on his face, and said to the surprised people.

"It's just a small forbidden area of ​​the Cao family, why bother with such a plan?!"

"Zhiwei, you have to understand that strength is the foundation! Conspiracies and tricks are all helpless choices when strength is insufficient!"

"Today I will take you into Dixian Lake and take out Jie Tian's fifth sword!"

Taoist Chonghe's eyes tightened. Only by breaking through the realm of the Earthly Immortal could he be sure to break through the forbidden area of ​​the Cao family. If Lu Chunyang said this, it meant that he had already entered the realm of the Earthly Immortal.

"Tao Youyou's cultivation has actually crossed that hurdle!"

The inner scene of human immortals evolves towards the real heaven and earth, and begins to practice in a world of its own. The Earth Immortal needs to open up apertures to become a cave. Until all the acupoints are opened, a real cave will be formed, which is a transitional period in the evolution of the cave. Only immortals can be called true kings of Taoism. They can reflect the outside world using the cave heaven or world transformed from the inner world of heaven and earth as the source. It is a world of its own, and contains all the power close to the sun and stars outside the real world. It can destroy galaxies with a single move.

In the north of early winter, night comes early. In the center of the small island at the core of Dixian Lake, there are layers of solid ice. It is covered with white snow and is chilly to the bones. At the location of the ice gate, there is no life nearby. Everything is frozen by the ice, and the floating light reflects it. Blurry scenery.

Behind the ice gate, deep in the ice, there is a small chamber filled with ice chips and fog. In the chamber, there is a spring with an invisible bottom. What comes out is not clear water, but blue flowing ice. They flow out. , rushing in all directions, absorbing the only heat, and slowly solidifying along the way. If there is an ordinary ordinarily enlightened touch, everything from the blood to the skin will immediately freeze and become an ice sculpture.

The spring has a radius of one foot, and there are two corpses soaked in it. They are both wearing high crowns, ancient robes, and large sleeves. They have strong medieval characteristics, rather than ancient times.

Their bodies are immortal, and their skin swells gently, as if they are still breathing ice currents and breathing vitality. Purple lightning is faintly coming from the pores around their bodies, and the skin on their eyebrows and beards is like ice crystals. Their eyes are closed tightly, and there is no life at all. , relying on the ice eyes to maintain the power from dissipating.

On both sides of the spring, Cao Feiyue and the plain and elegant Cao E sat respectively. The latter was surrounded by a slightly ethereal thunder light, resisting the chill near the ice eye. He reached out with his spirit, sensing the body of the Purple Thunder Earth Immortal, and slowly groped for it. By following the mysteries of his internal organs, acupoints, flesh and skin, and through the demonstrations of immortals who practice the same exercises, he can most accurately practice his own Dharma, comprehend the Dharma principles, and lay the solid foundation for the future!

Cao Feiyue looks middle-aged, has a mature temperament, and has a beautiful face. She is a master of the Cao family and has profound cultivation. She formed seals with her hands, and her spirit turned into a rope, spreading into the eyebrows of this Earth Immortal, exploring the mystery of the Earth Immortal's legacy.


The ice eyes seemed to be shaking, the ice mist dispersed, and flying debris rolled around. The Earth Immortal's eyes suddenly opened, crystal clear, like two ice souls that chilled the heart. Cao Feiyue, the master of "Ice Xuanjin" in "Ice Xuanjin", also shuddered, as if her soul was alone and trapped in the eye of ice.

Lu Chunyang's whole body was shrouded in clear light, and there were three people standing beside him. They were Taoist Chonghe, Jiang Zhiwei, and Meng Qi. The three of them were standing next to the earthly immortal's remains. No one noticed them, as if they were in the void of another world.

"I didn't expect that my Taoist friend has actually advanced to the realm of the true king. He can use the cave sky or world transformed from his inner world as the source to reflect the outside world."

Taoist Chonghe carefully comprehended the mystery of the void around him, with shock in his eyes.

Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi were not in the realm yet, and they had expressions of wonder on their faces, but they were not shocked. Although they marveled at Lu Chunyang's magical power, he could take them through the void and enter the Cao family's forbidden area without any hindrance, even if they were standing there In front of the master of the Cao family, the other party couldn't even notice it, but he didn't understand what it meant.

Taking the cave sky or world transformed into the inner world as the source, it reflects the outside world. It is a world of its own, and contains all the power close to the sun and stars outside the real world. It can destroy galaxies with a single move. This is the realm of immortals.

Lu Chunyang smiled faintly, not pleased with himself. He paused for a moment and looked up in the direction of Pei Jing. There was a bit of surprise on his face, and a trace of contemplation flashed deep in his eyes before he spoke.

"Thank you for not using the strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west tonight, otherwise I am afraid you will all fall into the Cao family!"

"How is it possible? How can the Cao family have such strength?"

Meng Qi was shocked when he heard this and retorted directly. He and Jiang Zhiwei were indeed low in strength and incomparable to the Cao family. However, Lingbao Tianzun was at the pinnacle of human immortality. Even if the Cao family had divine weapons and two earthly immortal remains, they would still be weak. It is impossible to be Lingbao Tianzun's opponent.

"Did Fellow Daoist Lu discover anything?"

Taoist Chonghe was mature and mature, calm and collected. He was thoughtful after hearing the words and asked quickly.

"The Cao family can now have two dharma bodies as guests, which is not a bad thing!"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Chonghe's eyes narrowed, and he had thousands of thoughts in his mind, and asked in a deep voice.

"Which two dharma bodies are they?"

"The Twin Stars of the World, the Mythical Emperor of Heaven, the Magician Han Guang, and the Mad King of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Gao Lan!"

Lu Chunyang's eyes were far-reaching, penetrating the endless void and looking at the Cao family's ancestral home. The large formation full of restrictions was useless, and the situation inside was exposed to his eyes without any cover.

Accompanying the capital, the ancestral home of the Cao family. The head of the Cao family looked at the other two people in the room with a look of awe on his wrinkled face.

One person is an elegant middle-aged man, wearing a wide robe, with a wooden hairpin in his head, a handsome posture, unusually handsome facial features, and a demon-like charm, with jet black hair without any gray.

A man named Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, with pointed eyebrows and starry eyes, a high nose bridge, and handsome appearance, but his lips are thin, revealing a bit of indifference, and his eyes are emotionless, mature and cold.

"What is the Cao family doing? Why are they getting involved with evil spirits like the magician Han Guang?"

"And what is Gao Lan's purpose? Why should we cooperate with them?"

Taoist Chonghe looked solemn and was shocked, Magician Han Guang? He is actually the mythical Emperor of Heaven, no wonder he can compete with himself.

Taoist Chong He's face was full of worry, guessing the purpose of Han Guang, Gao Lan and the Cao family. After all, two masters of law joining a top family could influence the general trend of the world.

"Why are you thinking so much! The soldiers will stop you, the water will cover you, let them go!"

Lu Chunyang didn't care. In the face of absolute strength, everything fell apart.

When Chong He heard this, his expression brightened slightly, and he looked at the Pure Yang Sword God in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, the Central Plains needed support from him and Lu Da, but now with the existence of this immortal realm, the pressure suddenly eased. Quite a bit.

Lu Chunyang and others stopped discussing these troublesome matters and took steps toward the treasure house.

The place where the treasure is hidden is an independent small world. The ice water can submerge a person's chest. There are many strange plants growing under the water. However, like the surrounding buildings, it has long been destroyed and is in a mess, leaving only traces.

The sky is not high. A little visual inspection shows that it is at most a hundred feet high. There is a cold moon hanging high in the sky, but it has no entity, as if it is projected through layers of void! The black hall stands in the distance, like a beast waiting quietly. The cornices, brackets, and jade railings have nothing to do with it.

Everyone wasted no time and flew over. Before they even got close to the hall, they felt the biting cold. The water waves below have condensed into ice. The deeper you look, the more blue it becomes. There seems to be an unnatural hole in the deepest part, connected to an inexplicable place, where a stream of blue ice flows.

Observing carefully, you can see that the scenes around the black hall are similar. The ice is solidified, giving people an unbreakable feeling. It is so cold that they are bone-chilling. Even Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi, who have reached the fourth level of cultivation, feel that their blood is freezing. .

Deep in the ice, there are some scattered fragments, fragments that have lost their power and emitted the cold, but anyone with a bit of eyesight can see how extraordinary they once were!

"Broken divine weapon!"

Everyone subconsciously came up with this idea, and then looked at the black hall and found that it was covered with traces of lightning, fire, and ice, but it was still as stable as a mountain!

When someone found this treasure house, they could not open the seal. Even if the divine weapon was broken and the heaven and earth were pierced, they could not break the seal here.

"At the beginning, when the Zhenwu Sect and the founder of the Xijian Pavilion obtained the other two secret treasures, they experienced a lot of dangers, but they were never unable to open the treasure house. Why could they, who were not even Dharmakayas at that time, be able to penetrate this place? The Dharmakaya and above masters of heaven and earth have fallen into disgrace?"

Meng Qi's eyes were full of doubts and he looked at Lu Chunyang and Taoist Chonghe in confusion. Could there be any hidden plot or secret among them?

"It's been two to three hundred thousand years since Emperor Zhenwu left his secret treasures. However, the two secret treasures were discovered no more than five thousand years ago. They were concentrated in modern times. After the chaos of the Demon Buddha, the world changed greatly, and Emperor Zhenwu's ban was greatly weakened. Therefore, the Dharmakaya from the late ancient times or the Middle Ages cannot be opened, but the exterior scenes from the recent ancient times can even be opened by enlightenment!"

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