I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2483 Didn’t your mother tell you not to play with fire?

This title can help Meng Qi offset part of his Buddhist fortune, and the style of Yuanshi Tianzun's exercises is completely different from his usual style, which is also a good disguise for his identity.

Bixia Yuanjun was shocked and stunned. Seeing this, Meng Qi's momentum suddenly wavered and he asked in a low voice.

"Yuanjun, can't you choose this title?"


Bixia Yuanjun answered briefly and concisely, looking at Meng Qi with burning eyes.

Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with hidden concern.

"Yuanjun, if you choose this title, will you get beaten if you go out?"

This title is too domineering. Many of the official members of Xianji are not titled as disciples or grandsons of Yuanshi Tianzun. Except for Lingbao Tianzun, no one seems to be truly equal to him. Meng Qi is worried that he will be the first to pick out the title. "The member who died?"

Hearing Meng Qi's guilty question, Bixia Yuanjun was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing, laughing so hard that she almost bent over.

"This thing is so interesting!"

Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, and Lingbao Tianzun are the Taoist Tianzun that existed before the ancient times. Even in the era when Taoist Buddha was the most powerful, they were not weak. Their seniority and strength were equally high. The reason why the Tianzun was able to overwhelm the ancients, apart from his own real In addition to the powerful magical power, there is also the reason why these three Taoist Heavenly Lords and Holy Buddhas rarely appear in the world.

Meng Qi blushed slightly and pretended not to hear Bixia Yuanjun's unbridled laughter. After a while, Bixia Yuanjun stopped laughing, took a breath and comforted Meng Qi. She didn't want Meng Qi to back down, otherwise there would be no good show. Saw it.

"Don't worry, they are all seniors. They will never embarrass you because of this matter. They will only be embarrassed for a few days at most."

"Well, it's just that if you and other members encounter an enemy, Yuanshi Tianzun will definitely be the first target to attack before the other party understands the situation."

"I understand, the name is too cool and the level is too high, which is equivalent to having all the taunts in the game!"

Meng Qi silently complained in his heart, but he was not worried, after all, he played such a role in their team.

After Bixia Yuanjun finished speaking, he breathed out and his tone became solemn and serious.

"Are you sure? I won't regret it when I open the cabinet."


Now that Meng Qi has made a decision, he will not regret it and his voice is calm and unruffled. Bixia Yuanjun nodded, took out a jade pendant that seemed to contain infinite sword energy, and placed it on the black and yellow glow outside the "Yuanshi Tianzun" pavilion. The dark yellow faded away, revealing what was inside, only a jade slip with "Yuanshi Golden Seal" written on it.

In the small courtyard of Maoling, Lu Chunyang's expression moved slightly, the stars changed, and the fate of the little monk Meng Qi changed. It seemed that Yuanshi Tianzun had intervened. Ananda's own fish were about to be caught by Sanqing, and stealing the chicken was impossible. Eclipse a handful of rice, there is a good show to watch.

Time passed by, and Lu Chunyang met Mr. Lu Da, who had attained the Dharma Body. With nothing to do, he took Jiang Zhiwei back to Xijian Pavilion.

In a daze, three months had passed. Jiang Zhiwei crushed the reincarnation talisman in her hand and entered the six realms of reincarnation space. Meng Qi and others also arrived here.

"Enter the world of Jiuxiang and open the Zhenwu Suspicious Tomb. You can return after a month, or you can interrupt at any time."

The green light flourished, wrapping the four people in one fell swoop and disappearing into the space.

A stretch of rolling mountains, like real dragons entrenching themselves on the earth.

A young Taoist priest stood at the door of the ruined temple, looking at the mountains in the distance, with a thoughtful look on his face. He turned to look at the old Taoist priest aside and praised him.

"Uncle, dragons gather in this mountain, and the feng shui is excellent. If you are buried here, you will be able to protect your descendants and make them extremely wealthy!"

The white-haired old Taoist priest, holding the Qiankun Disk and the Plum Blossom Lottery, looked like a master from this world. He looked at the mountain range leisurely and said with a faint expression.

"The terrain here was not originally like this, it was caused by human changes!"

Even if the lords of Jiuxiang in the past dynasties were given the title of "Tian Yuan", the powerful men who dominated the world could only attract strange phenomena and change the nearby areas. How could they affect the landscape of the entire mountain range?

"It is said that in ancient times, a great man buried himself here, seeking a way to live forever after death. Since then, the mountains have interacted with each other, as if they were alive, moving year by year, and finally formed the current pattern."

The old Taoist priest had a look of sorrow and awe on his face. Just a breath of death could cause the mountains to shift. What kind of big man must he be?

"There is a mysterious mausoleum in the mountains. It is said that the ancestors of Jiuxiang benefited from it, so that they could each establish a fairyland and become the virtual masters of the world. Over the past dynasties, several 'Tianyuan Emperors' also encountered it. After entering the mausoleum and reaping the rewards, we climbed to the top step by step."

When the old Taoist priest said this, there was no look of yearning on his face. Instead, his expression was gloomy and dark, showing awe and fear. It seemed that the mausoleum in the mountain was an endless hell, full of weirdness and ominousness.

"The ancestors of Jiuxiang and these Tianyuan Emperors almost reached the realm of gods, but in their old age, without exception, they went crazy and ran into this mountain range. Some people saw them entering the mausoleum."

The old Taoist priest's eyes were deep, looking at the undulating mountains, he felt chills all over his body, he trembled, and his voice became much lower.

The little Taoist priest stood beside the old Taoist priest, his eyes were deep and full of wisdom, his expression was calm, and he was not frightened by the old Taoist priest's words.

"Uncle, why are you so aware of these things?"

"My good friend Huangfu Tao is one of them, how could I not know!"

The old Taoist priest looked a little sad, glanced at the calm little Taoist priest with his cloudy eyes, and sighed, full of powerlessness.

Huangfu Tao was the "Emperor of Tianyuan" of the previous generation. He could carry out punishments on behalf of heaven and was considered the strongest in history. Finally, he entered this mountain range. How could he not make the old Taoist priests feel fear and awe.

"This is only the part I know. Maybe there are many people who have obtained the benefits of the tomb but have not told others?!"

The old Taoist priest looked sighing with emotion. As soon as he finished speaking, six streams of light flashed across the sky, like stars falling, straight into the depths of the mountains. They dragged their tails of bright light and fell into the mountain. There was no loud bang, only a layer of misty light spread out, and the appearance of a mausoleum was reflected in it, but it disappeared immediately.

"The mausoleum is open!"

The old Taoist priest was shocked and said blankly.

The little Taoist priest was thoughtful, his expression moved slightly, his feet flickered, and he disappeared in place before the old Taoist priest noticed.


When the old Taoist priest came back to his senses, he realized that the little Taoist priest had disappeared. His expression changed drastically. He took a step forward and suddenly stopped again. He looked at the mountains with a ghostly expression. After all, he still did not dare to enter and sighed.

"How dare you enter it? Wish yourself the best of luck! Uncle, I'm an old man, I'm afraid I won't be able to save you!"

The little Taoist priest from the Qingyuan Dynasty was walking in the dark cave. The rock wall above his head was arc-shaped and extremely smooth. It was obviously not formed naturally but was created by manpower. In front of him was a wide and long river. The river bed was exposed without a drop of water. The bottom of the river was as red as blood. It looked terrifying and eerie, making people feel terrified.

There is a stone bridge across the river, and in front of the stone bridge there is a stone tablet with four big characters written on it.

"The realm of life and death!"

Next to the four seal characters of "The Boundary of Life and Death", there is a sentence written in small characters: "Those who pass will die, and those who emerge will live."

The little Taoist priest from the Qingyuan Dynasty didn't take it seriously. He stepped on the stone bridge without stopping, crossed the stone monument, and walked towards the other side of the river. The front was so hazy that he couldn't see anything clearly.

The cable bridge creaked and swayed, but other than that, it was nothing special. No ghosts appeared, nor did it collapse directly.

As the little Taoist priest Qingyuan continued to advance, he noticed something strange in his body. His body temperature was slowly getting lower, his heartbeat was also slowing down, and his blood flow was also slowing down. His Yang Qi vitality was shrinking inward, as if To condense into "seeds". Even with this wonderful change, the little Taoist priest Qingyuan's true energy movement, physical strength and flexibility have not declined at all. His mind is still clear, his soul is clear, and his spiritual sense has not sensed any danger, but the aura on his body has begun to become ghastly. It was cold, not like a living person, but more like a ghost in the dark.

"The transition between life and death, concealing the secret of heaven, the physical body is between life and death, and the way to survive after death is somewhat interesting!"

The little Taoist Priest Qingyuan carefully understood the various changes in his body. He stroked his chin without a beard with his right hand. He was obviously a young boy, but he had the demeanor and temperament of a middle-aged man. In this place where the boundary between life and death hovers, he looks even more... It's eerie.

The chain bridge was not long, and the little Taoist priest Qingyuan walked across it quickly. As soon as he stepped onto the dirt on the opposite side, he felt that his last weak heartbeat stopped completely, his blood stopped flowing, and his body temperature disappeared. He was no different from a dead person, but the movement of his true energy was no different. It is connected to the outside world in some strange and incomprehensible way, supporting the body in place of blood.

After careful sensing, the little Taoist priest Qingyuan found that his Yang Qi and vitality had not really disappeared, but had completely shrunk to the center of his eyebrows, condensing into a "seed" as small as a mustard seed, which expanded and contracted rhythmically to keep his body from decaying. . My heart moved, and I understood the mystery of this change, which is endlessly mysterious.

"If others see my appearance at this time, they will definitely think that I am a zombie-turned-monster!"

The little Taoist priest from Qingyuan was so big-hearted that he thought about these things and was not worried at all about encountering other incomprehensible things. There were two roads in front of him. The little Taoist Priest Qingyuan did not hesitate and went directly to the left road. The reason is very simple. Men are on the left and women are on the right. No other reasons are needed. This is because he has absolute confidence in his own strength. , not afraid of the dangers ahead.

Stepping into a land filled with mist, the dark wind was blowing everywhere, as if it penetrated into the body and eliminated the vitality. The true energy in the body circulated, blocking them, and moved forward to the far left. After walking for a while, the little Taoist priest from Qingyuan saw a door with various tomb-suppressing beasts painted on it, but it was not closed, but ajar!

"Has anyone come in?"

A smile appeared on the face of the little Taoist priest Qingyuan. He lowered his head and looked at the edge of the door covered by the gloomy fog. There were pairs of shallow footprints. It seemed that more than one person had come!

The little Taoist priest from the Qingyuan Dynasty opened the door without any hesitation or worry. In front of him was a long corridor with blue bricks on the ground and lifelike murals on the walls, all of which described a strong man suppressing various evil spirits and heretics. Things. This strong man sometimes wears a black robe, a Pingtian emperor's crown, and holds a turtle-snake sword. Sometimes he wears a water suit, a silk sash, and hemp shoes. He has a pale face, looks middle-aged, and is majestic.

The Patriarch of Jiutiandang Demon, the Great Emperor of Zhenwu, one of the Six Emperors of the Heavenly Court, one of the Five Emperors of the Five Directions, and one of the Nine Deities of the Tao Sect. He is at least a powerful person in the realm of creation, with a respected status, unparalleled magical power, and pressure on the three realms.

The young Taoist priest from the Qing Yuan Dynasty looked at the murals. Most of the contents were related to suppressing the evil spirits and ghosts in the Nine Netherworld, while the rest were about subduing demons and eliminating evil. At the end of the corridor is a tomb chamber. It is very spacious, the size of a yard, but it is empty. There is only a dark coffin placed in the middle. The lid of this coffin is turned over on its side, as if the dead person inside has crawled out. come out!

"Diquan Ganoderma!"

The little Taoist Priest Qingyuan looked down and saw a Ganoderma lucidum growing out of the gap between the coffin and the ground. The Ganoderma lucidum was about the size of a fist, gray-white in color, and filled with yin energy, giving people an extremely cold illusion.

The little Taoist priest from the Qing Yuan Dynasty had no interest in this and continued to look at the tomb. His eyes were shining and he saw six characters carved crookedly on the bottom of the coffin, as if they were carved by a child who had just learned to read. It was extremely ugly.

"If you have this chance, return here!"

The little Taoist priest from the Qingyuan Dynasty had a thoughtful look on his face, and the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes. This may be one of the reasons why the Jiuxiang ancestors and Emperor Tianyuan who had had opportunities in this tomb entered the tomb in their later years. As a matter of fact, these six words convey the connotation of a cycle of cause and effect, which implicitly connects the principles of heaven and earth, making it inescapable.

At this moment, a gray-white arm stretched out from the soil at the feet of the little Taoist priest Qingyuan, and suddenly grabbed Qingyuan's ankle. It was extremely weird and sinister.

As if he hadn't noticed it, the little Taoist priest Qingyuan took a step back and stepped on the arm he just extended. With a click, the little Taoist priest glanced down, with a bright and guilty look on his face, sincerely. Apologizing.

"Sorry, I didn't see it. I accidentally stepped on you. Are you okay?!"

Having said that, the little Taoist Priest Qingyuan moved his foot away, as if by accident, he stepped back a little further, looking down at the gray arm that seemed to be stuck in a dull state.

This gray-white palm suddenly formed a fist into a seal. The sealing technique was mysterious and varied endlessly between movement and stillness. The entire tomb suddenly burst into flames with green fire. They spread silently and gathered around the gray-white palm, sealing off Qingyuan. All the space routes that the little Taoist dodges.


A big foot suddenly fell down and stepped on the gray palm again, directly stamping out the green will-o'-the-wisp. A somewhat admonishing voice echoed in the tomb.

"When you were a child, didn't your mother tell you not to play with fire?"

There was a shrill muffled sound from the ground, and a figure came out. It was full of death energy, and most of its body was rotten. It didn't look like a living person at all, but it was not a corpse, but a living dead. Xiao Qingyuan Only then did the Taoist priest finally see his appearance clearly. His hair was white, his face was wrinkled, his breath was weak, and he looked like he was dead or alive.

After the figure emerged, he let out a shrill roar, like the ghost of an evil ghost, with yin fire burning all over his body. He bared his teeth and claws and rushed towards Qing Yuan. His movements were extremely fast, his shape was like a ghost, terrifying and sinister, and his fists were fierce. A strong wind arose, tearing the ground apart, and cracks spread.

"It's somewhat interesting. The living dead in the outdoor scene have rotted flesh, but they can still exert half of the strength of the outdoor scene. Their vitality has not completely dissipated, and their life span is indeed several times longer than that of the ordinary outdoor scene!"

"But, what's the point of this? It's just to reduce the consumption of the body and slow down the flow of vitality. If you are buried in this mausoleum that never sees the light of day, no matter how long you live, you will be nothing more than a ghoul guardian!"

Qingyuan's delicate and tender face showed a bit of disdain, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised as he sneered.

Looking at the opponent with a ferocious and terrifying face, like a living corpse, with a bit of disgust and disgust in his eyes, he raised his right hand, pinched his thumb and middle finger together, and snapped his fingers. A divine fire was born out of thin air and turned into a chain, like a spiritual snake. As it swam in a meandering way, a red light flashed and wrapped around the figure. The divine flame burned brightly and brilliantly. Wisps of black air emerged from the rotting body and dissipated into the void with a shrill roar. The sound echoed through the tomb, and this master of unknown generation in the Jiuxiang world was burned to ashes.

"Hey, it's all burned to ashes. Is your mother afraid that she won't be able to recognize you now?"

Qingyuan looked down at the puddle of ashes on the ground and complained with a complex expression. There was a flash of thinking in his eyes. It's interesting. This mausoleum seems to be the testing ground for Emperor Zhenwu, used to understand the mystery of life and death. That's why. Transform the masters of the Jiuxiang world into the state of the living dead, change the state of life and death, conceal the secrets of the world, and find a way to grow after death.

"The living dead of the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect in the main world seem to be derived from this method of concealing the secrets of heaven. Could it be that they are also the orthodoxy of Emperor Zhenwu? This is interesting. One of the nine Taoist sects, the orthodoxy of Jiutian Dangmo Patriarch , is actually an evil heretic!"

The little Taoist Priest Qingyuan then got closer to the coffin and observed carefully. He had a high level of cultivation and a lofty realm. He had long been able to see at night as well as day. After careful observation, he made a new discovery. There were small words carved on the inner wall of the coffin, It's still twisted and ugly, like a child's graffiti.

"There is a ghost here, don't take anything!"

Every word is crooked, as if someone with unruly hands has used all his strength to write, which makes people feel a chill in their hearts. Judging from the text, it should have been written by the living dead just now. It can make a strong person who communicates with the world and the outside so scared that there are "ghosts". How weird and terrifying must it be?

"It was carved with fingernails, while lying in the coffin."

The little Taoist priest Qingyuan observed it carefully and then made a judgment.

"Each word is different, and the traces left on the coffin also have varying degrees of decay. It must have taken more than a hundred years, and a single stroke was carved every few years to complete this sentence."

A living dead person imprisoned by evil spirits lies quietly in a coffin. Every ten years or more, he briefly regains consciousness or body memory, and relies on instinct or persistence to carve words on the inner wall with his nails. The recovery time is very short each time, and only one word or a few strokes can be engraved. As time goes by, a warning is finally left for future generations. Just thinking about such a scene makes people shudder.

Qingyuan finished looking at the tomb and found nothing else, so he continued to move forward. After passing through the tomb, there was another corridor. There were no murals on both sides and they were all pale.

It became darker and darker as we walked, and the light that had come from nowhere completely disappeared. A gust of wind came out of thin air and blew on people's bodies, making their hair stand on end and goosebumps all over their bodies. A gloomy and strange atmosphere filled the air. In the corridor.

The end of the corridor appeared in front of him. It was a closed stone door with ancient seal script written on it.

"Under the Nine Springs."

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