I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2478: Myths and miraculous signs invade, the first form of the Tathagata Palm

Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong picked up other items on Iron Demon's body, including several pieces of paper.

Taoist Baizhang nodded slightly to Luo Shengyi, then turned around and rushed towards the center of the ruins where the aura was revealed.

Taoist Luofu stood in the middle of the ruins, with his hands behind his back and his head held high, calm and calm. He looked at the people who were coming and spoke slowly.

"The Zhenyun Ding was robbed. The person who came was a woman. She was wearing a black robe with gold silk and a mask on her face. She had a noble temperament and could not be looked at directly. On the mask was a woman's face with phoenix eyebrows painted on it. Big eyes, solemn and majestic, like a female fairy or goddess in myths and legends, or the Queen of Humanity, able to isolate herself from prying eyes from the outside world."

"This woman's cultivation level is not weaker than that of the extremely innocent demon, the cultivation level of the outdoor scene!"

"Before she left, she secretly sent a ray of feminine energy into my head in order to kill me. I only managed to escape by relying on the Turtle Breathing Technique!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically. The existence of the Ji Tian Tian Demon had already made everyone unable to breathe. Now, a mysterious woman who was not weaker than the Ji Tian Tian Demon actually appeared and snatched away the Zhen Yun Cauldron. It was unclear whether we were the enemy or not, and it was very confusing. The pressure is even greater.

"Besides the Zhenyun Ding, what two other items are there?"

Luo Shengyi thought for a moment, looked up at the three Baizhang Taoists, and asked with a heavy expression.

Now that the luck-suppressing tripod has been taken away, they must find the other two luck-suppressing treasures as soon as possible to avoid any accidents.

"The Dingguo Seal is kept in the hands of Zen Master Butian. As for the whereabouts of the Jade Emperor Bell, we don't know!"

Taoist Baizhang was extremely candid. The performance of Jiang Zhiwei and others had proven themselves and won the trust of the master, so they revealed the secrets.

Tong Yao kept looking down at the paper she found from Tie Mo, with a look of surprise on her face, and said to Taoist Baizhang.

"These demons have actually found the whereabouts of the three objects of Zhenyun!"

"According to the information found by Iron Demon, the Imperial Jade Bell is hidden in Zen Master Jiuzhen's Wangxinlu!"

Tong Yao's face was extremely shocked, even Taoist Baizhang had the same expression, extremely surprised, and her wise eyes were full of disbelief.

"They actually found Wangxinlu?!"

Jiang Zhiwei and others were at a loss and had no idea what they were surprised about. As for Zen Master Bu Di, they had heard him introduced by Taoist Baizhang as one of the three sages who could save the world.

Tong Yao nodded affirmatively, her chest rose and fell violently, and she finally calmed down before speaking.

"Wangxinlu is in Yanshan Mountain, half a month's journey from here."

As Tong Yao spoke, she handed the paper to Taoist Baizhang and Zu Wenzhong, motioning for them to take a look.

“I didn’t expect that Wangxinlu would reappear in the world!”

Taoist Baizhang raised his head with emotion on his face. Seeing the doubts on the faces of Meng Qi and others, he quickly explained.

"You don't know, Zen Master Jiuzhen is a figure in mythology!"

"In ancient times, the demon world was directly connected to our own world. Evil spirits often came and preyed on flesh and blood. Fortunately, martial arts was prosperous at that time and masters emerged in endlessly, so the human race managed to survive. Later, Zen Master Jiuzhen had an unknown adventure and realized the peerless Zen skill. He was born in Wangxinlu, and his divine power is no less than that of an Arhat. He was compassionate, entered the demon world alone, and struck out the palm of Nirvana, crushing the original demon and letting it fall into sleep again. He also broke the passage of the demon world and restored the world to peace. It is a pity that , he also sat in the Demon Realm, and secluded himself from the world in Forget the Heart House. Unexpectedly, the demon used the information from the Demon Realm, and after many years, traces were found."

The mythical realm of this world is the Dharmakaya realm. Unexpectedly, a golden Arhat in the Dharmakaya realm has appeared in this world. This is getting more and more interesting. There is a smile deep in the eyes of Taoist Luofu.

Taoist Baizhang folded the paper in his hand and handed it to Meng Qi and others. After the battle just now, he recognized the sincerity and strength of Jiang Zhiwei and others as helpers.

"Neither the Supreme Demon nor the other demons know about this matter, but after the Corpse Demon returns, he will definitely report it to the superiors. The old master must hurry up and take away the Imperial Jade Bell before them. Are you willing to help?

The crowd and others had only harvested three magic crystals, less than half, so they were naturally willing to go, but they were worried that too much time would be wasted along the way and the main task would be delayed, so they asked quickly.

"Senior Baizhang, I wonder how long it would take the extremely innocent demon to reach Yanshan?"

"Yanshan and Jitian Palace are completely opposite. Counting the exchange of news, Jitian Demon will arrive in about ten days!"

Jiang Zhiwei frowned slightly. The Ji Tian Tian Demon was an outsider. He could use the power of heaven and earth to ride on the wind, and his speed was far faster than them. This meant that if he and others went to Yanshan, they would definitely not be able to get to Ji Tian Palace in time to stop them. When the Yuan Demon came to life, she shook her head, took a step forward and said.

"Senior Baizhang, you can ride on the wind and travel thousands of miles faster than us. If I wait to go, it will drag you down. It is better to go directly to Jitian Palace and take advantage of the opportunity of Jitian Old Demon to rush to Wangxinlu. Catch all the remaining demons in one fell swoop.”

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Baizhang lowered his head and thought about it. He felt that it made sense and laughed at himself.

"The old Taoist is also so anxious that he can't even think of this. If all the remaining demons can be eradicated, even if the extremely innocent demon has unparalleled cultivation and dominates the world, how much influence can it have on its own?"

A good man has three gangs. Taoist Baizhang also knows this very well. If the seven demons are to be eradicated, how can the remaining evil demons with limited strength and the possessed people with evil intentions threaten to obtain the masters of the righteous way?

No matter how powerful the Ji Tian Demon is, he is the only one, and he is not a mythical powerhouse that has shaken things up. At that time, I am afraid that he will have to attack everywhere to put out fires. It is difficult to achieve good results. The situation will quickly improve. At most, he will be a strong man of the right path. Still sneaky, not daring to appear under the eyes of the extremely innocent demon.

Taoist Baizhang turned to look at Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong and reminded them.

"Mrs. Tong, Mr. Ancestor, if you have demonic aura and poisonous mist in your body, you don't have to accompany me on the journey. You can go back to rest and heal your wounds. The demonic aura is like gangrene attached to the bones. If you are not careful, it will entangle with the physical body and soul. , it is difficult to remove, and the temper and character will gradually change.”

Demonic energy can pollute a warrior's physical body and soul, change his temper and character, and lead people to become possessed by demons. The current possessed people are all contaminated by demonic energy and are slowly developing in the direction of demons, but the time is not long yet. Some people still maintain their yearning for light and secretly provide help for the righteous path, but occasionally they lose control of their emotions. Falling into a state of bloodlust and murder.

Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong did not try to show off. Even if they risked their lives, they still had to consider their disciples' relatives and friends, make some arrangements, and leave.

Soon the ruins were empty, with crows circling in the sky, croaking, croaking, and a mess.

In Shuigu City, there are vendors setting up stalls and pedestrians coming and going on the streets, but it seems slightly depressed, and the people's faces are numb.

At the beginning, the people were afraid of evil spirits. They hid in the mountains and forests in ten cities and nine empty spaces. However, the wilderness was also dangerous, and the number of evil spirits was limited. There were not many cannibals and bloodthirsty people every day. The people returned to the city and struggled to survive. Here was a Under the rule of the possessed, the temperament and character have not completely changed. There are only one or two bloodthirsty days every month, and they only choose the old, weak, sick and disabled, so it is still prosperous.

Whether you are going to Yanshan Mountain or Jitian Temple, you have to pass through Shuigu City. Taoist Luofu came to this city with Taoist Baizhang and others, with a bit of chill on his face. The evil demon eats people and is extremely murderous, turning the world into a monster. It became a blood sea hell, which made him have murderous intentions in his heart, his eyes were cold, and he had no good impression of the so-called possessed people, so he left alone and did not follow Taoist Baizhang to visit the possessed ruler in the city.

Taoist Luofu, who had just walked out of Shuigu City and was about to go directly to the Jitian Temple, suddenly stopped and looked back at the city. He sensed an outdoor scene master's Qi, but the aura was a little empty, as if he had been injured. This aura was full of... The immortal's purity and grace are like flowing water and flames, and they are hidden and calm, like a giant tree on a mountain. It gives people a completely different feeling than the people from the previous Shinhwa organization.

"Interesting, people from the Immortal Miracle Organization actually entered this world, and even approached Zhiwei and others. It seems that they lacked strength and suffered a loss at the hands of the Shinhwa Organization, so they joined forces with them!"

In a closed room, Jiang Zhiwei and others looked at Bixia Yuanjun in front of them with solemn expressions, their breaths surging faintly, and they listened to the other party's explanation of why there were so many reincarnations in this world.

"This time Shinhwa has come to Xi, Beidou Xingjun, Wuquxingjun, and Queen Mother Xi. Except for Queen Mother Xi, who is a newcomer, the remaining three are all genuine veterans. Especially Xi, whose strength is close to the level of a location master."

"On our side, the ones who came to complete this mission are me, Guangcheng Tianzun and Yun Zhongzi. We are slightly inferior to them. We don't have enough manpower, so we want to cooperate with you."

"In the myth, Big Money broke into this world using the Talisman of Reincarnation because he got a piece of news about Zen Master Jiuzhen. Zen Master Jiuzhen once had an adventure, realized the peerless Zen skills, and obtained the Dharmakaya through it. Later, he took the adventure with him The obtained items go deep into the demon world, suppress the original demon, and sit within it."

Jiang Zhiwei and others had already heard what Taoist Baizhang said, so they were not surprised. They stared at Bixia Yuanjun, waiting for her next words.

"According to the news, the adventure that Zen Master Jiuzhen received should be..."

Bixia Yuanjun's expression became solemn, and she looked at Jiang Zhiwei and others with burning eyes, paused, and continued.

"The first form of Tathagata Palm!"

The Palm of the Tathagata is the highest secret skill in Buddhism. So far, the only ones that can be qualified as the "Supreme" are the Palm of the Tathagata and the Seven Swords of Heaven. It seems that only by practicing them can one truly transcend. Even the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques practiced by Meng Qi It is only claimed to be comparable to it, but judging from the comparison of the good deeds required to redeem the Six Paths of Reincarnation Space, it is still a little behind, half as good.

Even if there is no general outline of the Tathagata Palm, just one form of the Tathagata Palm is an unparalleled wealth. Bodhidharma realized many magical skills by relying on the third form of the Tathagata Palm and created the Shaolin lineage. Xuedao Tutuo obtained the fifth form and realized the two fundamentals. Dafa, which laid the foundation of Vajra Temple, are both major martial arts sects that have lasted for thousands of years. From time to time, Dharma masters appeared in the world, and they encountered disasters many times and successfully survived them.

Although Shaolin and Vajra Temple have the efforts of later eminent monks and other Buddhist techniques they collected and created, no one can deny that the foundation of both is the Tathagata Palm, and more than half of the secret knowledge is derived from it. This shows that the Tathagata The palm is extremely precious! Obtaining one move from Tathagata's divine palm is equivalent to acquiring many magical skills and gaining the foundation of a major martial arts sect!

When everyone heard the words, their emotions were agitated, surprised and happy, and then turned into regret and unwillingness. They understood that such a unique skill as the Tathagata Divine Palm was not something they could get involved in. They are not strong enough to mix. Even if they miraculously obtain the Tathagata Palm, it will be a disaster. The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of possessing the treasure!

"There was once a reincarnation person who entered this world and got a manuscript outside the Wangxin House. It recorded a few words left by Zen Master Jiuzhen before entering the demon world. He said that he had obtained the first form of the Tathagata God's Palm and was self-centered, and he had realized several branches of Zen. The skills were passed down to the major disciples respectively. Only with the first form of the Tathagata Divine Palm, he must rely on the Buddha's treasure that contains its true meaning to completely transform the demon, so he has to be brought into the demon world. If he is able to sit inside and transform, he hopes to be able to do so later. Those with ability go and take it out, so that this supreme Buddhist knowledge can be passed on endlessly."

Bixia Yuanjun showed a bit of hatred on his face, his eyes showed a cold light, and he said coldly.

"The reincarnation was so ambitious at the time that he hid the matter. He planned to go to the fragments of the demon world to retrieve the treasure when he was strong enough. Unfortunately, he died in the reincarnation world on the next mission, and the relics were left there until recently. It was obtained by one of our reserve teams and reported the matter. Unexpectedly, someone in this reserve team had different intentions and betrayed Xianji. With this news, he found Shinhwa and received a richer reward. He rebelled. Left the team."

Any organization hates traitors the most, and these scoundrels will never be forgiven and will almost certainly be killed.

"What do we need to do?"

Meng Qi asked very calmly, having calmed down the excitement of hearing the first move of Tathagata Divine Palm, which made Bixia Yuanjun couldn't help but take a high look.

"Nowadays, the people from Shinhwa are very powerful. Even if only Xi is the only one, I'm afraid Guangcheng Tianzun, I and one of Yun Zhongzi will have to join forces to be undefeated. And Beidou Xingjun and Wuquxingjun are both stronger than me and Yun Zhongzi. Not to mention that there is Queen Mother of the West. If we fight for it openly, it will not help if you are included. Therefore, we can only resort to dangerous tactics. If we can't get it, they can't get it either!"

Bixia Yuanjun is also a decisive person, able to restrain temptation and greed, and make the decision when it is necessary, and said very calmly.

"Xi went to Wangxinlu, Guangcheng Tianzun also rushed there. Yun Zhongzi and Wuquxingjun went to fight for the 'Dingguo Seal'. I went to Changchun Temple to look for the Zhenyun Ding, and met Beidou Xingjun and the Queen Mother of the West. That is to say, they did not send anyone to guard the passage to the demon world!"

"If we rush to the Jitian Palace at this time, only Beidou Xingjun and Queen Mother of the West will have the chance to stop it, and no one else will be able to do it in time!"

"Even if we join forces with you, we are definitely no match for Beidou Xingjun and Queen Mother of the West. It will not help!"

Jiang Zhiwei has a clear understanding that the combined strength of these people is definitely no match for the strong ones in the field. These two are senior reincarnations. They are powerful and have endless methods. They are not comparable to the natives of the small world.

Bixia Yuanjun already had a countermeasure for this, looked at Meng Qi, and said firmly.

"The technique you major in is the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique, right?"

Meng Qi was slightly stunned when he heard this and remained silent. Everyone's major skills were secret. He and Bixia Yuanjun were strangers to each other, so naturally they would not be honest with each other and tell each other their own details.

Bixia Yuanjun seemed to notice Meng Qi's surprise and explained.

"The Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun in our organization practices the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, so I am very familiar with this technique and can easily recognize it!"

Meng Qi's reaction was extremely strange, and he secretly complained with a bit of sadness, anger and unwillingness.

"I'll go. I planned to use the name Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun in the future, but someone else took the title first. I took away the nickname from him. It's irreconcilable!"

Meng Qi nodded dejectedly and admitted that what he was practicing was the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques.

"Yes, what I practice is the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques!"

"The Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique is good at changing, concealing and imitating to avoid disasters. Now it is suitable for this purpose. I will tell you the surface luck route and momentum condensation method of Guangcheng Tianzun's Sky-turning Seal. When I fight against Big Dipper Lord, you If you suddenly attack and imitate the Heaven-turning Seal Palm Technique to attack Beidou Xingjun, he must think it is a trap and think you are Guangcheng Tianzun. When the other party is frightened, I can take the opportunity to severely damage him or scare them away."

Both Immortal Miracles and Shinhwa people wear masks to isolate themselves from exploration. The appearance behind the mask is unknown to outsiders. Meng Qi's disguise as Guangcheng Tianzun is not easy to be exposed, and it will definitely surprise Shinhwa people.

"If this matter is discovered by the other party, is there some risk?"

Meng Qi touched his chin and frowned slightly. He did not want to use his efforts in vain to benefit Bixia Yuanjun.

"If Beidou Xingjun sees through it, no matter what I do, I can still protect you from leaving. When the time comes, the good deeds for your mission failure will be borne by our fairyland."

Bixia Yuanjun did not bully the small, and was very fair. However, her style was different from that of the Shinhwa people. She was a veteran location expert. Even if she was defeated by Beidou Xingjun and the Queen Mother of the West, she could still protect Meng Qi and others and retreat calmly.

"If successful, we will immediately enter the demon world. We will split up to kill the powerful demons and gather the magic crystals. Then you will blow up the passage from the inside, isolating the inside and outside, leaving Shinhwa helpless."

Bixia Yuanjun explained the entire plan, but Meng Qi and others didn't have any objections to it. Anyway, the task was to blow up the passage. It made no difference whether he and others bombed outside or inside. They could still choose to leave.

The only question is whether Bixia Yuanjun will turn against her and silence everyone afterwards!

"How can we trust you not to silence us?"

Meng Qi and others looked solemnly, looking at Bixia Yuanjun, waiting for her answer. This question was the key to their cooperation. If they could not reach an agreement, everything would be in vain.

"I have a six-path contract with me. You can sign it."

For those who are strong in the field, the oath of the soul is the most binding. There is a corresponding contract among the six reincarnations. He will be the judge of justice. No one in reincarnation dares to violate the contract.

Jiang Zhiwei and others looked relieved and felt a little more confident. Bixia Yuanjun's move was extremely sincere and showed that he would not do anything unfavorable to them.

"If we get the Tathagata God's Palm, the myth will be spread by itself. It doesn't matter whether we kill you or not. If we don't get it, the demon world will become its own. Even if we use the reincarnation talisman, we can only return to the Jitian Palace. With your strength, I don’t have the ability to go hunting for treasures alone!”

There was a bit of arrogance on Bixia Yuanjun's face. Although what she said didn't sound good, it was true. Jiang Zhiwei and others didn't even have a location, so they were unable to seize the first form of the Tathagata Palm.

Bixia Yuanjun took out a piece of simple and yellow paper, with many small characters written in ancient seal script, and the signature was "The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation".

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