I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2476 The treasure that suppresses luck, the four demons attack

"Fortunately for heaven, many demon-possessed people just endured the humiliation and still had a right heart, and revealed the matter to the old Taoist. In order to get ahead of the four demons, the old Taoist only had time to contact Mrs. Thunderbolt Sword Fairy Child, the ancestor of the Eight-Finger Divine Palm, and the four demons. There is still a big gap between the magic alliance."

"The high-level relics are hidden in the temple. The old Taoist does not know their whereabouts. They must search slowly to find them. The four demons can stop them at any time. The danger is extremely high. All heroes, it is not too late to withdraw now."

The Taoist priest, who looked clumsy in appearance, roughly explained the reason for the incident again, but did not encourage everyone to stay because of the righteousness of the world. Behind him were several Taoist priests, both male and female, who seemed to be following him.

The leaders of the other two teams were a middle-aged woman in palace attire and an old man in a black robe. They were Tong Yao, the "Thunderbolt Sword Immortal" and Zu Wenzhong, the "Eight-finger Palm" as the Taoist said.

Tong Yao looks ordinary, but has a formidable aura. She carries a green leather sword and speaks decisively.

"We have retreated many times, and if we retreat again today, I am afraid there will be no way out or a chance to turn around. None of the disciples in our sect are willing to serve the devil with their own bodies, so they should fight here to the death."

"Although the seven-foot sword in my hand is not as good as Taoist Baizhang and you three sages who can save the world, but with the determination to die, I can still make the devil suffer a lot."

As she spoke, Tong Yao's aura was full of energy, and the surrounding aura was vibrating, as if there were countless sharp swords ready to strike. Under her influence, most of the disciples behind her, who were mostly women but few men, also showed generous expressions. Only a few were slightly trembling and did not dare to raise their heads, but they also did not dare to withdraw outright.

The Taoist with a clumsy appearance is one of the few remaining righteous masters. The "qi that moves the world" Baizhang Taoist is known as the "Three Saviors" together with another monk and a layman. His strength is tyrannical, almost comparable to the strongest demon outside the extremely innocent demon. , seeing the Thunderbolt Sword Immortal being so decisive, he sighed and said.

"We are not afraid of death, but my friends are in their prime. If you don't want to, don't force yourself. Maybe in the future there will be knights among them who can defeat the extremely innocent demon."

Zu Wenzhong put his hands behind his back, looked at his disciples, friends, and several casual cultivators who came after hearing the news, and said in a deep voice.

"You can decide whether to leave or not."

Zu Wenzhong's disciples and others had just arrived after receiving the news. Although they were afraid, they still spoke firmly.

"The land of China has fallen, and the paradise has fallen. How can we live in an ignoble way?!"

Taoist Baizhang had a solemn look on his face when he heard this, his eyes wandered around everyone, and he said solemnly.

"In this case, the old Taoist has the audacity to give orders, and also asks Mrs. Tong, Mr. Ancestor, and the old Taoist to stand guard outside to guard against the sneak attack of the four demons. If they arrive, stop them and find the relics or delay the evacuation for all the children. .”

"Everyone will search separately in Changchun Temple to find a high-level relic. It should be a three-legged ancient tripod."

Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong responded boldly, regardless of whether the three of them could resist the four demons. They put life and death aside, showing great justice.

Behind Taoist Bai Zhang, a young Taoist's expression moved slightly, his eyes were clear, and there were yin and yang qi swirling deep in the eyeballs, forming a Tai Chi diagram, glowing with light. He had a handsome appearance, he was twenty-three or four years old. He is of medium height, wearing a gray robe, with a long sword on his waist. He is a disciple of the Yuquan Sect, a hidden lineage of Taoism. This sect is a single lineage. The master in the sect has passed away, and this person is the only head of the Yuquan Sect. Disciple, if he unfortunately dies this time, the Yuquan Sect's inheritance will be cut off.

"Three seniors, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the three of you to fight against the four demons alone. How about Xiaodao staying here and buying some time for the others!"

"Taoist Master Luofu, there is no need for this. There is only one person in Yuquan Sect. How can an old Taoist do this!"

Taoist Master Baizhang turned to look at the young Taoist priest and rejected his proposal, with guilt on his face. The previous head of the Yuquan Sect was his old friend and was killed by the devil at his invitation. No matter what, he did not want to let Luofu If you fall into danger again, you will not be able to face your old friends after death.

"How can we be left out for such a thing?"

There was a long laugh, and Meng Qi and others walked in. Handsome men and beautiful women, the women were beautiful in appearance and outstanding in temperament, and the men were either carefree or calm, all extraordinary.

"Who are you?"

Taoist Bai Zhang looked solemn, frowned slightly, and looked at everyone, especially Luo Shengyi, who was standing in front of everyone. He regarded him as the leader and asked him.

Luo Shengyi was born as a casual cultivator. He is powerful, domineering and competitive. He always likes to express himself in front of everyone, so he answers first without waiting for others to answer, giving people the impression that he is the leader of the team.

""The Eight Demons are in troubled times, all life is in ruins, and the righteous path is withering. We are all from overseas, and we are here to lend a helping hand. "

"I'm Luo Shengyi, these are: Jiang Zhiwei, Fairy Juejian; Meng Qi, Kuangdao; Qi Zhengyan, the Incarnate God and Demon."

Taoist Baizhang looked a little confused and looked at everyone uncertainly. These young people appeared out of nowhere. Their cultivation levels have reached the awakening stage. The most powerful among them is the little girl known as the Fairy of the Absolute Sword. The sword on his body was sharp and his momentum was astonishing. Even he, the Three Saviors, felt the hidden danger.

"You are all young talents with strong strength. You are willing to come to help. We naturally welcome you. However, the four demons are coming. Please join us and the three of you on the sidelines to buy time for others. What do you think? "

Taoist Baizhang couldn't figure out the origins of Jiang Zhiwei and others, so he didn't dare to let them enter the temple to search for high-level relics, but he couldn't really shut them out, so he decided to let them resist the four demons together, which was a safe strategy. .

"It's what you wish for!"

Luo Shengyi and others naturally understood Taoist Baizhang's plan, but they did not reject it. They originally wanted to prevent the Yuan Demon from awakening and sealing the passage to the demon world. Only by getting rid of at least six demons and obtaining the crystals of demon energy in their bodies can they completely The passage was blown up and the fragments of the demon world were sealed, so the attack of the four demons this time was a potentially rare opportunity for them.

The three Taoist Baizhang looked at each other, and when they saw Jiang Zhiwei and others responded so sincerely, they relaxed a little and then said.

"Time is running out, so let's not chat with each other. Let's briefly explain the situation of the Four Demons. It was Iron Demon who found out the whereabouts of the Zhen Yunding Cauldron this time. In order to claim credit, he did not report it to the Ji Tian Demon and secretly invited the other three to make friends. The demons have joined forces, namely the Corpse Demon, the Fire Demon and the Soldier Demon.”

The seven demon generals all had their own nicknames and names before the demonic energy filled their bodies, but now they are all half-human and half-demon beings, so people in the world simply use their characteristics to match each other to avoid trouble.

"Of the four demons, the strongest ones are the Corpse Demon and the Fire Demon. They are almost as different from the old ones, followed by the Soldier Demon and the Iron Demon. You must not be careless."

After briefly telling Meng Qi and others the information, Taoist Baizhang coughed and gave instructions with a solemn expression.

"The four demons have always been insidious and cruel. They may attack from any direction. In order to protect the martyrs who are searching for the Yunding Cauldron, the eight of us are divided into four groups, one for each town. Once we encounter them, we will use different fireworks to connect them."

Different fireworks represent different demons. For example, red is the corpse demon, purple is the fire demon, green is the soldier demon, and blue is the iron demon. Whoever falls on which demon will release the corresponding signal.

Previously, there were only three people, and the separate guards seemed stretched and extremely dangerous. Now that there are seven new troops, Taoist Baizhang breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he, Taoist Baizhang, was not careless. What if this was a possessed person? So he smiled.

"Donor Luo, we feel like old friends at first sight, how about guarding the east side together?"

This is to put the person who seems to be the leader among the opponent's seven people within his sight.

Luo Shengyi naturally understood Taoist Baizhang's scruples, but he didn't mind and said.

"I have my wish, but I don't dare to ask for your ear."

Taoist Baizhang smiled with satisfaction, and relaxed his guard again. He turned to the two Ping Pili Sword Immortals and said.

"Mrs. Tong, you and your ancestors have been friends for many years and we have a tacit understanding. How about guarding the south side together?"

Taoist Baizhang put Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong together, mainly because he was worried that if they separated and formed a team with Meng Qi and others, they would be easily betrayed and attacked, which would damage the few remaining masters of the righteous way. Tong Yao and Zu Wenzhong, both old men in the world, agreed without changing their expressions.

"The six of you are friends. You should know better than the old master on how to cooperate. You can decide for yourself."

Taoist Baizhang breathed a sigh of relief and did not force Meng Qi and others to arrange. Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and others communicated for a few breaths via voice transmission, and said loudly.

"I'll guard the north with these two girls, while Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Qi and Senior Sister Fu head west."

Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, and Ruan Yushu were in a team, and the other three were in a team. There was a tacit understanding of the cooperation.

"Okay, without further ado, everyone please search as soon as possible."

Taoist Baizhang was the first to step out of the hall, and everyone followed. Taoist Luofu shrugged his shoulders, but his job was taken away by Jiang Zhiwei and others. No one paid attention to his previous request, so forget it, and he should honestly look for the Zhenyun Cauldron.

Many palaces and pavilions in the west have collapsed and scorched wood is everywhere. Taoist Luofu followed other disciples into this area, scattered in twos and twos, and searched for the ruins. These disciples at least had their eyes opened, and the bright night could not stop them from searching.

Taoist Luofu, unlike other disciples, dealt with the matter. It was just a location-level task and not worthy of his attention at all. He glanced at Jiang Zhiwei and the other three who were guarding him from the corner of his eyes, with an incomprehensible expression and a hint of a smile.

Jiang Zhiwei was wearing a goose-yellow dress, holding a sword tightly with her fingers, and her eyes were warm. She stood not far away, staring warily into the depths of the night. Her mind was raised to its peak. Any disturbance around her could not be hidden from her spiritual sense. As a As a master who is about to enter the realm of outdoor scenes, her strength is not weaker than Taoist Baizhang, and is even a bit better.

The division of martial arts realm in this world is the same as that in the main world, only the honorific names are different. For example, with the strength of Taoist Baizhang, he is half-step outside and is called the five sects in the world. The three sages who save the world today would not be the same in the main world anyway. Can't get the title of Grandmaster!

Ruan Yushu sat aside with Qin in her arms. Her face was cold and cold. Under the moonlight, she looked like a dream, like a fairy from the Moon Palace. She was truly the most beautiful woman in the world. However, this beautiful lady lowered her head from time to time and secretly ate snacks without stopping her mouth. His mouth was bulging like a little squirrel, his eyes were clear and smart, and he looked around from time to time to avoid being caught eating, which would cause his image to collapse.

Meng Qi also worked hard for his own painting style and image. Since it is a foregone conclusion that he will be known as King Kong in the main world, he can only act cool in the reincarnation world.

I saw Meng Qi wearing a green robe and a leisurely demeanor, walking slowly to the dilapidated ruins near the mountain forest. Then, he casually sat cross-legged on a wall that was still standing, and pulled out the long knife from his waist, placing it across his knees. His back was straight, his eyes were half open and half closed, and his temperament suddenly became calm and ethereal.

No matter when he looked around, he would see Meng Qi still sitting on the wall with the knife across his knees. He had never changed and seemed to be able to remain so until the end of time. For some reason, four words appeared in the minds of other searching disciples at the same time: master's bearing.

"This little monk knows how to put on airs!"

Taoist Luofu curled his lips in disdain. Many of the female disciples around him were very curious about Meng Qi and secretly looked at him from time to time. This person who knew Meng Qi's style very well was very unhappy.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the sky was getting darker and darker. Taoist Luofu also finished searching the nearby palaces, straightened his back, and was about to search elsewhere. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look into the darkness.

After a few breaths, everyone heard the roar of a knife, which was as long as a dragon's sound, so they turned their heads in shock and saw the sword in the lap of the upright young man in green robe dancing slightly, as if in warning. Immediately, he said loudly.

"Now that you're here, don't be sneaky."

From the very beginning, Meng Qi was on full alert, outgoing, and half-integrated into the environment, thus giving people a sense of complete emptiness, half extending to the long sword, using it as his own hands, his own ears, and his own eyes, not daring to have any There is no slack at all, and the spiritual sense is not stained by any dust. He once encountered a secret attack by the Wolf King. He couldn't see, hear or sense the enemy, and felt like he was trapped in a nightmare. Looking back now, he still vividly remembers it, with a thorn in his back.

The Wolf King is already like this, but what about the secret attack half a step outside? Among the four demons who came, there were two who were half-stepping on location!

Evil spirits are often good at concealment and sneak attacks. If you are not careful, you will be bullied close to you and die without a burial place.

Sure enough, in the empty state, Meng Qi sensed the emergence of danger through the "Heaven's Wound" of the treasure weapon, but he could not grasp the trace of the opponent, so he immediately opened his mouth and drank Xingzang, making the opponent think that the concealment was ineffective, thus giving up his greatest strength. reliance.

"This kid is really clever. He tricked the other party out by playing a trick!"

There was a hint of admiration on Taoist Luofu's face. His cleverness was something few could match, but it was not without merit. No wonder he could grow all the way to where he is now.

"Humph, you are quite capable!"

A cold voice sounded not far from the wall, a dim fire lit up, and a figure emerged from inside. Wearing a red robe, he had no hair, no eyebrows, not a single hair. His skin glowed as if covered with a layer of flames. He raised his hand and patted Meng Qi. It turned out to be one of the two half-step fire demons!

A few feet away, a palm struck, getting bigger and bigger, almost occupying his sight and filling the whole world. Meng Qi felt that the air around him suddenly heated up, and it started to burn violently. There was no place within half a foot. It didn't burn, and even half of Meng Qi's green robe burst into flames, spreading irreversibly against his skin. Every time you take a breath, you inhale a large amount of hot air. If it continues for a long time, it will burn your lungs and severely damage your throat. He is a genuine half-step outsider!

"This fire demon is not outstanding in terms of strength. It is just an ordinary half-step outdoor scene. It is almost different from the original Doercha!"

Taoist Luofu had a deep expression and deep eyes. He glanced at the Fire Demon and understood the opponent's details clearly. It was easy for Jiang Zhiwei and the others to deal with such an opponent, so there was no need for him to take action. He moved his steps again and continued to search. Zhenyun Ding.

It was the first time that Meng Qi encountered a master of half-step outdoor scenes. He did not dare to show any hesitation. He slashed out with his long knife, as bright as lightning and as fast as thunder. He cut through the flames and the scorching heat. In the blink of an eye, he met the one. Terrible palms.

Meng Qi followed the force of the sword and left the wall. Flames burned all over his body, but his whole body shone with light gold, and even his hair had a slight luster. Under the burning of the red flames, he looked brilliant and sacred, and the fierce fire forged his true nature. gold! It seems that he is not afraid of fire at all, and he actually fights attack with attack!

When Meng Qi sang loudly, Jiang Zhiwei moved her steps and rushed over to help. Ruan Yushu also stopped stealing snacks and lightly plucked his fingers on the strings. A dragon roar sounded and he attacked the fire demon.

Jiang Zhiwei's expression suddenly changed, and the white rainbow piercing sun sword in his hand was unsheathed. The cold light was sharp and brilliant. The sword's light was brilliant, like the sun rising into the sky, majestic and majestic, and it slashed towards the void behind him. In one fell swoop, he blocked half of the iron hook emerging from the void and escaped this fatal sneak attack.

A shadow emerged from the void. It was a tall devil. He was wearing a black robe, and half of the iron hook turned into his left hand. His right palm suddenly slashed out, and in an instant it turned into a dark magic knife, entwined with traces of black energy, as if it could Corroding everything and unfolding everything, this is the soldier demon among the four demons!

As the name suggests, in addition to being able to drive ordinary evil spirits contaminated by evil spirits, every component of the body, including hands, feet, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, hair, nails, fine hair, etc., can be turned into weapons and hidden weapons. Every gesture is a killing move, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

When the "Devil Knife" slashed at Jiang Zhiwei, Bing Mo's long hair also swept past. The roots were like barbs, glowing with a faint light. Once the skin was scratched, not only the demonic energy would enter the body, but also the body would be poisoned. .

The Soldier Demon is like a war demon. His whole body can be turned into sharp weapons. Every attack appears from an unexpected angle. He appears and disappears, making it difficult for people to guard against. Even opponents who are a few points stronger than him will be attacked by him. This weird attack method forces you to scramble, and you are very likely to fall into his hands.

Jiang Zhiwei looked calm and clenched the long sword in her hand. The sword light lit up again, horizontally in the void, extremely sharp, swaying her long hair. The sword was shaped like the setting sun. She caught the magic sword, and then released purple and green signals with her left hand. He signaled that he encountered fire demons and weapon demons here, and asked everyone in other directions to be careful.

Fireworks took off into the sky, exploding into drops of purple rain and green light, so brilliant that they obscured the view. Taking this opportunity, Jiang Zhiwei distanced herself, and kept swinging the sword in her hand. When she raised her hand, the ground cracked, and when she raised her sword, there was a cold light, as powerful as a god!


The soldier demon snorted coldly, and his aura quickly climbed to its peak. His left hand suddenly spread out, turning into a deep demonic aura. The surrounding void became dark, and the airflow suddenly collapsed, turning a ten-foot radius into a filthy and dark demon prison, which dispersed. The sword light corrodes the sword energy. This is a master of heaven-human interaction forcibly created by demonic energy!

Jiang Zhiwei only exchanged a few moves with the soldier demon before she figured out the opponent's details. She was sure of victory and decided to fight quickly. After all, Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu's confrontation in a half-step outdoor scene was still a bit too forced. Need her help.

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