I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2448 Meng Qi, the bald donkey, died in Qingjing

"Now the secret room blocking my protagonist's path is the secret room in front of me. How can I get out?"

Lu Chunyang turned into Ding Changsheng at this time, full of ambition and high morale. When he saw the closed door of the secret room, he scratched his head, frowned, and became a little crazy.

His physical skill level at this time is equivalent to that of an innate master in the awakening stage. He is not much better than Jiang Zhiwei and others, and he is not strong enough to directly break through the secret room and rush out.

"There's something wrong with this script. After I enlighten him and I, shouldn't I just go on a killing spree and become famous all over the world? How could I be trapped in a small secret room?"

Ding Changsheng scratched his head and ears. When he was helpless, he sighed and lamented.

"It's so hard for me!"

After killing several waves of enemies along the way, Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi successfully arrived in front of the stone door of the secret room.

"This stone door cannot be opened inside!"

Jiang Zhiwei studied it for a while, then signaled Meng Qi to hide behind her to avoid any hidden arrows flying out after the door opened. The stone door made a heavy friction sound with the ground and slowly opened backwards without any accident.

"Which friend can help me?"

A surprised male voice sounded. Jiang Zhiwei observed for a moment, and after confirming that there was no ambush, she walked into the stone room, while Meng Qi guarded the door for her.

In the center of the stone room, Ding Changsheng, who was wearing plain green trousers, looked at Jiang Zhiwei in surprise. He didn't expect that his good nephew saved him, and he couldn't help but secretly thought to himself.

"Well done. Now it's up to me, uncle. I will definitely take you flying and wander around, so that you can easily survive this reincarnation!"

"I am Ding Changsheng. Thank you girl for saving me. I wonder whose disciple you are?"

As a hero born and raised in this small world, Ding Changsheng naturally would not know Jiang Zhiwei, an extraterrestrial visitor, so he could only pretend to ask about Jiang Zhiwei's origins.

"Da Xia Ding, juniors and others are from a secluded sect. Because our master was secretly invited by Da Xia Ma, we came to help you eliminate demons and defend the way."

Jiang Zhiwei made up a random lie, saying that women are all born actors, she said to Ding Changsheng without blinking.

When Ding Changsheng heard Ma Lianghan's name, he nodded slightly, his acting skills were even more natural and superb than Jiang Zhiwei's.

"I haven't asked the girl for her name yet."

"Junior Jiang Zhiwei."

Jiang Zhiwei came from a famous family and would not lose any courtesy under normal circumstances.

Ding Changsheng came to Jiang Zhiwei, smiled kindly, and praised.

"A hero comes from a young boy. Okay, let's go and save the others. Well, who is this?"

Jiang Zhi slightly turned around, looked at the young monk Meng Qi, and quickly introduced him.

"His name is true."

"He's actually a bald monk!"

Ding Changsheng looked at the future Yuanshi Great Heavenly Lord with a bit of disgust on his face, but he didn't hide it at all in front of the young monk.

Meng Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes and complained secretly in his heart.

"A monk is a monk. Why do you need to add the word "bald"? What's wrong with you, monk? Are you eating your rice or wearing your clothes?"

Jiang Zhiwei chuckled, as bright and beautiful as a hundred flowers in bloom. She seemed not to have thought that this elegant-looking Ding Daxia would actually have such a big prejudice against monks.

"Xiao Monk Zhending, I have met Daxia Ding!"

Although Meng Qi was complaining in his heart, he still greeted the ceremony respectfully. There was nothing he could do about it. He was just a hundred-day foundation-building cultivation, and his strength was low. He had to bow his head when he was under the eaves. If he had the strength of the outdoor realm, he would definitely It will make the hero Ding in front of him understand the serious consequences of scolding a bald man in front of a monk!

"You have a sly look on your face. You can tell from the first glance that you are not a peaceful person. You will definitely not be able to be a monk with peace of mind in the future!"

Ding Changsheng said unceremoniously, seeing Meng Qi's eyes twitching, as if he was unhappy with him.

Meng Qi was shocked. He was poked into his inner thoughts by Ding Changsheng. Although he had joined the Shaolin Temple, he did not intend to remain a monk forever. He thought that after learning some kung fu in Shaolin, he would return to secular life and wander around the world and marry a few people. The chivalrous woman in the world is as carefree and carefree as a flower.

The three of them had just walked out of the secret room and entered the corridor. Ding Changsheng's ears twitched twice and he heard a burst of footsteps. There were seven or eight people. His expression moved slightly, he stopped and said to Jiang Zhiwei and the others.

"Be careful, someone is coming!"

Jiang Zhi was slightly stunned. She had already opened her ears, and her hearing was amazing. Her ears stood up and trembled slightly. After three breaths, she heard faint footsteps in her ears, and she looked at Ding Changsheng in surprise.

Generally speaking, as a disciple of a major martial arts sect who practices magical skills, his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary warriors, not to mention this small world warrior who only has the innate awakening stage. Ding Changsheng's performance was beyond Jiang Zhiwei's expectations.

There were seven or eight people coming, all dressed lightly. The leader was a middle-aged Confucian scholar, holding a concealed weapon in his left hand. When he saw Ding Changsheng, he breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly.

"Master Ding, you're okay, that's great!"

Ding Changsheng looked at the other party and searched through the memory in his mind. He was really an acquaintance. The other party had a good reputation in the world. This person was Ge Chongshan, the owner of Luoyan Villa. He took two steps forward and said with a smile.

"We have the owner of Laoge Village!"

"This is Jiang Zhiwei, and next to me is the little bald donkey Zhending. They saved me!"

The corners of Meng Qi's mouth twitched twice, and he secretly complained in his heart, "Thank you so much. If you don't want to introduce me, you don't have to say it!"

"Heroes are born in youth. Seeing young friends with outstanding talents like Miss Jiang makes me feel old. I wonder what I would call you, Master?"

Master Ge took a few steps forward and looked at the little girl Jiang Zhiwei carefully, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"My master, Su Wuming, has lived in seclusion for many years. I am afraid that Master Ge has never heard of it. Well, my master had a nickname in the past called the Heavenly Sword. Has Master Ge heard of it?"

There was a narrow smile on Jiang Zhiwei's face. She was calling her real master, but this group of people must have never heard of it.

There was a faint smile in the depths of Ding Changsheng's eyes. This little girl was naughty and was bullying these people for not having been to the real world.

"Ge is really ignorant and has never seen the heroic appearance of his senior. I will ask Miss Jiang to help introduce him in the future."

As soon as they finished speaking, Lu Chunyang and Jiang Zhiwei turned to look outside the stone house at the same time. They saw Qi Xia and a group of people dressed as knights coming out of another secret door.

"Sister Qi, are you okay?"

Jiang Zhiwei greeted Qi Xia happily. They entered this strange world and needed help from each other. Now that they saw each other safe and sound, they were secretly relieved.

"Brother Liu, where is your brother?"

Ge Chongshan looked at the man walking side by side with Qi Xia and asked.

The man had dark skin, dressed as a fisherman, looked sad, and said sadly.

"My brother was killed by Cheng Yong!"


Ge Chongshan and others suddenly lost their voices, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Qi Xiaqiao walked to Jiang Zhiwei's side with a bit of fear on her face and explained.

"Sister Zhiwei, I didn't expect that Cheng Yong has been controlled by the Heart Seizing Pill. If Liu Daxia hadn't gone in first, I might not have been able to survive. I was worried about you just now!"

Qi Xia looked at Ding Changsheng on the side with some caution. Cheng Yong was controlled by the Heart Seizing Pill. How could Ding Changsheng be an exception?

"The Heart Seizing Pill is indeed overbearing, but I still have some tricks to force out its poison, and then I get rid of control!"

Ding Changsheng pointed at the pool of poisonous blood in the secret room. The fishy smell lingered in everyone's noses, and everyone suddenly realized and put down their guard.

After reuniting, everyone rushed towards the central hall, with only a few men in black blocking them along the way, and they were easily dismissed.

As soon as everyone entered a house, something flew in from outside the house. Jiang Zhiwei stretched out her long sword and touched it to the ground.


As soon as Jiang Zhiwei and Qi Xia saw this thing clearly, they immediately screamed out of control. Meng Qi was also very shocked and uneasy.

On the dusty stone ground, Qingjing looked at everyone with angry eyebrows and wide eyes, but only his head was left!

The screams of the two little girls, Jiang Zhiwei and Qi Xia, were still echoing. A figure suddenly appeared on the stone wall above. He was dressed in black and had white hair disheveled. He looked like a ghost. His palms and feet were clasped in the cracks of the stone, as if The ape came to Qi Xia's head in two or three clicks and struck down in the air like an eagle fighting a rabbit. The direction in which this person came in was exactly opposite to the direction in which the head flew in!

Qi Xia has received many practical trainings in sneak attacks and assassinations in the Dajiang Gang, and has basic vigilance against similar situations. He understands that if unknown objects are thrown in, he must first hold his breath to prevent poisons, and secondly, keep an eye on the six directions. Keep your ears open to all directions and avoid making false claims in the east and attacking in the west.

Even though she was momentarily shocked by the clear scene of the deceased and screamed, losing the best opportunity to defend herself, she quickly came to her senses, exerted force on her feet, swayed her body, and avoided the vital point above her head.


A hand wearing an iron glove plunged deeply into Qi Xia's left shoulder. Immediately afterwards, the white-haired devil jumped in front of the water-splitting thorn flowing with green light. He turned over with a kite, bringing up a large rain of blood and fell on it. The other side.

Soon enough, a gray shadow rushed in from the direction where the head flew in. The long knife in his hand reflected the torch on the wall, casting a dim light. The target was directed at Jiang Zhiwei, who was also frightened. The other party turned out to be Two consecutive attacks in the east and west!

Jiang Zhiwei's long sword was unsheathed at some point. The sound was like a dragon's roar and the light was like autumn water. Without even looking back, it stabbed diagonally upward behind her. The gray figure seemed to be actively throwing its body towards the sword tip.

Gray Shadow turned around forcefully, stretched out his left palm, and pressed against the tip of the sword. With a pop, the sword pierced his palm, but he took advantage of the situation and threw himself to the left, avoiding the sword.

Only then did Ge Chongshan and others react, and everyone took action, attacking the white-haired ghost and the man in gray.

The white-haired ghost and the man in gray leapt back, out of the fighting range, and while Ge Chongshan and others were still some distance away, they rushed towards a deserted corridor.

Qi Xia and Jiang Zhiwei had no time to stop them, so they could only watch as the two figures rushed to the door.

Suddenly, a long sword stabbed out from outside the corridor, as agile as a snake, forcing the white-haired ghost and the man in gray to step back to avoid the sharp edge.

"Senior Brother Zhang!"

The man who drew the sword was Zhang Yuanshan, who had a sad face. He had the best relationship with the young Taoist priest Qingjing.

Jiang Zhiwei seized the opportunity, took five steps forward, thrust out the long sword in his hand, the sword light was bright, and the moves were exquisite, trapping the man in gray into the light of his sword.

Zhang Yuanshan did not lose his mind because of grief and anger. The long sword drew circles one after another. The principles of the sword were somewhat similar to Lu Chunyang's Tai Chi swordsmanship. He tightly entangled the white-haired ghost. Sometimes the sword was like a spiritual snake, forcing the white-haired ghost to panic. , difficult to escape.

"Brother Ma! Brother Tan!"

Only then did Ge Chongshan see clearly the faces of the white-haired ghost and the man in gray. They were the two heroes Ma Lianghan and Tan Wenbo who had been trapped before.

The two of them had green faces and green eyes. They didn't speak. They tried hard to find flaws in Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan and others, and tried to escape.


Ge Chongshan sighed and led other masters to surround the two. The battle gradually became one-sided. Within ten breaths, Tan Wenbo, who looked like a white-haired ghost, was pierced by several long swords and died on the spot. After Ma Lianghan was injured by the sword, he was hit by Ge Chongshan's iron fan and lost his life. He lost his fighting power and was killed by Zhang Yuanshan with a sword.

"Senior Brother Zhang, how could you do this?"

Qi Xia looked at Zhang Yuanshan who looked sad and asked hesitantly.

Among their group, the first person to die was Yan Wujiang. This person had low cultivation and was idle. He was attacked by the enemy. It was not surprising that he died. However, the little Taoist priest Qingjing was a descendant of Xuantian Sect. He had superb cultivation and was well-informed. , actually died in this small world, which is really surprising.

"Junior Brother Qingjing, Junior Brother Zhengyan and I rescued Hero Tan Wenbo first, and everything went as usual. Then we immediately rushed to rescue Hero Ma Lianghan from trouble, but when we opened the last stone door, Hero Tan Wenbo behind us A sudden sneak attack assassinated Junior Brother Qingjing, and I was held back by Hero Ma Lianghan who jumped out from the front, unable to turn around to help."

Zhang Yuanshan looked at Qingjing's head on the ground and explained in a very depressed mood.

After Ge Chongshan and others listened quietly to Zhang Yuanshan's story, they also thought of their friends who had died in Cheng Yong's hands, and they all had the same look of grief on their faces.

"Little friend Zhang, don't be too sad. Little friend Qingjing died for the righteous path of martial arts. We will remember it, and there will be a reward for the bright future! Please calm down and rush to the central hall with me. Meet up with the commander and others."

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei and others saw the fire shadows on the opposite stone wall move like ghosts, forming several rows of words.

"Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan, Qi Xia, Qi Zhengyan, and Zhending rescued Tan Wenbo from the sea of ​​suffering controlled by the Heart-Robbing Pill. They completed one of the side tasks and were each rewarded with ten good deeds."

"Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan, Qi Xia, Qi Zhengyan, and Zhending rescued Ma Lianghan from the sea of ​​suffering controlled by the Heart Pill, completed one of the side tasks, and were each rewarded with ten good deeds. All side tasks were completed."

"They can't seem to read the words!"

Jiang Zhiwei looked at Zhang Yuanshan and others and whispered. His left hand pointed at several experts who could also see the stone wall. They turned a blind eye to the task prompts.

Ding Changsheng pretended to scan the stone wall casually, saw the task completion prompt, and secretly complained.

"It's really the same as Infinite Space. Is this considered piracy? I wonder if Lu Ya and others paid the copyright fee to the main god!"

"Well, without further ado, comrades, let's set off now."

Ding Changsheng looked at everyone and then spoke.

Everyone calmed down their emotions and ran towards the central hall according to the path they had just explored.

This corridor was empty except for the torches that seemed to be burning all the time. Moreover, because Ding Changsheng and others knew how to improve the lightness skill, the footsteps were very light. Only Meng Qi's heavy steps aroused the excitement in the entire corridor. A series of echoes came to the end.

Ding Changsheng couldn't help teasing him and said disdainfully.

"Little bald donkey, your kung fu is a bit poor. You don't even know how to lift!"

Meng Qi has discovered that the hero Ding Changsheng seems to be particularly displeased with him and always attacks and ridicules him.

"The little monk has only been practicing martial arts for a short time, which makes Master Ding laugh!"

He, Meng Qi, is also a time traveler after all. He has never been treated like this, and he is a little angry, but he is not as strong as others, so he can only endure it.

No enemies were encountered along the way, and Ding Changsheng and others successfully arrived at the central hall. This is a grand hall imitating the style of an imperial palace, surrounded by eight corridors connecting the square here to the various parts of the Hidden Emperor Castle.

At this time, the door was open, and there were several bright yellow flowers dotted in front of the hall. Dozens of men in black robes were kneeling in the hall, and above the throne, there was a thin middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a beautiful beard. The man was sitting majestically on it. This man was the Lord of Yinhuang Castle.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of men in black robes kneeling on the ground stood up and turned around. Their faces were distorted, their eyes were red, and their muscles were bulging, making their clothes bulge.


Calls came from the mouths of the experts brought by Ge Chongshan. It was obvious that these men in black robes were their relatives and friends.

These men in black robes roared like beasts, their eyes devoid of any sense.

"Devil, what did you do to them?"

"They volunteered to transform into beasts and be my pioneers! After I wipe out the rebellion, I will protect their descendants and let them enjoy glory and wealth forever!"



"I was ordered by heaven to obey the orders of the sea, but you deceived me and ignored me. You must die!"

The Lord of Yinhuang Castle looked at everyone with a lofty look. With a wave of his hand, these men in black robes rushed out one after another and launched an attack on everyone.

Ge Chongshan and others looked at their old friend who had lost his mind and reluctantly rushed forward. Jiang Zhiwei and others also got in and started a fierce battle.

Only Ding Changsheng was different. He struck out with his palm and hit a man in black robe hard on the chest. He snatched the long sword from the other man's hand. He stepped on Gangstep and bypassed the blocking man in black robe to appear in the Yinhuang Castle. before the Lord.

"Ding Changsheng, you actually got rid of the control of the Heart Pill, it's incredible!"

The Lord of Yinhuang Castle was the first to see someone break free from the control of the Heart Wrestling Pill, and his eyes shot out with strong killing intent. He would never allow anyone to break away from his control.

As soon as he finished speaking, the master of Yinhuang Castle's hands turned livid, and he suddenly struck Ding Changsheng, vowing to kill him with his palms.

Ding Changsheng stepped down and used the long sword in his hand to display a set of extremely exquisite sword techniques, which pierced the weak points in the Yinhuang Castle's master's rules, forcing him to change his moves midway. He twisted his body and struck at Ding Changsheng's sword. Attacking from the left, Iron Palm wanted to break Ding Changsheng's shoulder.


The sword energy was sharp and aimed directly at the place where the castle master's energy was stagnant. If it hit, the master of Yinhuang Castle would be severely injured. He did not dare to ignore Ding Changsheng's long sword and retreated violently, trying to distance himself again.

Ding Changsheng seemed to have expected it. He stepped forward, and the sword followed him like a shadow, pointing directly at the vital point of the Lord of Yinhuang Castle, forcing him to retreat continuously.

"You anticipate the enemy first and attack him unprepared. What a wonderful swordsmanship!"

Jiang Zhiwei's sword was criss-crossed in his hand, and the sword light was bright. He protected the young monk Meng Qi behind him and killed a man in black robes. Looking around the audience, he saw Ding Changsheng's sword skills and couldn't help but admire him.

"The exquisiteness of this set of swordsmanship is not inferior to Jiangdong Wang's Kanxu swordsmanship!"

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