I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2434: Xu Hongdou doesn’t talk about martial arts, but Li Qingyan is under fire

Xu Hongdou explained for a long time before calming down his parents' excitement and asked.

"Mom, what do you want from me?"

"Mom's friend Aunt Wang, do you remember? She recently wanted to go to Shanghai and wanted to know about the prices of your hotels. Let me ask you if I can give you some discounts!"

How dare Xu Hongdou let her mother's friends stay at the hotel where she works? She hasn't told her parents about her resignation yet, so she quickly replied.

"Mom, I don't recommend Aunt Wang to stay in our hotel. The price-performance ratio is not high. I can help introduce her to a hotel with a good environment and affordable price. She will never waste her money!"

Xu Hongdou chatted with her parents for nearly half an hour before it ended. She walked to Li Qingyan with a tired look and returned the phone to him.

"Why are you as listless as if you had defeated a cock?"

Li Qingyan looked at Xu Hongdou and said with a smile.

Xu Hongdou didn't know how to respond. Could it be that because of Li Qingyan, he was questioned by his parents, so he just hung his head and said feebly.

‘I haven’t told my parents about my resignation yet, so I have to deal with it a lot and I’m exhausted! ’

"I didn't realize it, Xu Hongdou, you are quite good at lying!"

Li Qingyan said with deep meaning. Li Qingyan had keen senses. Although he did not eavesdrop on purpose, he still heard some of Xu's mother and Xu's father's excited voice, and knew why Xu Hongdou was so tired.

"Haven't you heard a saying? The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at lying!"

"Then you must be the kind of woman who lies constantly!"

"Are you complimenting me on my beauty?"

Xu Hongdou's eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Waves of light were flowing in his eyes, as if he could talk. His big eyes blinked and blinked, scratching the heart and lungs.

"Yes, you are indeed beautiful!"

Li Qingyan looked at Xu Hongdou carefully, nodded, and admitted very frankly, his eyes were calm and gentle, without any dodge.

Xu Hongdou's face turned slightly red. Looking at Li Qingyan's handsome face, he unexpectedly reached forward and pecked Li Qingyan on the cheek, which made Li Qingyan freeze in place.

When Xu Hongdou came back to her senses, she secretly regretted that she was really crazy and actually took the initiative to forcefully kiss Li Qingyan. She didn't dare to stop and ran away without caring about Li Qingyan's reaction behind her.

Li Qingyan touched the moisture on his face, with a hint of smile in his eyes, looking at Xu Hongdou's figure running away, and said he couldn't laugh or cry.

"This woman, without any sense of martial ethics, actually attacked by surprise!"

After that, she stepped forward and walked slowly towards the windy courtyard. Xu Hongdou could run for a while, but she couldn't run forever. She would always return to the courtyard.

In the windy courtyard, Mr. Ma was still meditating with his eyes closed. Li Qingyan did not see Xu Hongdou. He was a little surprised. He sat in the pergola and asked Mr. Ma.

"Master Ma, hasn't Xu Hongdou come back?"

Master Ma slowly opened his eyes and looked at Li Qingyan in surprise. This was the first time that Li Qingyan had disturbed his meditation.

"I came back. Aunt Agui is making flower cakes at her house, and she invited Xu Hongdou and Damai to make them at her house!"


Li Qingyan suddenly realized that he didn't care, and took out "Six Chapters of a Floating Life" again. He hadn't finished reading this book yet, so he just used it to kill time. As for Xu Hongdou's matter, he would settle the accounts for her at night and let her understand that the sneak attack was wrong.

The days in the courtyard give people a very strange feeling. Time seems to be fast and slow. The whole day seems to have passed without doing anything. But occasionally I look at the clock and find that less than half an hour has passed. .

"Wow, this flower cake is delicious, and the skin is so crispy that it falls apart as soon as you bite it."

Damai and Xu Hongdou walked together, holding a flower cake in their hands, eating until they narrowed their eyes and said with a smile.

Xu Hongdou held the flower cake with two fingers and put it into her mouth. She took a bite and kept nodding.

"Well, this is indeed more delicious than the flower cakes we have eaten before."

"But it's normal. We made this ourselves, with real ingredients. Many of the ones we bought outside used rose petals instead of rose petals. Moreover, this flower cake has just come out of the oven and has the strongest aroma!"

Li Qingyan put down the book in his hand and looked up at the door. Xu Hongdou and Damai walked in carrying several bags of flower cakes. Damai saw Li Qingyan and Ma Ye and greeted him quickly.

"Brother Qingyan, Master Ma, come and try the flower cakes that Sister Hongdou and I made. It's delicious!"

After saying that, Damai placed the flower cake on the small table in the yard as if he was offering a treasure, and looked at the two of them expectantly, changing his usual submissive attitude.

Li Qingyan stood up and walked to the table, picked up a piece and took a bite. The aroma was rich and the skin was so crispy that it fell apart. It was indeed delicious.

“It tastes really good!”

"Yeah, Sister Hongdou and I have been learning from Aunt Agui for a long time!"

Damai had a happy smile on her face. This little girl was simple-minded and easy to satisfy. Li Qingyan's praise made her happy and she quickly urged Master Ma.

"Master Ma, come and try it quickly. This flower cake has just come out of the oven. It's best to eat it now!"

Mr. Ma then stood up from the futon, walked to the three of them, took a piece, took a bite, his eyes lit up, he gave a thumbs up and praised.

“It’s delicious, different from what I’ve bought before!”

Li Qingyan stared at Xu Hongdou, who was a little embarrassed, with a half-smile. Seeing that she was silent, he joked.

"Xu Hongdou, why are you so quiet today? Damai is more lively than you. Have you done something wrong?"

Xu Hongdou's eyes dodge, not daring to look directly at Li Qingyan. As long as she thinks of the scene where she attacked Li Qingyan that morning, she wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. It's so unreserved.

"I'm just a little tired from making flower cakes, so I don't really want to talk!"

"You guys talk, I want to take a rest!"

Xu Hongdou placed the flower cake on the table, turned around and entered the room.

Li Qingyan smiled, swallowed the flower cake in one gulp, swallowed it, and said to Damai and Ma Ye.

"I'm tired too and want to take a rest!"

Damai looked at the two people's backs in confusion, a little puzzled. Are everyone so tired today?

Seeing this, Mr. Ma looked thoughtful, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was very mysterious.

When Xu Hongdou heard the footsteps behind her, she quickly quickened her pace, opened the door, and got in. She leaned against the door with her back, her heart was beating fast, and there was a red glow on her face. She was secretly relieved. She felt a little relieved at this time. I don't know how to face Li Qingyan, so I can only avoid him for a while.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Li Qingyan stood in front of Xu Hongdou's door, tapped his fingers a few times, and said with a bit of amusement on his face.

"Xu Hongdou, open the door!"

"You can't escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade. How can you still not see me?"

Xu Hongdou was startled by the knock on the door, with a tangled look on her face. She was in a mess at this moment. She didn't know whether to open the door or how to face Li Qingyan after opening the door.

"I'm a little tired and want to rest. Let's talk about anything tomorrow!"

Xu Hongdou took a deep breath, calmed down her uneasy mood, tried her best to make her voice calmer, and said to Li Qingyan through the door.

"Don't give me such nonsense. You dare to sneak attack, but you don't dare to open the door. What kind of skills do you have?"

"When did Xu Hongdou become a coward? He doesn't even have this sense of responsibility!"

How could Li Qingyan be dismissed by Xu Hongdou so easily? He said with a bit of displeasure.

Xu Hongdou was helpless, his expression changed. He thought for a moment, waved his fist, and with a firm look on his face, as if to cheer himself up, he opened the door and said in a very strong voice.

"Who said I was afraid? Didn't I just kiss you?"


Xu Hongdou had just opened the door when a dark shadow came over him. His moist lips were pursed and his eyes widened. He looked at Li Qingyan in disbelief. He slowly closed his eyes and his body softened. His arms Like a spiritual snake, it circled around Li Qingyan's waist. His head was dizzy and he responded to Li Qingyan jerkily.

After a long time, the two separated, and Xu Hongdou's eyes almost watered. The waves were shining, and the red clouds covered his face. He leaned his little head on Li Qingyan's arms, listening to the slow and powerful heartbeat of Li Qingyan, his tenderness was like water, and his arms Holding Li Qingyan's waist tightly, the two walked into the room and closed the door.

"Do you still dare to run away after a sneak attack now?"

Li Qingyan lowered his head and looked into Xu Hongdou's eyes, and asked with a smile.

"No more running!"

Xu Hongdou's eyes were full of tenderness, and she answered without any coyness. She raised her little head, kissed the corner of Li Qingyan's mouth a few times like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with a smile.

"From now on, I can kiss you whenever I want, without sneak attacks!"

Xu Hongdou has a generous personality, bright and charming, and a bit boyish. He makes no secret of his love for Li Qingyan, which Li Qingyan appreciates very much.

"Let's get out!"

Li Qingyan said softly, with a bit of questioning in his eyes.


Xu Hongdou understood what Li Qingyan meant. He wanted to announce their relationship to the people in the small courtyard, so she would naturally not object.

"What's going on? Don't you want to rest?"

Damai was stunned, staring at the two hands tightly held together, and asked stupidly.

"Congratulations, I've long felt that you two were going to get together!"

Master Ma was not surprised at all and congratulated with a smile on his face. The first time he met Xu Hongdou, he noticed the difference between Xu Hongdou and Li Qingyan.

"So, are you in love?"

"This is too fast. The relationship was confirmed in the blink of an eye. I wouldn't even dare to write like this in a novel!"

With a look of wonder on her face, Damai came close to Xu Hongdou, staring directly at the two of them, her face full of curiosity. It was obvious that she was curious about what happened between the two of them before and wanted to gather some inspiration.

"Sister Hongdou, please tell me how you determined your relationship. I'm really curious!"

Damai held Xu Hongdou's arm and shook it vigorously, his clear eyes full of exploration.

Xu Hongdou let go of Li Qingyan's hand, scraped the bridge of Damai's nose lovingly, pulled Damai to the side, and murmured in a low voice. From time to time, there were exclamations from the sales, and his eyes were full of admiration.

The news that Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou were in love spread faster than expected. Within half an hour, Xie Zhiyao came in a hurry and shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Old Li, you are really the one who took down the rose like Xu Hongdou so quickly. You did it quickly enough!"

Xie Zhiyao punched Li Qingyan on the chest with full force, with a bit of envy in his eyes. He is now in his thirties and still has not found a confidante, so he is still a little anxious.

"That is, if you don't see who I am, there is no woman I can't win!"

Bragging is always indispensable in chats between men. Li Qingyan raised his head, nostrils downward, and looked down at Xie Zhiyao arrogantly.

Xie Zhiyao looked at Li Qingyan's bragging speechlessly. He wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to speak. After all, he did have a remarkable record, and he, a single man, couldn't compare with him.

"You are indeed very lucky. Over the years, I have seen many excellent women confess their love to you, including some rich, beautiful and strong women. You didn't agree to any of them. I didn't expect that you would suddenly fall in love. It's really surprising!"

"Isn't it normal to fall in love when you meet the right person at the right time?"

Li Qingyan said with a smile, explaining the reason in one simple sentence. Sometimes feelings are so simple.

"Tonight, you and Hongdou go to my house, let's have a drink together and celebrate!"

Xie Zhiyao was truly happy for Li Qingyan and extended the invitation.

"Okay! You can prepare more good wine. We won't get home until we get drunk tonight!"

Li Qingyan readily agreed. Xie Zhiyao was one of his few friends. He and Xu Hongdou had established a relationship. This was a happy event. He also wanted to share his joy with Xie Zhiyao.

In the evening, Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou came to Xie Zhiyuan's house hand in hand. Before they entered, they heard Xie Zhiyuan's roar, teaching Xie Zhiyuan a lesson.

"If you don't go to school, what are you going to do in the future? Think about it!"

"I won't go to school, even if you kill me, I won't go to school. I'll just stay in Yunmiao Village and raise horses!"

Xie Zhiyuan snarled unconvinced, and there was a sound of chasing. The courtyard door opened, and Xie Zhiyuan ran out quickly, followed closely by Xie Zhiyuan, waving a broom in his hand, with an angry look on his face.

Xie Zhiyuan quickly hid behind Li Qingyan and looked at his brother and said.

"If I don't go back, I, Xie Zhiyuan, would rather die here than go back to school!"

Xie Zhiyao's whole body trembled with anger, he waved the broom in his hand and said viciously.

"Xie Zhiyuan, come here. I want to see whether it's your mouth or the broom in your hand that's stronger!"

"I'm not going there, you think I'm stupid!"

Xie Zhiyuan hid behind Li Qingyan, cowardly and arrogant. Although he has a tough mouth, he also understands that he cannot win against a broom, and he will not get out from behind Li Qingyan or Li Qingyan.

"Brother Qingyan, please help me, my brother is going to beat me to death!"

Xie Zhiyuan held on to Li Qingyan's clothes tightly, not daring to let down his guard. He stared at Xie Zhiyao opposite him, and his feet were ready to move at any time.

Xie Zhiyao looked at this scene and laughed angrily. Seeing that the threatening brother would not come out, he had no choice but to use his trump card and threaten.

"Xie Zhiyuan, if you don't come out, I will tell you why you don't want to go to school."

"you dare!"

Xie Zhiyuan's face was full of anxiety, but he was afraid of the broom in Xie Zhiyuan's hand, so he still hid behind Li Qingyan and did not dare to come out.

"Lao Li, actually the reason why this kid doesn't want to go to school is because he pooped his pants during class."

"Ah, Xie Zhiyao, I'll fight for you!"

Xie Zhiyuan rushed out from behind Li Qingyan, roared angrily, and rushed towards Xie Zhiyuan as if he were dead. The two brothers entered the courtyard fighting.

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou smiled at each other and walked in. It was only after Xie Zhiyuan reacted that he quickly broke away from Xie Zhiyao, closed the courtyard door tightly, blocked the door with his body, and said to Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou.

"Brother Qingyan, Sister Hongdou, you are not allowed to tell anyone about what you heard today! Otherwise, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

For a rebellious kid of Xie Zhiyuan's age, face is more important than life. His face turned red, his eyes turned red, and he looked at the two of them seriously.

Obviously, as long as Li Qingyan and Li Qingyan dared to say no, Xie Zhiyuan would have no shame in living.

"Okay, let's not tell anyone. Now you can rest assured!"

"Yes, we will never tell anyone, we swear!"

In order to strengthen her persuasion, Xu Hongdou pointed her finger at the sky and said with a serious face, but there was a smile that could not be hidden in her bright eyes.

"I don't believe it. You will tell me. No one of you can leave my house tonight!"

Xie Zhiyuan was leaning against the door, like a loyal door god. If anyone wanted to leave his house today, they would have to step over his body.

"It's up to you, we're not in a hurry anyway!"

Li Qingyan said nonchalantly, turned to look at Xie Zhiyao and asked.

"Is the meal ready? Let's have a good drink. I'm very curious as to why A Yuan, a kid like this, still poops in his pants when he's so old!"

Xie Zhiyuan had an anxious look on his face, but he didn't dare to let the door open. He could only watch helplessly as Li Qingyan and the others entered the house, tangled up in confusion.

Xie Zhiyao prepared a sumptuous dinner, and also took out the cherry wine made by Xie Nai. The three of them sat down and ignored Xie Zhiyuan who was blocking the door outside. They drank and chatted happily.

I don't know how long it took, Xie Zhiyuan stood in front of the door, watching a few people feasting. The saliva in his mouth began to secrete rapidly, and his throat became dry. The alluring aroma of the food was like a seductive little goblin, teasing him all the time. My little heart made a growling sound in my stomach.

Xu Hongdou couldn't bear it, looked back and said with a smile.

"Ayuan, come over and have something to eat together. Only when you fill your stomach can you have the strength to block the door!"

Xie Zhiyuan was not a perseverant child, and with a bit of a squirm on his face, he walked to the table, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating, not forgetting to threaten him while eating.

"You must not tell anyone what you heard today, or I will kill you!"

"Okay, okay, I got it!"

Li Qingyan said casually, without any sincerity on his face, which made Xie Zhiyuan a little surprised. Even the big meal on the table lost its appeal, and his appetite suddenly disappeared.

"Brother Qingyan, there is no sincerity in what you said!"

"There's nothing you can do. You're just blocking us. Just now, Xiao Hulu and his four children heard it outside. You didn't seem to notice. Maybe by now the whole village knows that you pooped your pants!"

Li Qingyan had a narrow smile on his face. His five senses were sharp and he saw the little heads of the four little gourds at the entrance of the alley, but he deliberately did not remind Xie Zhiyuan.

Hearing this, Xie Zhiyuan stood up suddenly and rushed out, shouting angrily.

"You saw it, why didn't you remind me?"

Xu Hongdou rolled her eyes at Li Qingyan with some complaints, and did not understand what Li Qingyan did.

"The naughty kid should be allowed to improve his memory. Isn't it because of this that he doesn't want to go back to school? Now everyone in Yunmiao Village knows it, and it won't work if he doesn't go back!"

When Xie Zhiyao heard this, he sat down again after standing up to chase his younger brother and said in agreement.

"It's also a good idea to draw out the fire under the cauldron!"

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