I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2425 Li Qingyan: I have medicine, will you take it?

Li Qingyan's words shocked Xu Hongdou's heart. He was like an unfettered cloud, moving with the wind, gathering and dispersing according to his heart, without any restraints. Unlike most people in the world, who were affected by all kinds of things. Things tie up family, career, social life, fame and fortune. Everything is woven into a dense spider web, trapping everyone in it. There is no way to escape. How can people who are burdened with all this relax? Feel free and easy.

Xu Hongdou's expression dimmed a little, and she thought of Chen Nanxing again. He worked hard, diligently, for his parents and for the future. The final result was that he died young, without even having time to express his love to the person he liked. That's it. Gone forever.

Xu Hongdou's thoughts were rolling in her heart, and she was filled with emotions. She also thought about herself. After so many years of hard work, she became the manager of the housekeeping department. She took care of every detail in her work and cared about her customers. If she continued to work, maybe one day, she would be the manager of the housekeeping department. You can achieve the position of deputy director, but what's the use? You don't have personal time and space, and you are busy every day. Even if you keep working, you won't be able to settle down in Shanghai. After all, this is an international metropolis, and the housing prices are astonishing. One square meter The price is enough for me to struggle for several months. Is this kind of life really what I want? What is the meaning of such a life?

"Your steak is ready, please taste it!"

The chef brought up the freshly fried steak and placed it in front of the two of them. The aroma was so fragrant that they couldn't help but salivate and salivate.

Li Qingyan looked at the chef with a smile on his face. The smile on his face made the chef inexplicably nervous. The other party's behavior just now made him understand that the identity of the person in front of him was unusual. Otherwise, he would have felt extremely majestic. , asked quickly without daring to be careless.

"Guest, do you have any more orders?"

Li Qingyan moved his body slightly and put his arms on the dining table, looking casual and casual. There was a smile in his eyes, but it made people dare not relax in any way, and he said with a smile.

“I don’t want to eat steak with a knife and fork today!”

The chef was stunned for a moment when he heard this, his head was full of confusion, and there were circles in his eyes. He didn't understand what Li Qingyan meant, and looked at Li Qingyan blankly, waiting for his next words.

Just as Xu Hongdou was about to enjoy the delicious steak, he also showed a surprised expression when he heard this. He looked up at Li Qingyan opposite. There was a little confusion on his beautiful face, which was a little cute. His big eyes were filled with curiosity. Looking straight at Li Qingyan, she didn't understand what Li Qingyan was going to do.

"Bring me a pair of chopsticks!"



The chef and Xu Hongdou let out a small exclamation at the same time, looking at Li Qingyan in disbelief. He actually chose to eat steak with chopsticks in the most high-end Western restaurant in this five-star hotel. This kind of thing was unheard of.

Xu Hongdou has worked in this hotel for many years and has never seen a person like Li Qingyan. He never cares about other people's eyes and lives such a self-centered and independent life. When he thought that Li Qingyan actually wanted to eat steak with chopsticks, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Suddenly I don't know why I felt very interesting. A smile appeared in the depths of my eyes. After thinking for a while, I actually agreed.

"Give me a pair of chopsticks, too. I'm not used to using knives and forks!"

The chef seemed to have received a double blow. He froze in place and looked at Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou pitifully. As a Western chef, he had never seen anyone eating steak with chopsticks. His dignity Never allow such a thing to happen in front of you.

"Is there a problem?"

A light word passed into the chef's ears, and he felt it again. His whole body froze at first, and then trembled. A perfect smile appeared on his face, kind and brilliant, and he bent slightly and said.

"No problem, no problem!"

"You are free to use whatever utensils your guests want. I will use chopsticks right now!"

The chef turned around and walked back. The smile on his face disappeared in an instant. He looked sad and secretly felt that he was not up to par. He didn't stick to the principles of a Western chef. Li Qingyan's words made him give in. It was simply too much. Strange.

It took the chef nearly three minutes to bring the chopsticks. It was not that he was slow, but that there were no chopsticks in the Western restaurant. Who would have thought that a customer would need to use chopsticks when eating a steak.

Li Qingyan took the chopsticks with satisfaction, picked up the steak, and took a bite. It was juicy, tender and delicious. He was worthy of being a Western food chef in a five-star hotel. His cooking skills were great. Even though his steak was very mature, it still tasted delicious. It's really hard for the other party to maintain such a taste.

Xu Hongdou watched Li Qingyan gorge himself on the meal, abandoning his previous elegance and restraint. A bright smile appeared on his face, and pear dimples appeared at the corners of his mouth. He also picked up the steak with chopsticks and started to bite into it. He felt inexplicable in his heart. I feel relaxed, and the haze buried deep in my heart has dissipated a lot, and I am very relaxed.

After finishing the meal, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon. Li Qingyan said goodbye to Xu Hongdou and did not continue to play with the beauty.

As night falls, the lights in the city have turned on, bright and gorgeous, highlighting the prosperity of the international metropolis.

Xu Hongdou was lying in the bedroom, looking up at the ceiling, and clicked on the voice messages in his hand. One after another, the voice of her best friend Chen Nanxing rang in the room, telling all the regrets of this unfortunate girl, simple and simple, but These simple regrets will never come true again.

Chen Nanxing regretted not having fun in time and not confessing her love to the boy she loved earlier. It was precisely because she suffered so much in life that she persuaded Xu Hongdou in her voice message to see more of the beautiful world for her. Whether it's every scenery or every delicacy, Chen Nanxing hopes that Xu Hongdou can help him experience it, so he has no regrets.

At the end of the last voice message, Xu Hongdou's eyes turned red and her head went blank. She stared blankly at the ceiling, recalling every moment of her past with Chen Nanxing, and then recalled the years she had spent working, being so busy that she had forgotten about life. , forgetting myself, only working, countless thoughts came out, and finally they turned into the figure of a man, extremely handsome, with a bright smile, and said something to himself.

"You don't need to set so many rules in life, and don't care too much about other people's eyes. Living that way is too tiring! Only by occasionally doing some behavior that breaks the rules in the eyes of others can you be a better yourself and live a better life. easy!"

Xu Hongdou suddenly sat up from the bed, her graceful and voluptuous figure could be seen at a glance, her waist was thin and slender, and upwards she had a pair of plump and rounded collarbones, her collarbones were prominent, her swan neck was white and slender, her facial features were exquisite, flawless, a peerless beauty, and her face was beautiful A trace of determination flashed on his cheeks, his brows relaxed, and a touch of relaxation appeared in the depths of his eyes. A pleasant voice sounded in the bedroom, not loud but extremely serious.

"I should stop and change my lifestyle!"

"I want to take Nan Xing's regrets with her and see the scenery that I have never seen before, try a life that I have never experienced before, have a sweet love, enjoy my life, and live in this world in vain. Come again!"

South of Caiyun, Shaxi Ancient Town is a windy place, a paradise, picturesque scenery, outstanding people, and full of a quiet and leisurely atmosphere.

Li Qingyan got out of the taxi, pulled his suitcase, and strolled along the paths of Yunmiao Village. He walked across the arched stone bridge and breathed in the fresh air. He felt particularly relaxed. The entire town had a small population. Most of the young people have gone out to work, and the elderly and children are the main people living here.

Li Qingyan glanced at the navigation on his phone, put it away, and walked towards his destination.

Li Qingyan turned left and right and passed through countless alleys. Before he could walk out, he heard a quarrel.

"Are you kid going to piss me off?"

"If you don't work in a good big city, what are you going to do back in the village?"

"He helps every family who is in trouble. Are you so rich?"

The voice was full of anger, and Li Qingyan could already imagine how angry the owner of the voice was when he heard the voice before seeing the person, and his pace quickened a bit.

“There’s something fun to watch!”

Li Qingyan's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked out of the alley with his suitcase in hand. A group of people gathered around, all looking at the two people in the middle with great concentration.

Li Qingyan came up and squeezed forward, looking inside with excitement on his face. It is the nature of Chinese people to watch the excitement.

A man in his fifties had a bit of anger on his face, staring at a young man not far in front of him, and said angrily.

"If you dare to use money to buy that closing workshop again today, I will die!"

The man threatened his son with a very firm look on his face, demonstrating his determination.

This young man is over 1.8 meters tall, with fine features and handsome features. He has a somewhat capable aura about him, resembling a white-collar elite from a metropolitan area. He is wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and has a look of helplessness on his face. He smiles bitterly at the threatening person. Father, sighing, said.

"Abba, please stop fooling around!"

"This has happened so many times, and every time you have to live or die, and every time it doesn't end hastily!"

"Everyone in the village is watching. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed if you make such a fuss?"

The young man glanced at the crowd of melon eaters around him. They were all elders and acquaintances in the village. They were not afraid of embarrassment. This kind of thing had happened many times. At first, everyone was worried about whether the other party would really commit suicide, but then they stopped. I'm used to it, so I don't take it seriously. I just watch the excitement and don't try to persuade him anymore.

The father hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, and glanced at everyone. They were all acquaintances, and no one knew who. He was relieved and unwilling to stop. Today, he had to make his disobedient son give up his thankless behavior.

"I'm not afraid of embarrassment. If you dare to continue doing loss-making business today and be taken advantage of, I will kill you!"

After that, the father looked around, trying to find something that could be used to commit suicide and strengthen the threat of his words. However, the surrounding area was empty except for an ancient tree. He suddenly had an idea and continued to speak to his son.

"If you don't listen to me and go back to Shanghai to continue working, I will crash my head under this tree and die!"

As the father spoke, he bent down, his head facing the direction of the ancient tree, and his eyes staring at his son, as if if he dared to say no, he would rush forward and hit the tree directly and die.

"Abba, hitting a tree is very painful and your head is blown. Can you really bear it?"

"Besides, it would be fine if you were hit to death in one fell swoop. If you are hit half dead and can only collapse on the bed in the future, then you will suffer!"

"You should think it through before making a decision. I will never stop you. Anyway, I have control over the embroidery workshop!"

The son is well aware of his father's nature. Every time there is thunder and rain, no matter how many times he makes trouble, he will never hit a tree without thinking.

The people watching around also had faint smiles on their faces. They were used to this kind of scene. Lao Xie just talked about it and never ended hastily, so he didn't stop it and just watched quietly. .

The father was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. Seeing that no one was stopping him, there was a bit of trouble in his eyes. He didn't want to die, he just wanted to scare his son.

At this moment, Li Qingyan put down his suitcase, walked up to Lao Xie, and stopped him with a smile on his face.

"Uncle, your son is right. Hitting a tree is very painful. I think you should find another way to die!"

Lao Xie looked at Li Qingyan walking out of the crowd, his eyes lit up, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally got down the stairs. He pretended to be embarrassed on his face, glanced around, and sighed.

"There is only this ancient tree here, and there is nothing else we can use?!"

Lao Xie has stepped down for himself. Without other means of suicide, he doesn't have to die.

"Hey, that's all, it seems there's nothing I can do!"

Lao Xie had a look of helplessness on his face. He was about to give up as soon as he moved his steps. This fun was about to end.

"Uncle, I have a bottle of sleeping pills here. Can you take it? It will definitely not hurt as much as hitting a tree!"

After that, Li Qingyan took out a bottle of medicine with English written on it from his pocket and handed it to Lao Xie's eyes with great enthusiasm, showing a very warm-hearted look.

Lao Xie's eyes widened and he looked at Li Qingyan, who was smiling in disbelief. He felt extremely broken in his heart.

"I don't really want to commit suicide. Are you taking it so seriously? You even took out sleeping pills!"

"I was just pretending, but you took it seriously. Isn't this what people say it's not too big a deal to watch the excitement?"

Lao Xie couldn't help but take a step back, with obvious resistance on his face, and waved his hands repeatedly in refusal.

"Forget it, forget it, I thought about it, it's just a small matter, there is no need to make it a matter of life and death!"

When Lao Xie said this, he looked at his son Xie Zhiyao not far away from the opposite side, with helplessness on his face, his old face bunched up, and he said reluctantly.

"I don't care what you want to do this time. I'm leaving first. Your brother will stay here!"

After that, Lao Xie walked away without going back to the village. He walked directly outside without wanting to stay for a moment. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Li Qingyan, with a bit of sadness. He was embarrassed this time. How could a young man be so arrogant at this age? He just said it casually and he actually handed over the medicine bottle, making it difficult for him to get off the stage.

Seeing his father running away, Xie Zhiyao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that his father was just making a fuss, it still gave him a headache. Now it's better. After being forced by Li Qingyan, he left directly. It helped him a lot.

"This young man was quite stunned. He actually gave Lao Xie the medicine. This scared Lao Xie. I wonder if there will be any excitement in the future?"

"Indeed, this young man is so handsome, how can he be so stupid that he actually obeyed Lao Xie's words and handed him sleeping pills? If Lao Xie really takes it, isn't he afraid that he will get into big trouble?"

The villagers who were watching were talking a lot, and the subject of the discussion suddenly became Li Qingyan. They had never seen such a arrogant young man before. It was just for fun, but you actually took it seriously. It scared Lao Xie and he ran away. What a long time to live. See.

Li Qingyan naturally heard the comments from the people around him and didn't take it seriously. He opened the medicine bottle, poured out two pills and threw them into his mouth. Everyone was stunned and stopped them one after another.

"Young man, don't let your imagination run wild!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Save people!"

Xie Zhiyao looked at Li Qingyan's actions with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He quickly waved his hands and said to the people in the village.

"Don't be nervous, that's not a sleeping pill, it's a vitamin. It's not dangerous!"

Everyone stopped and looked at Li Qingyan suspiciously, then looked at Xie Zhiyao, and still asked worriedly.

"Ayao, are you sure he took vitamins and not sleeping pills?"

Xie Zhiyao nodded with a wry smile, walked up to Li Qingyan, punched Li Qingyan hard on the chest, and said with a complaining tone.

"You are really good at it. You made this happen as soon as you came here, scaring everyone so much that they couldn't have any peace!"

After saying that, Xie Zhiyao looked at the elders with a hint of apology and explained.

"Uncle, this is my friend Li Qingyan. I invite him to come to our village to have fun!"

"He likes to joke around. He was just joking just now. Don't worry!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and watched the fun. If something really happened, they, the melon-eaters, couldn't just sit idly by.

"Since you are a guest, Ayao, please treat him well and let's break up!"

The speaker was an old man in his 60s or 70s, who had high prestige in the village. As soon as he spoke, everyone moved and went back to their homes, and the crowd dispersed instantly.

Li Qingyan put away the vitamins in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, raised his hand and punched Xie Zhiyao on the chest, making a dull sound. Li Qingyan used his strength to hit Xie Zhiyao. Zhiyao couldn't help but take a step back, and the facial features on his face were instantly distorted.

"Holy shit, you're so cruel!"

Xie Zhiyao quickly rubbed the painful area, complaining with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face.

"I just saved you from the siege. If I hadn't taken out the vitamins, your dad would have continued to make trouble. You're just not grateful. Are you still not convinced?"

Li Qingyan and Xie Zhiyao were friends. They were friends when they worked in a financial institution, but they were not in the same department. Xie Zhiyao was in the investment department and was engaged in finance. Later, Li Qingyan and Xie Zhiyao resigned one after another. But still keep in touch.

This time Li Qingyan came to Caiyunzhinan, he was also invited by Xie Zhiyao to stay here for a while and experience the local customs.

"Okay, okay! I understand. I will support you tonight and take you to taste our local specialties!"

"Let's go, I've arranged a place for you and reserved a room for you at Youfeng Inn!"

"You have invested in Youfeng Inn, and you haven't even been there yet!"

Xie Zhiyao took Li Qingyan's suitcase and led the way, with a smile on his face.

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