I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2423 Meeting again, urging the boss to go to work


A harsh brake sound sounded, and Li Qingyan felt a strong force on his back. His head hit the back of the front seat involuntarily. He stretched out his hands to grab the front seat and controlled Body.

"Master, are you crazy?"

"The sudden brakes shocked me!"

Li Qingyan stared at the driver in the driver's seat with an unkind expression, his eyes widened, and his clear and pleasant voice contained a bit of complaint and surprise. It would be very dangerous to stop suddenly like this.

The driver stepped on the brakes firmly, with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face. He looked back at Li Qingyan and said speechlessly.

"Who made you suddenly change your attitude? Just now you had the same point of view as me, saying that daughters should be more controlled and don't let girls suffer!"

"Just when it came to the black silk stockings, you changed your tune and directly advised me not to meddle in my own business!"

"It's because of young people like you that I'm so worried. At a young age, if you don't study well all the time, you only know how to look at black stockings!"

The driver's eyes were full of contempt when he looked at Li Qingyan, and his face was extremely ugly, with a bit of anger, as if her daughter was rebellious and disobedient, and it was all because of Li Qingyan.

Every man is a daughter-controller. He looks at all other men with vigilance, thinking that the other men have bad intentions and are all scumbags who lied to their own daughters.

Li Qingyan smiled bitterly, looked at his angry father in front of him, reached out and lightly slapped his mouth, and apologized quickly.

"Okay! Master, it's all my fault. I'm a conditioned reflex and don't speak through my brain!"

"But, master, don't you usually watch videos and watch those young and beautiful ladies wearing black stockings?"

The driver's face turned red. Men are still young and have the same hobbies. How could they not watch those young and beautiful girls on the video platform, especially those with black stockings, which are definitely liked by all men. The driver guiltily avoided Li Qingyan's gaze, smiled awkwardly, and then retorted.

"I watched those videos with a critical eye, which is different from you!"

After the driver said this, he turned his head away, not daring to look at Li Qingyan. He started the car again, and other vehicles' horns sounded behind him.

Li Qingyan chuckled, with a hint of smile in his eyes, nodded in agreement, and echoed.

"It's the same. I am also looking at it with a critical eye. I have absolutely no other thoughts. We are all gay!"

The driver was silent. He didn't know what to say at this time. Just now he was complaining about his daughter wearing black stockings, and then Li Qingyan exposed his true face. How could he have the dignity to criticize his daughter.

Li Qingyan also knew what the driver was thinking and didn't dare to provoke him anymore. He was still sitting in the car and couldn't make fun of his own life. He changed the topic and avoided the matter.

"Master, let's not talk about this. What do you think of the large-scale demonstrations that have broken out in the United States today?"

The topic suddenly rose to a certain level, which made people feel shocked. The driver was also a battle-hardened and experienced man. He always changed the topic like this at first sight, and then the topic of Li Qingyan started to be discussed.

During the next trip, Li Qingyan and the driver had an in-depth discussion on the situation, economy, society and security of various countries in the world. The process was full of insights and high-minded speeches. The issues of world peace and development were clearly stated in their mouths. , those who didn’t know better thought that the two were senior United Nations officials studying the current tense situation in the world.

About half an hour later, the car stopped in an alley. Li Qingyan paid the fare, got out of the car, and reluctantly said goodbye to the driver. It was obvious that the two of them had a very happy conversation, but he didn't know it later. Why did they go astray again and return to the issue of black silk stockings? The two exchanged and discussed some of the anchor ladies they had seen with serious problems, and made severe criticisms on the current social climate.

Li Qingyan walked leisurely in the alley with flip-flops on his feet and came to a breakfast shop. The shop was not open. In front of the shop stood a slim woman with thick long hair and black hair. Beautiful and smooth, with her back to Li Qingyan, she stared at the store blankly, not noticing Li Qingyan behind her.

"Why didn't Lao Mo open the door? Is it ridiculous for a breakfast shop not to open in the morning?"

Li Qingyan had dissatisfaction on his handsome face. He was very familiar with the shop owner. When he was in school, he often came here to eat. He knew the boss's character, he was very lazy and willful. He often didn't open the door in the morning and started work after missing meals.

Li Qingyan's voice woke up the woman in front of her. Her body slowly turned, and a pretty and beautiful face came into Li Qingyan's eyes. There was a bit of sadness in her jade face, and her big watery eyes were full of sadness. Tears were shining. The woman saw Li Qingyan's surprised expression and quickly raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. She did not want to show her sadness in front of others.

"It's you!"

"Were you okay last time?!"

Li Qingyan recognized this woman who was 89% similar to Liu Qianqian, and looked at her slightly pale face. Although she looked better than that day, she was obviously still depressed and had not gotten over her sadness.

Xu Hongdou was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party actually knew her. Thoughts flashed in his big bright and clear eyes. He frowned slightly and looked at Li Qingyan carefully. He wanted to recall when he had met this handsome guy in front of him.

"Hey, handsome guy, is he the one from that night?"

Xu Hongdou was in a daze that day. He only vaguely remembered that he was rescued by a handsome guy, but did not remember Li Qingyan's appearance in detail.

"Are you the guest who saved me in the hotel three days ago?"

Xu Hongdou had a somewhat uncertain look on his face, blinked his big eyes twice, and asked carefully for confirmation.

"That's right!"

"You almost fell down that day. You were obviously overworked and in a daze!"

Li Qingyan nodded. Looking at the appearance of the woman in front of him, he always unconsciously had the illusion that she was Liu Qianqian. The two looked so similar, like twin sisters. The only difference was the appearance in front of him. The woman is more mature, around thirty years old, and has a more independent personality. She has the strength and ability of a working woman, which is a side that Liu Qianqian does not have.

"Thank you so much for your help that day. I'm fine now. The hotel gave me a week's leave to let me recuperate!"

Xu Hongdou had a look of gratitude on his face, bent his back slightly forward, and expressed his gratitude to Li Qingyan.

"It's okay, it's time for you to take a good rest!"

Li Qingyan glanced at Xu Hongdou's big red eyes, and didn't ask her why she was sad. He just turned to look at the breakfast shop and said with a smile.

"Do you also like to eat their meat dragon?"

The signature of this breakfast shop is meat dragon, which is a traditional snack in Tianjin and is also popular in places near the capital, also known as lazy dragon. The risen dough is rolled into a cake, then a layer of meat filling is evenly spread on it, rolled up and steamed in a pot. It can be eaten with porridge and other food. It is extremely rare in Shanghai and the only one like this.

The sadness deep in Xu Hongdou's eyes became more intense, and she nodded hesitantly. The meat dragon in this breakfast restaurant was her best friend Chen Nanxing's favorite food. She had accompanied Chen Nanxing there many times, but now he is gone. , she could only come alone, hoping to find some memories of the past, but unfortunately the breakfast shop was not open, so her idea was in vain.

"I've eaten it many times. I don't know why today, but I really wanted to eat this meat dragon. I got emotional for a moment and made you laugh!"

Xu Hongdou naturally noticed Li Qingyan's strange gaze, explained a few words, turned around and walked away.

"Hey, if you really want to eat and have time, you can wait a little longer!"

Li Qingyan stretched out his hand to stop him and suddenly said to Xu Hongdou.

"I have my boss's phone number. He often won't open the door willfully, and I will call him to urge him!"

Xu Hongdou's face showed a bit of astonishment, but she still stopped and looked at Li Qingyan quietly. It was obvious that she was willing to wait.

Li Qingyan took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. After a few rings, the voice of a man in his forties came out of the phone, a bit rough, asking loudly.

"Who is disturbing your dreams so early in the morning?!"

Li Qingyan spoke very calmly, and a burst of output came to the opposite side. His speech was very fast, like a thunderstorm, densely packed, leaving no time for reaction.

"Old Mo, you are lazy again, why am I waiting in front of your store?"

"You're a breakfast shop that doesn't open in the morning. Do you no longer want to work?"

"Has your son's tuition been enough? Has he bought a house? Since he is closed every day, when will he be able to make money?"

Li Qingyan hated the iron-clad scolding, and his words were like sharp swords piercing the heart of the person opposite him. He was speechless for a moment and fell silent.

After a long time, Lao Mo's voice sounded again on the phone, saying with a somewhat disgusting tone.

"Li Qingyan, it's your kid. Your kid has returned to Shanghai again? Can you stop calling me all the time to urge me to open the door?"

"I opened this breakfast shop just for freedom. I can work when I want to and take a rest if I don't. When you were in school, you would urge me to open the door every now and then. You were even more tired than I was when I was at work. I'm really impressed by you, you idiot. !”

"I finally waited for your kid to graduate and leave Shanghai. After two years of peaceful life, you actually came back!"

There was a lot of resentment in Lao Mo's words. It was obvious that he had a lot of opinions about Li Qingyan and was tortured by him. Lao Mo was also a white-collar worker in the workplace. He had a job that was neither black nor white. One day, he had enough and resolutely resigned. I opened a breakfast shop. I never thought about making a lot of money from this small shop, so I often opened the door at noon. Unexpectedly, I met Li Qingyan, the sixth man, who liked their meat dragon very much. I called him every now and then to urge him to open the door. The torture gave him a headache.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and open the door. I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm just waiting for this bite from you!"

Li Qingyan and Lao Mo were considered friends, and they were extremely rude in their words. Before Lao Mo could complain a few more words, he hung up the phone without giving the other party a chance to refuse.

Xu Hongdou looked at Li Qingyan blankly. She didn't expect that he and his boss had such a connection. A picture emerged in his mind involuntarily. A rich and wealthy breakfast shop owner with a sleepy look on his face and a full belly. Complaining and complaining, reluctantly cooking the meat dragon, Li Qingyan sat at the table and enjoyed the delicious food like a wealthy landlord.


Xu Hongdou couldn't help laughing, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, looking at Li Qingyan with some embarrassment.

"You have a beautiful smile, you should smile more!"

"There will always be unhappy things in life, but they will all pass!"

Li Qingyan had a warm smile on his face, his eyes were so piercing that people dared not look directly at him, and he spoke softly.

Xu Hongdou's face froze, but she felt a little more relaxed in her heart. It was obvious that the smile just now made her let out some of her depression and diluted a trace of sadness.

"Thanks for caring!"

"My name is Xu Hongdou!"

Xu Hongdou didn't want to talk about this matter, but suddenly remembered that she hadn't reported her family status yet, and said quickly.

"Li Qingyan!"

Li Qingyan also said his name and extended his right hand to Xu Hongdou.

Seeing this, Xu Hongdou did not refuse. He stretched out his right hand very generously, gently shook Li Qingyan's slender palm, and then let go. From the beginning to the end, Li Qingyan never held Xu Hongdou's palm. He looked very gentlemanly, which made Xu Hongdou feel more fond of him.

As the housekeeping manager of a five-star hotel, Xu Hongdou has seen all kinds of beautiful guests. There are also some rude people who deliberately shake hands to take advantage. Although she handles them very safely, it also makes her feel uncomfortable. Men are more wary and rarely take the initiative to shake hands with others.

"I just heard it. The boss just called your name, but it was very loud!"

Xu Hongdou pointed to the mobile phone in Li Qingyan's left hand, and a smile appeared on his face. In a flash, Lao Mo's voice was very loud. Even if Li Qingyan did not broadcast the sound, Xu Hongdou could still hear it clearly.

"Ahem! I was young and ignorant at that time, so I often called Lao Mo to urge him to open the door so that he had no time to be lazy, so I was inevitably a little resentful, which is understandable!"

Li Qingyan's face turned red, and he felt a little hot on his face. After all, what he did was indeed unreasonable, and Lao Mo almost blackmailed him in the first place.

"Well, it's understandable. You also have good intentions and let him work harder. After all, if you want to buy a house in Shanghai, you need a lot of money!"

Xu Hongdou nodded in understanding and agreed with Li Qingyan seriously, but secretly felt sympathy for Lao Mo in his heart. For a boss who didn't want to open the door, being urged to open a store every day was simply a kind of torture.

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou just chatted for a few words and then fell into silence. The atmosphere gradually became awkward. After all, the two were not familiar with each other. They had only met twice now. How could there be so many topics to talk about? chat.

What's more, Xu Hongdou was in a bad mood and was still immersed in the sadness of the death of her best friend. She didn't come out. She was in a low mood and didn't want to talk.

The time passed by in an awkward atmosphere. Just when Li Qingyan was feeling a little anxious and considering whether it was time to leave, a tall figure appeared, more than 1.8 meters tall, with a Chinese character face and piercing eyes. Looking a little sleepy, with a reluctant look on his face, he arrived in front of Li Qingyan in a slow and unhurried pace, and started to complain.

"I'm really impressed by you, you idiot. If you don't want to travel across the country, why are you going back to Shanghai?"

Although Lao Mo kept complaining, he moved his hands cleanly and neatly. He took out the key and opened the door of the store, walked in, and without even exchanging greetings, he went straight to the kitchen. After a while, he heard that The sound of jingling bells came and I got busy.

Li Qingyan chose a seat against the wall, sat down, waved to Xu Hongdou, who was a little hesitant, and said warmly.

"We are destined to meet each other, and we have introduced each other, so we are considered friends!"

"If you don't mind, let's share a table and have a meal together. It should be more lively!"

Xu Hongdou nodded and did not refuse Li Qingyan's invitation. He walked over and sat opposite Li Qingyan. Their eyes met and their eyes collided. Xu Hongdou looked away in a panic and unconsciously used his hands. I smoothed the messy hair in front of my eyes to resolve the embarrassment.

Li Qingyan's eyes were calm, he smiled, and he didn't care. He moved his eyes towards the kitchen and said to Xu Hongdou.

"You should have eaten Lao Mo's meat dragon. His craftsmanship is good and he uses the best ingredients. He selects free-range pork. The meat is tender and firm. He pays attention to the workmanship and controls the heat well. So Even around Jinmen, there are very few people who can make such a delicious meat dragon!"

"It is precisely because of this kind of craftsmanship that even if Lao Mo fished for three days and dried nets for two days, the business in the shop was still very prosperous. It was full of customers at noon, just for this one bite!"

While Li Qingyan was talking, several guests walked in, with a bit of surprise on their faces, and spoke to their companions.

"It's strange that the boss actually opens the door so early. The sun is really shining in the west!"

"Isn't that right? A few years ago, the boss would sometimes open the door in the morning. But then for some unknown reason, he would never open the door until lunch time!"

"If it weren't for his good business, a breakfast shop would have gone bankrupt long ago if it didn't open in the morning!"

"Isn't that right? Who does this kind of business in a breakfast shop? If it weren't for the fact that the meat dragon he makes is truly outstanding, I wouldn't have come here long ago!"

"Put it down. Don't you like to eat their dragon meat the most? You come here at least three times a week. If the boss really goes out of business, you may be the first to refuse!"

"Hey, you understand me. I'm just a little resentful. Whose breakfast shop only opens at noon? The boss is too willful and doesn't even care about the opinions of us regular customers. He's so unmotivated!"

Xu Hongdou listened to the conversations among the customers who were walking into the store one after another, with a bit of surprise on her pretty face. Although she had been here many times before, she always came with Chen Nanxing. She was busy with work on weekdays. I never noticed that the owner of this small shop had such a personality.

But such a unique boss was actually urged to open a store by a phone call from Li Qingyan. Although he was reluctant and said he didn't want to, his body was honest and busy. It seems that the boss and Li Qingyan The relationship with Kiyohiko was better than she thought, and they should be old friends.

Li Qingyan also felt Xu Hongdou's surprise, chuckled slightly, picked up a glass of water, took a sip, his eyes were clear and bright, his eyes were warm and bright, and he said very gently.

"At first, I did a little favor for Lao Mo, but later we became friends, so he gave me some face and opened the door early in the morning!"

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