I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2410 The most expensive opera singer, the shocking

The princess restrained her grief and led the knights to attack again. Just when they were about to win, the sound of wind imitating musical instruments sounded, and a huge monster descended on the stage.

It has a lizard-like head, a strong body, the whole body is covered with transparent scales, and the same beautiful transparent wings spread out on its back. Under the light, they all shine with a cool and dreamy brilliance. It exuded unimaginable majesty, causing all the opera singers to collapse to the ground and sing intermittently, just like a real scene.

"Really, a real dragon?"

The eyes of the nobles in the theater almost popped out. Banus, Ali and others in the square opened their mouths wide and forgot to close them. Are they also opera singers?

This giant dragon wore different gemstone rings on its ten fingers and toes, a crown on its head, and a cloak made of gold. It looked like it had just robbed a treasure house.

"Hand over your treasure!"

It said this sentence in a singing tone, with a greedy look on its face. This was not a performance at all, but the true nature of the dragon clan.

In the box, Ivan Vincent glanced at the surprised people and said with a smile.

"I spent a lot of money to have the crystal dragon Aphris appear. He is the most expensive opera singer in history!"

"My most precious treasure is my courage and knighthood. No one can take it away. Abominable dragon, kill me or be killed by me. There is no third option!"

When the princess was singing, the unaffected band was also playing. The tense, restless, urgent, and tragic melody made everyone really feel the same!

The singer and opera singer who played the princess stared at the dragon in front of her with her heart beating wildly. Since she had rehearsed long ago and Xiao Jingzhu deliberately restrained her dragon's power so that she would not be affected, she could barely control her body. Kazuo's voice did not tremble and he continued to sing his lyrics. And this subconscious fear caused her hormones to secrete, making her feel that she had played her best ever, and the simultaneous trembling of the nobles below proved her feeling. In the same way, the band was not affected by Long Wei, so they could continue to play.

Listening to the princess's tragic and soaring aria that made people's bodies tremble, Banus, Ali and others shuddered and completely recovered from the influence of the dragon.

"You actually hired a giant dragon to play the role of a money-grubbing evil dragon?"

Banus felt that there was something wrong with what he said, but the hormones secreted in extreme fear made him excited and excited, making it difficult to think calmly.

Ali put aside his inner worries and looked at the crystal dragon attentively. After all, the opportunity to actually see a giant dragon was very rare. The last time Her Majesty the Queen got married, the scene of Her Majesty Ivan Vincent riding a giant dragon was captured by everyone. Bards sung the legend, and they all claimed to have witnessed the event live, thereby enjoying the admiration of everyone and enhancing the credibility of the story.

"The Kingdom and the Magic Council were able to turn a dragon into an opera singer!"

Amidst the exclamations, the crystal dragon Afris on the stage responded to the princess's challenge. It leaned back, raised its two paws in front, beat its chest continuously, and let out an angry roar.


Wow! All the spectators below the advanced level were once again frightened to take a step back by the dragon's majestic emanation and terrifying roar.


Banus clenched his fists and said loudly, but the excitement in his voice was more than the fear.

"So scary, so scary!"

The noble ladies all patted their chests, looking frightened, but their eyes were fixed on the stage, with unprecedented excitement in their eyes, mixed with a touch of fear.

Around all the live broadcasts, most of the audience had similar expressions. Such an opera was simply unheard of and unheard of. It was so exciting, so exciting, and so good to listen to!

"The princess is so powerful. She was not intimidated when she stood in front of the dragon. Look at the people around her."

"The princess is a Valkyrie!"

Banus stared at the curtain intently, thoroughly understanding the meaning of the Valkyrie.

In the box, Natasha looked at Ivan Vincent in confusion and asked in confusion.

"Why are the movements and roars of Little Crystal a bit weird? What were your thoughts when you designed it?"

Lucien was the owner of the little crystal, and he glanced at Ivan Vincent speechlessly. How could he make the little crystal do this kind of action and make such a roar? It was a dragon, not something else, but this little guy still Very suitable for such a performance.

"I designed several sets of movements and roars, but Little Crystal chose this set by herself. It felt that it best showed its majesty."

Ivan Vincent had an innocent expression on his face and rubbed his smooth chin with his fingers, looking a little cunning.

Natasha raised her eyebrows, rubbed her chin like Ivan Vincent, and guessed thoughtfully.

"From your laughter, I seem to understand that the other sets of movements and roars must be even more unbearable. In comparison, Little Crystal naturally feels that this set is great."

Natasha knew Ivan Vincent's bad character very well and guessed the truth of the matter. Ivan Vincent said indifferently.

"The result of the choice only depends on the design of the option. Hey, isn't this bad? Isn't it suitable for little crystals?"


Natasha sometimes has quite a bad personality. She laughs and agrees with her. Even Lucien, the owner of the little crystal, is the same as her. He keeps nodding. No wonder they can become good friends.

On the stage, the final battle is about to begin. The princess's knights have recovered from the dragon's power and are surrounding her again, ready to charge with her. The princess opened her throat softly with a firm expression, and a sweet and touching song, accompanied by the band, directly hit everyone's heart.

Most people will always recall all the good things in the past before doing something that is important to them. And when in danger or at the moment of death, what they can recall are definitely the best and most impressive moments in life. In the picture, the princess obviously thought of the prince before charging, and remembered the sweet and painful love.

As she sang, most people who had had emotional experiences or longed for emotional experiences were immersed in this song. Ali looked at the curtain with blurred eyes, imagining the woman in his heart, imagining the insurmountable relationship between the two. The gap, for a moment, he felt both sweet and desolate.

One song ends with another, this time it is a chorus of knights, the tune is warm and meaningful, as if it is a reappearance of the beautiful life with their family, which gradually fills them with the will to protect, and also allows the audience to understand the meaning of protection.

Finally, the princess sang loudly again, breaking the warmth. The tragic and tragic melody brewed with passion and forge ahead, expressing the determination to either die in battle or kill the dragon. In front of you is a real dragon, beside you are the princess and the knights fighting to protect their homeland. In your ears is the melody played by the band that perfectly harmonizes with the atmosphere. Most of the audience has the anger of the same enemy and has a face. For the courage of the giant, I have the tragic and sacred feeling of sacrificing to protect my relatives and loved ones.

This feeling moved them themselves and made Ali clenched his fists. If you are not even afraid of death, then what else is there to be afraid of? No matter how far the distance is, it will be completed one day, as long as you take the first step!


The horn of the charge sounded, and the melody suddenly became fierce and urgent, which made the nobles and ordinary people who had not inspired the blood power grasp anything around them that could be grasped, making everyone feel the bravery, determination and surging power of a real charge.

This kind of music makes them unforgettable forever. The melody of charge always echoes in their hearts. In every scene before, they can find more classic music than the previous scene, but now, they truly understand that "Charge" is this The core and most classic part of opera!

A fierce battle began, and with the sound of charging horns, knights fell one by one, and there were fewer and fewer people around the princess. In the end, the princess stabbed the dragon in the heart at the cost of an arm. Little Crystal clutched her abdomen in pain, fell to the ground and rolled over, causing the stage to creak.

The princess knelt on one knee with her long sword on the ground. She looked around and found that all her companions had fallen to the ground and lost their breath. The melody changes again, sad and heroic, desolate and mournful. The princess raised her head slightly and opened her mouth, as if a song burst out from the depths of her soul.

"Heroes never die"

"It will only slowly fade away in people's memories."

Banus shuddered and felt the trembling from his soul to his body. The ethereal and sad but firm and tragic melody directly hit his soul. He couldn't describe this feeling. He only knew that the song shocked him deeply, making him forget everything around him and completely fall into the world shaped by the song.

"Bury my bones, don't erect a tombstone"

"These fertile plains and bustling cities are our best tombstones!"

Drops of crystal tears gathered in the corners of most of the audience's eyes and slipped quietly. The princess drew her sword and walked back with difficulty, leaving only a firm and straight back, and the curtain slowly fell.

"This is the best opera I have ever heard, and nothing could be more beautiful!"

"Ivan, thank you for your gift!"

Natasha blinked her eyes and recalled what happened in the Dark Mountains. At that time, she was already in a desperate situation and her guardian knight fell from the sky. It was also from that time that she had a different feeling towards the person in front of her. , gradually changed his love orientation.

At this time, most of the audience really woke up. Fierce and enthusiastic applause erupted in the Kingdom Theater. Thunderous applause also erupted in the squares of the cities in the Kingdom of Holm. The other three countries in the Strait and the Northland coastal corridor Major cities also had volcanic eruptions of applause.

People were still immersed in the singing that seemed to burst out from the depths of their souls. There was silence all around. Even the ignorant children held by their parents did not make any noise due to the infection of this atmosphere. The whole square seemed to have entered a cage of time. inside.

Such a feeling that makes their souls tremble is something they have never experienced before. In operas in the past, music was music and plot was plot. Not only were the two difficult to complement and promote each other, but they were also disconnected from each other. Therefore, even if there were once in the history of opera After playing some extremely classic arias, most listeners are unable to resonate deeply with the music due to their own emotional inadequacy or disconnection. Naturally, it is difficult to have this wonderful feeling of being moved by the soul.

In this "Valkyrie", the plot is laid out step by step, the complete symphony-like melody is fully rendered, and the harmonious cooperation between the two is definitely more than a one plus one effect, allowing the audience to fully integrate their emotions. The stories are integrated into the music, rising and falling with their ups and downs, sadness and joy. Therefore, when "Charge" was played, they seemed to be on that battlefield themselves, also following the princess in the charge. Therefore, when "Hero's Tombstone" was sung from the princess's mouth, they could truly experience that feeling. Tragedy, sadness, yearning, firmness and emptiness that penetrate deeply into the soul can make one’s scalp tingle and tremble with emotion from the depths of the soul.

"Heroes never die"

"It will only slowly fade away in people's memories."

A girl couldn't control herself and sang the last aria in a low voice. Although she didn't have the ethereal voice of the singer who played the princess, nor did she have such high coloratura, she was even trying to learn it now because it was too difficult. There was an out-of-tune sound, but she sang with so much heart and affection, as if she had witnessed her comrades and friends fall beside her one by one for some noble purpose, and felt the same.

This inaudible and ethereal singing broke the silence of the square and caused a series of reactions. Banus, Ali and others opened their mouths and started humming along.

"Bury my bones, don't erect a tombstone"

"These fertile plains and bustling cities are our best tombstones!"

The song lingered in Baron Beqig Square, over and over again, as if the hero's soul was looking at his beloved home and reluctant to leave!

In the Holy City of Reims, in the Pope's study.

“Live stream of Rentat Festival?”

Benedict IV looked at the cardinal opposite and repeated the news he reported. Apparently, he couldn't understand that this level of information could be sent to him. If he could handle such a pea-sized matter personally, So what do you need so many cardinals for?

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the cardinal's forehead. He seemed to sense Benedict IV's displeasure, and he actually missed a key sentence because of his nervousness.

"His Majesty the Pope, this live broadcast is not a live broadcast in the municipal square like the Aalto Music Festival, but a live broadcast in the entire four Straits countries and some cities along the Northland coastal corridor. This has brought millions of people to watch the Rentate Music Festival. count."

"Ultra-long-distance image transmission with the help of artificial planets?"

Benedict IV naturally understood that the live broadcast the Cardinal was talking about was not just a sound broadcast, so he, who knew a lot about arcana, immediately thought of artificial planets. At present, only they can afford similar needs, unless the Magic Council Determined to go bankrupt, sound and image transmission arrays are deployed everywhere, just like the church did in the past.

The cardinal lowered his head, hunched his body, and said in awe.

"Yes, according to the information from the Night Watch, the Magic Council did use the artificial planet as a transit station."

Benedict IV's face became serious, he took the urgent information from the cardinal's hand and began to read it carefully.

"His Majesty the Pope, although the magic circle used in this live broadcast is not a permanent type, nor is it an alchemical item. It will lose its effect after being used a few times, but this method will definitely be gradually determined by the Magic Council, and this will cause problems in the four countries of the Straits and the North. The wavering of believers in the local coastal corridor will not be conducive to our future counterattack."

The cardinal was worried about the future development of the church and boldly talked about his understanding of the matter.

Benedict IV put down the information, with an expression on his face as deep as the sea, making it impossible to judge his true thoughts, and his majestic voice was heavy.

"Is it just causing the believers to waver? The music festival held by Rentat was broadcast live in cities at different distances almost simultaneously, with sound and images, and even ordinary people could enjoy it, not just the nobles. What's behind this kind of thing There are many, many hidden things, and they are definitely not something that can be summed up simply by the vacillation of believers.”

"I was foolish and could not understand the Lord's promptings."

The cardinal was so frightened that his body trembled slightly. He still wanted too much to be appreciated by His Majesty the Pope. This greed affected his judgment and he spoke rashly when he shouldn't have spoken.

Benedict IV nodded slightly and continued.

"Of course, for us, the most important impact is indeed the wavering of believers. Magicians use enjoyment, luxury, indulgence and the lizard-like colorful world to lure people into depravity, so that they are no longer as simple and lost as they were hundreds of years ago. It has destroyed the soul and made the world become a sewage, but the more this happens, the more we need to uphold the Lord’s teachings and save every lamb who still has a little kindness and brilliance deep in his heart.”

"This is a difficult and dangerous road. Every clergy must be prepared for martyrdom. Are you ready?"

When the cardinal received the affirmation, he felt excited in his heart. He drew the cross on his chest and said piously.

"Only the truth lasts forever!"

"Convey my order to convene an emergency meeting of the College of Cardinals."

Benedict IV sighed compassionately. The situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable to the Church of Truth. The Magic Council was pressing closer, and he needed to speed up his pace.

At the beginning of the new year, the weather in the entire Kingdom of Holm is still gloomy and cold. It seems that there has not been a day with clear skies for a long time. In the "city of sky" Aringe, a layer of pale mist gradually spreads, forming a hazy surrounding. In the world, in the darkness caused by the fog, stars rise one after another with mysterious trajectories, forming layers of magic arrays.

All magic steam trains bound for Aringe were ordered to stop where they were. All magicians returning from the outside world or preparing to leave the Sky City, after witnessing the fog, also understood from their own common sense that this was the Aringe Mystery Lock. Open it, and you must not force it through.

A small number of magicians who happened to be trapped in the mystery found themselves moved to the streets of Arlinge after a period of dizziness.

"Why did the Aringe Mystery Lock suddenly open?"

Many members of the Supreme Council looked up in shock, with confused looks on their faces. Suddenly, they saw a sun rising in the mist, shining in all directions!

Under the sun, undulating or towering green mountain peaks appeared one after another in the mist, as well as dense and lush black forests, clear lakes that were as clear and peaceful as mirrors, and carpet-like lawns. It seemed that the entire city in the sky had traveled through it. Another world.

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