I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2408 Observer Effect, the person he trusts most is me!

"Although there are still many unresolved questions, such as why magic patterns can help communicate with the real world and what arcane principles it hides, it also opens a new door for us to study the nature of magic and extraordinary power. Today someone After stumbling upon the paper in the Arcane Library, there was an immediate sensation.”

Condon seemed a little excited, coupled with his impatient personality, his series of words were like a storm blowing by, making Tang Pu almost unable to react.

"Stop, stop, stop! Give me the paper first!"

Tang Pu quickly raised his hand to stop the student from continuing. For him, reading papers was far easier than listening to his students.

Tang Pu took the paper borrowed from Condon, glanced at the date of the paper, looked surprised on his face, and said with relief.

"Submitted three days ago? The time was too short, no wonder it was not published in "Arcane"!"

Generally speaking, as long as the Grand Arcanist's paper has a certain value, the journal will not reject it and will even rush to get it. But Ivan Vinson's papers are basically only published in the journal "Arcana", so for such an important paper, which is still a paper about the essence of magic, "Arcana" will definitely not let it go.

The soup book continued to read, and he frowned slightly at the previous part. The determinism seemed to be precarious! As he continued to read, Tang Pu's brows widened completely, he pushed his gold-rimmed glasses from time to time and whispered.

"The observer effect is not completely absurd. The material foundation is not solid. This statement is very novel. But if this is the case, why is everything so normal without magic and extraordinary power? Is it still to blame? The mysterious stage of transition from the micro level to the macro level, hey, His Excellency Ivan Vincent also has thoughts on this aspect, weak observers and strong observers...!"

Tang Pu was completely immersed in this paper. Even though this paper has not been confirmed by any experiments or phenomena, and the "observer effect" has been rejected by the mainstream of parliament, it is logically self-consistent and seems to be really a thing.

Condon was not surprised by the teacher's reaction. He picked up the quill pen on the table and recorded some of the teacher's questions and opinions on the scratch paper.

"The energy that replenishes mental power comes from the real world? The excess material replenishment in magic comes from the real world? Huh?"

Tang Pu seemed to have thought of something in his question. He quickly turned around and pulled out this issue of "Elements" from the bookshelf. Then he held up his gold-rimmed glasses and shouted in a shocking tone.

"Isn't this a problem that the negative energy state vacuum sea can solve?"

"Yes, the arcanists who saw this paper at that time couldn't help but think of the negative energy vacuum sea proposed by Lord Lucien, which happened to solve the most important problem in Lord Ivan Vincent's paper on the nature of magic. Several fundamental questions!”

Condon, with his sharp ears, heard the teacher talking to himself and said excitedly.

"They are one behind the other. One is dedicated to the source of magic energy, and the other gives a guess about the nature of magic. Together they form a complete magic system!"

"This is probably the first formal model of the essence of magic with theoretical support since the beginning of magic. No, it should be a model of all extraordinary powers."

Tang Pu's face was also stained with a hint of excitement, a hint of blush appeared, and his body trembled slightly.

In the history of magic, the earliest magicians had already expressed doubts about the nature of magic and put forward their own ideas, such as the four element system of earth, fire, feng shui. Ancient magicians constructed a conjecture about the bottom of the world. They believe that there is an energy plane composed purely of the same element, and named it the kingdom of fire element, the ocean of water element, etc. They also proposed a root system. They believe that there is the root of magic and it is a real part of the world.

These magic scenes are still influencing generations of magicians to this day, as evidenced by terms such as fire elements. However, ancient magicians did not explore the world enough. The magic scenes are all based on imagination, without any theoretical basis, and are fantasy. A plane, not a model in the arcane definition.

In the heyday of the ancient magic empire, magicians paid more attention to normal research and application. No one thought about the illusory nature of magic anymore. Anyway, it was enough to know that mental power was a condition for performing magic, so even great people like Sun King Thanos , and no model of the essence of magic has been proposed.

Since the establishment of the Magic Council, they have been studying the nature of magic. However, due to the shortcomings of other theories, the progress of this research has been very slow. The rigorous Douglass and others did not rush to propose their own model of the nature of magic, lest their fantasy-rich ideas affect other magic. Magician.

Until today, Tang Pu has truly seen a model that describes magic from its essence and roots, and it is based on the most cutting-edge results in the current micro field. Regardless of whether this model is correct or not, it is of great historical significance!

Tang Pu suddenly felt a little dazed, and he witnessed history again. This seemed to happen often in the past ten years or so.

Condon said excitedly as his whole body trembled with excitement.

"So some people have already called the results described in these two papers the Ivan-Lucien model, the first model of the essence of magic proposed by the two great arcanists!"

After the master and apprentice discussed it for a while, Condon took his leave and said he would go back and study it carefully.

Tang Pu watched Condon fold the scratch paper and carefully put it into the storage bag, feeling a little amused, and then watched him walk to the door.

Suddenly, Tang Pu woke up and stopped him loudly.


But at this time, Condon had already entered the corridor. He turned around suddenly, and a layer of white mist rose around him. After the white mist subsided, it turned into a small crystal dragon with beautiful scales. It pulled out a big ice cream from under its belly, stretched out its tongue, and licked it with great satisfaction, its voice was childish and proud.

"Tang Pu, you lose!"

"Come here when you are thinking about the problem. You will find that the door is open and Afris is passing by to distract your attention. You will get obsessed with the paper. His character performance is exactly the same as Condon's. In the end, he only took away the records of the discussion. Scratch paper for the content, everything makes sense!”

Thinking back on this, Tang Pu had to admit that Afris had made a new breakthrough in his understanding of illusion, but he suffered a loss.

After Tang Pu watched Afris leave with an ugly expression, he couldn't help but continue to study the contents of Ivan Vincent's paper.

"Weak Observer...Strong Observer...!!!"

Tang Pu suddenly froze, thinking about the recent investigation, and said with a faint fear.

"The accumulation of faith appears to be the gathering of special electromagnetic waves, but is actually the gathering of weak observers, evolving into strong observers?"

"This... what will those strong people who are good at playing with the power of faith think of this paper?!"

In the Arcane Research Institute, Ivan Vincent and Lucien stood in front of the study window, looking at the holy city of Reims in the distance. Ivan Vincent's body was on the dividing line between light and darkness, mottled. The light and shadow flickered on his face, and his expression was deep, making it unclear what he was thinking.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, is this really useful? He is a god-like person. Although he is not a great arcanist, his knowledge of magic is still very deep!"

Lucien's elegant face showed a bit of uncertainty, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and his thoughts were in confusion. He looked at the tall figure in front of him and asked him.

Ivan Vincent withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Lucien behind him, with a determined look on his face. He did not directly answer Lucien's doubts, but asked with a smile.

"Lucien, do you know who he trusts the most?"

Neither Lucien nor Ivan Vincent mentioned that person's name. As a god, as long as someone mentions his name, it will make him feel a little bit. Now is the critical period for setting traps. In order to be safe, they For the sake of safety, I won’t mention that name.

"He is a man who is good at calculations and has a profound knowledge of the city. No one will believe him with such a suspicious nature!"

Lucien was one of the people who knew Viken the most. He was the first person to discover the experimental logs of Maskelyne and others. He was guided by the monster Viken and continued to investigate. Only then did he die last time. During the exploration of the spiritual world, he learned the true identity of Viken.

"No, you are wrong, Lucien!"

"The person he trusts most is me!"

A bright smile broke out on Ivan Vincent's face, and his blue eyes shone with confidence.

"He has been defeated in my hands many times and regards me as his biggest opponent. He will definitely study every move I make!"

"I am sure that He must have read all my papers, studied my theories, and even believed in my research. This is human nature!"

"What a person trusts most is his opponent, especially when this opponent beats him many times!"

"And the observer effect I mentioned this time perfectly fits the path of faith. He will definitely believe it, and then he will try his best to transform into a strong observer. By then, he will have integrated many soul projections. , his strength will inevitably increase greatly, and he will have the power of a true god, but it is a pity that he does not know that this is a poisonous red apple, which is enough to make him irrecoverable!"

Lucien suddenly realized that Ivan Vincent's research on human nature made him extremely admired. This great sir, even if he did not study arcane magic, he would become a big man standing at the pinnacle of power. No one can compare with him. He understands human nature better.

"Weak observer...negative energy state vacuum sea..."

In the Holy City of Reims, in the Great Hall of Light, the Pope's study, Pope Benedict IV stood in front of the window. The orange sunset shone on him. There was no expression on his calm face, but there was a faint feeling in the depths of his eyes. There was a hint of excitement that was fleeting, and one couldn't help but wonder if one was dazzled by something wrong.

Benedict IV held the platinum scepter in his hand, looked down at it, and sighed softly.

"Heaven Mountain, Ancient Hell, Power of Faith, Strong Observer!"

The voice became deeper and deeper. Even standing next to Benedict IV, it was difficult to hear the words in his mouth. The sun set slowly, and the entire study fell into darkness. The existence synonymous with the Holy Light was hidden in it, with an inexplicable expression. , exuding a terrifying aura, making people feel extremely frightened.

At the end of the golden month, the night begins to advance quietly. The sky that was originally dyed red by the sunset has become dim and dim. Street lamps and electric poles have also been erected on the streets. Magic crystal lamps are connected by wires. It began to bloom with bright and clear light, excluding the darkness from its own envelope.

Citizens took to the streets in twos and threes and walked toward the square, where there was a magic radio installed by the city hall. Whenever night fell, it would make a loud sound and deliver radio programs such as the Mysterious Voice to everyone.

As there are more and more broadcast channels, citizens are also troubled with choices. Although the Voice of Mystery is good and is their first choice, there will not be a program that can satisfy everyone's tastes, so everyone has something they don't like. This is a mysterious voice column. Unfortunately, the magic radio does not belong to me, so I cannot change the channel when encountering similar programs.

"You must work hard, save money, and go to Elemental Gift to buy a magic radio!"

"I heard that anyone who subscribes to a newspaper for a year can get a magic radio as a gift!"

"Really? Isn't this much cheaper? Those who sell newspapers are not afraid of going bankrupt?"

Banus asked in disbelief. This was a good thing he had never heard of before.

His companion, a large boy with freckles, trimmed his hair and seemed to know something about the reason.

"I heard that these newspapers are run by the radio stations themselves, mainly to increase the coverage of magic radios. Her Majesty the Queen also signed and promulgated the "Ordinance on Promoting the Development of Broadcasting" submitted by the Parliament. Every time the radio station sends out a magic radio, You can get a certain range of monetary subsidies and tax exemptions, and I heard that there is also the promotion of the Magic Council behind this. They give the radio station huge subsidies in the form of advertising, so the radio station will basically not lose money!"


Banus suddenly became excited, then clapped his hands in realization and said.

"By the way, they developed the magic radio. The more they sell, the more they will make!"

"Of course, you think magicians who study the nature of the world will be fools? They are much smarter than you!

Banus suddenly made a surprised sound, looked at his companion, and asked doubtfully.

"Ali, how do you know these things? The mysterious voice didn't tell you!"

Ali hooked his fingers and said in a small but proud voice.

"This is what someone told me, a noble lady from Rentat!"

"The noble lady of Rentat? How can you possibly know the noble lady!"

Banus was completely stunned. For people like them in the civilian area, even if they have broadened their horizons brought by the mysterious voice, they still have a heartfelt awe for the nobles, thinking that they are unattainable and that their lives are Luxurious and enjoyable, thinking that they are in a different world from others like themselves.

"Pen pal, she's my pen pal!"

"Pen Pal, what is that?"

A confused look appeared on Banus' horse's face, completely unable to understand what his companion was saying.

"I told you to learn more words, but you didn't listen. After the postal department was established, some newspapers launched a letter-writing campaign, allowing people in two different cities to become friends by writing to each other, because relying solely on words Communicate, so we call them pen pals.”

Ali explained to Banus enthusiastically, sighing with sincere emotion on his face.

"If you think about it, we may not be able to leave the urban areas in our lifetime, but we can have sincere friends in Pefos, Rentat, and other major cities, friends who are strange and familiar at the same time, and we can communicate through text even though we have never met in person. What a wonderful thing it is to communicate with your inner friends!”

"This kind of communication has no interests, no entanglements of lust, no looking at each other's faces, and no caring about other people's identities. It is the most sincere way of communication between people."

Ali transformed into the host of the Mysterious Voice psychological program and explained to his companions.

"What I said before is all from the pen pal. She is a noble from Rentat. She has her own magic radio. She can listen to other channels freely and get news from other nobles. She will definitely not be here. Lying about all kinds of things."

"You kid, okay, you actually hooked up with a noble lady!"

Banus hit Ali hard on the back with a look of envy.

Ali had a look of dissatisfaction on his face and protested fiercely.

"What does hooking up mean? We have a pure pen pal relationship!"

"You dare to say that you haven't fantasized about her? What kind of noble lady is she?"

Banus glanced at Ali. He didn't know what kind of character this boy had?

Ali's expression softened, with fantasy and intoxication on his face, and he spoke softly.

"Although I have been to her school several times, I did not have the courage to meet her. The tone of her letters has always been very gentle. She is definitely a well-educated girl. After knowing my identity, she did not discriminate against me. I answer all my questions and share interesting things in life with me. Her handwriting is delicate and should be very similar to her!"

Seeing Ali's expression and listening to her description, Banus' excitement gradually calmed down and he couldn't help but say.

"Ali, you have to remember that she is a noble and you are just an ordinary commoner."

"I know, we have a pure pen pal relationship!"

Ali waved his hand to indicate that he understood, then changed the subject, talking endlessly about the scene in Rentat that his pen pal had described to him, exaggerating the rapid changes.

The two people moved forward while discussing, and gradually arrived at the square.

"Today is the opening ceremony of the Rentat Music Festival. I wonder what special programs the Mysterious Sound will do?"

Ali was looking forward to it. They definitely couldn't afford the tickets for the concert, so they could only look forward to hearing the news on the radio.

Banus nodded and was about to speak, but suddenly his eyes widened, he pointed in front of him and exclaimed.

"Devil, magician!"

Floating above the square, there was a young magician in a black dress. A stream of silvery light spread out from his hands, which was connected to the strange curtain in the center of the square. Around the curtain, there were six or seven people who kept pulling out... The person who arranged the items was obviously also a magician!

"Really, really a magician!"

Ali was also surprised and his voice stuttered. Although Arlinge was in the sky near Rentat, the probability of civilians seeing the magician was still too small.

The two of them became excited. It was a rare thing to see a magician casting spells at such a close distance. So, they squeezed towards the center of the square and tried to get closer. Unfortunately, there was a sea of ​​people in front of them, making it difficult to move forward. Every citizen who came to the square was talking to him. They have the same mentality!

"What happened? Why is Mr. Magician here?"

Seeing that he couldn't squeeze in, Ali hurriedly asked the citizens in front.

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