I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2405 The abyss of self-destruction, Benedict IV

Northland, in the primeval forest.

After Lucien used the unreachable ultra-low-temperature ice and snow magic and froze the gate of the abyss, the entire forest became quiet. It seemed that the cold-resistant northern creatures around him felt the coldness that did not belong to the normal world, so they did not dare to act rashly. , fearing that it would cause the severe cold to spread.

It is difficult to maintain such an ultra-low temperature, and the solid darkness gradually melts, vaporizes, and rises into white snow mist. The mutated trees turned into snow mist, the underground caves turned into snow mist, the pale and red flames around the bloody gate also turned into snow mist and disappeared, and the bloody gate was so thin that it was almost impossible to see, and it was necessary to see it thoroughly. Dissolve.

At this time, the evil and chaotic roar sounded again from behind the door, and blood filled the air, turning the white snow mist into scarlet. The blood-colored door was quickly stained with a creeping, disgusting black color, and rapidly expanded. , exploded suddenly!


It was as if an abyss collapsed here, and the rolling chaos and blood covered the surroundings. The door disappeared completely and this heinous attack was also created.

"This retarded! Madman!"

Douglas and others were cursing in their hearts. The will of the abyss is really beyond the realm of common sense. He actually detonated an abyss! No matter how much power is left after crossing the border, how much damage it can cause to Douglas and others!

"Space-time Scepter!"

A little bit of light condensed around Douglas's hand, causing waves of ripples, making him and the people around him seem to be far away from time and space. The chaotic evil swallowed up the surroundings, making the place present the most terrifying silence.

In the starry sky, above the orbit, several members of the Cardinals were scattered around to prevent being blocked from space and raided. Mercantron, the King of Angels, flew to the edge of a silver-gray artificial planet. This planet is engraved with complex and mysterious magical patterns, layer after layer, seemingly all the way to the core area.

"Just take it away."

Mercantron showed a look of joy on his face, but still did not dare to be careless and took out a Cross of Truth from his sleeve. This cross has no dazzling light and is as dusty as if it were made of random stone. It is engraved with the Holy Emblem of the Cult of Truth and the star symbolizing the angel.


Mercantron raised the Cross of Truth, and it lit up a faint black, a black with a little sacred feeling.

This black, which was completely different from the surrounding darkness, was sprinkled on the artificial planet, and its magic fluctuations immediately disappeared, causing the layers of silver-white magic circles to be extinguished.

This is the epic item corresponding to the elimination of bloodline! Mercantron was worried that the artificial planet was still hiding some bad arrangements, so he decided to get rid of it once and for all. But just as the last layer of the magic circle was extinguished, something seemed to be activated. Its core was completely unaffected by the elimination, started to react on its own, and then exploded instantly.


The scorching light of the sun lights up, and an energy storm sweeps around!


The King of Angels had no time to react and could only resist the sudden explosion with his body. The surging energy overwhelmed him and crazily destroyed his perfect body. This King of Angels was the Sun King Nanos. I wonder if the perfect body created can survive this explosion.

Standing at the top of Arlinge, Ivan Vincent looked up at the starry sky, and the night sky was a little brighter.

Ivan Vincent looked at this abnormal light and smiled and said to Hathaway beside him.

"Nuclear reactors that can run out of control as soon as they run have their uses, but it's a pity that the artificial planet is not big enough!"

A trace of emotion flashed in Hathaway's silver eyes, and her cold face looked up at the starry sky. The bright light flashed, and she didn't say a word, just quietly admiring the fall of the man-made planet, the brilliance and magnificence. , dangerous and violent.

Fort Saint-Ivan. When the meteor streaked across the sky, pouring like rain, and hit Arlinge, Pope Belkovsky of the Northern Church in the cathedral saw nothing, but he felt something in his heart and looked up at the relief. Exquisite ceiling, he said to himself in astonishment.

"Viken is taking action? Are they planning to capture an artificial planet?"

Pope Belkovsky and the members of the Northern Church's College of Cardinals have long made plans to take advantage of the chaos when the Southern Church captures the Magic Council's artificial planet, and even plan how to promote this behind the scenes. , lest the Southern Church delay in taking action and give the artificial planet more room to develop.

However, when it actually happened, he remained motionless and did not even summon the saints or other members of the College of Cardinals. This is because the Southern Church's actions were too swift and swift, and the Magic Council did not respond at all. Naturally, there was no all-out melee as they imagined.

At this time, if they pass through the pre-arranged teleportation array, they will only see the departing figures of the members of the Cardinals of the Southern Church after jumping onto the track, and they will bear the wrath of the Magic Council on behalf of the Southern Church! Who would be willing to do this kind of thing that has no benefit and has to take the blame for others?

"The Magic Council is really unresponsive, right? No matter how strong Viken is, he doesn't dare to stay outside Lance for a long time, and God-like gods can't suppress so many legendary peaks and great arcanists in the Magic Council?"

Pope Belkovsky frowned slightly, noticing something a little abnormal. Under normal circumstances, Viken should not have raided Arlinge and held back several legendary pinnacles and some great arcanists, but it would be difficult to stop them all.

A few great arcane masters can transport other legendary magicians into orbit and fight with the King of Angels Mercantron and the members of the College of Cardinals. Although it is half a beat slow, the Magic Council cannot prevent the Southern Church from taking them away. It is an artificial planet, but the melee they are looking forward to will also happen, but who knows that there is no movement in the sky now! Where is the Grand Arcanist of the Magic Council?

Without the leadership of the Grand Arcanist, other legends would not have descended into orbit through the projection of artificial planets, because there is a two-level difference between them and Mercantron, and they are the targets of being crushed. If Mercantron still carries the Purification Cross, then It is very likely that he will truly perish!

The prophetic magic was cast instantly. Since the matter was in progress and no one tried to interfere or cover up the trajectory of fate, Bielkovsky immediately understood the current situation. The madman of the Will of the Abyss actually came to the north without warning. land!

"He cooperated with Viken?"

As soon as this idea came to Pope Belkovsky's mind, he quickly shook his head and shook the idea out of his mind. There is only one way to cooperate with the will of the abyss, and that is to arrange a way to summon Him to come and be able to open it. The ritual of the plane barrier, and there happens to be an enemy that needs to be dealt with near this ritual, and then the Will of the Abyss will work very hard to help kill people.

Therefore, Belkovsky would rather believe that Viken took advantage of the mindless characteristics of the Will of the Abyss, rather than believe that the Will of the Abyss would cooperate with Viken.

But how did Viken summon the will of the abyss? It costs a lot to allow a god-like person who does not belong to the main material plane to come, but this time there was no warning beforehand, and there was no superficial cover such as heaven on earth.

Bekovsky was thinking about Viken's way to avoid being dealt with by him in the future. Suddenly, his faith rippled again, and a wonderful premonition made him flash to the window and look up at the sky.

On a gloomy winter afternoon, a bright light seemed to flash high in the sky.

Others may not be able to notice it, but as the strongest legendary pinnacle, Belkovsky naturally has no difficulty. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The man-made planet exploded?" And the power reached legendary levels! "

"Did those heretics in the Southern Church not even use the magic to eliminate divine beings? They wouldn't be so stupid, right?"

Belkovsky suddenly felt a little lucky. Fortunately, they didn't take action. Otherwise, it would have been a waste of effort, and they would have exposed their intentions and offended the Magic Council. Although everything in cooperation is based on interests, who knows when the Magic Council Just returned it.

In the empty orbit around them, Santa Cati, Estila and others who were on alert in the distance had just noticed the abnormality of the artificial planet when they felt the scorching heat of molten gold fossils coming, and the raging energy storm swept across like a torrent.


"how so?"

With similar thoughts, the magical items on the members of the Cardinals' College were activated, and then they were all overwhelmed by the energy storm.

When the Purification Cross eliminated the magic circle outside the artificial planet and caused the magic effect of the isolation reaction to disappear, the reactor installed in the artificial planet began to operate. At this time, the elimination effect was far from reaching the core and it was difficult to eliminate the reactor magic inside. Array. When the fission reaction officially begins, it is a natural process. It is not a supernatural force, so it cannot be eliminated. The magic circles that can be eliminated are those parts that allow the energy to be released smoothly for utilization. Therefore, the explosion after the loss of control is more complete. , more powerful!

The dazzling light swept through everything around it with majestic energy. The artificial planet at the core was completely vaporized, and various difficult curses were raging in this area.

When the light subsided, the figures of Mercantron and the members of the College of Cardinals reappeared. Some were shrouded in the Sanctuary, and some had six white wings growing from their backs to wrap their bodies.

Mercantron, standing at the front, was surrounded by light, eliminating the invisible curses. His expression was stern, his eyes were silent, and he was staring at the empty starry sky.

Feelings of frustration and anger arose in the hearts of the members of the College of Cardinals. The plan failed, but they were helpless. A series of milky white lights lit up, and Melmoth and other members of the College of Cardinals disappeared into orbit. They came and went in a hurry. The helplessness.

The holy city of Reims. The entire Great Hall of Light fell into unspeakable solemnity and silence, and the quiet atmosphere seemed to be frozen. Regardless of whether they participated in this operation to capture the artificial planet, all members of the Cardinals lowered their noble heads, preparing to welcome the Pope's crown. anger.

This operation was such a failure. It was doomed from the beginning, making His Majesty the Pope's adventure meaningless. Someone must take responsibility for this!

Compared with the legendary magicians of the Magic Council, the Holy Spirit Priests and Holy Knights of the Church are less aloof. Their own status and authority will limit the growth of their strength. The higher their status, the greater their power. The closer you get to the Lord, the faster your strength increases. It is an essential dependence, so the punishment you receive is not an insignificant symbol.

Moreover, before they mastered the mystery of faith, successive popes still had the divine means of excommunication. The used Holy Spirit priests would be cut off from the connection with Heavenly Mountain and could only use their own "heart of faith" without being able to replenish it. It will soon become a legend with no level and no power.

The status of the legendary magicians comes entirely from their own strength. Even if they lose their status as members of the Supreme Council, it will not affect anything. Their dependence on the Magic Council lies in the integration of resources, arcane and magic research environment, so It must be a lot more detached, and being punished doesn't hurt your muscles.

This is one of the reasons why there are many factions within the parliament and internal conflicts cannot be eliminated. The legends' detachment has both advantages and disadvantages.

Pope Benedict III wore a sacred crown on his gray head and held a platinum scepter in his hand. He stared at the members of the College of Cardinals with indifferent eyes and did not say a word for five minutes. The god-like pressure did not spread out, but the invisible pressure made the entire hall feel stagnant, making every member of the Cardinals dare not speak. Suddenly, he sighed softly and said a little tiredly.

"What happened this time has nothing to do with you. It's not your fault. The plan is actually close to perfect. It successfully diverted and contained the Great Arcanist. It's just that the evil magicians were too cunning and actually arranged it on the artificial planet. This weird self-destruction device.”

Pope Benedict III's calm tone and characterization of the incident made the frozen atmosphere melt away, and Philip breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, filled with sincere gratitude. His Majesty the Pope is indeed broad-minded, far-sighted, and understands the truth.

"His Majesty the Pope, what should we do now? Plan another similar action?"

Benedict III's eyes were somewhat dark and profound, and he spoke in a neither high nor low voice.

"Until the weirdness of the self-destruction device is understood, all similar plans have no chance of success."

"And this time I encountered Ivan Vincent again, and I had no choice but to use the divine descending technique. My life has come to an end, and I will soon return to the embrace of the Lord and return to Heaven Mountain!"


"His Majesty the Pope, how could you do this?"

Members of the College of Cardinals were shocked. Benedict III had only been crowned a few years ago. How could he be unable to hold on so quickly? If he fell, he would surely become the shortest-reigning pope. The Church of Truth frequently changed popes. , will inevitably cause fluctuations in belief among believers, which is not conducive to the rule of the Church of Truth.

"There is no need to be so sad and surprised. Being able to enter the Heavenly Mountain as soon as possible is a dream for me. Being able to see the Lord as soon as possible is what we, the Lambs, believe in, isn't it?"

Pious faith appeared on Pope Benedict III's face, and a bright holy light shone in his cloudy and dim eyes. This old man who was dying and whose fire of life was dim seemed to have no fear of the coming of death, only of heaven. The infinite yearning for mountains.

The cardinals fell silent upon hearing this, bowed their heads, made the sign of a cross on their chests, and chanted devoutly.

"Great Lord, all glory be to you!"

Pope Benedict III's eyes became a little darker, and his gaze was somewhat scrutinizing, wandering around everyone's faces, and finally stopped on the handsome face of the King of Angels. He pondered for a moment before speaking cautiously.

"Now the Church of Truth is at a critical moment. If it doesn't respond well, it will be like the Magic Empire back then, eliminated by the times and become a page in the history books. Therefore, it needs a powerful pope who can control the overall situation!"

"Mecantron, are you willing to become Benedict IV and take charge of the Church of Truth?"

Mercantron, the King of Angels, looked stagnant and stared at Benedict III in surprise. He had rebelled with Salde at the beginning. Although he was the King of Angels, even as Pope Benedict III, he had no authority. Deal with him, but Benedict III should also be on guard against him. Why would he suddenly pass the papacy to him? Aren't you worried that he will do whatever he wants?

"His Majesty the Pope, are you serious? Have you thought clearly?"

Mercantron's eyes were sharp and he stared at the extremely old Benedict III without giving in, without any fear.

"Mecantron, are you willing to become Benedict IV and take charge of the Church of Truth?"

Pope Benedict III looked solemn, his old face was full of majesty and holiness, his eyes were firm and peaceful, and his voice was calm and calm, and he repeated it again.

"I do!"

A firm voice sounded, and the tall and holy figure slowly knelt down on the ground, stretched out his strong hands, took the platinum scepter of Benedict III, lowered his head, and the incomparably bright holy light shone, transforming the Great Light Hall into For the white ocean.

The cardinals looked puzzled and watched this scene quietly. The scepter was handed over and the new pope was crowned. They all bent down and spoke respectfully and in awe.

"I have seen His Majesty the Pope!"

Mercantron looked at Benedict III who had gradually closed his eyes. All the vitality in his body had been extinguished. He stood up slowly, turned around and walked up the steps. There were not many steps, seven in total. When Mercantron When Cantelon stepped onto the first step, the sound of ethereal chants suddenly sounded. Stepping onto the second level, a faint holy light shone down, making the Great Hall of Light even brighter. In the third step, countless angels like light spots appeared, surrounding Mercantron. In the fourth step, the entire holy city of Reims was shrouded in holy light, and all clergy and believers prostrate themselves in prayer.

“We will let your ways walk on the earth as in your kingdom.”

In the fifth step, the projection of Paradise Mountain seemed to appear in the sky. In the sixth step, a beam of holy light shone directly on Mercantron. After taking the seventh step, Mercantron, with his back to everyone, became extremely tall and sacred. The aura on his body continued to expand and surge, and suddenly stagnated. Then he broke through a solid barrier, and his aura suddenly spread out, extremely powerful and terrifying. , so that all the cardinals fell to their knees. This was more powerful than Benedict III. Mercantron turned around, raised the platinum scepter in his hand high, and there was a bright light deep in his eyes. The holy light shone brightly, looking at everyone with great pressure, and announced loudly.

"From today on, I am Benedict IV!"

In the distant Rentat, the city of Arlinge in the sky, the tall magic tower stands still, full of colors of magic and arcana. Several figures stand on the top floor, looking at the holy city of Reims in the south, with solemn expressions and deep eyes.

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