I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2397 Superior artificial intelligence, magic changes life

Inside the Arcane Research Institute, Lucien had hired a lot of people since he became the head of the research institute. Busy figures were walking back and forth in the research institute. The arcane masters were busy with their own experiments. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice. The voice said with a smile.

"I am very satisfied with your diligence!"

Ivan Vincent walked in leisurely and dressed in a decent knight uniform. He looked at the busy arcanists with an expression of relief on his face. These hard-working arcanists are all free labor. , able to bring him a large amount of Jintaler. With Lucien's help, Ivan Vincent's transformation of arcane research results has achieved great success and gained huge benefits. Therefore, during this period of time, Ivan . Vincent lived a very comfortable life, no longer needing to eat soft food, his pockets were bulging, and his waist naturally straightened.

Facing the great arcanist Ivan Vincent, all the arcanists just raised their eyes indifferently and glanced at him. They went about their own business and ignored Ivan Vincent at all. After getting along for a long time, everyone started to pay attention to Ivan Vincent. Ivan Vincent knew more about him, and he no longer had the same respect for this great arcanist who had nothing to do every day. Instead, Lucien won the unanimous respect of everyone with his diligent character and extraordinary wisdom, and became the A true leader.

Ivan Vincent didn't care about this, he just smiled, walked to Lucien's side, looked down at Lucien's experiment for a while, and said thoughtfully.

"Are you making a hypothesis about electron spin based on the abnormal spectral line splitting phenomenon? Are you measuring the speed of electron spin? Show me the manuscript!"

Lucien looked up at Ivan Vincent and felt a hint of admiration in his heart. The more time he spent with Ivan Vincent, the more he was surprised by Ivan Vincent's wisdom. He was afraid that he had a soul library. This plug-in allows you to freely consult various advanced knowledge theories from previous lives, but it still cannot keep up with the other party's thinking and research. As for your own experimental research, the other party will know what it is just by taking a look at it, and give you the most reasonable suggestions and guidance. This has benefited him a lot. In just a few months, Lucien has advanced to become an eighth-level magician and a ninth-level arcanist, which he is very grateful for.

Lucien nodded and handed his calculation results to Ivan Vincent. He looked at Ivan Vincent with a look of asking for advice, waiting for his evaluation.

"The calculated surface rotation speed of the electron is ten times the speed of light."

Lucien's voice was full of confidence. This was the result of his calculations based on his past life research theories and the actual measurements of this world.

"This spin model explains the splitting phenomenon well and is consistent with other experiments. You can submit it to the Arcane Review Committee for publication."

"However, you may encounter a lot of doubts next. I suggest you use matrix mechanics to deal with the spin problem first and see if you can gain anything."

"I understand, Your Excellency Ivan Vincent!"

After receiving the affirmation, Lucien became more confident and nodded with a faint smile on his face.

"Have you made any progress on the analysis of the principle of the auxiliary calculation magic circle that I proposed last time?"

"It's not a breakthrough. We analyzed the auxiliary calculation magic arrays and found that the reason why they can help calculations is because they store the calculation results of different functions. After we give the information, we can find the answer through comparison. Or perform simple calculations between answers. This is actually a conclusion we came to after reading relevant papers, but we went a step further and gave each step of the specific process in detail."

Lucien sighed, and the confidence on his face shrank. The research proposed by Ivan Vincent was to upgrade or even simplify the auxiliary calculation magic array. It was extremely difficult. Even if he had the support of computer theory from his previous life, it was still difficult. It was difficult to complete, it took a lot of effort, and still not much progress was made.

"There are many functions, and the calculation results are close to infinite. It seems that the auxiliary calculation magic array can only play a role in conventional problems. Do you have any ideas to improve it? Let it really do it on most problems. We will give By providing data and commands, you can get results quickly, and it has the potential to be popularized among magic apprentices."

Ivan Vincent looked at Lucien seriously. If the assistant in calculating the magic circle could do what he said, it would be of great benefit to the promotion of magic and greatly improve the level of low-level magicians and magic apprentices. The promotion speed provides a large amount of fresh blood to the Magic Council and promotes the rapid development of the Magic Council.

"To solve most problems, we need to store more functions and more calculation results. This will only make the magic array more demanding and expensive, just like the assistance we and your Excellency Ivan Vincent use. The magic circles are all different, which is completely opposite to the direction of popularization."

Lucien had a troubled look on his face and frowned. He understood the meaning of Ivan Vincent's actions, and he also wanted to do it successfully, but this matter was indeed difficult and could not be solved in a short time. .

"So what I'm talking about is the idea. Have you ever discovered that the principle of the auxiliary calculation magic array is different from the logical sequence of our normal thinking and calculation? Have you ever thought about rebuilding the auxiliary calculation magic array based on this process? Then use alchemy materials And circuit design to replace most functions?”

Ivan Vincent did not give the answer directly, but guided and stimulated Lucien's thinking, hoping to let him complete the matter independently. Of course, this was also related to Ivan Vincent's desire to be lazy. In the good times, he just Don't want to waste time in the lab.

"Reconstruct the auxiliary calculation array based on normal thinking and calculation logic? Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, thinking and reality are quite complicated, which is also inconsistent with the requirements of popularization."

The arcanist on the side raised his head, his face full of doubts. He thought that Ivan Vincent's idea was a bit too difficult. The two were contradictory and how could it be realized.

Ivan Vincent doesn't have any arrogance, otherwise people wouldn't treat him like this. Hearing that the arcanist had objections to this, he said with a smile.

"Complex steps can be simplified. We break down any calculation into step by step, and the same goes for the thinking process. I have an idea to break down the daily thinking, manipulation, and calculation processes and look for the simplest steps they have in common. , pre-store them in the auxiliary calculation array in the form of commands, and then use them to reorganize a complete process during application, so that most situations can be simulated."

Ivan Vincent directly gave his thoughts this time, causing the arcanists on the side to stop their experiments and look at the youngest Grand Arcanist in the Magic Council, with eyes full of thinking.

"It feels very interesting. If the auxiliary calculation array can only simulate most situations, can it simulate intelligent life more realistically? If you talk to it without knowing it, will you not be able to tell the difference?"

"Can you simulate intelligent life without a soul?"

Everyone showed interest. This was an idea they had never thought of. They were influenced by traditional alchemy and believed that only alchemical life that was refined using souls could possess wisdom.

“It’s just a simulation, and there are enough preset reactions that it’s really going to be hard to tell.”

"But each person's reaction to an event requires a combination of very complex factors, which may not be truly simulated."

Everyone spoke out one after another, obviously very interested in this research, which may change the development direction of alchemy and lead to new paths.

"If you are interested, you can research this aspect. If the auxiliary calculation array is really improved to a level similar to artificial intelligence, and then alchemical life is integrated into it, what will happen?"

With a faint smile on his face, Ivan Vincent watched everyone express their opinions. He did not stop them, but encouraged them very much.

When Lucien heard the discussion between everyone and Ivan Vincent, a light flashed in his black eyes, and he secretly marveled.

"Is it Skynet in the magical world? It's such an interesting research topic!"

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, isn't it too troublesome to break down a complex process into steps and then quickly reorganize it according to specific requirements? The time it takes for the auxiliary calculation array to complete such a process is enough for us to do the same thing several times. "

There are also arcanists who have put forward different opinions and pointed out the difficulties and problems. This is also the thinking of arcanists. Just because Ivan Vincent is a great arcanist, he will not obey his words and authority. That way. It is difficult for people to achieve great achievements in the arcane field, and they are not the talents that the Magic Council needs.

"This is the research project left for you!"

"I can provide you with a preliminary idea. Since different lighting combinations can be controlled through circuit design, can it also be used to improve the auxiliary magic array? The circuit has two states: on and off. Can it only use these two states? A state to represent information, just like the weird codes created by many magicians before?"

Since the separation of the electromagnetic system from the elemental system, circuit design is no longer a new term. Many magicians have applied it to the improvement of the electrical energy channels of their own magic arrays. With the increase in the layout of magic arrays that convert water energy into electrical energy, the erection of wires has Infrastructure construction began to be carried out on a large scale, with the invention of the magic crystal lamp, and the advent of many alchemical items that required electricity to be driven. Even ordinary civilians knew what it was, and as a result, new professions were born that relied on it, such as circuit maintenance. division.

"The speed of electric current is very fast. Maybe it can complete complex processes in a short time. But how can we control the switches of each circuit?"

"Only use two states of switch to represent all information?!"

The arcanists frowned, thinking about the problems and difficulties involved, and kept discussing the feasibility.

Lucien looked at everyone in surprise, using two states of switches to represent all information. Isn't this the binary principle of computers in previous lives? Ivan Vincent is going to guide everyone to create a magic computer.

"How to control it? This is what you need to study. I think we can start from both magic and alchemical materials. Some newly discovered elements have special conductive properties. You can go and find out. In this regard, Lucien It’s authority.”

"This research in the field of artificial intelligence will be left to Lucien. If you are interested, you can participate!"

Ivan Vincent only raises questions and ideas, and will never do it himself. He actually already has mature plans and ideas in his mind. He still leaves this research topic to everyone. If he has to complete everything, it will not be conducive. The growth of everyone is also the reason why Ivan Vincent feels at ease and is lazy.

Ivan Vincent rolled his eyes and reminded Lucien.

"Research on improving the auxiliary calculation array has turned into research in the direction of artificial intelligence!"

"This is a big project that requires sufficient research funds to carry out. You go back and write a project research application report and apply for research funds from the parliament!"

Packaging a research project and making it look high-end is a must-have for every expert who is good at defrauding research funds.

Lucien showed a look of understanding and nodded, saying nothing. The tacit understanding between the two was reached. Under the influence of Ivan Vincent, Lucien has become a senior expert in defrauding people. The expert who studies funding has become the parliament’s most troublesome figure after Ivan Vinson.

At the end of August, the civilian area of ​​Rentat. After his parents went to work in the seafood company and crystal lamp workshop respectively, Lang Man was alone at home, looking through the books he bought during this period, silently thanking the God of Truth and the arcanists.

Since the evil radical church was expelled from the Magic Council and the moderates came to power, the originally expensive books have become much cheaper. Even children from ordinary families like Lang Man can buy one or two books every few months with the support of their parents. This is a luxury that was completely unimaginable in the past. Lang Man, who loves books, feels that the sun has become bright and gentle.

Lang Man knew from the mysterious voice that papermaking was actually born hundreds of years ago. After long-term improvements, the price has dropped to the point where one copper fil can buy a large stack. The same is true for printing technology.

However, in order to monopolize knowledge and channels of communication with the Lord, the radical church artificially blocked printing technology and encouraged handwriting, making books unable to fall at extremely expensive prices for a long time. Except for nobles and big businessmen, ordinary people who wanted to learn writing and Knowledge is quite difficult. Fortunately, thanks to the secret dissemination by the Magic Council, Rentat's average knowledge level has reached the passing standard.

Now, times have changed. Although knowledge is precious, it does not exceed the upper limit that ordinary people can afford. Because alchemy workshops and the great nobles urgently need workers with knowledge base, knowledge promotion has become necessary, and capital promotes the development of knowledge. Communication speeds up the pace of history.

Lang Man flipped through the book. It was a book about common creatures in nature, and it was equipped with lifelike illustrations. He read it with gusto as he knew some of the text from his father. Lang Man's father climbed up from the bottom and became a seafarer. After becoming a middle-level manager of a product company, he received instruction in writing and fishery knowledge, and became a leader among civilians.

"Gnolls, kobolds, goblins, giants, barbarians, doodles."

"I bought this book with my pocket money that I had saved for several months. It was really worth it!"

When Lang Man looked at this book, he felt as if he was in the colorful nature, seeing creatures with different appearances. They have similarities but also completely different characteristics, which makes people fascinated.

Dong Dong Dong, the knock on the door came, waking up Lang Man from the ocean of knowledge.


Lang Man asked loudly with a loud voice. He straightened his back and felt inexplicably nervous. He was just a child, alone at home. If he was a robber, thief, or the cruel night watchman described by the mysterious voice, these imaginations made him The child felt uneasy.

"Dong dong dong!"

A young man's voice sounded outside the door, speaking very politely.

"Please open the door, I am a postman from Kingdom Post, and I have your letter here!"

Lang Man immediately breathed a sigh of relief and secretly laughed at himself. He had heard so many horror stories in the Mysterious Voice that he was frightened even during the day. Aren't robbers, thieves, and night watchmen only seen at night?

Lang Man opened the door and saw a young man with a kind smile. The young man was wearing dark green clothing, carrying a package that looked very heavy on his back, and holding two letters in his hand.

"your letter."

The postman had a bright smile on his face, said very kindly to Lang Man, and handed the letter over.

Lang Man took the letter and first saw the exquisite stamps affixed to the envelope. These were the first batch issued by the Kingdom. They were printed with the portraits of Her Majesty the Queen and His Excellency Ivan Vincent, representing different amounts of money.

"The stamps are so beautiful, I have to cut them out and keep them!"

Lang Man loves exquisite stamps very much and thought subconsciously. Only then did he look at the envelope. The sender was Lang Man's aunt who married to Peforthshire, and he felt very happy.

My aunt loved Langman the most before she got married. But Langman's uncle was in the capital of Peforth County. Although it was not far from Rentat and it only took a few hours to take the magic steam train, communication was still difficult. He wanted to find someone willing to take him with him. It is not easy to find trustworthy friends or businessmen, and the price is relatively expensive. It only takes a year for a letter to come back, which is almost a state of losing contact.

Everything was different now. Lang Man looked at the denomination of the stamps on the cover and realized that he could afford one letter a month with his own pocket money.

"Thank you Lord, thank you to Her Majesty the Queen, thank you to His Excellency Ivan Vincent, thank you to Prime Minister Russell, and thank you to the Kingdom's postal department!"

Lang Man drew a cross on his chest, then looked at the second letter, his eyes widened immediately, and he exclaimed.

"Notice of admission? Rentat First General School?"

"Ah? Ah! I'm admitted!"

Lang Man felt great joy impacting his heart, as if something exploded inside. He kept saying thank you to the postman, and his eyes were filled with happy tears and blurred.

Since this is just the beginning of the pilot project, the royal family and the Magic Council have only jointly opened two general schools in Rentat for the time being, named after simple rules such as first and second. Therefore, when many civilians can afford the tuition, I would like to There are so many people who want to enter these two schools, and there may not be one lucky person among a hundred people!

Fortunately, Holm and the Magic Council formulated a fair admissions method and unified entrance examination, which gave Lang Man the opportunity to enter the general school. This was an opportunity to change his destiny and a great joy for him.

"I can truly learn knowledge and understand arcana and magic knowledge!"

Lang Man stood there blankly, with countless thoughts tumbling in his mind, unable to calm down at all.

"Please sign for verification. If you don't know how to write, just press your fingerprint."

The postman delivered many such admission notices today. They are used to this situation. Every family who receives the admission notice looks happy and excited.

Only then did Lang Man come to his senses, took the pen from the postman, and solemnly wrote his name on the receipt.

"Thank you uncle, you brought me a huge surprise."

When Lang Man returned the fountain pen to the postman, he sincerely thanked the person who brought him the good news.

The postman smiled and responded to Lang Man.

"I feel your happiness and I feel very good. When I save enough money, I also want to study in a general school. Maybe we will be alumni in the future."

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