I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2376 I’ll advance to a level first! The pinnacle of legend

A wry smile appeared on Duke Rex's face, and he felt a lot of vicissitudes in an instant, and he said feebly.

"No need, Her Majesty the Queen. At this point, I admit that Prince Patrick died of murder, and that Ketonia acted on the orders of the old king. I am a witness and a perjurer!"

"What, the mastermind behind the scenes is actually my grandfather?!"

Natasha exclaimed, she did not expect that the mastermind of Prince Patrick's death would be the old king, and it was hard to accept for a while!

The other nobles behaved similarly and showed shocked expressions. They never imagined that the old king would actually murder his own son, and his only son. This was so unexpected. Tiger poison can't eat its own children. Woolen cloth!

"His Majesty the King has always wanted to return to the embrace of the Church of Truth. He and His Highness the Prince have different political opinions and have a deep estrangement. Before his death, the old king hoped that Holm could be returned to the embrace of the Church!"

Duke Rex showed a relaxed look. This matter had been buried in his heart and put a lot of pressure on him. Now he finally said it. He did not complete the task assigned by the old king. Now Holm is completely Under the rule of the Magic Council.

"I am willing to die to apologize and clear my guilt! I also ask Her Majesty the Queen to lead Holm on the road to strength in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood power in Duke Rex's body rioted, his eyes lost color, and he fell softly on his seat.

Natasha looked at Duke Rex's body with sadness, sighed, and said.

"Duke Rex's crime is not too serious. He also committed suicide to apologize. Therefore, the punishment for the Fremburg family is as follows. The duke's title will be reduced to an earl, and the territory and property beyond this earl title will be recovered. Everyone, do you have any plans? objection?"

All the nobles shook their heads and agreed with Natasha's decision. Natasha's punishment was extremely merciful, not serious, and even extrajudicial.

Natasha then looked at Duke Ktonia, with such strong pressure in her eyes that the Duke couldn't help but slumped down on the chair, his lips trembling, unable to say a word. Come.

"In the case of the murder of the crown prince by the epic knight Ketonia, all the witnesses and physical evidence are present. Is there anything you want to say?"

Duke Ctonia's face was pale, and cold sweat was dripping from his forehead. He just shook his head and kept repeating one sentence.

"He did this. I really don't know, and no one in the family knows about it!"

Natasha withdrew her gaze, looked around at everyone, and said sternly.

"According to the "Code", for the murder of the lord, Ketonia should be sentenced to death by hanging, all family noble titles should be revoked, and all direct members should be executed."

"But Ketonia has been killed by Duke Ivan Vincent. Duke Ivan Vincent promised to let the Ketonia family go, but instead he will take back his noble title and the direct members will be imprisoned for ten years. What do you think?"

This punishment is already quite light. All the nobles understand that Natasha is lenient because of Ivan Vincent's promise. How can they have any opinions and nod in agreement.

"In that case, let's deal with it this way. Everyone, this will be my last judgment. In the future, this right will be handed over to the Parliament, and the royal family will no longer interfere!"

This is what Natasha promised before. The royal family will no longer interfere with justice and legislation in the future, and will only retain the control of the Knights of the Sword of Truth and the titles of Lords of the two knights!

Although Ivan Vincent was based in Arlinge, he was well aware of everything that happened in the Nexor Palace. Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, he looked at the members of the Supreme Council and invited them.

"Today is a special day. The Southern Church was defeated and I joined the Magic Council. Please witness it together. I want to advance to a higher level!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn't know what Ivan Vincent meant. How could it be so easy for a legendary level expert to advance? He would advance just as he said. They all turned their questioning eyes to Ivan Vincent.

As soon as Ivan Vincent finished speaking, drastic changes occurred all over his body. The surrounding magnetic field was distorted, a dreamy spectrum appeared picturesquely, and vast and majestic power descended from infinite heights! The nearby colors were half black and half white. After colliding together, they were destroyed in an unimaginable state, and then reborn from the void.

“Real World Feedback!”

The legendary magicians were stunned, looking at the half-black and half-white scene that was constantly changing. They understood what was going on, and seemed to have some understanding from it. Is this the cycle of material creation and destruction?

Concepts from quantum field theory that he had verified flashed through Ivan Vinson's mind, and the vacuum fluctuated. Positive and negative electrons were born from it, and then annihilated each other, releasing energy. In the cognitive world, the background of the universe becomes hazy, as if matter is constantly being produced and annihilated. The vast starry sky descends from an inexplicable distance again, bringing great real-world feedback and making things happen in the cognitive environment. Variety.

The blood power in Ivan Vincent's body also boiled and cheered, and thin strands of starlight seeped out from the pores, wrapping around Ivan Vincent's body, like a dream, blending with the starry sky in the cognitive world. In order to become one, it seems that they have received cognitive feedback from the mysteries of the world. The starry sky is becoming more and more brilliant and perfect. Ivan Vincent's soul, spirit, and will have all undergone transformation, becoming more pure, and his aura has become stronger. It forced everyone to retreat backwards, unable to withstand the terrifying pressure.

At the same time, Ivan Vincent's magic level and knight level were upgraded one after another, becoming the legendary third level. They reached the same goal by different paths. After reaching the legendary level, whether they are magicians or knights, they all need to have a true understanding of the world, and arcane magic It is the profession with the deepest understanding of the real world, so it appears that the epic knight is weak in the later stage and cannot compare with the legendary magician, because it is too slow to advance to the level by just tempering the power of blood and stimulating the potential in the body. Otherwise, it would not be the case until now. Humanity has only one knight at the peak of legend, and that is Melmoth, the leader of the Knights Templar and a member of the College of Cardinals.

Ivan Vincent, who has been promoted to the third level of Legend, has not stopped. His promotion is not over yet.

Ivan Vincent closed his eyes, raised his head slightly, exhaled softly, and felt a vast starry sky descending. It was so transcendent, so broad, watching everything from above, indifferent and timeless.

The vast starry sky is projected into Ivan Vincent's semi-solidified cognitive world, instilling inexplicable power, making the entire environment clearer and more real, just like the real world. At the same time, it also makes destiny Among the main stars, it became more and more bright and clear. The huge main star of destiny suddenly ignited with raging fire and continued to undergo fusion, just like a real star. Behind this star, there was a black hole hidden, as if The darkness that can swallow everything exudes a terrifying attraction, forming a mysterious balance with the gravity of the star.

The diffuse electron clouds are exchanging with each other, and the charged particles of virtual photons and the electromagnetic force they symbolize are also getting closer and closer to real existence. Amid the strange commotion, Ivan Vincent's cognitive world is solidifying and evolving, moving towards the state that should be achieved at the pinnacle of legend!

At this time, Ivan Vincent did not concentrate on maintaining and observing the changes in the cognitive world, but suddenly opened his eyes, as if he wanted to find the real world that had never been discovered around him, and provide magicians and knights with The real world of the power of feedback.

If other legendary magicians and epic knights knew about it, they would definitely not be able to help but laugh at it. Ever since they learned about the phenomenon of real-world feedback, strong men of all ages have been deliberately searching for it and trying to master it, because it definitely contains The most essential and core mystery of this world.

However, no matter whether you are below the legendary level, or a strong person at the peak of the legend, or even when you are promoted to a god-like person at the peak of the legend, you cannot capture any traces of the real world. Therefore, this is considered to be a secret that can only be touched when you are promoted to a true god. .

Ivan Vincent opened his eyes, his gaze was profound, as if he could see through the vast universe. His eyes clearly and illusoryly revealed a vast universe with numerous stars, a universe that was transcendent and untouchable!

The real world that had always only provided feedback and made people feel illusory was presented in front of Ivan Vincent. Any legendary peak or god-like powerhouse would definitely be unable to restrain his shock at this time, and Ivan Vincent seemed to have expected it, but he raised the corners of his mouth and showed a faint smile.

Ivan Vincent stretched his right hand forward, and the surrounding starry sky that could not be touched or approached suddenly changed, constantly moving from far to near, from small to large, from rivers and galaxies to the familiar blue planet with him. The palms of their hands faced each other, and behind the blue planet, the huge fireball loomed.


The solidification speed of Ivan Vincent's cognitive world accelerated, and a dazzling and mighty light erupted from the Destiny Star. It seemed to be integrated into the void, trying to complement the big fireball in the real world!

The blue planet disappeared, and the big fireball occupied the entire real starry sky. It was so huge, so majestic, so bright, but so illusory!

The real world disappeared. Ivan Vincent squinted his eyes and looked at the huge fireball that existed very far away. He realized that the main star of destiny in the world and the black hole hidden behind it were intertwined with each other, influencing each other, superimposing each other, and his body became illusory. , an otherworldly artistic conception spread from his body, and then quickly materialized.

Ivan Vincent had a rare sarcastic smile. He was already truly at the peak of the legend, and his magic level and knight level had both reached the peak of the legend.

"Not bad. I have finally been promoted to the peak level of legend. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to join the Supreme Council of the Magic Council!"

As soon as these words came out, except for a few people at the peak of the legend, everyone else's mouths twitched, and their eyes were full of resentment. They looked at the extremely powerful Ivan Vincent and secretly complained in their hearts.

"We joined the Supreme Council before reaching the peak of legend. We are really sorry for this status!"

Ivan Vincent seemed unaware of everyone's resentment. With a shallow smile, bright and warm, he turned his head and said to Douglas.

"The matter has been taken care of. I'm going back to Rentat first. I need to resettle some people!"

Ivan Vincent had already taken over Grand Duke Violet, Earl Vincent and others before he took action, so he exposed his identity as a legendary magician and joined the Magic Council. He always made a decision. If we move, we will not leave any excuses or weaknesses for the church.

After that, Ivan Vincent disappeared into Arlinge. The defensive magic circle outside did not have any impact on him, as if it did not exist. The legendary magicians who saw this scene couldn't bear it. His pupils tightened, and he was secretly glad.

"Fortunately, His Excellency Ivan Vincent has joined the Magic Council, otherwise Arlinge would be almost defenseless against him!"

In the Great Hall of Light in the Holy City of Reims, Anastas, who has not yet officially taken office, is holding a platinum scepter. Standing in front of the remaining members of the College of Cardinals, he looked sad and lamented.

"This time the Magic Council colluded with the demons of the abyss and tried to destroy the world. Fortunately, His Majesty the Pope sacrificed himself. He practiced the Lord's way, defeated the will of the abyss, and saved countless pure souls. I will inherit his legacy and completely Destroy evil!"

Anasta understood the essence of confusing right and wrong, and made a characterization of this incident to facilitate propaganda to believers and gather faith. The coastal corridors of the Four Strait Countries and the Northland have been lost. They must stabilize their base, and a pope who sacrifices his life to save the world will definitely be respected and worshiped by believers.

Melmoth, who was at the pinnacle of the legend and the epic knight, looked at the people around him, with a look of sadness filling his eyes that could not be dissipated for a long time.

In this war, two of the eight saints of the Church of Truth died, one betrayed and was killed, and one became the pope, leaving only four saints. One ordinary Holy Spirit pastor also died, and three were missing. , there are only sixteen members left in the entire College of Cardinals. Fortunately, there is also the King of Angels who is ready to stay on the mainland temporarily to help the church tide over this difficulty.

"We will definitely inherit the Pope's legacy and completely eliminate evil!"

The members of the College of Cardinals made the sign of the cross on their chests and prayed in unison with grief,

"Only the truth lasts forever!"

The third Pope Anastas' voice became calm and solemn, his expression was solemn and sacred, he looked at the members of the Cardinals and spoke.

"This time, we have suffered huge losses, but we cannot lose confidence because of this. This is the Lord's test for us! With the Lord's care, we will surely win the final victory!"

Anastas looked at Melmoth, the leader of the Knights Templar, with a look of trust in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Melmoth, you go to find Terrence and other Holy Spirit pastors, and tell them that as long as they are willing to repent, the Lord will forgive their sins. They were just deceived by Salde and took the wrong path for a while. As long as they are willing to turn back, You can still return to the embrace of the Lord, this is the Lord’s gift to the Lamb!”

Anasta said this in front of members of the College of Cardinals in order to win over the Holy Spirit priests who followed Salde's rebellion and strengthen the strength of the southern church.

For Anastas, the new pope, getting over the current difficulty is more important than anything else. Pardoning Terrence and others would help stabilize the situation.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Salde's final trump card is the will of the abyss. These three Holy Spirit priests were indeed deceived by Salde, and it is not unforgivable.

Melmoth showed an expression of approval, fully agreed with Anasta's calm approach, lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"Follow the will of the Lord and the command of your Majesty the Pope."

Only by uniting with the majority can today's southern churches recover and withstand the negative impact of this failure.

"I am not His Majesty the Pope yet."

Anastas looked humble, and the smile on his face was warm and holy. As he spoke, he turned and walked up the steps.

There are not many steps, seven in total. When Anastas stepped on the first step, ethereal chants sounded; when he stepped on the second step, a faint holy light shone down, making the Great Hall of Light even more beautiful. bright.

When he took the third step, countless angels like light spots appeared and surrounded Anasta; when he took the fourth step, the entire holy city of Reims was shrouded in holy light, and all believers and clergy prostrated on the ground. His eyes were full of fanaticism, and he was praying extremely devoutly.

“Let your ways be walked on earth as in your kingdom.”

Anasta took the fifth step, and a projection of Paradise Mountain seemed to appear in the sky. Following the sixth step, a beam of light shone directly on Anasta.

Finally taking the seventh step, Anasta turned his back to everyone, his face became extremely pale, his left hand could not be controlled, and it was shaking constantly, as if he was suffering from senile Parkinson's disease, but these small details soon disappeared.

Anastas slowly turned around, facing the members of the College of Cardinals, and raised the platinum scepter in his hand. A dazzling and holy light filled the entire holy city, and a majestic and holy voice came from an inexplicable high level. It landed everywhere and rang in the ears of countless believers.

"Give me your holy name, Benedict!"

Anastas made the sign of the cross respectfully, and his voice echoed throughout the holy city of Reims, grand and holy.

"From today on, I am Benedict III!"

When Anastas solemnly announced himself as Benedict III, listening to the beautiful chants and feeling the warm and peaceful holy light, the ninth-level Cardinal Philip felt that his soul was clear and he forgot that there were other things in the world. other things.

In this inexplicable move, a little light lit up in the heart, which was sacred and transcendent. Then the light gradually expanded, revealing the projection of the seven-layer heaven mountain. A six-winged angel flew out from it and merged into the world of faith. The heart shows signs of sublimation in the soul.

In the Great Light Hall, Philip, who was lying on the ground, was covered with a layer of milky white light that slowly flowed and never stopped. His aura quickly increased, making the surroundings holy and bright.

Benedict III saw this scene, with a heartfelt smile on his face and said happily.

"This is a gift from the Lord. We have one more brother and one more companion who can purify evil!"

Melmoth and others understood that Philip, who had been accumulated for a long time, finally showed the projection of Heavenly Mountain in his soul when the voice of the Lord came just now, and was promoted to the Holy Spirit Pastor.

Under the illumination of the holy light, Philip's soul gradually became clear internally and externally. He raised his head, his eyes were joyful and pure, he drew a cross on his chest, and prayed extremely devoutly.

"Only the truth lasts forever!"

In the Nexor Palace, Ivan Vincent withdrew his gaze from the Holy City of Reims. His eyes were deep and dark, and there was a hint of deep thought. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He slightly raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully.

"It's so boring, directing and acting on your own, treating everyone in the world as fools!"

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