I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2361 Unify the stance and reproduce the assassination

Even though Sard didn't have much concept of money, his face twitched involuntarily. He had a new understanding of Ivan Vincent's thick face and dark heart. The price was already ten times the price, but he still felt that he had lost a lot. How could he say such a thing so calmly? He had no moral integrity at all. How could such a greedy person be promoted to become an epic knight? What is his knightly belief? Is it in line with the spirit of chivalry and his will of chivalry? Are you full of desire and obsession for money? He said to Ivan Vincent with a wry smile.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, you have already made nine times the profit, why do you still say you have lost money?"

Ivan Vincent spoke plausibly, as if he didn't hear the implication of Bishop Salde's words, and answered calmly.

"For me, less profit means more loss!"

"This assassination incident, I only made nine times more with tears and anger. I will cry to death!"

Salde suddenly didn't want to continue talking to Ivan Vincent. He made a cross on his chest with his hand, prayed to the Lord devoutly, and recited silently.

"Lord, please forgive my sins. I shouldn't be angry. It's just that this greedy man in front of me is really irritating!"

"My merciful Lord, you are as warm as the sun and as big as the sea. I praise you for everything!"

Ivan Vincent felt bored when he saw Sard praying silently. He stood up and said goodbye. Sard had promised to compensate. All he had to do was go back and wait quietly. He did make a lot of money this time. Ivan Vincent's small treasury was suddenly enriched a lot.

The east side of Rentat City is known as the "Land of Thousand Lakes". The large and small lakes are as smooth as mirrors, like pieces of green agate, which contrast with the surrounding lush and verdant woods.

Such a beautiful place is naturally occupied by the royal family and the nobles. Duke James's private estate is located on the shore of a gentle lake that seems to have no waves, making people feel relaxed, peaceful and quiet. At the door were two groups of soldiers wearing crisp dark red dresses, indicating that Queen Natasha had arrived.

Passing through the guards of two soldiers, led by an attendant, Ivan Vincent entered the most eye-catching garden in the entire manor.

This garden is the pride of Duke James and is said to be second only to the royal family's Thousand Lakes Villa. The area is vast, the exotic flowers are in full bloom, and it is intoxicating. In the center of the garden is a relatively open open-air banquet venue, overlooking the lake and mountains in the front and surrounded by flowers and trees in the back.

As soon as he entered the banquet place, Ivan Vincent noticed Natasha. She was wearing black clothes that were closer to hunting attire, with long purple hair pulled up, and deep silver-purple eyes. In addition to her heroic temperament, she was also calm and calm. It seemed that after so many days of adaptation, she finally changed from the mental state of the Countess Violet to the real Her Majesty the Queen.

It was like sensing the arrival of Ivan Vincent. Natasha turned her head slightly, raised her eyes, and met his eyes. The purple pupils suddenly brightened up, radiant and shining, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he spoke quickly.

"Ivan, come on!"

Suddenly, the conversation stopped abruptly, and Duke James, Duke Russell, Earl Haisong and others all looked at Ivan Vincent and greeted him respectfully.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, welcome your arrival, we feel extremely honored!"

Ivan Vincent became famous in one battle. The battle with Salde allowed all the nobles to see the power of this epic knight. Bishop Salde was at the peak of the legendary strength. This young epic knight was able to force Salde to make concessions. Compromise, apology and compensation show that Ivan Vincent's strength far exceeds that of an ordinary legend.

Moreover, after Ivan Vincent's battle, many neutral nobles moved closer to Natasha. The enlightened faction held this party today just to express their attitude, and by the way, they wanted to test whether Natasha's position had changed. , they believe that Ivan Vincent has fallen out with the church, and Queen Natasha's position will never be inclined to the church again.

Duke James and other four core members of the enlightened group, Ivan Vincent, Camille and another young man with silver-gray eyes, surrounded Natasha and walked into the main house of the manor.

"This is Count David. A fierce royal knight."

Duke James looked at the young man when he saw Ivan Vincent, and quickly introduced him enthusiastically. It was obvious that his attitude towards Ivan Vincent had changed. This is that strength brings changes, and strong people will be influenced by others. Respect is determined by people's strong-willed mentality.

Ivan Vincent nodded. Isn't this the candidate proposed by the liberal group before? Ivan Vincent heard Natasha talk about this person. Ivan Vincent's performance was very dull and lukewarm. , this is not rude, he is a duke and an epic knight, so naturally he does not need to be too enthusiastic.

David has an obvious appearance from the Hoffenberg family, with deep outlines, hard lines on his face, and handsomeness. His silver-gray eyes reveal cold indifference, and he has a polite smile on his face, respectfully facing Ivan. Vincent saluted.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, it is an honor to meet you!"

Soon, several people entered the main house of the manor and stepped onto the stairs covered with red carpets. Ivan Vincent and Camille protected Natasha on the right and left. Everyone did not stop, but followed Duke James into a secret room, where the real conversation took place.

In the secret room, there were trays with glasses of wine, red wine, and champagne on them. After everyone checked them, they each picked up a drink and looked at Duke James, waiting for him to speak.

"Actually, I just want to ask Her Majesty the Queen what your attitude is towards the promotion of alchemy workshops and magic items? To be honest, we have a lot of wealth invested in this."

Duke James said straight to the point that the reason why the enlightened nobles support the Magic Council is naturally because of their interests. They have invested a lot of money in the industries launched by the Magic Council and made a lot of money. In order to protect their own interests, Naturally, they will lean towards the Magic Council. If the church gains the upper hand, all their investments will be wasted and they will suffer serious losses.

Prince Patrick was the leader of the liberal faction before, and naturally invested in many emerging industries, all of which were in cooperation with the Magic Council. These legacies have now been inherited by Natasha. Don’t look at Ivan Vincent’s recent fortune. It was a windfall, but it was nothing compared to Natasha's inheritance. Ivan Vincent lamented that he had worked so hard to earn such a small amount of money, but Natasha could sit at home and get money from the sky. People really envied her good luck.

Natasha maintained the majesty of the queen, her purple eyes were dazzling, she was extremely serious, and expressed her true attitude and stance. This assassination incident shaken Natasha's faith and made her a little more alienated from the church. It is true that she is a devout believer, but this belief has now been shaken by love. In comparison, she cares more about Ivan Vincent.

"I only have one attitude. All magic items that are beneficial to the development of the kingdom and benefit the people are encouraged to be promoted. All things that are evil and depraved are completely prohibited."

"Your Majesty, you are indeed not like those conservative people."

Duke Russell had a smile on his face. Natasha's statement was enough. The enlightened party was very satisfied with it. This was the result they wanted to see. As long as Natasha, as the queen, did not reject the existence of magic items, they would If their own interests can be guaranteed, they will naturally support Her Majesty the Queen.

Duke Russell got a satisfactory answer from Natasha, and then looked at Ivan Vincent, with a faint awe on his face, which was the respect brought by the powerful strength of the epic knight.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, the industry we recently invested in needs expansion, funds are tight, and we need to find partners. I heard that you now have a large sum of gold in your hands. I wonder if you are willing to join and invest together?"

Ivan Vincent suddenly felt like he was attending a business meeting. He understood what Duke Russell meant, which was to invite him to join the liberal faction and to form an alliance with him. Ivan Vincent did not reject the intentions of the liberal faction. , he himself is inclined to the Magic Council and hates the church. In addition, he is also a great arcanist, and he is politically close to the liberals.

Ivan Vincent did not answer immediately. He glanced deeply at Duke Russell and others who were a little nervous, and deliberately pondered for a moment. For a moment, the atmosphere in the secret room was heavy, and everyone looked at Ivan Vincent, waiting. His final decision.

"Oh, I did get some spare money recently, and I just don't know what to do with it. Since Duke Russell is willing to cooperate, I naturally agree!"

As soon as these words came out, Duke Russell, Duke James and others all showed a little smile, a little more sincerity and intimacy. They understood what Ivan Vincent meant. This was a statement and a joining. An epic knight joined. Liberalism is definitely a joyful thing, enough to make conservatives and churches back down a bit.

Just as Duke James was about to speak, his face suddenly turned black, he crushed the cup in his hand and roared angrily.


There was something wrong with the wine in this secret room, Natasha and others' faces turned dark, and their hands trembled slightly.

Duke James shouted loudly, the sound was so loud that it seemed to shatter the glass, attracting the attention of the nobles outside.

"Who poisoned you?"

Duke James knows very well that as long as he is not a legend or above, if he wants to get close to his golden knight and poison him within the warning range, he will inevitably be induced. It is not that easy, unless there is a traitor!

Ivan Vincent noticed that there was a toxin and curse power swirling in his body. He wanted to enter the depths of his body, but the shining star refined it and swallowed it without any impact. This time the poison dropped by the enemy The poison and curse are very strange, and they are specifically targeted at knights. Even ordinary epic knights cannot resist it. Ivan Vincent didn't notice it at first, which shows the magical secrets of this poison and curse.

But unfortunately, Ivan Vincent is not only an epic knight, but also a great arcanist. This method is still a little bit meaningless. He solved these problems easily, but he still pretended to be poisoned, his face Black appeared on the surface, and his hands and feet were trembling slightly, waiting for the person who secretly poisoned him to pop out.

As an eighth-level heavenly knight who protects Natasha, Camille would not have a drink or eat half a mouthful of food on such an occasion, but her face was still dark, her body was shaking uncontrollably, and she wanted to transform into a "tide" , but only a layer of blue water appeared, and then disappeared without a trace, showing obvious symptoms of poisoning and curse!

Where did the poison and curse come from? Ivan Vincent suddenly smelled a light and sweet floral fragrance on his nose, just like the smell of an outdoor banquet venue, but lighter, sweeter, and intoxicating.

There's something wrong with this floral scent! Someone must have brought something with this floral fragrance in. It mixed with the wine and alcohol smell that had also been tampered with in advance, turning the wine and air into unimaginable poison and curse. No wonder it just got stuck. Mir found no problems during his inspection!

But now is not the time to look for who is the traitor or accomplice. Ivan Vincent walked staggeringly towards Natasha, acting as if the scene in front of him was blurry and shaking, and he was drunk, and staggered towards Natasha. Next to Shah, this acting is so superb and perfect that she can definitely enter the theater and become a starring role.


Count Haisong, who failed to inspire the knight's strength, fell limply to the ground and spread his limbs. He had no strength, his eyes were blurred, as if he was in a state of drunkenness.

There was another sound of falling to the ground, and Earl David, the second weakest man, also collapsed on the ground like Earl Haisong, but his consciousness had not yet completely entered the drunken state, and he moved his eyes from side to side anxiously and nervously. Waves of cursed power gathered from the lungs and stomach to the neck, extending upward, affecting David's brain and soul. This made his head swell, his heartbeat quicken, his forehead and blood vessels seemed ready to explode at any time, and his will and soul were so oppressed that he could only barely hold on. Unable to use any power abilities at all.

Natasha's voice was low. It seemed that it was difficult to speak, but he still said to Ivan Vincent.

"I can't concentrate my will, and it's hard to use magic items! You, you go quickly, the other party's target, the target should be me!"

Natasha did not waste time or give up. Her clear silver-purple eyes contained strength. She worked hard to control her will and kept urging Ivan Vincent.

"Go quickly, you still have the strength, go find the nobles outside for help, don't stay here!"

Natasha looked at Ivan Vincent, whose face turned dark, and felt extremely worried. She hoped that he could leave here so that he would not die with her.

Bang bang, crisp applause came from the door, very abrupt.

"What a touching couple. I hope you can be together forever after your death."

Ivan Vincent looked up and saw a strange man with dark green hair coming in from the door. There were no pupils in his eyes, only a palpitating white color. He was also wearing strange clothes. It was still hot on a hot day. Wearing a black cloak, covering his whole body.

This strange man, who looked about thirty years old, pressed his chest and politely treated Natasha as a gentleman, and said to Natasha.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the Venomous Demon of the Dark Council, Primas."

The venom demon, Primas, is the 62nd strong man in the purification sequence, a ninth-level dark knight, a bloodline of the demon king, famous for poisons and curses, and has amazing strength. He once used poisons and curses to assassinate a legendary epic knight. He became famous in one battle and shocked everyone.

Natasha didn't answer him, concentrating on her will, but Primas didn't take action immediately, but continued to talk.

"Don't know me? That doesn't matter, as long as you know that I am here to kill you. The council has been waiting for a full-scale war between the Southern Church and the Magic Council for a long time. It has been so long that it has almost lost its patience. After knowing that Her Majesty the Queen also chooses balance, The old men sent me here.”

Primas seemed to be influenced by his demon king's bloodline, and seemed to feel that he had a chance to win, so he seemed a bit neurotic and his behavior was quite chaotic.

"As long as we kill Her Majesty the Queen, kill His Excellency Ivan Vincent, kill Duke James and the others, and then pretend to be the radical Night Watchmen, it will be difficult for the Church and the Magic Council to start a full-scale war. By the way, forget it. Let me tell you, I am very good at simulating, especially toxins and knights with cursed blood. Gwell, the cursed angel ranked fifth in the Night Watch, is my target for imitation this time. I think I have enough ability to use legendary magic. Both the teacher and the Holy Spirit Pastor believe that he was the one who did it.”

Cursed Angel, Gwell and Venom Demon, Primas have the same demon king bloodline, and are all ninth-level golden knights.

Listening to Primas' nervous nagging, Natasha and others seized the opportunity to expel the power of curses or toxins from their bodies, but it seemed that as time went by, their effects became stronger, and the remaining Several of them had difficulty standing still. The difference was that Ivan Vincent was just pretending, while Natasha was really weak.

Primas seemed oblivious to everyone's efforts, nor did he care about Duke James and others. He was unable to answer due to lack of strength, so he continued talking happily.

"In order to kill you, I spent a lot of energy, controlled many attendants and gardeners, and slightly changed the types of plants in the garden. If you, Duke James, were a real flower lover, you should have discovered something wrong long ago. , It’s a pity that you just like to show off, so when you entered this secret room with the fragrance of flowers, the harmless little things in the wine became violent. "

"In order not to arouse the vigilance of your will and the premonition of the destiny star, I did not use violent and deadly poisons and curses, but used roundabout weakening and paralysis. The effect looked very good. This gave me enough time to start from Lord Ivan Vincent came calmly outside the scope of his will."

His words confirmed what seemed to be an explanation, ruling out the possibility of a traitor. But how could Ivan Vincent believe in this kind of thing like a lunatic like him.

"Haha, do you think I'm a lunatic for not taking action? I'm here to chat with you and give you enough time to remove the toxins and curses?"

Primas suddenly laughed wildly, leaning forward and backward, extremely crazy, then clapped his hands and said proudly.

"Down! Down! Down!"

"My mixture of toxins and curses is called the kiss of weakness. The longer it goes on, the weaker I become. So in order to be absolutely sure of the action, I let you listen to my nagging, and you are very cooperative. I am very Glad.”

Snap, snap, snap. There were three consecutive applauses, and Duke Russell and Camille fell first, with a trace of despair hidden in their eyes of hatred. Immediately afterwards, the Golden Knight Duke James also staggered to his knees, as if his feet could no longer support his body.

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