I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2359 The Assassination of the Church, the Nobles’ Response

Ivan Vincent's whole body shook violently, and his bloodline transformed, releasing more power and integrating it into his body. His cognition of the world also received power feedback from the real world outside, and his cognition of the world became clearer.

His mental power also skyrocketed. Countless star-like mental powers outlined spell models and were engraved into his soul. At this moment, Ivan Vincent's knight level and spellcasting level were simultaneously promoted, becoming a legendary second-level epic. The strength of knights and legendary level magicians has skyrocketed again.

"not bad!"

Ivan Vincent felt the power and strong mental power in his body, and his expression was extremely calm. The breakthrough and promotion was not a surprise to him, it was just a step-by-step process.

Night falls, the silver moon hangs high, and today's afterglow is particularly brilliant, falling on the ground like water waves, brilliant and gorgeous. The Ivan Vincent villa is densely covered with flowers and plants, and the layout is very quiet and beautiful. This is Natasha's design based on Ivan Vincent's villa. Sen's preferences were specially selected for him. Facts have proved that Ivan Vincent really likes such an environment.

Several figures secretly entered Ivan Vincent's villa. No one noticed this. They did not make any sound during the whole process. They were like night owls, agile and light, and did not reveal any breath. They were wearing black robes and had hands on their hands. Wearing black gloves, they looked at each other. One of them seemed to be the leader. He took out a magic scroll from his pocket, which was inscribed with nine-ring magic. Time stopped, and the leader suddenly tore open the scroll, and an eternity flowed out. The silent power awakened, and the leader shouted.

"Do it!"

The surrounding area was immediately dyed in the gray of nothingness and death. Under the "time stop" of the nine-ring magic, everything seemed to have stopped.

The leader did not end his actions. He took out another magic scroll in his arms, which was inscribed with nine-ring magic, the Great Disintegration Technique, which can annihilate all matter and life. The inexplicable magic power surged towards the villa. If Ivan Vincent runs towards the mainland, it will remove the protective effect of magic treasures on Ivan Vincent, and even have a certain chance of destroying the protection of legendary level treasures.

This is not over yet. The leader once again tore up a magic scroll, the ultimate destruction ball. This is also a magic that can destroy all things. Countless black brilliance lit up and turned into a tide of energy, covering the entire villa. Once inside, erase everything.

Ivan Vincent's expression in the villa moved slightly. His strong spirit and soul allowed him to immediately notice the enemy sneaking in. His deep blue eyes lit up with silver light. This was the eye of true seeing, which could see through all disguises. , the souls of several people are shining with bright holy light, hot and holy, warm and gorgeous, these people are all members of the Church of Truth.

The corners of Ivan Vincent's mouth raised slightly, with a hint of mockery. These notorious night watchmen were so tired of living that they dared to assassinate him. Do they really think that this legendary epic knight of his is a vegetarian? Repeating the old tricks and trying to eliminate the nobles who are close or neutral is simply asking for death. He is not Baron Austin. Even if they dispatched a ninth-level cardinal and three golden knights this time, they used them even more Three extremely precious nine-ring magic scrolls, it can be said that a lot of money has been spent, but this is not enough. A mere four ninth-level experts dare to assassinate Ivan Vincent. It seems that Ivan Vincent is still dissatisfied. learn.

A series of force fields and magnetic fields appeared around Ivan Vincent, blocking all the magical energy from the outside. It did not forcibly annihilate and disperse the three nine-ring magic. The great arcanists are all wise men in the world. The concept is to use the minimum effort to achieve the maximum effect. With a wave of his hand, a door to time and space opened. Ivan Vincent directly got in and entered his own demiplane, letting three nine-ring magic The explosion didn't hurt him at all.

Generally speaking, when magicians fight duels or deal with magicians, they will habitually block the space first to prevent the opponent from moving out through space flash.

When Ivan Vincent entered the hell plane, he first blocked the space to deal with the Silver Lord, and then threw Ivan's fireball, successfully planted a big mushroom, and destroyed Tiftidis. die.

In fact, I don't blame these night watchmen. Ivan Vincent appears to be an epic knight, but no one would have thought that he is secretly a legendary magician. Knights and magic cannot be practiced at the same time. This is the consensus of everyone. A person's spirit, will, and soul are limited, and it is difficult to take into account the two paths. Some of the cognitions of the two paths are even contradictory. Without extraordinary wisdom, it is difficult to coordinate the cognition of the two paths. .

And Ivan Vincent is exactly a genius who can meet all the above conditions. He has a strong spiritual soul, perseverance, and supreme wisdom. His knowledge of the cultivation paths of magicians and knights surpasses everyone else, making him a genius. Fusion and unity form a complete theoretical system.

The surging energy flooded the entire villa and turned it into nothingness. Even so, the four people still did not relax their vigilance. Their eyes were shining with light as they stared at the energy storm, waiting for the violent energy storm to dissipate and confirm the final result. result.

"It should be successful!"

"Even an epic knight would have a hard time surviving these three nine-ring magics without defense!"

"This Ivan Vincent actually encouraged the Queen of Holm to visit Arlinge. This is a betrayal of the Lord, blasphemer. We must kill him this time and teach the nobles of Holm a lesson!"

"That's right, if Ivan Vincent dies under the nine-ring magic, it will definitely provoke a conflict between Holm and the Magic Council, and we will reap the benefits!"

Obviously, these people had never used church magic and had planned it in advance. They hoped to blame the death of Ivan Vincent on the Magic Council, causing a conflict between the nobles and the Magic Council, and benefiting the third party of the church.

In the Duke of Fremburg's mansion, the conservative nobles who had been waiting for a long time stood up and asked when they saw Duke Rex coming in.

"Your Excellency Speaker, what is the church's attitude towards what happened today?"

Duke Rex sat on the sofa with his back straight. He was also a ninth-level golden knight with strong strength and tenacity. He frowned slightly and said.

"Your Excellency Cardinal Salde reminds Her Majesty the Queen not to go to Arlinge again. Even if it is to appease the nobles who are pro-Magic Council, there must be a limit and it cannot go too far."

"just a reminder?"

The white-haired Count Baladi looked very disappointed and asked with some dissatisfaction.

Duke Rex flicked his crimson velvet jacket, looked a little serious, and continued.

"The church is somewhat dissatisfied with His Excellency Ivan Vincent for encouraging Her Majesty the Queen to go to Arlinge. We hope that we can do our best to win over the queen's fiancé and make him lean towards the church's position!"

"Duke Ivan Vincent is a legendary powerful man and the fiancé of Her Majesty the Queen. How and what should we use to win over him?"

The Duke of York was very embarrassed and asked two questions in a row, making everyone silent. The legendary epic knight, but the existence of the pinnacle of the continent, how can it be so easy to win over.

The Duke of York was a black-haired knight in his thirties. He was not as calm as those old men. He couldn't help but stand up and pace back and forth anxiously.

"Are we just going to let the situation develop like this? Her Majesty the Queen's sudden visit to Arlinge this time is a very bad signal. We need to be vigilant. Many nobles on our side are not firm in their stance. They are used to following the royal power. and their own lords, it is foreseeable that Her Majesty's behavior will make many nobles gradually move closer to James, Russell, and Haisong, and the balance of power will be reversed in the next year, and we must prepare early."

Duke Rex's eyes were full of coldness, he stared at Duke of York and asked seriously.

"What preparations are you making?"

The Duke of York looked around at the five dukes, three marquises, and five earls in the room, and then said cryptically.

"When His Majesty the King was called by the Lord before. Whatever you did, Mr. Speaker, we will prepare accordingly."

The Duke of York's family is the family of Ctonia, the Heart of Time. That's why he dared to speak to Duke Rex like this, so he could know some of its secrets.

Rex's face changed drastically, turning livid. He stared at the Duke of York with an unkind expression, frowned, and said with great determination.

"York, I didn't do anything, I just accepted His Majesty the King's instructions. To make Holm more powerful, did you hear some rumors and just believe them!"

Duke Thorenfen coughed, interrupted Duke of York to continue speaking, and said with a serious expression.

"York, do you want the Kingdom of Holm to be divided? Do you want every noble in your territory to be hostile to you? Order is the foundation of our noble existence, otherwise we would have been divided and devoured by others. There are no more left. If people are too radical, they will only perish."

"If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy. York, I hope you can remember this sentence!"

Duke Sollenfen raised his hand to stop other nobles from speaking. He glanced at the crowd, leaned forward slightly, and spoke extremely seriously, as if to enhance his convincing power.

"I think the current situation is tolerable. Although Her Majesty the Queen is not too close to the church due to the presence of Her Excellency Hathaway and Ivan Vincent, she still maintains a neutral stance, which is in the interests of the nobility. . Her other actions clearly indicate that she will not abandon us. She needs balance and stability in the kingdom. This is what I want to see, instead of the Kingdom of Holm reduced to ruins. Anyone who tries to destroy the kingdom Those who seek stability and unity are the enemies of our Sollenfen family.”

Duke Thorenfen speaks bluntly, without the tactful conversation skills among nobles. He is frank, straight to the point, and expresses his position directly.

Duke Thorenfen is qualified to say this because the other epic knight who founded the kingdom is his father. Others do not have such a strong background and cannot imitate him.

"This is my opinion. It's nothing. I'll leave first."

Duke Thorenfen straightened his black cloak and was about to get up and leave. The other two dukes, two marquises, and three earls followed closely behind.

The Duke of York kept looking at Sollenfen's leaving figure, snorted coldly, seemed very unconvinced, and said angrily.

"Stability and unity, it seems that he has listened to the mysterious voice and the reality of the world."

The Voice of the Mystery and the Reality of the World are both radio programs launched by the Magic Council. They are propaganda tools. They are designed to let the nobles of Holm know more about the magical world. Of course, they also discredit the church. It is a kind of public opinion war.

Duke Barsatan gave the Duke of York a strange look. He must have listened to these two programs, otherwise how would he know where this phrase came from?

Duke Basatan coughed slightly, which eased the awkward atmosphere, and attracted everyone's attention before speaking.

"As far as I know, the Sollenfen family secretly joined forces with magicians to open an alchemy workshop, and they got a large share of the profits from magic crystal lamps, magic radios and telegraphs, and they have large and vast fields in the alien space. , the promotion of alchemical substances such as Jin Ke La, allowed their family to accumulate huge wealth just by increasing food production."

The implication is that although most people in the Sollenfen family still have firm beliefs, this kind of stable and united situation is what they like to see, and they have gradually parted ways with them, and they are no longer the same people.

The Duke of York spread his hands and reminded again with a firm look on his face.

"So, we have to prepare early."

Duke Rex and others all had uncertain expressions on their faces, and Count Baladi said thoughtfully.

"Maybe we don't need to take action. Some people have been unwilling..."

Where Ivan Vincent's villa is, the entire villa has turned into nothingness. The raging energy storm has completely dissipated. Ivan Vincent's figure appeared in front of the three night watchmen and the cardinal, unscathed.


Three figures rushed out suddenly, their bodies were like lightning, and various lights bloomed from their bodies, stimulating the blood power. Their speed and strength were extremely powerful. The long swords in their hands stabbed into the villa. The three sword lights were sharp enough to kill. Breaking a mountain is the final blow.

The cardinal also began to chant, countless bright holy lights burst out, the ninth-level magic spell Revenge Storm, energy absorption spell, and the eighth-level magic spell earthquake spell, in an effort to assist the three night watchmen and kill Ivan Vincent as quickly as possible. This legendary epic knight.

The corners of Ivan Vincent's mouth were slightly raised, showing a bit of disdain, his eyes were indifferent, he looked at the cardinal with a cold gaze, sneered, and answered the whole Lentat in a clear voice.

"Amorton, you are seeking death!"

Yes, this cardinal is an old acquaintance of Ivan Vincent. He was almost killed by Ivan Vincent with a sword in the Dark Mountains. Now he is the newly appointed cardinal of the Holm Diocese Inquisition. Unexpectedly As soon as he arrived, he was so crazy. He was even more radical than the previous night watchmen. He directly assassinated the Duke of Holm, Her Majesty's fiancé. This was a huge event.

The contracted sword on Ivan Vincent's waist was unsheathed, and a sword sound sounded, clear and sweet, like the collision of gold and jade, and a silver-gray light emerged, as if the real world did not exist. This was the blood power awakened by Natasha. A force similar to the Sword of Truth cut through the bodies of the three ninth-level night watchmen in an instant. Blood spurted out and split into two. The bodies fell directly to the ground. The sword light continued to move forward, killing them. Divine magic filled Amorton's sight. A look of despair appeared on the cardinal's face. He screamed and went to worship the God of Truth he believed in.


The Contract Sword was retracted into its sheath, and Ivan Vincent stood in an open space. There was still a faint trace of magical energy remaining on the land under his feet. The entire villa disappeared, leaving it completely bare.

In the residence of the Duke of Fremburg, Duke Rex, Duke of York, Duke of Barsatan and others heard Ivan Vincent's loud shout, and their expressions changed drastically. They walked out of the room and looked in the direction where the holy light was shining.

"That is the villa area given to His Excellency Ivan Vincent by Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Is the church crazy? It actually dares to assassinate a Duke of the Kingdom just because of what happened during the day. What do they want? Do they want to return to the state of asking for and taking from the nobles three hundred years ago?"

"It's crazy. The church is crazy. They dare to assassinate a duke. They are trying to force us to fall to the Magic Council!"

"This matter must not be exposed as easily as Baron Austin did before. This is a duke, and he is also an epic knight in the legendary realm. He has to be taught to assassinate. We are not that strong, and we may not be able to survive! "

The several dukes looked at each other with solemn expressions and resolute attitudes. The church had gone too far this time and dared to take action against the dukes. This made them feel a strong sense of crisis. They must put pressure on the church and the church must do something for them. A price must be paid for this matter, otherwise the nobles will live in fear every day from now on. ‘

"Let's go into the palace. The enlightened ones will definitely go to Nexor Palace too!"

"Her Majesty the Queen must have been alarmed. She will definitely be furious this time. Even if she grew up under the influence of the church, she will never give up. His Excellency Ivan Vincent is her fiancé. This matter is really serious. It’s so bad that Her Majesty the Queen will put pressure on the church, both publicly and privately!”

A dilapidated small church, but the small church is unexpectedly holy and bright. It is almost comparable to the Great Hall of Light in the holy city of Reims. The contrast between the inside and outside is so great that people are shocked. But Octave and Lund did not look away, as if they were back in their own homes, walking through the prayer hall and toward the confessional in a familiar manner.

"You're back?

"A tough and energetic young man walked over. He looked to be only about thirty years old, but he was wearing the iconic cardinal robe.

Octave nodded slightly and said with a bit of disappointment on his face.

"Arthur, the operation failed."

This man is the most important cardinal around the great prophet and the most talented priest in the Diocese of Holm in the past fifty years. He became a cardinal when he was less than thirty-five years old. He is now at the ninth level and is One of the most promising candidates to become the Holy Spirit Pastor, unfortunately, he has been excluded from the core of power in Holm Diocese because he is too radical.

Arthur, who had the popular name of Holm, was a little surprised. He squinted his eyes, a cold light shining from the slits of his eyes, with a bit of confusion.

"Failed? Amorton and three level nine night watchmen carried three level nine scrolls and carried out the assassination, but they failed to kill Ivan Vincent?"

"Ivan Vincent is much stronger than imagined. Now we are in trouble!"

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