I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 236 Emperor Qing takes action

"To be honest, I am very curious. As far as I know, you are not an ambitious person. You can be said to be harmless to humans and animals. Even if my incompetent sons offended you, you never paid attention to them. I really don’t know why you did this tonight!”

When Emperor Qing heard Guo Baokun's inquiry, his expression moved slightly, and he was constantly speculating in his heart. The true energy gathered in his hands began to escape slightly. If it hadn't been for the last step, he would never have directly confronted Guo Baokun with swords easily, because he was really I don’t have the confidence to beat Guo Baokun.

"I hope that a shackle can be added to the Grand Master so that the Grand Master cannot take action against anyone who is not a Grand Master!" Guo Baokun watched Emperor Qing speak slowly as he spoke word by word, his expression solemn and full of unquestionable determination. .

"Restrict the actions of the Grand Master?" When Emperor Qing heard this rule, not only did he not feel angry at all, but he felt secretly happy in his heart.

You must know that up to now, the Qing Kingdom is the strongest among the Three Kingdoms. It is because they are afraid of the Grand Master's actions against ordinary generals that they dare not go all out to fight for unification. It would be most beneficial to Qing if Guo Baokun could restrict Ku He and Si Gu Jian from taking the initiative against non-grand masters. After all, the combined strength of Northern Qi and Dongyi was not as good as Qing's in terms of fighting, and against Emperor Qing's It can be said that hegemony not only has no disadvantages, but is even more powerful.

"Has Your Majesty ever been willing to abide by this rule?" Guo Baokun actually knew that doing so would be most beneficial to the Qing Kingdom, but who made him a citizen of the Qing Kingdom, so even if he directly killed Ku He and Si Gu Jian , it’s not too much, it just limits the opponent’s shots.

"With your strength, you have surpassed the Grand Master a long time ago. You have never had such an idea before. Why are you suddenly doing this now?" Emperor Qing is a standard political creature who is full of weighing the pros and cons of everything. Although this All the rules were beneficial to Qingguo, but as an emperor, he was full of distrust in everything, so he wanted to get to the bottom of it and know the real reason why Guo Baokun did what he did.

"I'm leaving. I don't have time to continue in this world!" Guo Baokun looked at Emperor Qing, his eyes full of sincerity. He didn't make excuses to deal with Emperor Qing. This was also a reflection on Emperor Qing's treatment of him in the past few years. Respect in return.

Guo Baokun took a few steps and walked to Emperor Qing. He smiled helplessly and said, "If it weren't for the fact that there was no time, I wouldn't want to do this at all. It's just that there isn't much time left for me. I want to go before I leave." I have to ensure the safety of my family and friends, so I’m doing this. If anyone stops me, I won’t be polite!”

"With your level, it is not impossible even if your life span reaches two hundred, how could it be so?" Emperor Qing frowned slightly. He mistakenly thought that Guo Baokun's so-called departure meant that he was about to die, so he didn't understand why this was the case.

"Leaving without saying anything is not death, it is me leaving this world. It will be difficult to return to this world in a short time!" Guo Baokun smiled freely and corrected Emperor Qing's misunderstanding.

"Are you going to become an immortal, ascend and leave this world?" Emperor Qing's pupils widened and he clenched his hands unconsciously. For so many years, he has been wanting to know the clues to the temple, isn't it just for immortality? Now that I heard that Guo Baokun was about to leave this world, I immediately thought that Guo Baokun was going to ascend to immortality, so I was very excited and even blurted out these words unconsciously.

"It's not about becoming an immortal, it's about leaving this world and going to other worlds. Forget it, it's not a mistake for Your Majesty to say this, it's just a little different from your understanding of becoming an immortal!" Guo Baokun denied Emperor Qing's speculation, but then gave up. Well, you must know that Guo Baokun can be called an immortal when he was in the ninja world, but he was restricted by the rules of the world in this world, so he could not live forever. Emperor Qing's words can be regarded as a lie.

"Can martial arts actually lead to immortality in the end?" Emperor Qing murmured to himself in a low voice, with a thoughtful look on his face. He doubted the authenticity of Guo Baokun's words, but for some reason, his spiritual sense told him that Guo Baokun had not deceived him.

"Enough chatting, so Your Majesty, please tell me your final choice. Are you willing to abide by this rule?" Guo Baokun looked at Emperor Qing who was thinking inexplicably. He no longer planned to delay it. You must know that there are three big officials behind him. The Grandmaster is waiting for him to convince himself.

"I don't object to this rule, but no one can set rules for me, so I still have to ask you for advice on how to make me abide by your rules!" Emperor Qing's answer was contradictory. Rather than weighing the pros and cons, the emperor What he cared about most was his own authority and he did not allow anyone to stand above him, so Emperor Qing still chose to take action against Guo Baokun. Of course, this also included Emperor Qing's test of Guo Baokun's strength. He wanted to know how far he was from Guo Baokun, and whether he could hope to transcend and leave this world. Therefore, for Emperor Qing, this duel, no matter whether he won or lost, was nothing. Suffer a loss.

Guo Baokun didn't care what Emperor Qing planned, but stepped aside a few steps, faced Emperor Qing, stretched out his right hand, and signaled Emperor Qing to take action. He knew that every great master was an unruly existence, so he He had no intention of convincing them with words from the beginning. His intention from the beginning was to convince them and let them know that Guo Baokun's fists were the biggest rules in the world.

Emperor Qing was not angry at Guo Baokun's arrogance. He was the one who had been in contact with Guo Baokun for the longest time among the great masters and had the deepest understanding of Guo Baokun's realm. He naturally knew that Guo Baokun's strength had surpassed his own.

Emperor Qing's luck is domineering and true, and his hands are clenched into fists. These iron fists are Emperor Qing's last support and a symbol of his power. They embody Emperor Qing's belief in martial arts. Fist is power, symbolizing the majesty of the emperor. Qing The emperor's boxing technique is the most domineering and violent in the world.

Emperor Qing's footsteps moved as if he were teleporting. His loose white robes made a hunting sound, and his long and scattered hair floated in the air behind him. Strong wind pressure pressed in front of Guo Baokun, and you could even see that the air was still solid. Emperor Qing The fist had already been waved out at this time, like a cannonball, pushing through the solidified air, making a roaring sound, like the sudden change of weather in the dark night, and the sound of thunder.

Emperor Qing was full of confidence in his punch. A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was pride in his eyes. He believed that even with Guo Baokun's level of strength, he would be able to avoid the edge for the time being.

Guo Baokun did not choose to win with skills when facing Yan Xiaoyi this time. Instead, he chose to directly crush Emperor Qing with his strength. After all, only by crushing the Grand Master with strength and letting them know that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world, they will obey. The rules set by Guo Baokun.

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