I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2354 Queen’s coronation, complex situation

"The Holm Crown Award is rarely awarded. Since its establishment, only twenty-four magicians have been able to win it in more than 270 years. It is the highest honor for elemental magic. My mother relied on the introduction of electromagnetic theory in the field of elements and her Awarded for discovering a metallic element lighter than water, she is also the youngest recipient of the Holm Crown Medal."

"Each winning magician will receive a custom-made and unique seventh-level magic ring as a gift. And each ring has its own proprietary name. My mother's one comes from the one she discovered and named. Element, mo.”

Ivan Vincent was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that Natasha's mother was actually an outstanding genius magician. You must know that it is not easy to discover a new element. It requires a keen mind. Observation, extreme patience, meticulous thinking, and unpredictable luck.

"Why did you leave your mother's relics to me?"

Ivan Vincent handed the ring in his hand to Natasha again, but did not accept it.

"Ivan Vincent, no matter what the reason for our engagement, you are my fiancé from today on. This ring is my engagement gift to my fiancé. I hope you can accept it and don't reject me!"

Natasha put the ring on the ring finger of Ivan Vincent's left hand, with a very serious look on her face, which made people feel the firmness in her heart.

Ivan Vincent fell silent, feeling an inexplicable sense of responsibility in his heart. He looked at the ring on his hand quietly for a long time before asking with deep meaning.

"Natasha, have you thought about it? If I put this ring on, I will never take it off again?!"

Natasha lowered her head, her long purple hair covering her pretty face, making it difficult to see the expression on her face. Only a faint voice reached Ivan Vincent's ears.

"I don't know, I just think this ring should be worn on your finger!"

"Just like the love poem you wrote, I have always kept it and never given it to anyone else!"

When Ivan Vincent heard this, his eyes instantly softened a lot. He stretched out his broad and slender palm and held Natasha's jade hand. There was no need to say anything.

"Natasha, let's get along slowly!"


Natasha's voice was extremely low, but one could clearly feel the excitement and joy contained in it.

In the Glory Cathedral, the teleportation array is opened and the holy light shines.

This teleportation array is used to provide reinforcements when the Magic Council attacks with full strength. It is the largest type and can teleport fifty knights at a time. Even with the financial resources of the Southern Church, it can only be used in the holy cities of Reims, Antiphore, Five places were arranged, including Alto, Rentat, and Heim, the capital of the northern province of the Holy Herz Empire.

In the milky white light, Natasha, Ivan Vincent, Camille, nine knights and their wives, children, parents, etc., a total of more than 40 people appeared inside. Most of the family members of these knights looked like dizzy. The look of retching and discomfort.

At this time, the female officials from the Nexel Palace rushed up and trimmed Natasha's hair, eyebrows and other parts. At the same time, she put a cloak embroidered with the Hoffenberg family crest on top of the milky white armor. , which is a purple-red coat of arms wrapped in cloud-like stripes. In the center is a sacred crown, with a golden scepter and a blue sword on both sides of the crown.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, please take the knights to Nexor Palace, and then ride back to the Glorious Cathedral along the marked route. Crown yourself as king here."

The Speaker of the House of Nobles, Duke Rex, knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully. This golden knight was welcoming his queen.

Natasha's expression was solemn and her voice was full of majesty. She looked down at Duke Rex on the ground and said extremely steadily.

"Please ask the Duke of Fremburg to lead the way."

The nine knights quickly settled their families and stood straight and neatly guarding Natasha's back. He left the Glorious Cathedral with her and came to the Nexor Palace in the noble area.


Duke Rex, who was leading the way, waved his arm, and a knight raised his horn and blew it hard.


At the moment when the horn sounded, the four knights took the lead in riding out, followed by the heroic Natasha, who straightened her back and sat upright on the horse, followed. Ivan Vincent was one step behind and followed. Behind Natasha.


The magic crystal lanterns in the villas were turned on, and the street lights were all lit up, one after another, like the stars in the sky welcoming the new king.

"This is!"

The knights of the Principality of Violet had never seen this kind of starry sky hanging upside down, and were quite shocked for a moment. Only Ivan Vincent was slightly surprised. He looked up at the magic lamps, and his interest in the Magic Council instantly disappeared. As they improved, they actually began to live like magic and integrated into the residents of Holm Kingdom, allowing them to become accustomed to accepting the existence of magic.

In the ordinary houses on both sides of the street, countless candlelights were lit, and pairs of eyes paid homage to their new lord through the windows and through the cracks in the doors.

Natasha suddenly felt a little nervous. Such a solemn scene made her feel a little confused. This was something she had never experienced before. She suddenly felt something in her heart, tilted her head slightly, looked at Ivan Vincent from the side and behind, and relaxed instantly. Ivan Vincent's presence was like a reassurance, making Natasha fearless, and the corners of her mouth He tilted his head slightly, revealing a faint smile, calm and calm, like a benevolent king and a born ruler.

Natasha held her head high and had an outstanding demeanor. Her stunning appearance and heroic demeanor made a very deep impression on the nobles and citizens of the Kingdom of Holm. After walking through the streets and alleys, Natasha and the honor guard arrived at the Glorious Cathedral. It was just dark, and the first ray of light in the morning shone on her.

Everyone dismounted and stepped onto the steps. Natasha walked leisurely through the hall while being saluted by ordinary nobles on both sides, and walked up to Cardinal Salde. Kneeling down on one knee in front of the Holy Cross, after some questions and answers, Natasha stood facing all the nobles, placed her left hand on the "Holy Scripture", raised her right hand with three fingers pointing to the sky, and took the oath.

"I, Natashava Orit, solemnly and devoutly declare before the Lord: I am a devout believer in the Cult of Truth. I will follow the "Holy Code" and the "Code Code" of the Kingdom of Holm, and use my own Defend them with your life, fight to safeguard the glory of the Lord and the interests of the Kingdom of Holm, until death!"

Bishop Sard stood in front of Natasha holding a holy book, and a soft holy light emitted from his body to check her faith. Natasha was in a peaceful state of mind. In the holy light, she questioned whether what she had done violated the oath of knighthood she had sworn. When she received a negative answer, the holy light suddenly brightened, as if an angel had descended.

Seeing this, Bishop Salde smiled kindly and said happily.

"Her Royal Highness, you are a devout and staunch believer, a brave and tenacious knight, and you are qualified to be the king of the Kingdom of Holm."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bishop Salde picked up the golden kingdom lying on the red velvet next to him, put it on Natasha's head, which was slightly buried, faced the Holm nobles, and announced loudly.

“I declare, by the grace of the Lord, Natasha Vaorit to be Queen of the Kingdom of Holm and its territories and possessions, Protector of the Faith, Countess of the Violet, Lord of the Bilbis Islands, Solajo and Baltimore Lord, Grand Duchess of Emden, Lord of the Most Glorious Order of the Sword of Truth, Lord of the Most Glorious Order of Judgment, Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Holy Cross.”

Natasha looked up wearing a crown inlaid with many gems, symbolically took over the sacred and bright sword of truth, and with the help of divine magic, she raised it high, exuding a sharp luster.

Seeing this scene, Duke Rex, Duke Solrenfen, Duke James, Duke Russell and other nobles all knelt down on one knee and saluted Natasha.

"See my king!"

The morning after the rain is particularly fresh, the sun is not too bright yet, bright and pure. The specially selected dragon-scale horses shone with silver-gray light, carrying knights with their heads high and chest high across the street. The hoofs of the horses were raised and lowered as gracefully as dance steps.

Behind them, Natasha wore a golden crown, sat on a horse, held up the Sword of Truth, the sacred weapon of the country, and accepted the worship of her subjects. Behind her were the nine Dukes who had gathered, and behind them were people of all sizes. A small nobleman.

When the knights arrived at the Nexor Palace, the nobles dispersed and headed towards the palace where the House of Representatives was located, waiting for Her Majesty the Queen to preside over her first meeting of the nobles.

Natasha returned to the queen's palace with a calm expression, turned on the magic circle, shielding the core from the outside of Nexor Palace. Then, with the help of Camille and two maids, she took off her full body armor and put on a black palace suit. Long skirt, with the Hoffenberg family crest and a white paper flower on the chest.

After Natasha signaled the two maids to leave first with her eyes, a look of fatigue appeared on her beautiful face, and she spoke with a hint of confusion.

"The pressure is so great. I don't completely know who is the enemy, who is a friend, who is a supporter that can be won over, and who is an enemy that cannot be made!"

"Compared with the familiar Violet, this place is too strange and depressing. When I'm outside, when the magic circle is not activated, I don't even dare to say more about what's in my heart. Heart of Time Ketonia Your Excellency, you are responsible for the security outside Nexor Palace and the entire Rentat."

Natasha's words revealed a meaning, that is, she did not trust Ktonia, and was even extremely wary. The death of Natasha's uncle, Prince Patrick, revealed too many strange things. Ktonia As a legendary third-level epic knight, it is impossible to know anything about this matter. Even if this Heart of Time is not a murderer, he is an accomplice. At least he is standing by and not fulfilling his duties. He has the responsibility of the guardian of Nexor Palace!

Ms. Camille is definitely one of the people Natasha trusts most. She felt a little distressed when she looked at the tired and confused Natasha. She rarely said a lot of words, her eyes were soft and loving. She has never been married and regards Natasha as her daughter. He loved his daughter.

"Actually, there is no need for you to inherit the throne. Holm's situation is many times more complicated than that of Violet, and you are an outsider and lack actual support. It is easy to get involved in conspiracies and rebellions, and it is also very difficult for you to succeed. It’s easy to stand in the wrong position and fall into the abyss.”

"Whether you favor the Magic Council, the Church, or balance the two sides, it will cause you a lot of trouble."

"Of course I know this. Even if I am cruel and ignore Mother-in-law Hathaway, many magicians from the Holm royal family, and unite the church to suppress the Magic Council, my strength may not be able to compete with the Magic Council!

"The strength of the Magic Council has expanded too fast. To contain them, the Kingdom of Holm is too weak and needs an alliance between the three countries of Brianna, Camelot and Calais. We must also face the opposition and rebellion of the enlightened nobles, and even accept the consequences of doing so, which will most likely cause the kingdom to split, fall into serious civil strife, and turn Holm into ruins. This is absolutely unacceptable to me! "

"Since you understand things so clearly, why do you still make such an unwise choice and put yourself in a dilemma, where you are left and right, inside and out?"

There was a bit of blame on Ms. Kamil's face. She didn't understand Natasha's choice. It would have been better to stay in the Principality of Waioulit honestly without such a complicated situation and sharp contradictions. , difficult decisions, fragile balances.

"What excuse can I use to shirk it? If I directly express my unwillingness to assist the church, it will be a serious betrayal of faith and will be punished by the Holy City of Reims. The Violet family will also be weakened overtly and covertly."

"My father also suggested that I come because this is my mother's regret and hometown. She ignored the opposition of others and married to Alto alone, which had a great impact on Holm. As my mother's daughter, I have no reason to shirk My own responsibility, I have the blood of the Hoffenberg family in my body, so I have to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the Kingdom of Holm. I don’t want to see the Kingdom of Holm fall into a civil war and turn my mother’s cherished hometown into a hell. Abyss, I came here with this idea in mind, and I will stick to this idea and do it, and I will never regret it!"

"Besides, I am the patriarch of the Hoffenberg family and the patriarch of the Violet family. The church should respect my will within a certain range, just like before."

"Natasha, that was before. If the situation in the Kingdom of Holm reached a critical moment, how could the church consider your wishes and only ask you to make sacrifices for the Lord?"

Camille stared at Her Majesty the Queen, whom she had watched since she was a child. She still understood Natasha's previous explanation, but she strongly disagreed with the last sentence. She felt that Natasha was too idealistic and had no respect for Holm. The seriousness of the situation in the kingdom has been overstated.

A look of determination appeared on Natasha's face. She is a devout believer, but this does not mean that she has to respond to the Church of Truth's requests. She has her own beliefs and positions, and she must consider the future of the Kingdom of Holm. , unwilling to give in all the time.

"If the church really forces me to go completely against my will, I would rather choose self-sacrifice. I will never agree to the church interfering with the royal power at will. This is an agreement reached between the nobles and the church hundreds of years ago, and it is done in front of the Lord. If the Church of Truth violates this agreement, they will be heretics and the target of hostility from all nobles."

Camille looked at Natasha's clothing, adjusted her neckline, and said softly.

"Then what do you plan to do? How do you want the development of the Kingdom of Holm to look like, and what is the direction of its development?"

"Well, I don't know many things yet, and I can't confirm my thoughts yet."

Natasha was a little confused when asked. She had just arrived in the Kingdom of Holm and still lacked understanding of everything in this country. She did not dare to make decisions blindly and was not in a hurry to make decisions. It was best to understand first. Let’s talk about the situation first, don’t act too hastily.

Camille looked at her seriously and reminded Natasha.

"Then figure it out as soon as possible. Whether you prefer the Magic Council, the Church, or maintaining balance, you must make up your mind as soon as possible, so that many things can be arranged as early as possible and avoided, so as not to fall into passivity!"

"I understand that I will definitely determine my thoughts on the future path of Holm as soon as possible, so that I can issue decrees in a planned way and gradually eliminate the opponents, but this will take time. Only when I have enough understanding of the situation in the Kingdom of Holm Only after a deep understanding can we implement it.”

"The only thing I can be sure of now is that even the most enlightened nobles are absolutely unwilling to completely eliminate the church, and the most conservative nobles definitely do not want to return to the state of royal power hundreds of years ago. Haha, Gordon's complete Except for those who have dedicated themselves to the church, so I plan to maintain a balance during this period of time."

Although Natasha didn't understand Holm's situation, she still had a grasp of the bottom line between conservatives and liberals. No matter which faction of nobles they were, they must focus on the interests of the nobles. It was just about which one could the church or the magic council. To bring more benefits to the nobles, there are some differences. The nobles need the church and the Magic Council. What they hope is that the two major forces will check and balance each other, so that the nobles can grasp the situation and gain benefits.

Natasha turned and looked at the mirror. In the smooth mirror, there was a purple-haired woman wearing a black palace dress. She was unparalleled in style, beautiful, luxurious, and amazingly charming. Natasha touched the Hoffenberg family crest on her chest and thought to herself.

"Before that, what I need to clarify is my faith. What does the Lord mean in my heart? What is the relationship between the church and the Lord? Only by knowing yourself clearly can you make plans for the future and purify your will. , be promoted to the eighth level knight as soon as possible, then you can pick up the Sword of Truth, and you will have a certain resistance even when facing the legendary strong man!"

"Furthermore, what role did Cardinal Salde play in this incident? What he was thinking and what he wanted to obtain is a bit difficult for me to guess!"

"Okay, Natasha, it's time for you to go to the House of Nobles!"

Camille looked at Natasha in front of him and was very satisfied with her appearance. He helped open the door to the bedroom and reminded Natasha solemnly.

In the hall of the House of Nobles, Natasha stood on the high platform, accepted the salutes from the nobles again, looked around, and spoke very simply and concisely.

"Now, I announce two things. First, to prepare for the funeral of my grandfather and uncle, the country will mourn for a month. During this period, all meetings of the House of Lords will be suspended. If there is any need to issue decrees or implement policies, please raise them directly to me ."

The king and the crown prince were both called by the Lord. Natasha's request was normal, so Rex and others did not raise any objections.

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