I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2336 Demiplane, Concert

Ivan Vincent looked at the dazzling spell model in the cognitive world with a look of satisfaction on his face. This will be his most powerful trump card, comparable to the most powerful trump card of the Cult of Truth, the Divine Descent Technique. .

This model is extremely complicated, with dense lines and complex and changeable spaces. Even a nine-ring arcanist cannot understand one percent of the mystery. Ivan Vincent is confident that with this self-created legendary magic, he is not afraid even when facing a peerless powerhouse at the third level of the legend.

This magic is created based on the principle of the most powerful weapon in the real world. Through the fission and fusion of matter, mushrooms that can destroy the world can be planted in the world. It is definitely the most powerful legendary magic in the world. It was used by Ivan Vincent The big fireball named Ivan,

Ivan Vincent studied magic for eight years and established a complete arcane magic system on his own. He finally became a legendary magician and can be called the eighth great arcane magician in the world. His path to promotion is to become a legendary magician. Material elements, the microscopic world, relativity theory, quantum mechanics, etc. are integrated into a complete system.

In the past few years, Ivan Vincent has grown astonishingly. Although his apparent strength is that he has just been promoted to a fifth-level knight, secretly his knight level has been promoted to a ninth-level golden knight, which is just one step away. Stepping into the legendary realm and becoming an epic knight was the result of devoting his main energy to arcane research and magic experiments. Otherwise, he would have upgraded his knight registration to the legendary realm.

However, Ivan Vincent's preference for magic is meaningful. He has initially completed the Olympiad theory system and was promoted to a legendary magician tonight. He has also completely substantiated the cognitive world and reached the third level of legend. In his peak state, he became a veritable Grand Arcanist.

The Grand Arcanist's dignity in the magic world is higher than that of the legendary magician, and the two can exist at the same time. They are two different evaluation systems, one is the grading of strength improvement, and the other is the cognitive division of the study of magic principles. of.

In the Continent Magic Council in the north, seven great arcanists, eleven legendary magicians, and six nine-ring great mages with very high arcane levels and the strongest strength, together formed the Supreme Council of the Magic Council, which made decisions Of all the major matters, the Grand Arcanist has a veto power.

In the headquarters of the Magic Council, there have been only seven Grand Arcanists for hundreds of years. These seven people are the only Grand Arcanists that appeared in Ivan Vincent. They are the people with the deepest understanding of the principles of magic and the rules of the world in the world. Other legendary strong men, demigods, gods, or gods, including the God of Truth, do not have as deep a knowledge of the world as these seven people.

But now this situation has changed. Ivan Vincent has appeared. This man with dozens of world knowledge has appeared. He has been a mage, a scholar, a scientist, an immortal, a knight, an emperor, etc., right? The knowledge of the rules of the world is extremely powerful, and he has endless wisdom. He is simply born for arcane magic. Although he only got a copy of the training notes of a first-level magician, he deduced it through self-research with extremely amazing talents. He developed a mature and complete theory of the magic and arcane system and put it into practice. He was successfully promoted to become a legendary mage and a grand arcanist. This achievement is something that even Douglas, the world's number one magician, cannot achieve.

Ivan Vincent put down the pen and paper in his hand, raised his head and looked around the huge experimental base, frowned slightly, grabbed his soft hair in distress, and complained in a low voice.

"There has been too much research in the past few years, and the data and documents have been put down. The knowledge contained in them is enough to subvert the entire Truth Church. It is too unsafe to keep it here. It needs to be stored somewhere else!"

Ivan Vincent looked at the rows of bookshelves, which were filled with neatly packed documents and materials. They were densely packed and arranged from shallow to deep according to different categories. It was like a small library, filled with everything. Work with knowledge, without any useless books, boring experimental data, bold theoretical assumptions, rigorous experimental results, and the final feasibility study report.

Of course, if these are obtained by a discerning arcanist, they will be enough to support their promotion to become a legendary mage, stand at the pinnacle of this magical world, and become an extremely terrifying powerhouse.

Ivan Vincent thought for a moment. After all, he lives in Alto City, which is the territory ruled by the Southern Church. There are often annoying church night watchmen and paladins searching for various hidden corners to ensure that no dark magic survives. In space, although a magic circle is arranged outside Ivan Vincent's test base to hide the test base, it is still not safe. After all, Alto City has a Holy Spirit Priest, who is also a legendary being and should not be underestimated. , although Ivan Vincent is not afraid if he discovers any clues, he cannot afford to lose these materials, data, reports and papers, which are his years of hard work.

"Now that I have become a legendary magician and have perfected the theory of time and space, it's time to capture a demi-plane as my base camp!"

This magical world not only has the main material world continent, but also many auxiliary spaces, such as the Hell Abyss, Heaven Mountain, etc., which are all independent auxiliary spaces. In addition to these complete independent small planes, there are many The demiplane is attached to the crystal wall of the main material world. It has a vast space and can be used as a magician's base camp.

Almost every legendary magician has his own demiplane, and has built different styles based on his understanding of the world, preferences and expertise, such as the "resting place" for the dead souls, Fernando's "Thunder Hell", Hathaway's "Elemental Paradise", these demiplanes are very different.

The demiplane of legendary magicians is somewhat similar to the kingdom of gods. It is their last lair. They usually build their own magic towers there and arrange various magic arrays. Magicians who stay in the demiplane It is the most powerful state. A legendary level 1 magician can fight against a legendary level 3 magician in his own demiplane. Therefore, legendary magicians are generally difficult to kill. This is also the powerful Church of Truth. One of the reasons why the Magic Council could not be completely eradicated in the first place.

Ivan Vincent is an action man. He does whatever he thinks. His powerful mental power slowly spreads out and merges into the endless void. In the frenzy of magical energy, he captures the traces of the demiplane. Ivan Vincent He had been reincarnated countless times, and his mental power was so powerful that it enveloped the void of the entire world. Silently, like a radar, he scanned the void bit by bit, looking for the demiplane. In the process, he saw There are many sights that ordinary people cannot see.

"That independent small plane that shines with dazzling light should be the kingdom of the God of Truth, Heaven Mountain. It seems that this kingdom of God was naturally generated by the world. It seems that there is some inconsistency with the statement that the gods created the kingdom of heaven as promoted in the Bible of Truth. ah!"

Ivan Vincent scratched his chin and said thoughtfully. Although the Truth Cult still has an advantage in strength, Ivan Vincent has seen the passivity of the church. Every time the Magic Council appears, According to the new discovery theory, the church has to modify part of the content of the Bible. It has been revised countless times. Many devout pastors have collapsed their beliefs and cognition due to these changes. The truth is The Religion of God is already passive in the general situation. If it continues like this, the Church of Truth will decline sooner or later.

"That independent small plane with magma flowing everywhere and exuding a strong sulfur smell should be the abyss of hell. This living environment is really harsh. No wonder these devil hells want to enter the main material world. In addition to those who want to devour living creatures, In addition to deceiving faith, the soul should also yearn for the prosperity of the main material world!"

Ivan Vincent did not enter these independent small planes. He did not want to conflict with the Lord of Truth and the devils at this time, so he continued to search for a suitable demiplane. Along the way, he also saw many things in the void sea. There are many demiplanes of legendary mages, each of which exudes powerful magical energy fluctuations. The power is terrifying. Although it is not as powerful as Heaven Mountain and Hell Abyss, it cannot be underestimated.

Ivan Vincent searched carefully with his strong mental power, and finally found a suitable demi-plane in a remote sea of ​​void. This demi-plane was huge, only slightly smaller than the independent small plane. The rules may not be that perfect, but with Ivan Vincent helping to improve them in the future, it may not be impossible to develop into an independent plane.

Ivan Vincent's vast spiritual power poured into this demiplane like a sea of ​​stars and carved his own spiritual mark. The powerful spiritual power laid out countless magic arrays. Earth-shaking changes suddenly occurred in this vast demiplane. Changes, rivers, mountains, forests, lakes, everything operates according to Ivan Vincent's will, turning into the rules of this demiplane. I don't know how long it has passed, but the appearance of this demiplane has changed drastically. .

Ivan Vincent snapped his fingers, and the void tore open, and a portal appeared in front of him. With a wave of his hand, countless equipment and documents flew into the demiplane, leaving only a mess. , the messy waste paper, the empty and messy venue, and even the magic circle arranged outside the test base had been moved away. Ivan Vincent looked around this test base that became a legendary mage with him, and felt a little sad. After thinking about it, he chose another self-created magic meditation method from the demiplane and threw it into the waste paper. It could be considered that he left something for this magic desert.

At the beginning, Ivan Vincent finally got a magic training note. Now he has grown into a top powerhouse in this magical world. He also has to leave some opportunities. If any lucky person can get it, he may be able to achieve another achievement. A magical legend.

After doing this, Ivan Vincent stepped into his demiplane. The portal dissipated and disappeared into this secret and dark place. From now on, he does not need to come here again. He can be in his demiplane. I am studying magic and thinking about problems.

There are towering green mountains in the distance, dense black forests and clear lakes as transparent as mirrors nearby. The demiplane is covered with carpet-like lawns, indistinguishable from the main material world, just like one of the A place with excellent scenery, nothing special at all, as if this place is part of the main material world. Everything operates according to the same laws. It is ordinary but contains profound mysteries. This represents Ivan Vincent’s view of the world. Only when the cognition is infinitely close to the real world can the demiplane be transformed into this appearance.

On the lawn of Lata Summer Palace, Natasha was wearing a white knight uniform. She looked capable and heroic. She kept swinging the sword in her hand, and cold light shone in the void. Crystal beads of sweat kept sliding down. On the flawless across her face, her purple eyes were full of sharp edges, and a dignified atmosphere was conveyed from her body. She stared at Ivan Vincent across from her attentively, her beautiful eyebrows were slanted into her temples, and her sharp edges were revealed. Stepping out, he launched a charge attack on Ivan Vincent again.

"Ding ding ding!"

There was a clear and dense sound of swords clashing, countless sparks sparkled in the void, and the two swords were pressed against each other. Natasha and Ivan Vincent faced each other, their eyes piercing. Giving in and competing with each other, their arms were trembling slightly.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of both of them, one was blue, the other was purple, both were extremely beautiful colors. Withdrawing their strength, the sharp swords drew a mysterious arc, and once again attacked each other's vital points, the two rubbed shoulders. Then, the golden hair and the long purple hair met, and then separated. The two stopped and looked back. A sword mark was left on each other's clothes, but it did not hurt the other party at all.

"Ivan, this time we are tied again, it's hard to tell the winner!"

Natasha held her face high, showed a bright smile, and arched her eyebrows as she said to Ivan Vincent. Under the sunlight, the sweat beads on her forehead were crystal clear, dreamlike, like the most dazzling gems, colorful, forming a gorgeous crown, which was worn on Natasha's head, majestic and full of vitality. .

Ivan Vincent put the Contract Sword in his hand into the scabbard, slung it on his waist, slowly turned around, with his back to the scorching sun, and the golden sunlight poured down on Ivan Vincent's body. It seems to be covered with holy light, sacred, bright, handsome, and sunny, like the hero in the legendary story sung by the bard, which makes people admire extremely.

There was no sign of surprise on Ivan Vincent's handsome face. He was extremely calm and nodded. He was extremely cold. The result of this competition was all planned by him. His strength was too much higher than that of Natasha. Natasha Every reaction and response of Tasha was expected by Ivan Vincent. Ivan Vincent’s powerful spirit is more powerful than the optical brain, and his calculation speed is extremely fast. Natasha has not yet When he took action, Ivan Vincent already knew the result. Ivan Vincent even knew how Natasha was going to fight back earlier than Natasha.

Natasha put away the long sword in her hand, walked towards Ivan Vincent, stood opposite Ivan Vincent without any violation, and extended an invitation to him.

"There is a Victor concert tonight at the Chant Hall. I made an appointment with Sylvia. Please go with me!"

Natasha regarded Ivan Vincent as her love consultant, just like a college student in the real world. When a boy falls in love, all the brothers in the dormitory are giving him advice.

Ivan Vincent thought for a while. He had just been promoted to become a legendary magician. He was not in a hurry to continue to break through. He needed to stabilize for a while. If he had time in the evening, he might as well go to a concert to relax. He nodded silently. replied.

"Okay, I get it!"

Natasha smiled brightly when she heard this, reached out and patted Ivan Vincent hard on the shoulder, and said happily.

"Ivan, you are so loyal, I am going to use the love poem you wrote to capture Sylvia tonight!"

Ivan Vincent rolled his eyes, expressed his disgust at Natasha's behavior of picking up girls, turned around and left, not wanting to say anything more.

Natasha looked at Ivan Vincent's leaving figure with a proud smile on her face. She didn't take it seriously and just shouted.

"Ivan, tonight's concert starts at eight o'clock, don't be late!"

Ivan Vincent raised his right hand and waved it to show that he understood, and kept walking forward.

Grand Duke Violet had just walked out of the palace when he saw this scene and heard his daughter's words. He sighed with a hint of complexity on his face.

"Natasha has really grown up. It looks like she is going to go to a concert with her sweetheart tonight!"

At eight o'clock in the evening, outside the chant hall, carriages came slowly, pulled by powerful and powerful dragon-scaled horses.

Some of the carriages are gorgeous, some are low-key, some are exquisite, and some are grand, but they are all engraved with the emblems of their families on the outside of the carriages. Beautifully dressed gentlemen and ladies got off the carriages and took over the music from the waiter. They led them into the foyer of the chanting hall and greeted each other.

Ivan Vincent did not ride in the family carriage, but came on foot. He took the music list handed over by the waiter, glanced at it casually, his eyes froze slightly, and stopped at an unfamiliar name, Lucien. ·Evans, "Symphony of Destiny"!

Ivan slowly withdrew his gaze, a trace of surprise appeared on his handsome face, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, a meaningful smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered.

"It's interesting. The trajectory of destiny has begun. I didn't expect to hear the "Symphony of Destiny" in this Alto. It's such a wonderful feeling!"

Ivan Vincent walked towards the chanting hall with some enthusiasm. He did not stop at the hall on the first floor, but walked up the stairs and went to the box on the second floor, where the nobles listened to the concert. The place.

Ivan Vincent opened the door of the box and walked in. Natasha sat on the seat, and behind her stood an expressionless middle-aged woman, Ms. Camille, a powerful celestial knight. Responsible for Natasha's safety, she is Natasha's personal bodyguard.

Ivan Vincent knew very well that as Countess Violet and the heir to the Principality of Violet, Natasha was burdened with the family affection of the Grand Duke and the expectation of loyalty to the nobles. Many times, she could no longer act according to her own will, even if she just listened. Concerts also require escorts. Whenever she goes out, she must take Camille with her. This is a sign of respect and understanding for the nobles loyal to the Violet family.

"Ms. Camille, hello!"

Ivan Vincent showed a faint smile to the vigilant Knight Camille, performed knightly etiquette, and greeted him respectfully.

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