I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2331 Second Ring Magician

Ivan Vincent slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of golden light flashed through his blue eyes, as if the endless ocean was bathed in the golden sunshine. .

Ivan Vincent stood up slowly, mentally sketched out a spell model, and a fireball was born out of thin air. He threw the magic practice notes he had finally obtained into it and burned it to ashes. He had become As a first-level mage, all the knowledge in that notebook has been absorbed by him, and it is no longer of any use to keep it!

Ivan Vincent actually became an official magician when he came into contact with magic for the first time, which is simply incredible.

You must know that the female mage who wrote this magic practice notebook began to learn meditation at the age of ten, and became a trainee magic apprentice at the age of thirteen. At the age of fourteen, she crossed the threshold of a formal magic apprentice and became a high-level magic apprentice. At the age of twenty She officially became a first-level mage when she was 18 years old. With this performance, the female mage is very satisfied with her spiritual talent. She is already the best among her kind.

As for Ivan Vincent, just by being exposed to meditation, he successfully communicated with the Destiny Star, constructed a spell model, and became an official magician. This talent far exceeds that of a female mage by countless times.

Ivan Vincent opened the door of the secret room and walked out slowly. He finally looked back at the dark secret room, chuckled, and said with a bit of pride.

"Sure enough, I'm more suitable for magic!"

"Master Fa is the most suitable path for the nobility. He is mysterious, noble, knowledgeable and elegant!"

"It's not like knight training. You're covered in sweat and exudes a strong smell. It's so rude!"

Ivan Vincent walked out slowly with a bit of disgust on his face. He was surprised to see that Earl Vincent did not work today, but was sitting behind the desk with a nervous look on his face. When he saw Ivan Vincent When I walked out, I exhaled a turbid breath, and my tense nerves relaxed.


Ivan Vincent greeted respectfully. It seemed that Count Vincent was very nervous about his desire to study magic.

"How about it? You must put that note away and you are not allowed to take it out of the secret room in the future!"

Ivan Vincent nodded and comforted Count Vincent without telling him that he had become a first-level mage.

"Don't worry, father, I have burned that magic notebook, so there won't be any hidden dangers left!"

Earl Vincent was stunned and a little confused. Could it be that his son has no talent for magic and has given up on studying magic. If this is the case, it is a good thing.

"Ivan, you have good knight talent. Don't be discouraged. I believe that with your qualifications, you can become a high-level heavenly knight!"

In the ancient magic empire, the first and second-level magicians were called junior magicians, the third- to fifth-level magicians were called intermediate magicians, the sixth- to eighth-level magicians were called high-level magicians, and the ninth-level magicians were called high-level magicians. mage.

Referring to this division, the knights linked the four levels that greatly improved their bloodline power with the four magician levels of three, six, nine, and legendary, and then compared and divided the levels with less terrifying strength enhancement, thus stimulating the bloodline. Power, after becoming a knight, the first and second levels are often called knights, the third to fifth levels are great knights, the sixth to eighth levels are heavenly knights, the ninth level are golden knights, and those above are epic knights.

The same is true for the division of pastoral levels. However, after becoming intermediate pastors, most of them become bishops, so levels three to five are also called bishops. High-level pastors often serve as cardinals. As for ninth-level pastors, they often serve as cardinals. A senior priest has no special title. If he can enter the College of Cardinals, he will serve as a cardinal together with the "Holy Spirit Priests". If he cannot, he will still be a cardinal.

In the entire Principality of Violet, not counting the hidden and secretly strong men, there are more than 400 knights, only more than 50 high knights, and less than ten celestial knights. Most of these knights are members of the Violet Knights, and they are stationed at various key places.

Ivan Vincent knew that his father, Count Vincent, had misunderstood, but he did not explain. He just nodded calmly and obeyed.

At this time, Count Vincent seemed to feel relaxed from the inside out, his steps were much lighter, and he headed towards Lata Summer Palace again. Because he was worried about Ivan Vincent learning magic, he delayed for the first time for personal matters. His official affairs fully demonstrated the importance he attached to Ivan Vincent's son.

Ivan Vincent felt warm in his heart and shook his head. Originally, he had planned to give up on knight training and focus on researching and creating his own arcane system. But since Count Vincent is so worried, in order to reassure him, he should do this secretly. On the surface, he still focuses on knight training, which can be regarded as a filial piety.

Time passed by, and the news about Ivan Vincent's promotion to a knight spread. Countless people expressed congratulations to the Vincent family. Even Grand Duke Violet sent someone to send a congratulatory gift, which was a knighthood. The secret medicine can be said to speed up the knight's training. It is very expensive and is a unique inheritance of the Violet family, but it has nothing to do with magic.

Ivan Vincent's spiritual soul is extremely powerful. After obtaining the magician's spiritual meditation method, he gradually integrated into the rules of this world and showed his extraordinary talents, whether he practiced magic secretly or openly. All the knights he practiced have made great progress. After taking the potion sent by Archduke Violet, Knight Ivan Vincent practiced extremely quickly, and he became a second-level knight in just two months. This kind of cultivation speed is extremely amazing.

In order to keep a low profile and concentrate on practicing and studying the true meaning of arcane magic, Ivan Vincent did not tell anyone about his cultivation progress. He only showed an above-average qualification. Although he also received a lot of praise, he did not attract too much attention.

As for privately, Ivan Vincent devoted most of his energy to arcane experiments and research, spending a lot of money. Fortunately, he still has the title of Viscount, and Earl Vincent is even more so. A piece of land was divided for him as his fief. Of course, it was incomparable to the family fiefdom of Vincennes. It was just a small town, the town of Bonn.

Fortunately, this town is located close to the Dark Mountains. It is the only place that many adventurers must pass to enter the Dark Mountains and the Melzer Black Forest. Many adventurers will stop here for a rest, which can be regarded as a certain business opportunity.

As a nobleman, Ivan Vincent controls the administrative and taxation rights of this Bonn town. He can also form a guard team and be responsible for the security of the town. He can be said to be a small local emperor.

Ivan Vincent took note of the unique geographical advantages of the town of Bonn and built a trading place. Materials obtained by adventurers from the Dark Mountains can be traded in the town of Bonn. Bonn lowered the transaction tax on his territory and attracted a large number of people. Businessmen came here and encouraged the town residents to open taverns and hotels to serve these people, which made the town of Bonn prosperous, tax revenue increased sharply, and even attracted the attention of some people.

After Earl Vincent saw the prosperity of the town of Bonn, he sent some family guards to help maintain law and order, which frightened the prying eyes of some people with ulterior motives. Only then did Ivan Vincent breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the strength of the Vincent family's guard team is not as powerful as that of the Violet Knights, there are still some strong ones, and there are even two sixth-level heavenly knights. These are high-level knights and are the greatest strength guarantee for the Vincent family.

If it weren't for Count Vincent's help, the small town of Bonn might not be able to hold on to this coveted wealth.

Because of the popularity of the small town of Bonn, everyone knew about Ivan Vincent's business talent and praised him one after another. As the chief financial officer of the principality, Earl Vincent controls the financial power of the principality and has great control over commercial taxation and other matters. Proficient, now Ivan Vincent has shown extraordinary financial management skills, which attracted the attention of Grand Duke Violet, who arranged for him to work in the Department of Finance and even allowed him to join the Violet Knights.

The Violet Knights are the most powerful force in the Principality of Violet. Only real knights are eligible to join it. The leader of the order is personally served by Grand Duke Violet. The deputy leader is the ninth-level golden knight Earl Hayward. There are also several Sky Knights as captains, and it is a place that all knights and knight attendants in the principality aspire to.

Of course, Ivan Vincent is definitely not included in this list. He does not want to stay in the knights every day to train and fight. This will delay his progress in learning and researching magic. Fortunately, Grand Duke Violet just fell in love with Ivan Vincent. Because of Sen's business talent, it was just an honor for him to join the Violet, and it was for nothing. He did not need to go to the Violet Knights to serve, he only needed to work in the Finance Department, and it had little impact on Ivan Vincent.

A dark and secret laboratory, this is the secret base that Ivan Vincent built by himself after spending a lot of money. It is his laboratory for studying magic. Some ghost-faced orchids are planted around it, which is a kind of dark magic. The medicinal materials can be used to refine many magic potions. The seeds come from the Dark Mountains and were collected by Ivan Vincent from adventurers. Of course, his identity must be hidden.

In the light floral fragrance, the pleasant tranquility made Ivan Vincent adjust his mental state to the best state. He reached out to open a bottle of medicine and drank the brown turbid liquid in one sip. This was a story he deduced by himself. This magic potion is called Solid Stone Potion. It is a magic potion that assists in mental stability.

Numerous irritating flavors such as sour, spicy, and spicy surged in Ivan Vincent's throat. This is a common problem with most magic potions. They taste extremely bad and are very unpleasant to drink. A strange ice cooling enveloped Ivan Vincent's throat. Mental strength. Make it more stable.

Ivan Vincent slowly closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation. The dreamy starry sky was filled with bright stars. The main star of destiny was extremely huge, emitting extreme light and heat. The gravity of this extremely huge star was closely related to the surrounding fire, The three basic forces of wind and water constitute a complete meditation environment.

Ivan Vincent's consciousness seemed to be separated from his soul, and he calmly commanded and coordinated the mental power to vibrate. The resonance caused a qualitative change in the soul, and bright starlight lines emerged, forming several rather complex three-dimensional magic models.

Ivan Vincent can construct several spell models at the same time with ease. The extremely complex spatial structure is not a problem for him. His strong mental power allows Ivan Vincent to easily construct these complex spell models. As for being stretched thin.

As the last line was closed, several complex spell model structures took shape, blooming with dazzling illusory light, dragging Ivan Vincent's onlooker consciousness back into his soul, wrapping the entire soul.

At this time, Ivan Vincent's consciousness sensed subtle changes in the starry sky and the fire, feng shui, and meditation environment outside. Little bits of light particles of different colors emerged leisurely. There seemed to be a deep and mysterious arrangement between them, showing The indescribable complex structural graphics were integrated into the already constructed spell model. This spell suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes. This is a new magic created by Ivan Vincent based on the rules of this world.

The completion of the spell model received feedback from the real world. A wonderful power was integrated into the body. The stars in the starry sky shone brightly. A strong nuclear fusion reaction occurred on the Destiny Star. The radiation of energy spread, causing The soul and mental power began to change and continued to strengthen.

Waves of energy storms surged toward Ivan Vincent, one after another. Ivan Vincent was like a sailboat tossed by wind and waves on the sea, rolling up and down. This feeling was enough to make even a second-level mage pass out.

Fortunately, Ivan Vincent's spirit and will are extremely tenacious and unbreakable. These storms did not have much impact on him, and he still remained absolutely calm and rational without any fluctuations.

The energy storm gradually weakened and finally dissipated in the boundless starry sky. A transparent and beautiful crystal was born in Ivan Vincent's soul. This crystal seemed to be a miniature version of the main star of destiny, exuding gleaming brilliance and giving people a sense of With a warm and holy feeling, Ivan Vincent's mental power and soul changes have reached their extreme and are growing continuously. This growth will continue for a while until Ivan Vincent's state is completely stable.

"The second-level magician counts!"

As Ivan Vincent said this, a shadow appeared on his body. This shadow actually took the form of Ivan Vincent. It was exactly the same, making it difficult to tell which one was the real Ivan Vincent.

Mirror Image is one of the many second-level spells deduced by Ivan Vincent. It uses the mirror space principle in physics to create a clone that is the same as the main body to help the main body resist attacks. If the attack cannot break Mirror image, then it cannot harm the main body.

After carefully sensing the effect of the mirror shadow spell, Ivan Vincent lifted the spell and entered a meditative state again. He saw through the true colors of earth, fire, and feng shui in this world, and corrected them into the four basic powers. , the cognitive world of meditation has changed, and the earth, fire, wind, and water filled in the starry sky have turned into gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force.

The cognitive world is similar to the embodiment of my consciousness. The more knowledge about the rules of the world's operation, the more consistent the cognitive world is with the real world. The more the cognitive world is consistent with the real world, the stronger the resonance will be. Induction, the more real-world feedback you get, the faster your power will grow, and the stronger your mental power and soul will become.

"To understand the world, we need to start with the elements that make up matter! It seems that I need to be the Newlands and Mendeleev of this magical world. Arranging the periodic table of elements in this world and summarizing its periodic laws will surely make people happy. My cognitive world has undergone tremendous changes and is more in line with the rules of the real world. At that time, I will get huge feedback from the world and create more new magic! But what should the new magic be called?"

"Elemental cycle? Elemental control? I really can't think of another name?"

Ivan Vincent touched his chin with his fingers, a serious look on his face. Obviously, for him, naming the new magic was a very important matter, and it was far more worthy of his attention than his promotion to a second-level mage.

Ivan Vincent was successfully promoted to the second level magician. After tidying up his experimental base, he quietly left this secret place and walked in Alto City, feeling the lively atmosphere of life. He felt very happy and walked leisurely. , light.

Suddenly a loud shout came from the street ahead, and the crowd surged and rushed there.

"The witches are being burned! The church is going to burn the witches!"

"Everyone, go quickly!"

"Burn that damned evil witch!"

A group of residents wearing rough linen clothes were excited and shouting hysterically. They were ferocious and terrifying, violent and ignorant.

A small but solemn church with a tall semi-circular vault, a huge white cross nailed to it, and very narrow windows below.

There were already many people gathered in the square, and a few young boys were swaying left and right, squeezing forward in the crowd, trying to squeeze into the front row to watch the fun.

There was a wooden cross in the center of the square, with a pale, rather beautiful twenty-year-old woman in black robe tied to it.

The surrounding people would throw the stones, wood blocks, saliva, etc. they brought with them at the black-robed woman from time to time, and the sound of curses was mixed together:

"Smash you to death, this damn witch."

"You are an evil witch hiding in our area. You must be trying to cast evil spells to kill us!"

Ivan Vincent looked cold and stood not far away, quietly looking at the angry residents. These ignorant people were completely brainwashed by the Cult of Truth and hated magicians extremely. There was a woman tied to the cross, just a She was just an ordinary magic apprentice, but it was a pity that she was discovered by the night watchman of the Church of Truth. She was not strong enough and was caught by the church knights. The people of the church wanted to burn her to death in broad daylight. This was to deter other secret magicians. Master, kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

The woman in black robe was hit occasionally, but she tightly closed her thin white lips and did not let out a groan of pain. Instead, she looked like a statue, looking coldly at the people standing on the steps of the church.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a broad white robe trimmed with gold, wearing a white soft hat, and holding a round badge with a white cross. He looked quietly, without speaking, solemnly and solemnly, and behind him Standing were several men and women in white robes, clean and tidy, with rosy faces. These were trainee pastors, the reserve force cultivated by the Truth Church, in stark contrast to the poverty and squalor in the square. Behind these men in white robes stood a row of mighty guards wearing silver-gray chainmails. They were church paladins. The most powerful one was only a second-level knight. Obviously, the church was not large in scale. , lack of strength.

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