I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2328 Earl Violet, taking the knight’s gift

After hearing this, Earl Vincent remained silent for a long time. He just stared at his only son with majestic eyes. The whole restaurant fell into silence. After an unknown period of time, Earl Vincent withdrew his gaze and stepped forward again, heading towards the restaurant. Walking out, when he reached the gate, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Ivan Vincent, and said with deep meaning.

"I will look for an official magician's magic notes for you, hoping to satisfy your curiosity!"

After that, he turned around and walked straight outside. The breeze blew gently, and there was a lingering voice of Count Vincent.

"Legendary Grand Arcanist? That is the top power in the continent. How can it be so easy to achieve!"

Ivan Vincent's expression changed slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a bright smile, he stood up and left the table, walked confidently and firmly, held his head high, and murmured in a low voice.

"Who knows, maybe what I am best at practicing is arcane magic!"

"The end of science is metaphysics, and the end of arcana is magic! This is really an interesting cultivation method!"

The lingering sound disappeared in the empty restaurant. Only the magic lamp was still shining, illuminating the empty restaurant.

At eight o'clock in the evening, outside the chant hall, carriages came slowly, pulled by powerful and powerful dragon-scaled horses.

Some of the carriages are gorgeous, some are low-key, some are exquisite, and some are grand, but they are all engraved with the emblems of their families on the outside of the carriages. Beautifully dressed gentlemen and ladies got off the carriages and took over the music from the waiter. They led them into the foyer of the chanting hall and greeted each other.

"My lord, I didn't expect you to come to this concert!"

A baron saw Count Vincent, walked over quickly, performed the courtesy of a noble, and greeted him very respectfully, with an attitude that was almost flattering. This was a minor nobleman, a descendant of a viscount, relying on the family's After seeking asylum, he obtained the title of baron, worked under Count Vincent, and became a financial officer, responsible for some small things.

"This must be Viscount Ivan Vincent! He is truly a talented person and will definitely become a pillar of the principality in the future!"

As the only heir to the Vincent family, Ivan Vincent also holds a noble title. He is a viscount, which represents his status as the successor to the earl.

Just like, it is reasonable for the daughter of Grand Duke Violet, as the future Grand Duke of the principality, to be canonized as Duke of Violet.

"You are too ridiculous. Ivan is incompetent. I will be very satisfied if I can successfully inherit the family title!"

Earl Vincent was not arrogant. He greeted the nobles very kindly and introduced Ivan Vincent to everyone. The circle of nobles was very small. Because they were often married, they were all related. They are more or less related.

Ivan Vincent followed his father and kept calling for people. He behaved politely and appropriately, which made all the nobles praise him.

The nobles exchanged greetings while walking towards the foyer of the chant hall. At the same time, they handed their swords to the guards and allowed them to check their belongings.

Because Archduke Violet was going to attend, the inspections were stricter to prevent assassinations from happening.

However, the guards did not check too carefully, because a super large anti-magic circle was arranged in the entire chant hall. Magic and supernatural powers under the legendary realm will be banned. This is a masterpiece that the church took more than a hundred years to complete. .

Not long after everyone entered the chant hall, two groups of guards wearing red military uniforms with a golden stripe on the left chest ran forward to clear the way. Surrounded by them, two low-key dark purple carriages drove over.

Purple is elegant, quiet and gentle. A family crest is engraved on the carriage. In the middle is a powerful metal armor arm holding a silver shield. Around the arm is a circle symbolizing nobility and elegance. Bright violet, with a circle of barrier-like heraldic lines outside the violet. This is the coat of arms of the Violet family. In addition to the name Violet, this family is also known as the "Shield of Truth".

The carriage stopped in front of the long red carpet of the chant hall, with guards standing on both sides. The nobles who had just entered the chant hall were neatly lined up in two rows, led by Earl Vincent, Earl Hayne, Earl Lafati and others. Get off and wait in the foyer to greet Archduke Violet.

The door of the carriage behind opened, and a beautiful girl in a black elegant evening dress walked out. She had bright purple long hair, and eyebrows that were thicker than ordinary girls flew into the temples diagonally, and dreamy. The combination of the deep purple pupils does not look rough, but has a heroic and bright feeling. Coupled with the strong and straight smooth nose, and the right light red lips that are not thick nor thin, she will definitely be a stunning beauty in the future, like A blooming violet, she is Countess Violet, the only daughter of Archduke Violet, and the sole heir of the principality, Natasha Violet.

Behind Count Violet Natasha stood a serious and powerful middle-aged woman, who always followed Princess Natasha and never left her.

Natasha was half a head taller than boys of the same age, with slender and strong legs. She walked to the carriage in front, opened the door for her father, Archduke Violet, and helped him out.

Grand Duke Violet also has long purple hair and is only over fifty years old. However, after experiencing the death of his wife and eldest son one after another, he looks a bit old and haggard. He does not have the unparalleled talent of knights like his daughter Natasha. Now he only has the strength of a second-level knight, and he basically relied on the church and family's secret medicine to forcibly improve him. Therefore, his long purple hair has a hint of silver, and he is old and elegant.

Grand Duke Violet looks a lot like Natasha. Even at this age, he is a handsome gentleman, even more mature than the young man, but he puts all his feelings into his wife. , since the death of the Duchess, there has never been any scandal in the past ten years, but he seems to be much more affectionate than Earl Vincent, a peerless good man.

With Natasha's support, Grand Duke Violet slowly walked from the carriage to the red carpet. While looking at the sacred and solemn chant hall that had not changed much since he could remember, he thought about his own life and sighed. Sighing, he felt lonely for no reason. As he thought about it, he turned his head and looked at his daughter. Now his only worry and worry was her daughter. Natasha made him feel proud but also extremely worried. Natasha was so carefree. In terms of personality, he is stronger than boys.

The foyer was in front of him. Grand Duke Violet restrained his thoughts, maintained his majesty and showed a kind smile, and greeted Earl Vincent, Earl Hayne, Earl Lafati and other nobles who were loyal to his family, and Natasha always smiled and nodded, as if she was comfortable with this kind of social etiquette, but also seemed to be alienated from the entire communication.

Ivan Vincent stood behind his father and saluted Grand Duke Violet as the crowd did, without showing anything too surprising. Most of Ivan Vincent's attention was focused on Count Violet, Natasha. This countess was very interesting and had no awareness of being a girl. Although she was wearing an evening dress, she was very uncomfortable. She secretly tugged on her clothes, with a look of disgust on her face, and a bit of annoyance flashed in her purple eyes. She looked carefree, without any dignity or elegance of a noble woman, more like a boy.

After the nobles of earl and above sat down in the well-located box, Grand Duke Violet looked at Ivan Vincent behind Earl Vincent, with a kind smile on his old face, and asked softly road.

"Vinson, this must be your son, Viscount Ivan Vincent!"

Although Grand Duke Violet asked, his tone was extremely affirmative. He looked at Ivan Vincent with his purple eyes. Seeing that Ivan Vincent was neither humble nor arrogant, he seemed to like him a little, so he waved and motioned him forward. Damn it.

Ivan Vincent turned his head to look at his father, with a hint of asking for instructions in his eyes. Earl Vincent nodded, and then Ivan Vincent stepped forward, bowed and greeted him in a very decent manner.

"I've met the Grand Duke!"

Young Master Violet smiled and nodded, and after asking a few questions, he understood a little more about Ivan Vincent. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the musicians and musicians were already in place, and then he pointed at Na behind him. The empty seat next to Tasha said to Ivan Vincent.

"Little Ivan, you are about the same age as Natasha, sit next to her, and you people of the same age can have a good exchange!"

Count Vincent smiled when he heard this, and motioned with his eyes to Ivan Vincent to sit down quickly, then turned to look at the stage and prepared to listen to the beautiful music.

Ivan Vincent walked to the seat next to Natasha with a calm expression and nodded slightly as a greeting. He did not talk to this proud woman and sat quietly in his seat. , waiting for the concert to start.

Music in this world is extremely developed. Although musicians do not have extraordinary powers, they are highly respected. They are guests of nobles, often visiting various noble estates, and earning a lot of money.

Victor, a famous musician in Alto City, walked to the stage with a conductor baton. He first saluted solemnly in the direction of the box where Archduke Violet and the others were, and then saluted the nobles and musicians in other directions one by one. Finally, he turned around, lowered his head slightly, and stared at the baton in his hand.

Music began to sound, and in the beautiful music, the sounds of all the nobles communicating slowly stopped.

Victor's music is lively, smart, and extremely beautiful, like the wind passing through the mountains and forests, like a pastoral full of mature flavor. A little personal emotion is incorporated into the symphony that simply expresses the beauty of music, but it is not obvious. However, its perfect combination with music sublimates the entire symphony, which is full of joy, ease, and fresh melody.

Grand Duke Violet couldn't help but applaud to show his satisfaction and praised during the break.

“Victor is truly a wonderful musician who is always improving.”

"Of course, I haven't heard such relaxing and beautiful music for a long time."

Earl Vincent also spoke in praise, but more in agreement with Grand Duke Violet. He is a pragmatist and is not passionate about music. He sees attending concerts more as a means of communication.

The concert ended, which lasted three hours, with two breaks in between. Ivan Vincent was proficient in music and listened with gusto, but Natasha was a little unable to sit still and had a frown on her face. She finally waited until the concert was over. , jumped up from his seat, took Archduke Violet's arm, and said impatiently.

"Father, it's finally over. Let's go back. I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Natasha didn't seem to be used to wearing evening dresses. She couldn't help but tugged at the clothes on her body with her little hands, and rolled her eyes in frustration.

Grand Duke Violet loved this only bloodline very much. He stretched out his hand and scratched Natasha's strong nose, stood up slowly, and said in agreement.

"Okay, okay! Let's go back now!"

Seeing this, the other nobles stood up quickly and looked respectfully at the controller of the principality. They watched Grand Duke Violet and Natasha leave the chant hall and return to the carriage, protected by the guards. Heading towards Lata Summer Palace.

Earl Vincent never mentioned the magic potion to Grand Duke Violite from the beginning to the end. The Grand Duke has already met Ivan Vincent tonight and has a good impression of him. Tomorrow he only needs to meet Grand Duke Violite alone. , you can propose the magic potion to the Grand Duke, and he should not refuse.

Ivan Vincent and his father also rode the family carriage all the way back to Vincent Manor. They washed briefly and then returned to the bedroom to rest.

On the second day, Ivan Vincent continued the knight training as usual, without any anxiety, as if he had never heard of the knight's gift potion. He followed the steps and trained hard to hone his swordsmanship, body, will, and soul. An ascetic monk.

After the knight training is over, I will study other courses. The arrangements are full, orderly and extremely fulfilling.

Since Ivan Vincent awakened his memory, he has accelerated his learning speed, read a lot of books, and started to look through the books collected by the Vincent family for thousands of years, which allowed him to understand more about the world and know many secrets. knowledge.

More than a month passed, and he had read most of the books in the family. He had also exhausted all the knowledge taught by scholars. He needed to conduct knight training every day, and after that, he would read in the family library.

On this day, Ivan Vincent put down the thick book of historical poems in his hand, rubbed his sour eyes, looked at the window gradually dimming, walked out of the library, and headed towards the restaurant.

At this time, Count Vincent was already sitting in his seat, with a bit of joy on his face. When he saw his son coming in, his eyes flashed and he spoke.

"Ivan, after dinner, come to my study. The matter of the magic potion is settled. The Grand Duke got a magic potion from the Kingdom of Holm. You can take it tonight!"

Ivan Vincent was slightly stunned when he heard this, then nodded, acting extremely calm, and sat quietly in his seat. After Count Vincent began to enjoy the food, he started to move the knife and fork, cutting. The steak on the plate is tender, juicy and fragrant, making people salivate.

Ivan Vincent put a cut piece of steak into his mouth, chewed and tasted it carefully, nodded from time to time, looked satisfied, and squinted his eyes happily.

During this dinner, Ivan Vincent ate two pieces of steak before he stopped eating. He had been training as a knight during the day, which consumed a lot of energy. In addition, when he was growing tall, he ate more than an adult. Much bigger.

Count Vincent's study also has a magic lamp placed in it. The bright light sweeps away the shadows of the night, making people feel extra safe.

Earl Vincent sat behind the desk, opened the drawer with the key very carefully, and took out a tube of potion. This tube of magic potion shone with golden light, giving people a warm feeling, holy and pure, this is what the church has always been Forbidden magic potions are not as sinister and evil as the church says, and are products of darkness.

Earl Vincent carefully handed the magic potion to Ivan Vincent who was standing and warned.

"Take it quickly. This knight's gift is very precious and has no side effects. It can make you strong quickly within two months, reaching the standard of awakening the power of your bloodline!"

Ivan Vincent took the magic potion, raised his arm, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, opened the potion, raised his head and poured it into his stomach without hesitation, very neatly.

Ivan Vincent tasted the taste carefully. There was no strange taste, but a hint of sweetness. The potion flowed down the throat and into the stomach. Suddenly, a warm feeling arose, which was very comfortable, making Ivan Vincent. Vincent couldn't help but close his eyes.

Ivan Vincent's powerful spiritual soul carefully sensed the condition of his body, and the blood flow speed increased. A strange change seemed to have occurred deep in his body, and his metabolism became active. Ivan Vincent felt that he In the future, the appetite may more than double. This is an unfounded intuition. Ivan Vincent trusts his intuition very much.

"how do you feel?"

Earl Vincent asked with great concern. He stood up and looked at Ivan Vincent up and down, worried about whether he felt any discomfort.

"I feel good, my whole body is warm, and there are no other discomforts!"

Ivan Vincent moved a bit and said with a smile, comforting Count Vincent.

The father and son talked for a few words in the study room and then dispersed. Ivan Vincent returned to his bedroom and lay on the luxurious bed, covered with a velvet quilt. Countless figures appeared in his mind, each figure. He was busy, constantly trying to use various materials from this world to match the magic potion he just took, extract, distill, mix, and react, but in the end he still failed.

"It still doesn't work. I don't know much about magic practice in this world. The family's books record too little about various magic materials. The information is incomplete. It is impossible to restore the ingredient ratio of this magic potion. I can only give up now. !”

Ivan Vincent opened his deep blue eyes, a little helpless. The Vincent family is a noble family after all. Although it has been passed down for thousands of years, there are only a few records of magic. There is too little information to deduce the knight's gift potion. The formula can only be given up and continued to be deduced.

There was no words for a night. The next day, the sun rose brightly. Ivan Vincent held a long sword with a nimble figure. He waved the long sword in his hand with exquisite moves and powerful force. The cold light shone and the coldness filled the air. Milo nodded frequently and was very satisfied with Ivan Vincent's performance.

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