I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2326 The Arcane World, Ivan Vincent

Chapter 2326 The Arcane World, Ivan Vincent

If this project had not been for Li Ziyi, it would have been impossible for Liu Qianqian to play such a small role given her status. For the other roles, Li Ziyi did not hire big-name actors. They were all talented actors who were not well-known and had solid acting skills. Well, Yong Shengxin is a good actor in the industry. With just a few words, he can perform his own style and give the character a strong personal style, making the character image extremely full and touching.

Li Ziyi is both a director and an actor. It is very hard for one person to hold both roles. However, he has never failed to discuss the plot and rehearse scenes with other actors. He is busy until midnight every day. Liu Qianqian is extremely distressed and posts his updates. When it was posted on Weibo, it aroused discussions among countless fans and netizens.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that Li Ziyi, a man who has been around for thousands of years, finally stood up!"

"It's not easy. Every time Li Ziyi starts working, I have expectations. His works never disappoint, but they are just a little lacking!"

"Yes, there is no popular actor who doesn't have seven or eight projects in a year. He is the only one who only has one or two projects every year. He spends most of the year resting and lying down. He doesn't even participate in commercial activities. Except for the works, he basically watches them. It’s so abominable that he can’t be seen!”

"Forget it, stop complaining. After all, he has already started working. I look forward to his works being broadcast. We have good dramas to follow again!"

"Kangbiao, the name is interesting. Is it a TV series about racing?"

Countless fans commented on Li Ziyi's latest project, and it instantly became a trending topic on Weibo. The Weibo server was under tremendous pressure, prompting engineers to make official complaints again.

"Hey, some people don't care whether they are messing up or struggling. We all have to work overtime to repair the server. How pitiful!"

As soon as this comment came out, countless netizens laughed like crazy. Last time, these Weibo engineers complained about Li Ziyi, hoping that he could work hard and not mess up. The Weibo server could not bear it and they needed to work overtime for repairs. Now Li Ziyi After work, the Weibo server was almost paralyzed, and they had to work overtime. This day was really unbearable.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. Li Ziyi completed all content production very efficiently. Park Jihoon also contacted the TV station and started broadcasting "Hurry Up".

Everything went extremely smoothly, with the name of the relevant departments, and it passed the review easily. The national TV station personally went out and obtained the broadcast rights of "Hurious", put it in the prime time period, synchronized the network platform, and started broadcasting together, and the network The platform rarely kept synchronization this time and did not dare to release the subsequent plot in advance. After all, it was a national channel and it was not something they could offend.

As soon as "Kurst" was aired, it quickly became a hit. The compact plot and distinctive characters aroused countless discussions and the Internet went crazy. Li Ziyi's performance of Gao Qiqiang has gained the admiration and love of countless people.

""Look at Sun Tzu's Art of War and improve your life! "

"Tell Lao Mo that I want to eat fish!"

“The louder the storm, the more expensive the fish!”

"What grade? It's the same as what I use!"

"Only watch plasma TV!"

Countless memes are trending on the Internet, and everyone is discussing "Horse", which has caused a phenomenon-level popularity. Countless people are watching this TV series. If you haven't watched it, it's all with friends and colleagues, and there is no common topic.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Li Ziyi. After being busy for three months, he once again started to show off, staying at home and rarely going out, making countless fans love and hate him.

If it were any other star whose role became popular but didn't realize it quickly and made frequent high-profile appearances, this guy would be better off. After filming the TV series, he would disappear immediately and stay at home without showing up.

A noble manor, luxurious and full of nobility. The entire manor occupies a huge area, covering an area of ​​100 acres. It has a horse farm, a martial arts training ground, and a castle. There are hundreds of people living in it, including maids, knights, gardeners, and nobles.

This is a manor belonging to the Vincent family. As a powerful nobleman of the Principality of Violet, Count Vincent is the chief financial officer of the principality. He controls a large amount of wealth in the principality and has a noble status. The Vincent family has been passed down for thousands of years. He lived in Alto City thousands of years ago, even before the principality was established.

Alto City is the capital of the Principality of Violet. It is located near the Dark Mountains and is known as the City of Psalms. It is extremely prosperous and full of opportunities.

More than 400 years ago, the Church guided the Holy Hertz Empire to advance westward, occupying Alto, the last core of the ancient Sylvanus Magical Empire, and drove the dark creatures and monsters to the vicinity and depths of the Dark Mountains. Alto It has always been one of the most famous cities in the entire continent.

More than three hundred years ago, in the city of Alto, under the authority of Pope Charles I, who was still a cardinal at the time, he compiled hymns and songbooks of the church through the ages, and set standards for singing music and singing. When he became pope, Charles officially After psalm singing and choirs were promoted to every church, Aalto gained the title of the City of Psalms.

Because the city of Alto is close to the Dark Mountains, elves, dwarves, kobolds, etc. often change their beliefs and become members of the principality. The intersection of different music makes Alto the music capital of the entire continent. The emergence of polyphony, the formal formation of symphony, and the invention of musical instruments such as the Gisu violin were all born here. Countless great musicians left their names in Aalto. For every bard, every musician, every musician, it is the greatest honor to perform their music in the Aalto Chant Hall.

In the Vincent family manor, a luxurious bedroom covers an area of ​​​​100 square meters. In the real world, this house is already the size of a house for a large family to live in. It even needs to carve out a part of the shared area to have a living space. Ninety square meters is considered a high level of incense and requires decades of hard work.

In this luxurious bedroom, there are countless exquisite decorations, ancient paintings, precious furniture, exquisite sculptures, and a super luxurious bed covered with the most exquisite silk velvet quilt. This quilt is all you need A few quintals. You must know that the annual consumption expenditure of an ordinary family of three is only one quintal. This can only be achieved by a family with a stable job. From this, we can know that the Vincent family has many luxurious families.

Under the velvet quilt is an eight or nine-year-old boy. Although he is not old, he looks extremely handsome. His facial features are exquisite and flawless. His skin is white and tender. He is wearing silk pajamas. His long and distinct eyelashes are golden in the sunlight. , crystal clear, very beautiful, the eyelashes blinked slightly, as if feeling the glare of the sun, the boy was about to wake up.

The eyelids opened with difficulty, and a pair of deep eyes appeared. The dark blue pupils were as mysterious and magnificent as the sea. The eyes were clear and clear, without any impurities, pure and clean. The boy yawned greatly, and then he He got up and sat on the bed, with a sleepy look on his face, as if he was not yet fully awake, and his eyes were a little dazed.


"I didn't expect that I would be reincarnated into such a Western fantasy world this time. It's really interesting!"

The boy stretched out his long white fingers, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and woke up completely.

Each of the boy's fingers is like a work of art, without any flaws. Such hands are the best whether they are playing elegant music, writing beautiful words, or holding the glorious knight's sword.

The boy's eyes did not have the innocence of a child of this age. They were extremely deep, shining with the light of wisdom, and had a maturity and stability that was not commensurate with his age. He slowly walked out of the bed and changed into aristocratic clothes, which were gorgeous and comfortable.

The boy is the only descendant of Earl Vincent. His name is Ivan Vincent. He is the only successor of the Vincent family and the darling of Earl Vincent.

Ivan Vincent walked out of his bedroom at a leisurely pace. At this time, Earl Vincent had already gone to deal with government affairs. As the only son of the Vincent family, Ivan Vincent was the only one in the entire Vincent Manor at this time. The owner, Ivan Vincent's mother has passed away long ago. Although Earl Vincent still has many lovers, he has not remarried.

Ivan Vincent seemed to have gone to his own empty restaurant to have a sumptuous breakfast, including meat, eggs, milk and vegetables. Vincent Manor has a professional chef and cook who is responsible for three meals a day, with superb craftsmanship and cooking skills. The absolute best in Alto City are all hired with huge sums of money and are not considered servants of the Vincent family.

After Ivan Vincent finished his breakfast, he did not spend his days leisurely, but started heavy studies. As the sole heir of the Vincent family, he naturally needed to learn many things, such as literature, economics, history, art, law, and most importantly The most important thing is knight training. As a noble, it is difficult to survive without strength. This is not an extremely peaceful world.

The Principality of Violet is located in the south of the continent, where it is ruled by the Church of Truth. In the north is the Continental Magic Council, which is the paradise of arcana and the biggest enemy of the church. The church believes that spellcasters are wizards and are symbols of dark evil. , if discovered, they will be tied to a cross and burned to death. Anyone involved with the caster will be executed. This is the most iron-blooded principle of the church and will never give in.

The magic in this world is very interesting. It is not Western magic in the traditional sense. The Continental Magic Parliament in the north is composed of the creator, founder, and perfecter of arcane and modern magic systems, one of the founders of calculus, and the Speaker of the Parliament. It was founded by His Excellency Derek Douglas, the Emperor of Magic and the Chosen One of Magic. He is also a legendary Grand Arcanist in the mainland.

Douglas, the president of the Magic Council, was a wise man who created a new era. He was extremely intelligent, good at thinking, and knew how to research. He created magic and arcana that were different from the past. He was no longer the same as the wizards in the past, who just knew what they were doing and didn't know how to do it. So, if you don’t know the principles of magic, you can say that the arcane magic in this world is science dressed in extraordinary colors. Douglas is the founder of science and is definitely an extraordinary world materialist. By discovering the truth of the world, he can obtain reality. Feedback from the world improves one's own strength. Of course, one can also practice step by step by learning the knowledge and theories of predecessors.

Moreover, if there is a subversive cognition in arcane research, it will even cause the arcanist who has formed a fixed cognition to have a cognitive decline in the world, or a direct headshot and the death of the soul. Such terrible results will lead to The discoverers of some new theories are hostile to some conservative arcanists.

The knowledge of the world is the main source of power for arcanists. In contrast, the Southern Church naturally has its own extraordinary power.

In the continent ruled by the Northern Church, there are two main types of power, priests and knights. Priests are casters of teachings and gain power through faith in the Lord, while knights awaken the power of blood hidden in their bodies through powerful training and become extraordinary. .

Knights are also the largest group of nobles and are the guarantee of the power of the nobles. There is a balance between the divine power and the nobles. The nobles devote their faith to teachings, and the church must also ensure the power of the nobles. There are checks and balances between the two, but in general It is said that the church is more powerful. The reason is very simple. The church is more powerful. Not only does it have nearly twenty legendary powers, but it also has the existence of the supreme god, which is even more powerful than the Grand Arcanist.

Knight training is not only physical training, but also behavioral and mental training. It is very difficult. Polishing strength, practicing swordsmanship, and riding skills all require hard training, and they need to be practiced from an early age.

Although Earl Vincent is a finance minister, he is also a formal knight with the strength of a third-level knight. Due to qualification restrictions, he can no longer break through again, so he has high expectations for Ivan Vincent and vigorously trains Ivan Vincent. Van Vincent.

As a great noble of the principality, the Vincent family has many fiefdoms, and has also recruited many knights and given them the status of aristocrats. They dedicate their strength and lives to the Vincent family, abide by the spirit of chivalry, be loyal to justice, and serve for generations to come. Work for the Vincent family.

Ivan Vincent's knight training instructor is a formal knight who is more powerful than Count Vincent. He has the strength of a fourth-level knight. He is the captain of the Vincent family's knight guard and was awarded a baron by Count Vincent. Titles were given and fiefs were given.

This makes the knight baron extremely loyal to the Vincent family. Don't underestimate the weight of the baron. Earl Vincent needs to set aside a fief from his own territory as the knight's land. It will be passed down from generation to generation to represent the descendants of this knight in the future. They are always nobles. Generally speaking, few big nobles are willing to use their land to canonize knights.

The general method for nobles to recruit knights is to directly confer the title of lord, which cannot be passed down from generation to generation, and does not need to be given territorial fiefs. If you want to become a baron, you need to participate in battles and perform military exploits in order to obtain the canonization of the royal family and become a legacy for generations. of nobility.

In the entire Principality of Violet, not counting the hidden and secretly strong men, there are more than 400 knights, and there are only more than 50 knights above the fifth level.

In addition to apprenticeships, knight levels include level one and level two, which are often referred to as knights, levels three to five are great knights, levels six to eight are heavenly knights, level nine are golden knights, and those above are epic knights, also known as legends. Knights, such figures are the top beings in the entire continent, and their status is not inferior to that of the Duke.

"Ivan, take a rest for a while. Your physical strength is almost exhausted. If you continue to exercise, it will have no effect!"

Camilo looked at Ivan Vincent who was sweating profusely and said in a low voice.

Camilo has a straight back and wears heavy armor. His upright and loyal temperament is extremely conspicuous. His expression is resolute, his eyes are serious, and he is meticulous. He deserves the unparalleled trust of the Vincent family.

Ivan Vincent's clothes were soaked through, and there was a pool of water on the ground under his feet. Hearing this, he lowered his raised arm. His arm was trembling. He still held the knight's sword tightly in his hand. The knight's sword was The symbol of knight's honor is the knight's guard blade, which must be held firmly at all times.

Camilo glanced at it and nodded secretly. He was very satisfied with Ivan Vincent's performance. The practice of knights is not only swordsmanship and body, but also includes will, mind, soul, and is even more important.

"Ivan, you are now a trainee knight attendant. Your swordsmanship is extremely pure. You only need to awaken the power of your bloodline to become an official knight!"

A trace of amazement flashed in Camilo's eyes. Ivan Vincent was very talented and had an amazing ability to understand swordsmanship moves. He was also a fighting genius. He once competed with Ivan Vincent in swordsmanship, but he only learned from the moves. In other words, he is not Ivan Vincent's opponent in swordsmanship. Only some swordsmanship that requires a strong body cannot be applied. It can be said that Ivan Vincent has reached the level of a formal knight, and even surpasses ordinary knights. knight.

"Baron Camilo, the most fundamental thing about a knight is the power of blood. Only by awakening the power of blood can one display extraordinary strength. No matter how good your swordsmanship is, you are still just an ordinary person!"

Ivan Vincent has a very accurate understanding of himself. His wisdom and experience are far beyond those of ordinary people. He can naturally learn swordsmanship and become perfect in a while. His ability to control the body is also unparalleled. But as long as he If you can't awaken the power of blood, you will never be able to master extraordinary power and you will be just an ordinary person.

"Ivan, there is no need to be impatient. The blood of the Vincent family is noble. You will be able to awaken the power of your blood more easily than ordinary people!"

Camilo looked extremely serious. What he said was not a comforting lie. The Vincent family has been inherited for thousands of years. It is ancient and noble and has always had the blood of knights. Therefore, it is much easier than ordinary people to awaken the power of blood and become a knight.

Since the appearance of the first knight, after countless time accumulation, people have discovered that although humans cannot be as powerful as dragons and other powerful creatures, after the descendants are born, their strength will gradually become stronger as they grow older, and the power of blood must be It can only be stimulated after acquired training and hard work, but if two knights or knights' descendants are combined, then their children are often more likely to stimulate bloodline power than ordinary people.

Strength is a guarantee of status, so for hundreds of years, nobles have chosen to marry equally outstanding blood nobles or descendants of knights for the sake of future generations. Except for a few Romeo-like characters who are willing to give up everything for love, they have basically not married. The situation of civilian women becoming wives appeared.

Ivan Vincent also knows this very well. Their Vincent family is known as the Guardian Shield Family. The family’s bloodline is ancient and powerful. It is an earth-attributed force. In addition to the name Violet, the Violet family , and also has the title of Shield of Truth. Therefore, in the Principality of Violet, the two families are collectively called the Double Shield of the Principality, which shows the power of the Vincent family.

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