I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2264 Packing up Hua Tiandu’s fiancée and giving it away

"The Demon Commander is not a trivial person. He is very scheming. He has been in power for so long and has never suffered a loss. He is an extremely powerful person. He was actually shocked by Zhong Shenxiu's voice. Zhong Shenxiu is really terrible. Why do I feel that he is better than Fang Han?" Even more terrifying!"

"I feel the same way. With Zhong Shenxiu and Fang Han here, we have no hope at all with the three supreme magical powers that Linglong Immortal Master has used this time. It's such a pity!"

The expressions of these ancient little giants were complicated, and they did not dare to look directly at Zhong Shenxiu. They only glanced at him occasionally, cautiously, for fear of alarming Zhong Shenxiu and suffering a major blow.

Fang Han's expression changed slightly, and his arrogance also calmed down a bit. Demon Commander Ying Tianqing was an old acquaintance of him. He had strong cultivation and strong strength. He was by no means a good person. Fang Han needed to use all his strength to defeat Demon Commander Ying Tianqing. , there is absolutely no way that Zhong Shenxiu could be so understated. In his heart, he understood Zhong Shenxiu's terrifying strength a little more, and he put away his sharp edge.

Zhong Shenxiu's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he knew Fang Han's psychological changes very well. He glanced at Fang Han and saw that the treasure light around him was shining, and there were faint powerful fluctuations coming from him, and he said with a smile.

"You are quite wealthy now, and you have several Taoist weapons on your body. Most masters of the Secret Realm of Immortality are not as wealthy as you!"

Something strange flashed in Zhong Shenxiu's eyes. He had just seen a small tree only one foot high in the depths of Fang Han's sea of ​​consciousness, a sapling of the World Tree. Fang Han was really lucky, and the world of Haishan After getting the fragments of the World Tree by himself, he was able to encounter other fragments of the World Tree and cultivate another World Tree.

There was a bit of pride on Fang Han's face. He had a lot of experience in the past few years, got many opportunities, got several Taoist tools, and even cultivated the World Tree. He had no shortage of vitality resources, and he started practicing The rapid progress has greatly enhanced his self-confidence and caused him to undergo a transformation. He has long since lost the caution and caution he had when he was a slave in the Fang Mansion. His personality has become sharp-edged, unruly and arrogant, and he likes to speak with strength.

"How can I compare to Senior Brother Zhong? Now you are ranked third on the list of candidates for immortality. You are one of the most promising people in the Xuanhuang World to step into the secret realm of immortality. You may realize it at any time and step into the ranks of eternal giants. !”

Fang Han said with a smile, with a hint of probing in his words. He looked at Zhong Shenxiu intently, trying to see some clues on Zhong Shenxiu's face.

When Zhong Shenxiu faced Fang Han's provocation, there was no change in his expression. His handsome face was as calm as water. There was no pride or humility. He just smiled lightly, making it difficult for people to see what he was thinking in his heart.

"Today is the 4,000th birthday of Linglong Immortal Lord. I have prepared a golden elixir, the only one from Taiyi Sect in the Song Dynasty, as a birthday gift!"

After that, Fang Han took out a crystal box, and a powerful golden elixir containing twenty-seven magical powers appeared in the box. This golden elixir is very noble. If it were auctioned by the three major chambers of commerce, it would be worth at least hundreds of millions of pure Yang elixirs.

Of course, if this golden elixir were just like this, it would not be taken out by Fang Han as a birthday gift. The greatest value of this golden elixir lies in its symbolic meaning. This golden elixir belongs to a disciple of Taiyi Sect. This is the one that is most likely to impress Linglong Immortal. The reason for respect.

"I wonder what kind of birthday gift Senior Brother Zhong has prepared for Immortal Linglong, why don't you let me see it too!"

Fang Han looked at Zhong Shenxiu with burning eyes, a bit of curiosity on his face. He really wanted to know what treasures Zhong Shenxiu would prepare as a birthday gift.

Zhong Shenxiu was stunned when he heard this, with a look of embarrassment on his face. He scratched his head with his right hand and said with some distress.

"I just wanted to come here to join in the fun, and I didn't prepare a birthday gift at all. I would have forgotten about it if you didn't tell me!"

Fang Han's eyes widened when he heard this, a little speechless, with a black line in his head. He never expected this outcome. Zhong Shenxiu came to attend the birthday of Linglong Immortal just to join in the fun, without even preparing a birthday gift. How could it be like this? Big guy.

Fang Han thought for a moment and took out a pair of magic weapons. A hint of pain flashed through his eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and handed them to Zhong Shenxiu, saying very grandly.

"Senior Brother Zhong, I have a middle-grade Taoist tool here that I just got. If you don't prepare a birthday gift, just use this Taoist tool!"

This Taoist artifact is a Falun, the Sun and Moon Jing Wheel. It is a treasure that Fang Han obtained by killing the seven god kings of the God Clan. Its power is on par with the top-grade Taoist artifacts. It is a treasure that Fang Han spent a lot of effort to suppress and surrender. Now it is actually The willingness to take it out impressed Zhong Shenxiu.

"Although Fang Han is narrow-minded and will repay his anger, he knows that he must repay his kindness. He also has merits and is not annoying!"

Zhong Shenxiu thought secretly in his heart, with a bit of a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand, stopped Fang Han, and said softly.


"I was inspired by you and already have an idea of ​​what birthday gift to give!"

After saying that, Zhong Shenxiu looked outside Linglong Paradise, and a figure came into view.

This figure is hidden in the void, between reality and illusion. It already possesses some magical powers that are only available to masters of the secret realm of immortality. It has a kind of continuous power, as towering as mountains and as hazy as smoke and water. , the whole body is hidden in the fog, making it difficult to see the appearance.

However, this concealment was of no use to Zhong Shenxiu. His eyes penetrated the layers of fog and saw clearly the true appearance of this figure.

She was dressed in robes that looked like smoke and water, and her face was like a lotus flower in clear water. Especially between her eyebrows, there was a faint mark of water droplets, which added to her mystery. At first glance, this person is not a monk who has cultivated in the secular world, but an ancient natural spirit who has reincarnated into a human being. He has no secular aura about him, which is completely different from his popularity.

This woman is holy and cold, without any aura of mortal world. This woman is no one else, she is the number one true disciple of Taiyi Sect, Yan Shuiyi who can defy the heaven and change the fate, the existence ranked second in the list of post-immortality supplements, and her cultivation level Incomparably powerful, he is the reincarnation of the ancient water god Yuan Ling. He possesses a top-grade Taoist artifact, the Canghai Divine Pearl. He has mastered the Three Disasters and Nine Disasters of the Taiyi Sect and the Twelve Methods of the Xuanmen. He has become the God of Natural Disasters. His cultivation is extremely powerful and powerful. Hua Tiandu is even stronger.

Yan Shuiyi also has another identity. She is also Hua Tiandu's fiancée. There is a marriage contract between the two, which is one of the Taiyi Sect's methods to win over Hua Tiandu.

"Fang Han wants to give Song's only golden elixir to Immortal Linglong. I can also capture Yanshui Yi and give it to Immortal Linglong as his disciple. I believe Immortal Linglong will be very satisfied with this birthday gift!"

Zhong Shenxiu pondered in his heart, with a smile on his lips, a spiritual thought shot out of the air and merged into the void.

"Senior Brother Zhong, what birthday gift do you want to give?"

When Fang Han heard what Zhong Shenxiu said, he couldn't help but be curious and took back the sun and moon essence wheel.

"I want to give Linglong Immortal a disciple, and she will definitely be satisfied!"

Zhong Shenxiu had a confident smile on her face, which made Fang Han confused.

"Sending a disciple? What kind of genius can satisfy Linglong Immortal!"

Fang Han muttered secretly, constantly guessing about Zhong Shenxiu's birthday gift, and for a moment he fell into a daze.

Thousands of miles away from the Exquisite Paradise, on the sea, Yan Shui looked calm. The clouds were light and the wind was gentle. Yan Shui was hazy. He looked at the figure opposite and asked softly.

"Who are you?"

Zhong Shenxiu stands in the void, surrounded by countless spaces, and his figure is somewhat illusory. This is a clone transformed by his spiritual thought. He wants to capture Yan Shui as a birthday gift and give it to Linglong Immortal Lord as his disciple.

"The Yuhuamen Bell Shenxiu!"

"You are Yuhuamen Zhong Shenxiu!"

A faint ripple appeared in Yan Shui's calm eyes, and it disappeared in a flash. She had naturally heard of Zhong Shenxiu's name.

"You and I have no grudges. The conflict between Hua Tiandu and you has nothing to do with me."

"Why did you come to me?"

When Yanshui talked about her fiancé Hua Tiandu, she was still very calm, as if she was talking about an unrelated stranger. There was no relationship between her and Hua Tiandu, and the engagement was just a transaction. Even if they got married, . Yan Shuiyi and Hua Tian will not truly cultivate together and become Taoist couples.

"I want to give you a great opportunity!"

Zhong Shenxiu smiled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Yan Shuiyi.

Yan Shui was unmoved. She would not believe Zhong Shenxiu's lies. If there was such a great opportunity, how could they give it to her if they were strangers to each other.

"I don't need any big opportunity. I've accepted the kindness. You should keep it for yourself!"

Yan Shuiyi was still extremely cold, and she was about to leave this place as soon as she moved. She came here to stop Fang Han from giving Song Weiyi's golden elixir as a birthday gift to Linglong Immortal, but she failed. She originally planned to leave, but she didn't expect it. The way was blocked by Zhong Shenxiu.

"It's not up to you. You can't refuse the great opportunity that I, Zhong Shenxiu, want to give you!"

Zhong Shenxiu's expression changed, as cold as ice, the smile disappeared from his face, he directly broke his face and said forcefully.

Yan Shuiyi seemed to have known for a long time that Zhong Shenxiu would change his face. A bright pearl appeared. The water-blue brilliance shone for thousands of miles, exuding amazing power. The sea surface was choppy, and countless seawater turned into water dragons. It was extremely spectacular. There were dragon roars, ferocious and majestic, the dragon swung its tail and rushed towards Zhong Shenxiu.

Zhong Shenxiu didn't waste time, stretched out his right hand, and shook it gently. Thousands of water dragons exploded instantly, turned into heavy rain, and merged into the sea again. Zhong Shenxiu didn't wait for Yan Shui to take action again, and a mana flew out, and the entire space froze. , stretched out his hand and made a gentle move, and the entire space began to shrink, collapse inward, and turned into a picture scroll, which fell into Zhong Shenxiu's palm, light and weightless, as if there was no weight at all.

Yan Shuiyi was unable to fight back and was frozen in this picture scroll. His body was motionless and only his eyes could move. Zhong Shenxiu lowered his head and looked at Yan Shui Yi, laughed and murmured in a low voice.

"If Hua Tian knew that I packaged his fiancée and gave it to Linglong Immortal Lord, what would he think?"

Zhong Shenxiu looked around, feeling a little guilty. This was the first time for him to do the business of buying and selling people, so he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

"Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise I would have had to package it together and give it to Immortal Linglong. Buy one, get one free. I'm sure Immortal Linglong won't mind either!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared from the place, returning to Linglong Paradise.

Zhong Shenxiu had an idea and looked at Yan Shui Yi who was sealed in the scroll. Her smile became even brighter. She calmly reminisced with Fang Han and waited for the appearance of Linglong, your Immortal Lord.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

At this moment, at the highest level of Xumijin Mountain, a burst of conch sounds resounded. This sound was very strange, and could actually penetrate the space and be heard by many people. Nothing can stop this voice.

Heaven and Earth Dharma Conch! This is the time when Linglong Immortal Lord is coming to the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform of Xumijin Mountain. The birthday party has officially begun.

The people who came to pay homage to their birthdays, led by the disciples of Linglong Blessed Land, flew towards the top of Xumijin Mountain. They flew nearly ten thousand feet before reaching the top of the dazzling Xumijin Mountain.

On the top of Mount Xumi, there is a canopy with thousands of auspicious energy and ten thousand rays of rays of light. There are three big characters written on the canopy: Guangmingding.

Under the canopy, a figure sat on the crystal throne. Under the crystal throne, entrenched was a thousand-foot-long celestial dragon.

This is a real dragon, not the kind of dragon with impure blood. The aura is extremely huge, and the cultivation level has reached the secret realm of immortality. It is a celestial dragon that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the eternal giants! Dragons can only be called Heavenly Dragons after they have reached the secret realm of immortality.

The eyes of this heavenly dragon are as big as a water tank, and the pupils are all a simple dark golden color. There is a vast world hidden in the pupils. When the body moves at will, the space will vibrate, and the space is filled with a The mighty Dragon is not to be offended.

Dragons are very arrogant beings, even arrogant than the Eternal Giants of the Immortal Realm. They would rather die than be surrendered. But now, this heavenly dragon is crawling under the crystal throne, guarding the one on the throne. light and shadow.

The person on the crystal throne should be the Linglong Immortal. His whole body is emitting bright clear light, as dazzling as the scorching sun, and the light is endless. Surrounded by a heavy halo of light, penetrating into the depths of distant time and space, the figure of the exquisite immortal seems to be an existence evolved from some dark rules in the world, majestic, holy, majestic and mysterious.

Although it seems to be close at hand, in fact, the true body of Linglong Immortal is hidden in the depths of endless parallel time and space. Even if a master in the Longevity Realm searches for his whole life, he cannot find the true body of Linglong Immortal.

What is even more frightening is that in the depths of the apertures, time passes at a different speed than the outside world. If the masters of the Longevity Realm have not yet come close to the true form of Linglong Immortal Lord at this time, their ten thousand years of lifespan will be exhausted. Or it was stopped by time, frozen in the endless void, and could never escape.

Zhong Shenxiu's eyes were as bright as a torch. He passed through countless spatial obstacles and saw the true appearance of Linglong Immortal. He couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Linglong Immortal is dressed in a men's attire, elegant and graceful, with jade trees facing the wind, and his hair is tied with a feather crown on his head, sitting still. His eyes were misty, and in the depths of his eyes, countless stars were born and died, and hundreds of millions of worlds were rehearsing the changes from birth to death.

From the eyes of Linglong Immortal, Zhong Shenxiu saw the past and future of time and space, all changes, from birth to death, and all kinds of variables, which were very mysterious and profound.

If it is an ordinary eternal giant, seeing this scene, his mind will inevitably sink into endless time and space, lose his direction, never get out of the time and space maze, and be trapped in the endless time and space turbulence.

Linglong Immortal has no human emotions at all. He is aloof, controls the supreme creation, controls the birth and death of creatures in the world, is consistent with the way of heaven, acts on behalf of heaven, and controls the evolution of the universe. All the rules, all in one hand. The palms of Linglong Immortal Lord are white and long. Each finger seems to have mastered a kind of heavenly law, or space, or time, or four seasons, or thunder, or the five elements of vitality, or the soul of life and death. .

"This woman's magical power is boundless and her supernatural power is incredible!"

"The ninth level of the secret realm of immortality, the virtual immortal realm, has passed the thunder punishment of the immortal realm, and is only one step away from achieving the true immortal realm!"

"The number one master in the Xuanhuang world, he is well-deserved!"

Thoughts flashed in Zhong Shenxiu's eyes. Linglong Immortal Master's realm was even higher than him, and his strength was indeed extremely powerful. No wonder he could compete with Taiyi Sect alone.

Of course, this does not mean that Linglong Immortal is stronger than Zhong Shenxiu. Zhong Shenxiu can no longer measure his strength based on his superficial level of cultivation. If the two fight against each other, Zhong Shenxiu is absolutely sure to win.

Large golden chairs appeared in the void. They were noble and gorgeous. All the people who came to celebrate the birthday sat on them according to their seats, and they felt like they were the gods of the Nine Heavens.

On the highest level of Xumijin Mountain, under the canopy of the Bright Summit, Linglong Immortal Lord stepped out from the depths of thousands of time and space. Countless spaces vibrated together, and petals formed by the condensed space power emerged from the void. The water kept seeping out, and suddenly, golden lotuses appeared in the sky, and golden lotuses emerged from the void on the ground.

Fang Han, who was next to Zhong Shenxiu, seemed to be very greedy for these smallpox, devouring them crazily. The aura around his body surged, and there was a faint aura of wind and fire. This was because Fang Han had devoured countless smallpox and his cultivation level had increased. , he would be unable to suppress his aura and trigger a catastrophe of wind and fire.

Fang Han's face changed drastically. This was not a good time to overcome the tribulation. He desperately suppressed the golden elixir in his body, trying to calm his aura and block the induction of the tribulation. The divine wind of Samadhi was blowing in Fang Han's golden elixir, and the divine fire of Samadhi was ignited, and it was about to be unstoppable.

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at it, and with a flick of his finger, a magic power merged into Fang Han's body silently, and turned into a ray of yin and yang divine light. It circled Fang Han's golden elixir gently, and the wind and fire dissipated, and calm was restored again. .

Fang Han then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Zhong Shenxiu beside him with a grateful expression. He was even more in awe of Zhong Shenxiu's strength. It was a catastrophe, and Zhong Shenxiu actually only used a magic power. It suppressed his misfortune, which was simply terrifying.

Immortal Linglong's senses were extremely powerful and he had a clear view of Fang Han's situation. When he saw Zhong Shenxiu suppressing Fang Han's wind and fire disaster with just one magic power, his eyes flashed and he couldn't help but pay more attention to Zhong Shenxiu.

"What an amazing young man!"

At this moment, countless disciples of Linglong Blessed Land prostrated themselves and congratulated him respectfully.

"Congratulations to the Supreme Leader, may you live a long life and live forever!"

Linglong Immortal Lord waved his hand, and everyone stood up. An elder from Linglong Blessed Land, a master of the Longevity Realm, took a step forward, looked at all the people who wished him a birthday, and spoke loudly.

"Everyone who wishes to wish you a happy birthday, please give me a birthday gift!"

Voices of congratulations sounded from all directions, and people who came to celebrate the birthday took a step forward to offer birthday gifts.

The eternal giants mostly presented some magic weapons, elixirs, Taoist books and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. The disciples of Linglong Paradise also sang loudly at the same time.

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