I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2224: Cutting off the head with one sword, a luxurious sect

Liu Kang got up at this time, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked down at the blood stains on his clothes, and felt lingering fear.

Seeing Liu Kang like this, many noble disciples flinched in their steps, with fear clearly appearing in their eyes.

In this way, the motionless Zhong Shenxiu was highlighted. She was dressed as white as snow, as cold as frost, standing with her hands behind her back, her expression was calm, her eyes were clear and deep, without any fear.

The examiner's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt a little more favorable toward Zhong Shenxiu. His voice became softer and he spoke to Zhong Shenxiu.

"Zhong Shenxiu, you are Prince Dali, you will be the next one to take the test!"

Zhong Shenxiu nodded, as gentle as jade, with light steps, and walked towards the dark door unhurriedly, without any hesitation or fear.

"Creak, creak, creak!"

Seeing this, a young Taoist next to him seemed to want to scare Zhong Shenxiu, and threw the divine puppet that had been killed on the ground into the portal. There was a creepy chewing sound, as if there was a cannibal behind the dark portal. The devil is extremely terrifying and gloomy.

How could Zhong Shenxiu be frightened by such a little trick? His psychological quality was extremely stable. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a hint of a smile. The moment the door opened, a ferocious and terrifying divine power puppet rushed out, with dark scales and sharp The claws, extremely fast, fiercely grabbed Zhong Shenxiu's head.

Zhong Shenxiu tilted his head slightly and placed his palm on the hilt of the sword at his waist. A pool of autumn water shone with cold light. The sword light was so dazzling that everyone could not help but squint their eyes. Before they could react, the bright sword The light passed across the neck of the divine puppet, blood splashed and it fell to the ground.

Zhong Shenxiu didn't move a step, and the sharp claws stopped just an inch in front of Zhong Shenxiu's eyes. It was extremely thrilling, but he could no longer move forward because the head of the divine puppet had fallen off, leaving only the body. In place, motionless.

The examiners' pupils were slightly condensed, and their expressions became more solemn. Zhong Shenxiu's calmness and strength were far superior to others. This kind of strength was enough to be among the best among the hundreds of thousands of outer disciples of the Yuhua Sect, and to compete for the inner disciples. With the quota of disciples, it is expected to enter the secret realm of supernatural powers.

Such potential is enough to win over the examiners of these inner disciples. Competition in the Yuhua Sect is fierce. In order to maintain the bloody spirit of the disciples, disciples are not prohibited from challenging each other. In this atmosphere, among the hundreds of thousands of outer disciples, You can imagine how fierce it is to fight for the quota of thousands of inner disciples. It is very involved. And the five thousand inner disciples who want to become true disciples are also fighting crazy. This kind of competitive pressure is far greater than in reality. The exams are more difficult and the pressure is enough to crush people, so it is natural to form cliques.

The outer sect disciples seek refuge with the inner sect disciples, the inner sect disciples seek refuge with the true disciples, and the true disciples seek refuge with the sect elders. There are many mountains and numerous forces.

"Zhong Shenxiu killed the divine puppet very cleanly and very well. Congratulations on becoming my disciple of the Yuhua Sect. You can get closer to me if you have time in the future!"

In the Yuhua Sect, strength is the last word. Zhong Shenxiu showed strength that far surpassed that of ordinary outer disciples, and was recognized by the inner disciple examiners. Their attitude towards Zhong Shenxiu was very gentle, and their voices were much softer. Everyone looked envious and somewhat sad, especially Zhong Shenxiu's royal brothers. The jealousy in their eyes was undisguised. However, in the Yuhua Sect, they did not have the power in the Dali Dynasty to take Zhong Shenxiu. Shenxiu was helpless.

Zhong Shenxiu behaved very appropriately. He was not a nerd who didn't understand the world. He naturally knew how to deal with it. There was a bit of respect in his expression, and he quickly said politely.

"Thank you to the senior brothers. I will remember it and will definitely visit the senior brothers more often in the future. I hope you don't dislike it!"

Several examiners showed a somewhat satisfied smile on their faces, nodded to Zhong Shenxiu, and answered.

"How could it be? We will interact more often in the future, and we still have missions today, so I won't be polite to you!"

Zhong Shenxiu naturally understood what was going on, and walked to the side, watching quietly as these inner disciples continued to assess the others. They were calm and unhurried, showing everyone's admirable demeanor. Standing beside him was Liu, the young marquis of Zhenyuan. Kang Ye was a little more affectionate and flattering, and he moved closer to Zhong Shenxiu, complimenting him enthusiastically, building up a relationship and getting close to him.

Zhong Shenxiu dealt with Liu Kang every step of the way. He neither showed a very close nor distant attitude, and he had an excellent sense of proportion.

In the next assessment, some people were eliminated and some passed. In particular, Zhong Shenxiu's royal brothers were fierce in their attacks and possessed magical weapons in their hands. They almost destroyed the puppets of the divine power, showing their incomparable strength, but they were still not as stunning as Zhong Shenxiu. That's all, but it should not be underestimated. He is considered outstanding among the outer disciples.

After a day passed, the assessment finally ended. Of the hundreds of powerful disciples present, only about twenty passed the assessment and became outer disciples.

"Today's assessment is over. Those who have not passed the examination are waiting in the hall. We will send cranes to send you out of Yuhua Mountain later. In addition, disciples who have passed the examination, please come with me and receive the necessary items for the sect. We will become Yuhua Mountain The sect will provide you with a place to live. From now on, you will be members of the Yuhua Sect, Immortal disciples, with an extraordinary status. You must strictly abide by the sect rules in every word and deed."

An examiner shouted loudly and led Fang Han and others who had participated in the examination towards the inside of the "Taxianyuan".

After a while, a group of people arrived at the large storage room deep in the inner courtyard. There were dozens of boxes in it, just enough for each person.


The examiner who led the way reached out and opened a large box. Inside, he saw a Yuyi Taoist robe, several jade-engraved talismans, a shark-skin sword, and several jade-engraved books.

"This Yuyi Taoist robe is a robe made of five kinds of silk, namely Celestial Silkworm, Earth Silkworm, Golden Silkworm, Silver Silkworm, and Black Silkworm. It is soft and contains hundreds of elixirs. After wearing it, you can walk through the mountains and avoid hundreds of insects. , snakes, insects, rats and ants will not invade, it can avoid hundreds of poisons and all kinds of miasma, and it is invulnerable and can only be destroyed by magic weapons."

"Of these talismans, the first one is the Purifying Clothes Talisman, which contains Dharma water. As long as the body is dirty and a thought is made, the Dharma water turns into mist and surrounds the body, which can immediately take away the dirt and make the whole body clean and refreshing. The second one is It is the dust-avoiding talisman. The third talisman is the soul fire talisman, which can draw fire at any time. The fourth talisman is the true water talisman, which can absorb moisture from the air at all times, purify and store it in the talisman. You will go to the desert in the future. You can use these things to perform various sect roles and practice cultivation. The fifth talisman, the hemostatic talisman, contains medicinal power and can treat various flesh wounds. If you are injured by a sword, use it to heal it immediately Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and heals wounds.”

The examiner looked at everyone and explained the characteristics of the clothes and talismans in detail. Then he took out a sword and pulled out the sword with a clang. The cold light flashed like a dragon roaring and a crane roaring. Every inch of the sword shone. mango.

"This is a demon-slaying sword made by the Yuhua Immortal Sect. Although it is not a flying sword, it cuts iron like mud, and it contains masculine energy. It can kill ghosts and avoid evil spirits. It is also a magic weapon. As long as you can use it. , and you will be promoted to inner disciples. When the time comes, the sect will give you a real flying sword weapon that can kill people dozens of miles away. You will also be able to fly with a sword."

"Also, these jade books record the three basic martial arts of the Yuhua Sect, the Songhe Wanshou Fist, the Flying Spirit Soft Bone Body, the Dragon Shape Flying Tiger Steps, and the others are our Yuhua Sect's rules, and more Other sects, monsters, underground abyss, overseas, some matters of major dynasties, general astronomy, geography, are all included. What you do now is to study carefully and practice."

The examiner introduced everything in the box one by one, and then let everyone take away their belongings.

Zhong Shenxiu drew out the Demon-Slaying Sword and looked at it carefully. He sensed it with his powerful mental power. He waved his right hand lightly and felt the strong sword energy.

"This demon-slaying sword should have been cultivated by mana. It is similar to the wind demon sword I have seen before. It is indeed much more valuable than my sword. It is priceless. If placed in a secular dynasty, it would be enough to become a heirloom of a large family. !”

In fact, the material of the sword on Zhong Shenxiu's waist is no worse than this demon-slaying sword. It is just that it has not been refined by the masters of the magical realm and has many less magical uses, so it is not as valuable as the demon-slaying sword. And even a piece of mortal iron will become a magical weapon if the mana of a master of magical powers is added during forging.

Zhong Shenxiu put away all his things and settled down in Woxianyuan. Woxianyuan was very big, fifty times larger than Fangfu in Longyuan Province. There were independent courtyards one after another inside. Thousands.

There are hundreds of thousands of outer sect disciples in the Yuhua Sect, all of whom live in the mountains and plains to practice. They live in "Wuxianyuan", "Liuxianyuan", "Qingxianyuan" and "Jingxianyuan". ", "Qianxianyuan" and dozens of other celestial beings.

The size of each immortal courtyard is equivalent to a royal palace, grand and majestic.

"What a big courtyard and exquisite room."

When Zhong Shenxiu arrived at the place where he lived, he saw his yard, which was several acres in circumference. The house was built with pavilions and pavilions, with swaying bamboos. There were trickles of water everywhere in the yard and gardens, and goldfish were playing. Kingfishers come and go, and the air is filled with fairy spirit. It is truly a fairyland.

"No wonder they are all trying to get into the Yuhua Sect. I am just an outer disciple now, so I can be assigned to such an exquisite courtyard. This treatment is great."

In the evening, the sun sets in the west, and the orange glow turns the sky extremely gorgeous. The entire Yuhua Gate is shrouded in it. It is bright and gorgeous, and thousands of mountain peaks are dyed orange. The scenery is very spectacular. Watch Zhong Shenxiu. Looking at the truly stunning scenery, I felt extremely open-minded and refreshed.

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu had already put on the robe of feathers. He was unparalleled in handsomeness, heroic appearance, outstanding and graceful. He was walking on the broad road in the celestial courtyard, heading towards the Yushan Hall, ready to have dinner.

The meals at Yuhua Sect are all immortal vegetables, which are not available in the palace. Deep in the Ascension Palace, there is a Taoist Five-Qi Immortal Pot. All meals are made directly from this Taoist tool. It is equivalent to the most top-notch medicinal diet, which can regulate the body and purify blood.

Taoist tools are treasures that have gained Taoism. The Five Qi Immortal Cauldron is very large. It is said that it has a radius of dozens of acres and can directly condense the true fire of the sun. Cook endless delicious dishes. Even an ordinary chicken, after being cooked in Wuqixian Guo, will have the same tonic effect as ginseng and black-bone chicken.

The levels of magic weapons in this world are divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, treasure weapons, Tao weapons, and fairy weapons. Taoist weapons and immortal weapons come from the meaning of becoming an immortal by attaining the Tao. Only by attaining the Tao can one become an immortal. There must be a cave inside the Taoist weapon, an independent small world with all kinds of mysteries, vast magical powers, and unparalleled power. Even the masters of the secret realm of magical powers are no match for the Taoist weapon.

Zhong Shenxiu walked through the streets of Xianyuan to the other end, outside a majestic palace. On the plaque of this palace, there were three characters written: Yushan Hall. The three characters are vigorous and powerful, with dragons and phoenixes dancing.

This is the place where hundreds of thousands of outer disciples of the Yuhua Sect, as well as the inner disciples, eat and drink. The area is so vast that it is equivalent to two or three imperial palaces. Among them, there are countless spacious seats, with a total of three to four hundred thousand seats. Many outer disciples are shuttled among them, either talking, or sitting at the table to eat, or in groups of three or five. Guys, let’s discuss martial arts cultivation and various sect tasks.

"This scene is extremely spectacular and shocking. Even in the prehistoric world, I have never seen so many practitioners gathering together for a meal!"

There is still a difference between the eternal world and the prehistoric world. The immortal sects here are all religious and want to recruit disciples. One sect has hundreds of thousands of disciples. This is unimaginable in the prehistoric world.

In the eternal world, there is no theory of cause and effect, so there is no need to worry about accepting a disciple, acting recklessly, provoking cause and effect, committing heinous sins, and affecting your own luck.

In the prehistoric world, there is heaven that governs the rules of heaven and earth, cause and effect, karma, merit and retribution. Even the Jiejiao, which claims to teach without distinction, only has the reputation of being visited by thousands of immortals. It will never dare to be like the Yuhua Sect. If you accept hundreds of thousands of outer disciples, if you do this, even if Jiejiao has the treasure of chaos to suppress his luck, the sect will be dragged down and his luck will collapse.

Zhong Shenxiu didn't have anyone close to him, so he found an empty seat and sat down. The empty table was square in shape, extremely long and wide, neither stone nor wood. It was antique in color, with various patterns hollowed out on it, and had a refreshing fragrance. The energy is overwhelming.

"It's actually a table made of seabed agarwood!"

Zhong Shenxiu was shocked. This large dining table was actually made of precious wood. Only the heads of large families in secular dynasties could afford woodware made of seabed agarwood. And in this Yushan Hall, all the tables and chairs were made of this kind. The wood seemed to be worthless dirt.

The width of the dining seat is also comparable to the scale of the governor's banquet, which is several feet long and wide. It is particularly worth noting that there is a large crystal pool next to the dining table. The spring water in the pool is constantly flowing, and there are fish flowing in it. Where.

On the dining table, there is a white jade sign tube with various paper signs placed on it. This is the food sign of the Yuhua Sect, which is equivalent to the menu in the real world.

Zhong Shenxiu drew a piece of paper talisman, looked at it, and then threw the paper talisman into the crystal pool. Immediately, a fish took the paper talisman away. After a while, there was a flower on the bottom of the crystal pool. Water lily buds as big as a basin rose up.

Zhong Shenxiu picked the water lily, put it on the dining table, and tore open the buds one by one. Immediately, four dishes and one soup appeared inside, as well as a bowl of rice that was as crystal clear as jade and as diamond-like, steaming hot and growing from the bottom of the water. When it came up, it was not wet at all because it was wrapped deep in the water lily. Instead, it was stained with the fragrance and moisture of the water lily, which made the whole body feel refreshed and made the index finger move.

This may be the Xianxia version of the smart kitchen. Everything is fully automatic. Just throw the God of Food Talisman on the table into the crystal pool, and a water lily will naturally float up after a while. Among the water lilies, there are people who want to eat. meals.

Zhong Shenxiu picked up the chopsticks on the side. They were crystal clear and green. They were actually made of warm jade. They were really luxurious. Even Zhong Shenxiu, the prince of Dali, had never used chopsticks made of warm jade. Chopsticks.

Zhong Shenxiu ate the food slowly and slowly. His teeth were full of fragrance and it was extremely delicious. The food made with Taoist utensils was indeed extraordinary. It retained the essence of the ingredients without any leakage, but the impurities in the ingredients were removed. It does not cause any damage to the human body's intestines and stomach, and is extremely healthy. From the aspect of eating, it can be seen that the Yuhua Sect is worthy of being one of the ten immortal sects. The sect's strength is extremely terrifying and powerful, far beyond the comparison of secular dynasties.

After eating the exquisite dinner, Zhong Shenxiu did not go back to rest. Instead, he went directly to the mission hall. As a disciple of the Yuhua Sect, he had sect missions to complete and could gain some sect contributions. Only disciples can take part in the inner disciple assessment. It does not mean that you can become an inner disciple easily just because you are strong.

Zhong Shenxiu has now perfected the cultivation of the physical realm, and needs the skills practiced by the inner disciples before he can enter the secret realm of supernatural powers.

In fact, with Zhong Shenxiu's wisdom and qualifications, he can also deduce a spiritual cultivation method that conforms to the laws of this world. However, if he takes this opportunity to enter the secret realm of supernatural powers, he may be regarded as a spy by the Yuhua Sect, which will cause a huge disturbance. , so it is better to become an inner disciple step by step, which will save you more worry.

Zhong Shenxiu chose an extremely dangerous mission. The Blue Moon Kingdom in the Hanhai Desert was recently attacked by several powerful groups of bandits, resulting in heavy casualties. The Queen of the Blue Moon Kingdom sent a message for help to the Yuhua Sect. The mission is hung in the mission lobby.

The Blue Moon Kingdom has a strong national power. Although its population is not as large as that of several major dynasties, it still has tens of millions of people. It is rich in sky-blue sand steel and has excellent weapons. The blue-blooded horses are even more powerful. Everyone in the country is martial, and there are endless masters. Logically speaking, it should not be deserted. The bandits are harassing the Yuhua Gate for help.

There is naturally a reason for this. It is rumored that people from the evil way and the devil way covet the beauties of Blue Moon Kingdom, BMWs, minerals, wealth, various treasures, and several black gold veins. So he encouraged several large bandits and even provided them with magic weapons. To destroy the country in one fell swoop, the Yuhua Sect was alerted. Some sect elders and true disciples had already gone to deal with those masters of the second path of demons. The outer disciples only needed to kill the masters of the sand bandits and the leader of the underground demons, the demon general. Well, as long as the heads of these masters are brought back, they can obtain the qualifications for the inner disciple examination, which is very suitable for Zhong Shenxiu.

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