I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2221: Suppress the devil, white hair flies to the ground

Fang Qingxue nodded coldly and arrogantly. She was not that kind of arrogant young lady. She naturally knew that everything in the army must obey orders and would not act arbitrarily and make it difficult for her father.

"I see!"

Shuize Mountain in Longyuan Province is a famous mountain with beautiful and majestic scenery. The underground crack that appeared this time is in Shuize Mountain. Fang Zetao had already sent 5,000 elite troops to secure the entrance to the crack. During this period, some underground demons emerged, and they were all killed by these five thousand elite troops. It did not cause much trouble. Only a few dozen soldiers suffered some injuries, all of which were superficial injuries. Impact lives.

Zhong Shenxiu and Fang Zetao walked side by side, with Fang Qingxue following behind. The three of them led thousands of military experts into the entrance of the crack. They could not just passively wait for the underground demons to come out. They needed to take the initiative to go deep into the cracks and destroy them. Kill all the underground demons and completely clear this crack.

The dark and deep underground is full of dangers all the time. All kinds of monsters and bloodthirsty monsters emerge in endlessly. Ordinary people will be poisoned when they come in. Even masters in the realm of divine transformation are very dangerous, with strong demonic and bloody smells. , the ferocious and violent aura rushed towards his face, billowing like a tide. Apparently, many underground demons gathered in this underground crack. These were the result of the accumulation of demonic aura in their bodies.

The extremely dark entrance made people look creepy and fearful, like a huge mouth of an endless abyss that could swallow up everyone who entered it. Many soldiers felt their hands and feet were weak and their whole body was weak. This is a normal human reaction, not cowardice.

Zhong Shenxiu and Fang Zetao looked at each other, waved their hands, and took the lead in stepping into the cracks in the ground. They moved forward without the slightest fear, nor did they have the consciousness that the daughter of a royal family could not sit down. Fang Zetao followed closely behind. , Fang Qingxue was not to be left behind, and shot into the entrance together. The masters in the army also entered one after another, and a large group of people walked towards the endless darkness.

Zhong Shenxiu's eyes are like a torch. Even in the dark underground cracks, he can see very clearly. This is night vision, which is a symbol of cultivating the physical realm to a certain level. The people who entered this time all have night vision cultivation, but There is no need to light a torch, it would be too abrupt and it would be extremely easy to be attacked by the underground demons.

Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation level is tyrannical, his spirit is extremely powerful, his perception is keen, far beyond the ordinary masters of the physical realm, his five senses have been raised to the peak, his eyes are shining with precious light, and he is constantly patrolling in this complex and changeable cave. A few clues were revealed, and he was very cautious. His ears trembled slightly, like two precise radars, monitoring the movements around him. Nothing could be hidden from his hearing. His nose was slightly twitching, and the smell of the underground world was under his breath. He passed the tip of his nose and analyzed all the smells in the cave. He could tell if there was a demon hiding there.

Fang Zetao looked at Zhong Shenxiu who was on full alert in surprise, his expression a little more awe-inspiring. At this time, as a peak master of the physical body, he could faintly sense the power of Zhong Shenxiu. He was like an underground demon, powerful and mysterious, and his life breath was stronger than his own. Many people were once again shocked by Zhong Shenxiu's level of cultivation. They felt more and more that this seventh prince of the Dali Dynasty was not a simple task. He was too well hidden, giving him the illusion of being mysterious and unpredictable. It seemed that seeing Emperor Da Li made him feel a faint sense of fear in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhong Shenxiu stopped, his eyes stopped behind a rock, and he made a few gestures with his hands. This was a secret order commonly used in the military. Fang Zetao immediately understood the meaning. With a wave of his hand, the military master behind him said, They unsheathed their swords, cocked their crossbows, and slowly stepped forward, aiming at the corner. The rock was dozens of meters wide and five or six meters high, which was nothing in the underground world.

The underground demon behind the rock seemed to have noticed that he and others were exposed, and suddenly jumped out. He was fast and powerful. He had a layer of hard scales on his body. He had an ugly appearance and a tall body, giving him a ferocious look. The feeling of terror, ferocity, cunning, bloody cruelty, stretched out his hands, the nails were sharp, like small daggers, enough to cut open a person's belly and rip out his heart.

These masters in the army have experienced hundreds of battles and have rich experience in dealing with these ordinary underground demons. They are not affected by the sudden appearance of the underground demons, making random formations of hands and feet, the sound of bowstrings, and the sharp edges that break the armor. A crossbow arrow with obvious effect was fired.

"Swish swish!"

Cold light shone in the dark underground world, and sharp arrows shot out wildly, piercing into the body of the underground demon. Blood spattered and penetrated both the front and rear. The underground demon let out a painful cry. This kind of serious injury is placed on a human being. , I have been unable to move for a long time, and I am just waiting for death.

However, the underground demon has extremely powerful vitality and a fierce temperament, which is a temperament honed by surviving in the harsh and harsh underground world. He still rushes towards Zhong Shenxiu and others crazily, opening his bloody mouth, and the stench fills the cave. , eyes flashing with endless murderous intent, cruel and cunning, these are the creatures of the underground world, extremely ferocious.

The masters in the army brought by Fang Zetao were all experienced old men. They were not surprised at all by the ferocity of the underground demon. The people in the front row rushed forward one after another, slashing out the swords in their hands mercilessly. The demon had been seriously injured and his combat power was greatly reduced. He was killed by sharp swords without causing any harm to these people. His limbs and arms were broken, and his internal organs were all over the floor. The stench was very strong. , this smell was so unpleasant that even Zhong Shenxiu frowned, but still did not dare to turn off his sense of smell. In the underground world where danger lurked, this was no different than seeking death.

There were only about a hundred underground demons in this small group, and they were wiped out without causing any trouble. All the soldiers looked cold and expressionless, with only fierceness in their eyes, and the aura of killing became more intense. Everyone is already on alert.

The existence of underground cracks is mostly due to the movement of the earth's crust, which makes a corner of the underground world connected to the above-ground world. It is extremely vast. This underground world is dozens of miles in circumference. Zhong Shenxiu and others rush forward, with Zhong Shenxiu and others rushing in. The existence of Shenxiu, the humanoid radar, and the groups of underground demons hiding in the dark and preparing for sneak attacks were all discovered in advance and were mercilessly killed. This was racial antagonism and there was no room for mercy.

As the story continues, everyone is impressed by Zhong Shenxiu, the seventh prince. So far, none of their group has died, and only dozens of people have suffered some injuries. This is simply a miracle. When has the underground demon been suppressed? , there is no need to pile up human lives, the casualties are heavy and extremely tragic.

Seeing that the underground world that appeared this time was about to be wiped out, with only the last place left, everyone headed towards the final destination under the leadership of Zhong Shenxiu.

This is a small tribe in the underground world. The buildings are in a rough and heroic style. They are all houses made of hard rocks. They look irregular in shape and can barely be called houses. In this small tribe, people gathered together There are four to five hundred underground demons, and there are dozens of flying yakshas. These are the nobles among the underground demons. They are amazingly powerful and fierce in combat. They are far better than ordinary underground demons and are extremely difficult to deal with.

The white shadows of these flying yakshas holding weapons flashed their wings and blew strong winds. The strong wind roared violently. The flying yakshas were also regarded as advanced beings among the underground demons, equivalent to generals among humans. Highly powerful, his gliding is comparable to that of a flying bird. But Feitian Yaksha's body is covered with pitch black scales, which are indestructible. Even if he cuts them with a sword, he cannot cause fatal damage.

Among these dozens of flying yakshas, ​​there is actually a flying yaksha with white fur. It has a respected status and is obviously admired by other flying yakshas. This is a white-haired flying yaksha, and its aura is several times stronger than that of ordinary flying yakshas. , surrounded by black and red demonic energy, eerie, ferocious and cruel, with a green light in his eyes, it is scary to look at, staring at Zong Shenxiu and his group, unabashed greed and cunning, with With fierce murderous intent, the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a set of jagged fangs. The teeth were sharp, like wild beasts. He let out a weird and harsh laugh, and roared violently. The sound waves were clearly visible, causing waves of anger. The waves shook the entire underground world. All the underground demons seemed to have gone crazy and were extremely bloodthirsty. Their eyes glowed red and they rushed towards the human team.

Bai Mao Feizheng is a noble among the underground demons. He is equivalent to a royal disciple. He has the blood of the Demon Emperor. His whole body is pitch black, his skin is like a black shell, covered with scales. There are two bulging horns on his head, and his fangs are wide. His hands are sharp claws like hooks, his eyes are blood red, and the muscles under the scales are like steel plates, bulging one by one. With a little exertion, the muscles and bones will make a crackling explosion sound. The legs are very long, extremely elastic, and extremely fierce. Violence shocked the whole audience.

The white-haired Fei Zong jumped out suddenly and landed on the ground. The ground shook, and the sound was like an explosion. It was frightening. The demonic power was fierce, as fast as a cheetah, and its muscles were long and powerful. Only a black shadow flashed, and its five fingers were like a The handle is sharp, so grab it head-on.

"Chichi! Chichi!"

The air was scratched by him, and he was fierce and shocked. This level of cultivation is much more powerful than ordinary masters of divine transformation. The powerful aura enveloped the whole place, and he was about to set off a bloody massacre in the human army. His eyes flashed with excitement and cruelty. smile.

A soldier in the army seemed to be frightened by the ferocious and violent aura, and his movements were a little slow. As he dodged, the clothes on his shoulders were scratched, and five long blood marks appeared. If he hadn't dodged quickly, his head would have been damaged. He was caught and died immediately.

Zhong Shenxiu's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of the white-haired stiff man, blocking his move to kill the human soldiers. There was a bit of consideration in his eyes, and relevant information appeared in his mind.

"A noble among the earth demons? Blood of the Demon Emperor?"

The underground demons are led by demon emperors. Demon emperors are equivalent to masters in the secret realm of immortality. Their cultivation is so powerful that they can conquer the world and travel outside the territory. Of course, since these demon emperors are emperors, they also have three palaces and six courtyards, and many concubines. Although the underground demon is ugly, once he transforms into a great asura, he is extremely beautiful.

These demon kings have extremely strong reproductive abilities, and the offspring they are born with are stained with their blood and possess extraordinary abilities. These white-haired flying zombies are the great-grandsons and great-great-grandsons of the Demon Emperor, their descendants for who knows how many generations. Therefore, they are completely different from ordinary demons and yakshas, ​​and have special abilities. They are equivalent to the "clan disciples" in the dynasty.

This white-haired flying zombie is not bare-handed. He also has a weapon in his hand. It is not the steel fork of an ordinary flying yaksha, but a sharp sword. It is seven feet long, as long as a person. The steel on the sword is shining. Bright cloud patterns, an oncoming throat-cutting suffocation.

The huge sharp sword used by Bai Mao Fei Zheng is actually a magic weapon! Not that inferior steel weapon.

"This is the Gale Demon Sword! A top-notch magical weapon! A weapon refined by the Great Asura among the Earth Demons and fused with magic crystals. The magic power on the sword can suddenly accelerate when killing. Be extremely careful. !”

Fang Zetao's figure appeared next to Zhong Shenxiu, with an extremely solemn look on his face, and his eyes were full of light. He was worried that Zhong Shenxiu would face this white-haired flying stiff alone.

Although Zhong Shenxiu saw the Gale Demon Sword for the first time, he knew this kind of magic weapon very well. He nodded, thanked Fang Zetao for the reminder, and pulled out the sword from his waist. The material of this sword was also a high-quality magic weapon. The forged material is indestructible and cuts iron like mud. It is not weaker than the Demonic Wind Sword. It is just that it has not been trained with magic power and is a little less mysterious. However, in Zhong Shenxiu's hands, it is enough to withstand the Demonic Demonic Sword.

The sword body is like a stream of autumn water, glowing with gleaming light, and the blade is gleaming with cold light, sharp and exuding a chilling air. This sword was prepared by the Dali royal family for the prince. It is priceless and very precious.

"Leave this white-haired flying zombie to me. Master Fang should go kill those flying yakshas, ​​don't let them break through the formation!"

Not far away, dozens of flying yakshas rushed into the team, causing a huge commotion. They were extremely ferocious and killed many warriors in the army.

Fang Zetao glanced at the team, with a bit of hesitation on his face. He was obviously worried about Zhong Shenxiu's safety and did not dare to go to support.

"Don't worry, I won't joke with my life!"

Zhong Shenxiu completely let go of his momentum, and his hidden cultivation was completely exposed in front of Fang Zetao. The powerful energy and blood formed a qi-blood wolf smoke in the void. It was upright and vast, and the breath seemed to have formed a substance, which made Fang Zetao feel suffocated. , couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Fang Zetao had a look of horror on his face, his tiger eyes widened, and he looked at Zhong Shenxiu in horror. He was at the tenth level of the physical realm and had cultivation in the realm of divine transformation. He was also at the realm of divine transformation. Why was Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation so much stronger than him? , this momentum made him feel afraid.

Zhong Shenxiu let out a long roar and shot forward, rushing towards Baimao Feizheng. His expression was extremely calm. The sword in his hand drew a mysterious arc and slashed towards Baimao Feizheng's head, showing his decisive killing without any mercy.

The Immortal Way in this world is different from that of the ancient world. It is not about wandering clouds and wild cranes, living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, being quiet and doing nothing, and being carefree. It is more about walking on thin ice, being brave and diligent, killing decisively, and competing for the road.

The immortal way in this world is a fearless heart, slaying all demons, both internal and external demons. The immortal way is a way to overcome thorns and thorns. It is also a way to use the sword of Tao to kill illusions and seek the true self. The road is definitely not an ordinary road, but a road that competes with the sky for life. Now, Zhong Shenxiu was going to kill this white-haired flying zombie as his first step on the long road to immortality.

Bai Mao Feizheng sneered, swung out the Wind Demon Sword in his hand, and a cold light flashed across, slashing towards the sword. His divine power was activated, which was far more than a thousand kilograms. This was the talent of the underground demon. His divine power was innate, far more powerful than humans.

When the cold light of the magic knife was about to touch the sword, it suddenly changed its angle, passed under the sword, and accelerated suddenly, contrary to common sense, as if the air did not exist, and appeared in front of Zhong Shenxiu in an instant, the cold light was cold. It was so fierce that it was about to hit Zhong Shenxiu.

A cunning and smug smile appeared on Bai Maofei's ugly and ferocious face. His eyes were blurred into a slit, and a sinister light shot out from it. He was already sure of victory.

Zhong Shenxiu seemed to have expected it. He turned his feet and dodged sideways, avoiding the sword that was coming to kill him. Like a breeze blowing by, he came to the front of Bai Mao Fei Zong and revealed a sarcastic smile. Under the horrified gaze, the sharp sword in his hand slashed mercilessly, blood spurted out, like a water column, and a ferocious and terrifying head flew in the air, drawing a beautiful arc, and then fell to the ground.

Zhong Shenxiu looked back with disdain, spat, and said disdainfully.

"Obviously we are a race that relies on our bodies for food. We have no brains, yet you still dare to play tricks on me. You are really looking for death!"

In fact, this white-haired flying zombie is powerful enough to be Zhong Shenxiu's opponent. If he were to fight with strength, even Zhong Shenxiu would have to go through a lot of trouble to kill this white-haired flying zombie. He really didn't know whether to live or die, so he had to fight against Zhong Shenxiu. He was trying to be clever in front of him, but Zhong Shenxiu, who was extremely intelligent, saw through it at a glance. He used his trick and killed him with one move.

After Zhong Shenxiu killed the white-haired flying zombie, he rushed towards the direction of the flying yaksha without stopping. Fang Zetao was one against five, brave and fierce, and Fang Qingxue also fought against the three flying yakshas alone, his body flashing , superb in fists and kicks, able to respond easily and calmly.

Zhong Shenxiu did not support the two of them, but rushed towards the remaining Feitian Yaksha, dodging a steel fork, stepping on it, a cold light suddenly appeared, and a corpse fell to the ground. Zhong Shenxiu was like the god of death on the battlefield. , harvesting life ruthlessly. Wherever the body passed by, the underground demons and flying yakshas fell to the ground one after another, corpses were strewn in the fields, and blood flowed into rivers. He was extremely relaxed and unhurried. He was like a poet on an outing, reciting the words One after another is a stunning masterpiece, killing one person in ten steps and leaving no trace in a thousand miles.

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