I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2209 Dao believes in enlightenment and convinces people with virtue

Memories of past scenes emerged in Master Daoxin's mind, as vividly as if they had just happened.

The sky is clear and the wind is gentle. Master Daoxin is sitting on the high altar, giving lectures and Zen. There are hundreds of monks below who are listening to the Dharma devoutly, shaking their heads, intoxicated and obsessed. Only one person is different. His expression is sober, his eyes reveal wisdom, and he is precious. Solemn, pure and wonderful, with extraordinary grace and a lot of enlightenment.

Master Daoxin was overjoyed when he saw this. He understood that the man sitting down had already cultivated the pure and wonderful image, and was expected to become a generation of holy monks. He would be greatly comforted and would have successors. He couldn't help but knock the wooden fish in front of him, and the Sanskrit sound sounded, penetrating into the heart.

Master Daoxin used the method of pressing the bottom of the box, using the method of heart-to-heart and heart-to-heart communication, and kept knocking the wooden fish around him. A strange wave spread out and merged into Shi Zhixuan's heart, and his spiritual soul gradually entered a new level. A wonderful state, silent and empty, motionless as a mountain, gathering one's mind and stopping thoughts, forgetting everything, no one and no one, and the mind is instantly immersed in some mysterious level between heaven and earth.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

The soul-stirring sound of the wooden fish is endless, penetrating into the deepest part of Shi Zhixuan's soul, torturing every tiny residual thought of him. Even the majestic invisible force contained in the sound pulled him out again and again from his pure mind immersed in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The invisible and qualityless core power contained in the sound of the wooden fish, no matter how Neither the high-level true energy nor spiritual power can stop the power of the Zen mind, and it is the true essence of Master Daoxin’s lifelong Buddhist meditation practice!

This is the wonder of Zen Buddhism’s imprinting of the heart with the heart. There is no falsehood, it directly points to the Zen heart, and passes on the Zen Buddhism through a spiritual bridge. At this moment, if a person is deep in the "whirlpool" of the sound of wooden fish, if there is any flaw in the soul, Miscellaneous thoughts will be constantly amplified, and the power of the Zen mind will break through and defeat the mental state, releasing the emotions and obsessions hidden deep in the heart, crying and laughing involuntarily, venting wantonly, like crazy and demonic, this is Even inheritance is also a test.

Shi Zhixuan is worthy of being the most valued disciple of Master Daoxin. He withstood such tests and obtained the most fundamental wisdom and teachings of Zen Buddhism, making his own magic skills so great that Master Daoxin may not regret it.

Master Daoxin put away his distracting thoughts and sighed. They are all smoke and clouds of the past. What's the point of thinking about these things now? It can't change the facts that have happened. It just adds to the troubles.

"I trained an evil king of demons, and he trained an enlightened Buddhist. The cycle of cause and effect is truly mysterious!"

Master Daoxin raised his head and looked at Hou Xibai, who had a majestic appearance and pure glass. There was a smile in the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help but be a little in awe of the cause and effect between heaven and earth. He really didn't know that the evil disciple saw his disciple become a Buddhist enlightenment. What a feeling.

Hou Xibai had a smile as bright as the spring sunshine on his face. He didn't care at all about Master Daoxin's observation. He bent his back and leaned back without any restraint, just like a beggar begging under the eaves, showing laziness and leisure. There is no image of an eminent monk, he said mockingly.

"In the eyes of Master Shi, I should be the image of a scum of the Demon Sect!"

Hou Xibai also said with some uncertainty. After all, Shi Zhixuan's thoughts are different from ordinary people. Even if he is now in a perfect state of mind and is no longer a psychopath, he still cannot use common sense to speculate on the thoughts of this evil king of the Demon Sect.

However, what Hou Xibai can be sure of is that if what he has done is made public to the world, in the eyes of other people in the Demon Sect, he will definitely be the biggest traitor of the Demon Sect. Three of the eight masters of the Demon Sect died in his hands. Here, he is simply the master killer of the Demon Sect, which makes the Demon Sect's forces shrink now, and they no longer dare to confront the Buddhist Sect.

"Whether it's a scum from the demon sect or a spy from the Buddhist sect, there's no right or wrong at all!"

Master Daoxin had a lot of emotions, his expression was complex, and he said with great sincerity.

At this age, Master Daoxin has already seen through the right and wrong of good and evil, and has long since seen through Shi Zhixuan's affairs and no longer haunts his mind.

"All conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such."

Hou Xibai recited the Tao aloud, which was like the sound of Sanskrit, making people enlightened, gaining wisdom, stability and purity, which was truly extraordinary.

Master Daoxin felt like a wake-up call. He became enlightened in his heart. His mind and spirit suddenly jumped into a new realm. His thoughts in his mind were extremely lively, and vitality surged out from the depths of his old body again, providing Master Daoxin with new ideas. Motivation, the wrinkles on his face were instantly smoothed, and his skin was rosy, smooth, and elastic. He was still a centenarian. At first glance, he was clearly a forty-year-old man. His original white beard and hair had also turned into half. Black and half white, so magical that the transformation is completed in the blink of an eye.

Master Daoxin opened his eyes, which were gentle and soft, as if they were carved from beautiful jade. His face exuded a gleaming light, and he was extremely calm. With a solemn appearance, he clasped his hands together and spoke loudly.

"Now, in all things, I will never have the view of emptiness. I will universally wish to be the same as everything. I will always have such a view."

Master Daoxin was enlightened by Hou Xibai's Buddhist sound, and his wisdom suddenly emerged. He went a step further and successfully entered the realm of a great master, achieving the status of a great Arhat in Buddhism. It is a joy to congratulate him.

Master Daoxin stood up, pushed open the door of the Zen room, and walked into the courtyard. Bathed in the cool and shining atmosphere of the date, he looked back at Hou Xibai who was sitting cross-legged in the room and asked aloud.

"Are you coming?"

Hou Xibai jumped up, crossed the void, and appeared in the small courtyard. He stood beside Master Daoxin, looked up at the bright silver moon, and said in a long voice.

"Come! How can you not come?"

Hou Xibai and Master Daoxin looked at each other and smiled, took steps towards other Zen rooms.

In the room, there is a statue of Sakyamuni, who is majestic, compassionate and possesses great supernatural powers. The entire Buddha statue is extremely exquisite. It is carved from the best wood and turned into dark gold. There is a small incense burner in front of the Buddha statue, with three sticks enshrined on it. Fragrant, green smoke curls up, and the sandalwood is tangy to the nostrils. A gentle sniff brings peace of mind. It is obvious that this sandalwood is specially made. It uses a lot of medicinal materials that are soothing and soothing, and it is expensive to make.

Hou Xibai, Master Daoxin and Master Jiaxiang sat across from each other. Master Daoxin's rejuvenation attracted the attention of the three holy monks. A trace of joy flashed in his eyes, and he clasped his hands together and recited the name of the Buddha.

"Amitabha, congratulations to Brother Buddha for realizing this truth and attaining the path and fruition of Arhat!"

Master Daoxin quickly clasped his hands together and bent down to return the gift, with a look of joy on his face, unable to hide his happiness.

Master Daoxin and the three holy monks chatted for a while, and then they talked about the business. Hou Xibai's affairs were told in full without any concealment. The four holy monks have been friends for many years and have always advanced and retreated together. Although Master Daoxin hopes that the Zen sect Daxing, but he never thought about suppressing the other three sects. He was honest and aboveboard.

The eyes of the Master of Wisdom are shining. He is tall and strong, tall and fierce. His cheeks are also bigger than normal people. His cheekbones are bulging high. His face is fierce and fierce. His palms are clenched unconsciously, and veins are popping out. , his eyes were sharp, staring at Hou Xibai, with a strong attitude of getting angry, obviously not very friendly to Hou Xibai, a disciple of the Demon Sect.

The Emperor's Heart is majestic and solemn, with great bitterness and hatred. His eyebrows are drooped, with a bit of coldness on his face. His eyes are sharp and sharp, and his shining light makes people dare not look at him. His body is thin and short, and he wears cassock. It looked extremely loose. He was sitting cross-legged on the futon. He had a staff as thick as an arm in his hand. It was extremely heavy. He held the staff tightly in his palm, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out. He exerted extra force. It was obvious that he wanted to lower himself. The urge to slay demons.

On the other hand, Master Jiaxiang did not have much emotional fluctuations. He was extremely calm, silent, lowered his head and pondered, not knowing what he was thinking, as if he did not notice the tense and solemn atmosphere in the Zen room.

Hou Xibai sensed the undisguised malice of the two holy monks towards him, with a slight smile on his face. His eyes were warm, calm and deep, like the vast ocean. His whole body was pure glass and unstained by dust. He grinned with a bit of unruliness. , asked adding fuel to the fire.

"Why, you are not convinced and want to slay demons!"

As soon as Hou Xibai said these words, Master Dao Xin secretly screamed. Hou Xibai's words really irritated Master Wisdom and Venerable Emperor Xin. They were immediately furious. Master Wisdom's ferocious face was extremely ferocious, and he shouted loudly.

"Bold! Little devil, don't think that you become a disciple of Buddhism after joining the Zen sect. Shi Zhixuan is a living example. A devil is a devil, and he will never change his cruel and vicious nature!"

With a loud shout, the Master of Wisdom and the Venerable Emperor Heart stood up suddenly, stepped on the ground, and the floor shattered. A powerful momentum surged towards Hou Xibai. He used the Heart Buddha Palm and the Dzogchen Staff to attack Hou Xibai, and his true energy It was violent, causing light ripples in the space. He did not hold back any hands and went all out. White air waves rolled in the air, causing the furnishings in the room to shake.

Hou Xibai sat cross-legged, with a calmness in his eyes that were as bright as cold stars, like the deep and boundless night sky, mysterious and vast. He smiled while holding a flower, and tapped lightly towards the void in front of him. The space shattered, and a black hole the size of an egg suddenly appeared. It's constantly twisting and fluctuating, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere. There is endless darkness hidden behind the black hole, which is terrifying, weird, and chilling.

The four holy monks looked at the twisting black hole in the void, and at the same time their whole bodies trembled, their eyes shrank, feeling the extremely dangerous aura, and their hearts and minds were restless.

"Shatter the Void!"

Master Jiaxiang's face was extremely solemn, and the aura emanating from the black hole had a fatal attraction for martial arts practitioners. It seemed that as long as he jumped into it, he could transcend this world and reach a new world, a fairyland of incomparable peace and comfort.

"That's right!"

Hou Xibai looked leisurely and relaxed, with a playful smile on his face. He looked at Master Wisdom and Lord Emperor Xin who had stopped attacking, and asked softly.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"I have a broad mind and am best at convincing people with virtue. I won't argue with you!"

There was a hint of ridicule in Hou Xibai's voice, and he stared at the two holy monks with his eyes, rubbing his fingers, and the threat was self-evident.

Venerable Emperor Xin's face changed, turning red and blue for a while. He was stagnant in place, his eyes fixed on the black hole the size of an egg. He didn't know how to respond to Hou Xibai's question.

The Master of Wisdom looked ferocious. If he hadn't been wearing a cassock, he would have looked like a bandit. When he heard this, he rolled his eyes and said quickly.

"You can become a devil with just one thought, and you can become a Buddha with just one thought. If you can emerge from the mire and remain untainted, abandon darkness and turn to light, Buddhism will naturally open the door to convenience!"

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Master Wisdom clasped his hands together, bowed, answered Hou Xibai's question, and winked at Lord Emperor Xin calmly.

Venerable Emperor Xin also reacted, and quickly put down the staff in his hand, raised one hand with a solemn look, and said solemnly.

"What Master Wisdom said is correct, Buddhism saves all sentient beings, and you are naturally welcome to join us!"

Hou Xibai looked at the two holy monks who were so thick-skinned and couldn't help but admire them. They were able to bend and stretch, and they were indeed extremely intelligent. No wonder they could become a generation of holy monks. If you are that kind of stupid young person, at most you will just be a Buddhist Dharma Protector, and you will never be able to become a Buddhist leader.

Hou Xibai nodded in agreement, flicked his finger, and shot a stream of true energy into the void, smoothing the black hole, and asked with a smile.

"Then I don't know what the three holy monks think about what I said about supporting the Song Dynasty. What are their opinions?"

Master Wisdom, a burly and fierce holy monk, sat cross-legged on the futon again, with a stern look on his face and answered very seriously.

"The Song Dynasty's destiny should be the orthodoxy of the Central Plains!"

"That's right, Song Clan has the spirit of a true dragon and should be the master of the world!"

Venerable Emperor Xin also said seriously, very sincerely, with piety in his eyes, making people believe him.

Master Jiaxiang had a wry smile on his face, looking at the three long-time friends who all supported the Song clan, and nodded helplessly, with a bit of strangeness. He really didn't expect that Master Wisdom and Venerable Emperor Xin would be so aware of current affairs.

Hou Xibai nodded with satisfaction. He was very effective in persuading people with his virtues. Even the four great sage monks agreed with his principles and ideas. Who dares to say that he is not a qualified lobbyist and is taught by political strategists? Synthesizer.

There is no one in this world that Hou Xibai cannot persuade. If there is, then that person must have left this world and gone to another world.

Now that the four holy monks had made their choice, they no longer struggled with Hou Xibai's approach of convincing others with virtue, and said with solemn expressions.

"In fact, the Li clan is not only supported by a great master like Ning Daoqi, but there is also a great master hidden among them!"

"This man is not a master of Buddhism and Taoism, but Li Clan's own great master!"

When Hou Xibai heard the words, he showed a thoughtful expression. The light of wisdom shone, and a looming relic appeared between his eyebrows. It rotated, bright, round, bright and compassionate, which made the expressions of the four holy monks move slightly, and their faces There was a bit more recognition on his face, and there was no longer the humiliation just now.

The appearance of the relic shows that Hou Xibai is a truly enlightened Buddhist, not a spy of the demonic sect. Only by realizing the true nature and becoming a Buddha can one cultivate the relic. This cannot be faked.

Hou Xibai had a clear view of the reactions of the four holy monks. He did this deliberately to eliminate the estrangement and unhappiness between the two parties. Only his own people can be recognized. What can be better than the relics to prove that Hou Xibai is A Buddhist disciple?

"Is that Grand Master Li Yuanba, the fourth son of Li Yuan?"

Master Jiaxiang looked surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Hou Xibai to guess the identity of Grand Master Li Clan. He couldn't help but nodded and sighed.

"That Li Yuanba has a weak mind, but he is born with an indestructible body. He is born with divine power and steel bones. At a young age, he has become a great master. Moreover, he has become a saint in the physical body. He is invincible in horizontal training. He has a pair of drums and gold jars. The hammer weighs a thousand kilograms, and when it dances, it is invincible and invincible. Even Lao Na and others are no match for it!"

Since ancient times, Heng Lian Kung Fu is the most difficult to practice, painful and difficult, but once you succeed in practicing it, you will be invincible and the most powerful.

Li Yuanba was born stupid, but physically strong. He practiced Henglian Kung Fu to the level of Dzogchen and entered the realm of a great master. Even Ning Daoqi and the four holy monks did not dare to resist his drum-beating, urn-golden hammer, and powerful Unparalleled, invincible.

"Li Yuanba, a highly trained King Kong, is a powerful weapon when placed on the battlefield. He rushes into the formation and kills the enemy. No one can stop him, and it is the most troublesome!"

Hou Xibai is also a person who is proficient in the art of war. If he is a commander, only Song Que, a master of war in the world, can resist him. Others, even naturally handsome men like Kou Zhong and Li Jing, are not his opponents. Defeated on the battlefield.

"However, this person is mentally retarded and is difficult for the enemy. As long as I am here, I cannot tolerate his jumping around. It will not affect the overall situation!"

The four holy monks agree with Hou Xibai's point of view. Martial arts is not omnipotent. As long as a foolish person like Li Yuanba does not fight him head-on, there are many ways to deal with him. And even if he fights head-on, Hou Xibai, the supreme being of Shattered Void, He will definitely not lose. There is nothing to worry about. The Li clan is bound to lose this battle, and it will only be a matter of time before the Song clan takes over the world.

The four holy monks were extremely emotional. Who would have thought that there would be such an amazing and talented person as Hou Xibai in this world. He could break the void in less than 30 years of age. There is no such person in the history of Buddhism. If Buddhism didn't To change the banner is to seek death.

Don't think that the four holy monks are greedy for life and afraid of death. They are more concerned about the future development of Buddhism. The general trend is like this. Only by knowing the current affairs can Buddhism continue to survive. Otherwise, when the Song Dynasty takes over the world, Buddhism will be destroyed.

The five people discussed the situation and then dispersed. They did not look for Fan Qinghui, the master of Cihang Jingzhai, and they had a tacit understanding.

Hou Xibai was very dissatisfied with Cihang Jingzhai's practice of choosing a master on behalf of heaven. A group of nuns dared to do this. They were really audacious and had lost all their monastic demeanor. They were unwilling to give Cihang Jingzhai a chance.

The four holy monks wanted to persuade Fan Qinghui to abandon the dark side and join the bright side, but seeing Hou Xibai's rejection, they couldn't bring it up anymore, so they had no choice but to sacrifice Cihang Jingzhai as a sign of surrender.

In the Duzun Fort, Xie Hui left the power he had established alone and left Bashu in despair. He did not go to the Li Clan and his whereabouts are unknown. The martial arts world has never heard the rumors about the martial arts judge Xie Hui again. A generation of martial arts giants are completely Disappeared.

In the main hall of Duzun Castle, there is still a plaque with a letter of benevolence and justice written by Song Que hanging above the lobby, but the person sitting under the plaque has changed. It is no longer the martial arts judge Xie Hui, but Song Yuhua, the eldest daughter of the Song Dynasty.

Song Yuhua was dressed in gorgeous clothes, sitting on the chair. She was unparalleled in beauty, unrivaled in elegance, and noble. She carried a full-moon scimitar on her waist. There was a cold and extremely sharp edge on the scimitar, which revealed Song Yuhua's exquisite skills. Unparalleled sword skills. There was no expression on Song Yuhua's pretty face, and she looked down at the tall figure standing in the lobby very calmly.

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