I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2204 Jieli dies and the Demon Commander dies

"I go with you!"

Song Yuzhi looked at Hou Xibai very firmly, with a bit of tenderness on his face that he had never seen before, and said these words in a trembling voice, which surprised Hou Xibai.

The two of them walked together, and Hou Xibai often quarreled with Song Yuzhi. He didn't know how many times his complaints hit this brave and strong girl. Song Yuzhi was not as gentle and strong as Song Yuhua. She was lively and rebellious, and her temperament was full of energy that refused to admit defeat. It was Hou Xibai's mouth to hide her shame. The words he often said made the girl secretly angry.

I just didn't expect that after knowing the purpose of Hou Xibai's trip, this girl who usually disliked Hou Xibai went out of character and took the initiative to ask to go with him. She didn't care about her own life and death, which was better than many courageous men in the world.

Hou Xibai's eyes were scorching, glowing with a faint light, and his expression was complicated. He looked at the girl with a determined face and was silent. After a long time, he smiled and said happily.

"You and Yuhua are really similar, and your personalities are similar. You are worthy of being the daughter of Song Que, the Dao of Heaven. Both are heroines, better than all the men in the world!"

Song Yuzhi's face had lost its previous arrogance and willfulness, and she was quiet and gentle. Hou Xibai looked at her in a daze, and she was almost the same as Song Yuhua. She was worthy of being a biological sister.


Song Yuzhi's heart softened when he heard the gentle words coming from his ears. Hou Xibai's soft tone, gentle eyes, and calling her lover's name affectionately made Song Yuzhi's heart tremble. She didn't know what she was thinking, and she responded in a confused voice.

"Yeah, I'm here!"

Song Yuzhi's voice was extremely soft, like a breeze blowing by, with a touch of sunshine warmth, which made people feel warm and affectionate.

Hou Xibai was shocked and came back to his senses. He looked at Song Yuzhi who was bowing his head in shame. He didn't dare to continue the conversation and just said lightly.

"You can go with me, but you must follow my arrangements and don't make your own decisions and ruin my plans!"

Feeling Hou Xibai's gaze, Song Yuzhi's pretty face became hot and red. She secretly blamed herself in her heart for being in a trance for some reason. It was really embarrassing for her to respond like this.


Song Yuzhi's voice at this time was muted by the sound of mosquitoes. It was only because of Hou Xibai's sharp senses that he could hear the other party's words clearly. He nodded, urged the horse under his crotch again, and headed towards the northern prairie.

The prairie is high and flat, with a vast territory. There are thousands of large and small lakes in the area, starting from the Xing'an Mountains in the east, the Altai Mountains in the west, the Yinshan Mountains in the south, and Lake Baikal, the Yenishui River, and the Irtysh River in the north. Upstream area.

It is more than three thousand miles from east to west and more than two thousand miles from north to south. Even the fastest horse can travel hundreds of miles a day without any rest and without any obstacles. In less than a month, don't even think about it. Across this prairie.

The vast area from Kenchi Mountain to Xing'an Mountains, from Onan River to Qinglulian River and Yinshan Mountains is composed of gently undulating hills, plains, deserts and mountains. The vast yellow sand Gobi Desert is located in the southern half and western areas of the prairie. It is severely short of water and has become the most daunting barren land in this plain. The climate changes drastically, with windy springs, rainy summers in the north, and dry and hot southern parts. .

In this vast area with unique natural scenery, the most precious things are grass and water, which are the basic conditions for survival and both are indispensable. Whenever the water and grass in a place are exhausted, pastures are moved to solve the problem of raising livestock, forming a nomadic life of living on water and grass.

Livestock is the livelihood, and water and grass are the basic conditions. The peoples on the prairie compete for hegemony around these two elements. Starting from the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Rouran and today's Turks have successively become the overlords of the prairie. Some ethnic groups were annexed and merged with the annexers, while others took refuge in distant places. The speed of change is that of Hou Xibai and Song Yuzhi found it difficult for these Chinese Han people to imagine.

Under this situation, all the nations that could exist were brave and brave, and they cherished force to protect water, grass and livestock. Therefore, masters and capable people emerged in large numbers. But the existence of a great master like Bi Xuan who intimidates the earth and is like a god is a rare example that has never appeared in the prairie.

Hulunbuir Ranch, the richest grassland in the prairie, is located between the two large lakes of Kuolian Lake and Yuerhai Lake. It is now the base of the grassland overlord leader Jieli.

The vast and fertile Hulunbuir grassland expands to the infinite distance beyond the horizon under the feet of the two people. In this beautiful realm known as the cradle of nomads, large and small lakes are dotted like mirrors, and long and short rivers are intertwined with green grass. On the verdant ground, wild horses are galloping in groups, and the grass and waves are fragrant everywhere. Being in it is like being trapped in an endless beautiful dream.

The most ferocious people here are the Turks who think of themselves as wolves, but the most vicious beasts are real wolves. They hunt for food in groups, and their howls alone are enough to make people feel terrified. The two largest lakes are Hulun Lake and Beier Lake. They are connected by the Wuersun River and flow into the grassland from the east. The position of the river course changes frequently like nomadic people living in a fixed settlement, causing the river water to become salty or salty from time to time. It's getting lighter, but it's rich in fish.

There are more than ten tents erected next to a small lake in the distance. There are flocks of horses and sheep beside the camp, and a few shepherds are grazing leisurely. All the tents made of felt, with a bulge in the center and drooping edges, are the tents of Turkic herdsmen. , on the prairie, each small herding tribe is like an isolated ethnic group. News does not circulate, and sometimes they cannot meet outsiders for a whole year. When they meet outsiders, they will be particularly hospitable and enthusiastic, and everyone will help each other.

The most hated thing on the grassland are horse thieves, because they are despicable destroyers and plunderers of life in this grassland. However, no horse thieves dare to set foot on this fertile grassland, because this is the territory of the grassland overlord Jieli Khan, and Jieli Khan He is also the most powerful horse thief leader on the grassland, a horse thief who can seize the country and exterminate the clan.

Hou Xibai and Song Yuzhi stopped in this small tribe. The enthusiastic herdsmen entertained them and provided them with a tent for them to rest here.

The bright moon hung slanting in the night sky, illuminating the misty beauty of the grassland. The evening breeze was blowing, and the night was as cool as water. The bonfire on the grassland had not yet been extinguished. It was raised by the herdsmen before. The fat and tender roasted whole lamb made Hou Xibai recall it. Infinite, the herdsmen's songs and dances are particularly moving and have strong vitality.

Hou Xibai and Song Yuzhi were alone, a man and a woman, living together in a tent. They looked at the slowly burning bonfire. It was quiet and empty, the wind sounded faintly, and the moonlight was cold and sprinkled on the grassland. It was pure white and made people ecstasy.

"You wait here for me for a day. If I don't come back, you can leave the grassland and go back to the Central Plains!"

Hou Xibai had already changed into the national costume provided by the herdsmen. His appearance had also undergone a huge change. His skin was rough and flushed. This was the blush common to grassland herdsmen, blown out by the strong wind. Traces, the voice has also undergone some changes, it is a bit low and hoarse, much thicker, and it lacks the clear magnetism before.

Song Yuzhi looked at Hou Xibai, whose image had changed drastically, and was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party had such a skill in disguise. He listened quietly to Hou Xibai's instructions, his eyes were complicated and changeable, and there was a bit of worry and concern in his expression. , whispered.

"Do you want to assassinate Jie Li tonight?"

Hou Xibai, who looked like a herdsman, nodded, with a solemn expression and firm eyes, and spoke in a low voice.

"You have to protect yourself. If I don't come back, it means I made a mistake. You should leave the grassland immediately. Don't stay too long. It's not safe!"

After saying that, Hou Xibai stood up and was about to walk out of the tent, but suddenly stopped.

Song Yuzhi hugged Hou Xibai tightly from behind, with extra force. The veins in her long and white palms bulged out, and she was unwilling to let go of Hou Xibai. Her pretty face fell tightly on Hou Xibai's back, and she said with a bit of sadness.

"Promise me you will come back alive!"

Hou Xibai's whole body was stiff and he didn't dare to move. Feeling the softness and worry of the girl behind him, he slowly exhaled and patted Song Yuzhi's delicate palm with his right hand and comforted her.

"Don't worry, I'll make it!"

After that, Hou Xibai opened Song Yuzhi's palm, stepped out of the tent, and disappeared on the grassland like a ghost.

Song Yuzhi watched Hou Xibai go away, his shadow disappeared on the horizon, the pear blossoms were covered with rain, and he murmured in a low voice with endless worry.

"I will always be here waiting for you to come back. If you haven't come back by this time tomorrow, I will collect your body. I will never let you be buried in this foreign land and become a desolate ghost."

Where Jieli's royal tent is located, thousands of yurts are located here, forming a huge tribe. There are no naughty children or rickety old people here. They are all young men and women in their prime. There are flocks of cattle and sheep, and bright bonfires.

Five thousand Iron Arrow Guards were stationed in this tribe, surrounding Jieli's royal tent. These elite warriors, with their backs straight and straight, patrolled the camp in neat formations and strict discipline. They carried scimitars on their waists and carried swords on their backs. The strong bows are all prairie warriors who are one against ten. They are fierce, brave, capable and sharp. Their eyes sweep across all corners, leaving no chance for them to sneak in and get close.

Hou Xibai was hiding in a tent at this time. This was an empty tent for storing sundries, and he was not worried about being discovered.

Hou Xibai frowned, thinking flashed in his eyes. The defense was so tight that it was not easy to sneak in, but it was not difficult for him. With a turn of his eyes, he found a way.

The night was like water and extremely quiet. A pair of Iron Arrow Guards patrolled past the tent. A hand stretched out in the darkness, covering the mouth of the last person and pulling him into the tent. The whole process happened in the blink of an eye. , did not make any movement.

Hou Xibai's eyes were glowing, and he looked at the Iron Arrow Guard who was controlled by him. His mental thoughts fluctuated slightly. This grassland warrior who was one against ten was hypnotized, and he poured out all the situations he knew.

After Hou Xibai got the information he wanted, he shot out a burst of zhenqi and killed him. After stroking his face a few times, his appearance changed. He was almost carved out of the same mold as the other person and put on the other person's clothes. Weapon, he left the tent in a flash and returned to the team.

Hou Xibai followed the team forward and walked around the king's tent. Without the people in front of him noticing, he disappeared again.

In the king's tent, the lights were bright. Jieli did not rest at this time, but held a banquet. Not many people attended, but they were all important figures in the Turks. They drank and drank in a warm atmosphere.

Jieli is not tall, nor can he be considered burly and capable. He is of medium height and looks handsome for those on the grassland. He has thick eyebrows, sunken eyes, a fairly straight nose, and thick lips. He looks kind-hearted. Steady, only the occasional gleam in his eyes, and his intelligence and ferocity make people clearly realize that he is the wolf king on the grassland. He has unparalleled prestige, and his fierce reputation is far-reaching and awe-inspiring.

Sitting on the left side of Jie Li was a man in his thirties with a perfect physique. His bronze skin shone with a dazzling luster. His legs were extremely long, making his majestic body even more likely to reach the stars. He was covered with wild hemp. The outer robe and the broad palms seemed to contain the most terrifying power in the world. It is like a vast ocean full of undercurrents, with stillness within the movement, and movement within the stillness, making it impossible for people to grasp its movement at all.

The black hair is tied back straight into a bun, and the handsome and ancient face is like a flawless figure cast from bronze. Just looking at it is enough to make people unforgettable and frightened for the rest of their lives. The tall and straight nose is embedded with a pair of eyes full of enchantment, coldness and high spirits, but they do not reveal the emotional changes and feelings in his heart, making people feel that he can destroy anyone or anything at any time. , there won’t be any guilt afterwards. This is a god and demon who rules all living beings on the grassland. He is ruthless, majestic and powerful. This man is Wu Zun Bixuan, the great master beyond the Great Wall.

The right side is different. Sitting there is a Han Chinese in his early forties. This is the Demon Commander Zhao Deyan, the leader of the Demon Xiang Sect. He is wearing a Central Plains-style brocade robe. He has a tall and slim figure and crystal-clear jade-like skin. , with a somewhat pale face that can be considered good-looking, his eyes seem to be permanently narrowed to a slit, and he is as cold as a blade, giving him a ruthless character. This is a character who dares to risk his life no matter what, and has the courage to take risks. It gives people a feeling of cunning, viciousness and ruthlessness. This kind of person has absolutely no principles. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. He is the most terrifying and difficult to deal with.

Under these two people, there were more than 20 Turkic generals and chiefs, all of whom looked proudly, indulged in their expressions, and looked at the grassland girl's dance with smiles on their faces.

Hou Xibai restrained his aura, like a grassland warrior who had no understanding of internal skills and mental skills. Holding a secret letter in his hand, he rushed all the way and rushed into the king's tent, shouting in a rapid voice.

"Great Khan, there is an urgent report from the Western Turks. Tuli is leading one hundred thousand cavalry towards Helian Fort. One hundred thousand cavalry is urgent!"

What Hou Xibai spoke was pure Turkic, extremely fluent, and even had a bit of the dialect accent of the prairie people. When people heard it, they knew that this was a Turkic person who grew up on the prairie. The blood of the prairie people.

Suddenly, there was silence in the king's tent. Everyone stopped having fun, and their sharp eyes were cast on the parchment letter held in Hou Xibai's hand, their eyes full of fighting intent.

Jieli Khan looked sternly and put down the wine glass in his hand. A cold light flashed in his slender eyes, which were extremely sharp. A terrifying majesty radiated from his body. He looked at Hou Xibai calmly and spoke.

"Send the letter in!"

Hou Xibai bowed in response, lowered his head, very respectfully, and slowly approached Jieli Khan. No one would have thought that such a warrior with a Turkic appearance and accent could actually be an assassin from the Central Plains. .

Hou Xibai's heart was full of murderous intent, but he didn't show it at all. Even the great master Bi Xuan didn't notice any abnormalities. In his mental perception, Hou Xibai had never learned any martial arts, his aura was stable, and he didn't have any murderous intent.

Hou Xibai slowly walked up to Jieli Khan and handed out the sheepskin letter in his hand. Jieli stretched out his right hand and just touched the sheepskin letter. Something happened suddenly. Hou Xibai straightened up suddenly with a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth. His eyes burst out with extremely bright light, and his right hand struck out like lightning, so fast that no one could react, and it directly shattered Jieli's throat.


There was a look of disbelief in Jieli's sharp eyes. He covered his throat with his right hand and blood came out of his mouth. He gasped for breath and could no longer say any words. His body suddenly fell down and hit the ground. On the desk in front of him, there was a loud clanking sound, and all kinds of tableware and wine utensils fell to the floor.

"The Great Khan has been killed!"

A general shouted suddenly, looking horrified, and his face turned pale with fright at this sudden scene.

"Be bold!"

Bi Xuan was the first to react. He flashed out of the way, shouted loudly, and punched out with his right fist. The blow was so fierce that the whole royal tent roared, and countless tableware fell to the ground, making a chaotic sound.

Zhao Deyan followed closely behind, and let out a sharp whistle, like a demonic voice filling his ears, going straight into the depths of his head, and clawing at Hou Xibai's throat. There was a gloomy, black air, and there were countless ghosts and ghosts faintly roaring, Attacking Hou Xibai, this is Zhao Deyan's special skill, the soul-returning eighteen claws, sinister, ruthless, vicious and cunning.

Hou Xibai looked at Jie Li who fell to the ground and died, and laughed loudly. The laughter covered all the sounds. He stepped on his feet, moved left and right, dodged Bi Xuan's punch, and appeared in front of Zhao Deyan, clear and clear. There was a cold light in his bright eyes, without a trace of warmth. His eyes were fixed on Zhao Deyan's cheek, like a sharp blade, and he said coldly.

"The face of our ancestors has been completely disgraced by people like you who forget about their ancestors!"

"Today I will take action on behalf of your ancestors and destroy your unworthy descendants!"

Zhao Deyan was a scheming and resourceful person. He was the national advisor of the Turks. He served three generations of Khans and won the trust of Jieli Khan. He made great contributions to the rise of the Turks. However, he did many evil things and was harmful to the Central Plains. great.

Zhao Deyang is also one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect, second only to Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan. He is a master of the perfect master realm. Even Bi Xuan used his "Yang Yang Qigong" with all his strength to defeat him. This shows that he is powerful and extremely difficult to deal with. .

Hou Xibai had a murderous intention in his heart, and his powerful mind was released, turning into an invisible wave, affecting Zhao Deyan's soul and spirit. The movement of his hand stagnated slightly, and the palm that had always been as gentle as jade passed through his arm. It was stamped hard on Zhao Deyan's chest.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Zhao Deyan's sternum was completely shattered, and his body flew backwards as if being hit by a horse. Blood spurted out from his mouth, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground with a bit of unwillingness and fear. He struggled to raise his head and struggled. Looking at Hou Xibai, his mouth moved but without making any sound, his head fell and he lost his breath.

"Those who betray the laws and forget their ancestors will not regret their death!"

Hou Xibai stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at Zhao Deyan who had expired, spat hard on the ground, and then raised his head to look at the furious Martial Lord Bixuan opposite.

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